Baller Bitches

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Authors: Deja King

BOOK: Baller Bitches
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First of a series by


Joy Deja King


EPUB Edition


A King Production


P.O. Box 912, Collierville, TN 38027


ISBN (13):


Cover concept by Joy Deja King &


Cover layout and graphic design by


Typesetting: Keith Saunders


Editors: Suzy McGlown and Linda Williams


Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data;


King, Deja Joy


Baller Bitches: a series/by Joy Deja King


For complete Library of Congress Copyright info visit;


Copyright © 2012 by King Productions. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission. For information, address Published by King Productions, P.O. Box 912, Collierville, TN 38027

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This novel is a work of fiction. Any references to real people, events, establishments, or locales are intended only to give the fiction a sense of reality and authenticity. Other names, characters, and incidents occurring in the work are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, as those fictionalized events and incidents that involve real persons. Any character that happens to share the name of a person who is an acquaintance of the author, past or present, is purely coincidental and is in no way intended to be an actual account involving that person.

This Book is Dedicated To My:

Family, Readers and Supporters.

I LOVE you guys so much. Please believe that!!



“Bitch, you ain’t shit!”
When my baby daddy stood in front of me screaming that bullshit with spit flying everywhere, I kept putting the clear coat of polish on my nails ignoring his ass. “Did you hear what the fuck I said?” he belted as the vein in the middle of his forehead started pulsating.

“Mutherfucka, everybody in the damn building can hear what the fuck you just said. Are you done ranting ‘cause I got shit to do?”

“That’s what’s wrong wit yo’ ass, yo’ mouth too fuckin’ slick.”

“Umm this shit gettin’ repetitive. Ain’t but so many ways you can call me a bitch and tell me I ain’t shit. I get it, you think I’m foul. So either come up with some new descriptions or move on to something else.”

“I can’t believe I got a baby wit’ yo’ stupid ass. You don’t give a fuck about nobody but yourself. One day I promise I’ma take our daughter away from you because I refuse to let her grow up and end up like you.”

I put my polish down and eyeballed Rico because I wanted him to know what I was about to say wasn’t a game. “Nigga, the day you start plotting to take my daughter away from me is the day you better tell yo’ mama to start making your funeral arrangements. You can call me every ho, dick sucker, no good bitch all mutherfuckin’ day but when you bring Destiny into the mix we have a problem. Now please get the fuck out my crib and take that noise you spewing someplace else.”

“Diamond, this shit ain’t over. I’ll be back tomorrow to pick up my daughter for the weekend and she better be here and not at your mother’s house.”

“I tell you what. Why don’t you pick Destiny up from my mother’s house tomorrow because I can’t take having to see yo’ ass two days in a row.”

“No, I’ll pick Destiny up from here tomorrow. So whatever partying and fucking you planning on doing tonight make sure you have yo’ ass up in time to get my daughter in the morning.”

“That’s what your problem is now. So busy worrying about what the fuck I’m doing,” I huffed under my breath not wanting to reignite the argument because I was ready for Rico to bounce. “Bye,” I said keeping my head down, until I heard the door shut.

There was a time an argument with Rico would fuck up my entire day but this shit had become so routine I barely broke a sweat over it now. See, there was a time when Rico was actually my boyfriend. I thought we would be together forever but that was when I was young and dumb. He swooped me up when I was fifteen and not used to good dick or money. When I was walking home from school one afternoon he pulled up in a tricked out Benz and I couldn’t believe when he rolled down the window asking me for my name. He was one of those pretty niggas who knew his packaging was right.

From that day on we started dating. Rico would pick me up from school almost everyday and them chick’s mouths dropped every time he pulled up and I would get in the car. We would go get something to eat and just talked. Although he was three years older than me he never made me feel like a kid instead I felt like a woman. But I wasn’t a woman and Rico was way out of my league. He quickly made me his girl but that didn’t keep him from having mad other bitches, so many I couldn’t keep count. In the beginning I fell for all his lies. He had a valid excuse for every accusation I had. By the time I woke up to the truth it was two years later and I was pregnant with Destiny.

