Bakra Bride (12 page)

Read Bakra Bride Online

Authors: N. J. Walters

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #General, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: Bakra Bride
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“Are you comfortable?” She could hear the concern in his voice and knew that he was doing his best to see to her comfort.

She was cradled against his massive chest and the broad expanse of firm muscles that were exposed by the open vest that he wore. Soft blond hair ran down the center towards his waist before disappearing behind the covering of his leather pants. Her fingers itched to touch it, but she kept her hands clasped tightly in her lap. He was so darn handsome that he always managed to distract her from her thoughts.

“Jane?” He shifted her slightly and she could feel his growing erection pushing against her side.

“I’m fine.” Her bottom was still sore, but at least her legs were no longer numb. But that was the least of her worries. Her body was responding to the sheer nearness of him, remembering all the pleasure that his body had given hers.

The air was calm and the forest quiet. The sound of the horses’ hooves was muffled against the moss and grass on the woodland trail they followed. Sunlight flickered through the canopy of trees above them as they moved through the thick forest. The sun was sinking lower and it would be dark long before they reached Bakra Castle. An unseen bird serenaded them with a song and a brook gurgled close by.

Jane tried to concentrate on her surroundings. But it was impossible. Her breasts felt swollen and heavy. As her body moved with the sway of the horse, they rubbed against the cotton fabric of the tunic she wore, abrading her sensitive nipples until they were both hard nubs. She’d tried to pluck the fabric away from her chest, but it immediately draped back over her breasts, making them worse. She’d been doing her best to ignore it, but it wasn’t working.

Now, with Zaren’s shaft pushing against her, she felt an answering pulse deep in her belly. The slick folds of her sex got wetter with every mile they went. The motion of the animal beneath her and Zaren’s arms wrapped around her all conspired to make her pussy weep with need. She could feel the cream pooling between her thighs and was glad that the tunic covered her lap, because she feared that the pale blue silk of her pajamas was now stained with her juices.

She tried to shift her position, moving her legs ever so slightly, hoping that Zaren wouldn’t notice anything. His sigh ruffled the hair on her head. He tilted her chin up so that she was forced to look at him. “What’s wrong, Jane? Do you need to stop and rest awhile?”

He brought the horse to a halt in the middle of the trail. “I’m fine, really. I just want to get back to the castle.” His lips thinned and his face grew stern at the reference to the castle, but she refused to call it home. At least for now.

“You’re sure?”

“What’s wrong?” Bador had realized they weren’t behind him and had doubled back on the trail.

Jane gritted her teeth. “Everything is fine. I’m fine. I just want to get back to the castle so I can climb into a hot tub of water and soak my aching butt. Okay?” She was determined not to lose her temper, but they weren’t making it easy.

Bador stifled a grin before blowing her a kiss and starting his horse back down the trail. Zaren’s chest moved suspiciously against her side. She drummed her fingers against his leg. She very much suspected that he was laughing at her. A quick glance confirmed it. Yep, he was definitely laughing at her.

Deliberately, she shifted so her hip rubbed against his thick shaft. It was her turn to smile when he groaned. She did it again, but this time, he gripped her tight and held her still.

“What game are you playing, Jane?”

“Who’s playing?” she taunted. “You were laughing at me a moment ago.”

“Ah,” he responded as he lightly pulled on the reins and sent his horse trotting back down the path behind Bador.

“What does that mean?” She knew she should let it rest, but she just couldn’t.

“It means that you were tormenting me because I laughed at you.” Put like that it sounded kind of small and petty.

“Okay,” she relented. “It was on purpose, but you deserved it.” Her butt ached, she was horny as heck, and they were still several hours from home. No, she corrected herself, from the castle. Not to mention the whole tapestry thing, which was making her head and her stomach ache just thinking about it.

“I was not making light of your pain. I would never do that.” The hand cupping her hip flexed as he pulled her closer. “But you do make me smile, Jane.”

She opened her mouth to respond but instead found her words swallowed as he covered her lips with his. They were firm and warm against hers. He rubbed them back and forth over hers until she parted them. Instead of thrusting his tongue deep inside as she expected him to, he made small forays into the moist cavern, flicking his tongue barely into her mouth before withdrawing.

It was maddening and she could only stand it for so long before she grabbed a hank of his hair and dragged him closer. His laugh was muffled as she plunged her tongue deep into his mouth, tasting every part of it. He tasted hot and exotic and addictive. She couldn’t get enough of him as she rubbed her tongue over his.

He tore his mouth from hers and kissed his way down her jaw. His mouth was wet and warm on her neck. “Wrap your arms around my neck and hold on.” She barely had time to do as he asked before he released his hold on her, gripped the top of the tunic in his hands and rent the fabric straight down the center.

The evening air was cool on her flesh as it blew across her nipples. They hardened further, puckering into tight buds. Zaren slipped his arm around her back and over her side until he was cupping her breast in his palm. The tip poked at the center of his hand and he made a low growl in his throat as he moved his palm in a circular motion.

Jane kept one hand wrapped around his neck but lowered her other one, stroking his hard chest. She loved the way the muscles rippled under her fingers. When her finger brushed his flat nipple, she felt his cock flex against her hip. Oh, he liked that.

Trusting him to not let her fall, she used her other hand to push his brown leather vest wide open. Gripping his waist with her hands, she lowered her head and nuzzled the fine covering of chest hair before licking one of his brown nipples. He groaned and his fingers flexed around her breast. Now it was her turn to moan.

She flicked at the nipple with her tongue. She could spend hours just touching him and tasting him. She hadn’t had the chance to really explore like she wanted to. But petting him like this was driving her desire to a fevered pitch. The pulsing between her legs matched the pulsing of his cock that pressed into her side.

Zaren shifted her suddenly, tilting her back over his arm. Jane cried out and grabbed at him, but he still had one arm secured around her. His expression was one of grim determination as he pulled at the ties of her pajama pants. Once they were open, he thrust his hand downward. There was no hesitation as his fingers parted her slick folds and two of them pushed deep into her pussy.

Jane arched backward, wanting his fingers deeper. “More,” she moaned, past all thoughts except completion. She was lying across his hard thighs with only his arm for support on a moving horse, but she felt perfectly safe.

The fingers of his left hand carefully pinched her nipple, while at the same time he slowly withdrew the two fingers buried inside her until only the tips remained within. Jane flexed her hips at the same time he shoved his fingers deep. She cried out as the thick digits stretched the sensitive muscles of her sex. A bird, startled by the sound, flew out from a tree and disappeared with a squawk.

Jane closed her eyes, shutting out the world around her. Only she and Zaren existed. Surrounded by his arms, cradled in his lap, he continued to pleasure her. He was relentless, driving her higher and higher. Her toes curled in her boots as he brushed the swollen bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs with his thumb.

Gasping for breath, she surged her hips upward to meet his fingers and came on the next stroke. Her entire body clenched tight as her body contracted around his fingers. She felt the warm gush of release as spasms shook her. She went limp in his arms as he slowly pulled his hand from her pajama pants.

Exhaustion overtook her as Zaren pulled the edges of her tunic over her breasts and lifted her so she was cradled back in his arms. The hard ridge of his cock poked her hip. “You didn’t come.” His actions bewildered her slightly. She was obviously willing. Any other man would have tossed her onto the nearest patch of grass and enjoyed himself.

“Later, Jane. When I get you home.” He nudged the horse and picked up the pace, which had slowed to a plodding walk.

The sounds of the forest penetrated her senses again. On the back of a horse, no less. The man was incredible. As they passed Bador, he smiled at her. It was a smile filled with sensual promise. His blue eyes burned with lust as they devoured one of her pale breasts where the torn tunic had gaped open.

She clutched the fabric closed, which was foolish, because both men had seen all of her. But still she felt exposed and slightly uncomfortable with the thought that he’d just watched her come and she hadn’t even known he was there.

Zaren slowed his horse, stopping it when they reached Bador’s side. Bador ignored his brother, leaned over and kissed her. His tongue slid into her mouth for a quick taste before he withdrew. “You’re beautiful in your passion, Jane. Thank you.” Sitting back in his saddle, he wheeled his horse around and thundered ahead of them.