That was the roughest nine months of my life. I had bitches calling my phone harassing me. They would say my man just left their crib and he fucked the shit out of them. My feet swelled up, belly poked out feeling depressed and helpless having to hear this shit. By this time, Rico wasn’t even trying to hide his dirt anymore. He felt I was pregnant and stuck. Even after all that I stayed with Rico. It took another year before I wised up and gave that nigga the deuces. When I did, Rico tried to make my life a living hell. I guess he thought I would be a dumbass forever…not!

I spent the first year of Destiny’s life being with her day and night while Rico ran the streets. I don’t even remember him changing one diaper. But I loved her so much it didn’t even matter. Destiny was like my real life baby doll and she helped me get my shit together. I had gained so much weight during my pregnancy and even more afterwards and I think it was out of depression, because Rico had me so stressed out. I decided I had to get myself back on point and I started taking Destiny out in her stroller everyday. Within six months I had walked all that weight off. After that you couldn’t tell me nothing, including Rico. I went from being a sad, miserable bitch to a baller bitch.



I need
you to read over this carefully,” my boss, Darcy said, handing me two pieces of paper. As I sat in my cubicle, I looked over the agenda. I was an account executive at a PR/Event Planning firm and there was a long laundry list of things I was supposed to handle for the charity event tonight. I had so much to do I barely had time to go home and change clothes but due to past experiences I learned to always keep a few outfits with me. Darcy was notorious for waiting to the very last minute to give me a shitload of things to do and have me scrambling to get it all done.

So here I was, shaking my head wondering how I would pull this off and still look halfway decent doing it. But somehow, someway I would—I always did and it probably was due to the fact this had always been my dream job. When I was in college, I interned at just about every PR firm in New York hoping one would lead to a full time position. But working for Darcy Woods was always my #1 choice. She was the rep for all the young, hip stars, which turned her into a celebrity herself. If you saw a star on the red carpet most of the time you would see Darcy standing right next to them looking like a star too. So when she offered me the position as an account executive, I jumped at it although it paid the least out of all my other job offers. But it was worth taking a low salary if it meant working under the queen herself or so I initially thought. But I quickly found out that the reason Darcy was able to be so cool, in control and look on point was because she delegated the work to everybody else and it freed up her time to mingle and be fabulous. But I also figured that was why her turnover rate was so high, because her employees would get burnt out and quit. With the money she was paying there wasn’t much motivation to stay. None of that mattered to me though because I was determined to learn all I could from Darcy before going anywhere and I felt I was well on my way.

“Tammy, I need you to go down this list and confirm that the press covering this event have their proper credentials and know what time they should arrive at the venue.”

“No problem, is there anything else you need me to do?”

“That’s it for now but let me know when you’re finished as there is definitely more to follow.”

“Whatever you need, I got you,” she smiled. Tammy was my saving grace. She was my intern and she busted her ass like she was making a big boy salary. When I was stuck in the office working to ten or eleven o’clock at night, Tammy was right there with me. I called her my co-pilot.

As I started getting my stuff together so I could head over to the venue to make sure the seating for the celebrities was correct I heard my cell ringing. “Hey, Diamond, what’s going on?”

“Girl, you sound stressed.”

“You know how it is on event day…hectic. So what time are you coming tonight?”

“That’s why I was calling you to see what time I should come?”

“I think eight is good.”

“Cool and can I bring my cousin?”

“Diamond, I already told you I can only get you in and I’m sneaking doing that shit. You know how Darcy is.”

“I know but you know I had to ask again. You know I hate going to this shit alone and you’re always way to busy to kick it with me.”

“Girl, you always end up seeing somebody you know or some guy be up under you all night so you’ll be fine. I would love to chat but work calls.”

“No problem, see you tonight.”

When I got off the phone with Diamond, I motioned for Tammy to come on. She could make her calls while on the move. This business taught you to do multiple things. While Tammy was handling press calls I was speaking to artist’s managers on one phone and responding to text messages about the event on the other. This event was a major deal for Darcy and everything had to go smoothly. She was used to doing events for rappers and singers, but this was the first time she had scored an A list actress. Mega superstar Tyler Blake was hosting a star-studded charity event for Autism Awareness Month. Darcy bragged for two weeks straight when the gig was sealed and I was right there cheering her on. See, after grinding my ass off for over a year my hard work had finally paid off. I played an intricate part in securing the deal for Darcy and she promised me a commission for doing so. All I had to do was make sure the event went smoothly and I was micromanaging every detail to make sure that happened.

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