Jane rubbed her temples. She just didn’t understand these men who wanted to claim her. Even the word “claim” no longer seemed as foreign as it did only two days ago. The longer she was in this world, the more she was changing until she wasn’t sure she even knew herself any longer.

Zaren kissed the top of her head before murmuring in her ear. “Sleep. I’ll keep you safe on the journey home.”

Sleep. With everything on her mind, there was no way she could sleep. But as the horse’s gait rocked her and his arms cradled her, Jane felt her eyes drooping shut.

She didn’t even see when the brothers’ eyes met as they picked up the pace towards home. Two pairs of lust-filled blue eyes narrowed with determination. The warriors were preparing for battle.

Chapter Twelve

Bador stared at the door to the bathing chamber, his eyes practically burning a hole through the door. He would have loved to join Jane in her bath, but she’d let them know in no uncertain terms that she wanted to be alone. Both of them had given in to her wishes. There would be time to share her bath later. At least he hoped there would be time. The passage of time was quick and they had only until tomorrow night to convince her to stay with them.

Propping some pillows behind his back, Bador leaned back and tried to relax. Reaching down, he gripped his swollen cock in his hand and stroked it slowly up and down. He’d been as hard as a lance since he’d watched Zaren pleasure her on the trip home. When she’d finally fallen asleep, he’d breathed a sigh of relief. It had allowed them both to gain some much-needed control for tonight and to quicken the pace for home.

He smiled as he remembered her disgruntled expression when she’d told them she wanted to get back to the castle and soak her bruised behind. Even though she was clearly embarrassed, she hadn’t backed down from either of them. She had courage and determination, his Jane. That was how he thought of her in his own mind. His. He expected that Zaren had similar thoughts. Time would tell. Right now they were both bound in the common goal of keeping her here with them. Whoever she chose, as long as she was with them, he could live with the choice.

In fact, he suspected that Zaren needed Jane even more than he did. And that was saying something, because Bador wanted her with an intensity that burned straight to his soul. But Zaren was the eldest and when their father had died, he had assumed the mantle of responsibility, taking care of the castle and all its inhabitants. Bador had been his right hand, but the brunt had fallen to Zaren. And he had taken his duties like the sacred trust they were.

But it had taken a toll on him. And Bador had watched helplessly as the solemn warrior who now ruled their land replaced, year by year, the young man who had been his brother.

Jarmon’s injury had struck them hard and Bador knew that Zaren held himself responsible. He understood, because he felt the same. As the older brothers it was their duty to protect the younger and they had both failed.

The sound of a door opening pushed aside all thoughts of the past. He released his hold on his cock, stacked his hands behind his head and watched as Jane walked towards the bed. She didn’t see him at first as he was deep in the shadows made by the curtains hanging around the bed and the darkness of the night. Only the flickering flames of the fire in the grate lit the room.

She yawned and stretched, grabbing the towel that was wrapped around her when it started to slip. “Did you enjoy your bath?” The towel started to fall again as she jumped at the sound of his voice. But she quickly secured it, tucking the tail in between her breasts.

“Yes, thank you. I feel much better.” She stood next to the bed now but made no move to climb onto it. As he watched a bead of water slipped down her throat and over the curve of her breast just visible above the towel. Bador had the sudden urge to lick the droplet from her skin. Her hair was still damp and her skin fairly glowed in the firelight.

“Come to bed, Jane.” Bador was tired of waiting. He wanted, needed to hold her in his arms.

“Umm…do you think that’s a good idea? Maybe we should talk.” She shuffled her weight from foot to foot but refused to look at him.

“We’ll talk tomorrow. Tonight is all about pleasure. Yours. Mine. Ours.” Her head jerked up and he could see that her eyes were slightly glazed with desire. Good. That would make the night go easier for all of them.

Holding out his hand to her, he softened his voice. “Let me hold you.” She took a deep breath, dropped the towel and climbed onto the bed, kneeling just beyond his reach.

The main door swung open and Zaren stalked into the room. He pushed the door firmly closed behind him. Naked from the waist up, he walked straight to the side of the bed towards Jane. Gripping her shoulders in his hands, he pulled her up onto her knees so that her breasts were pressed against his chest. He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her.

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