Read Banger's Ride: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 5) Online

Authors: Chiah Wilder,Hot Tree Editing

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Crime, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Heist, #Crime Fiction, #MC, #Fiction, #Romance

Banger's Ride: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 5) (2 page)

BOOK: Banger's Ride: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 5)
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He was drawn in by the mellow tone of her voice; it was like sweet honey and buttery rum. Banger raked his eyes over her body, encased in a black uniform dress with pink piping and small milky white buttons. He admired her rounded hips, her small waist, and the way the white buttons pulled tight across her large chest. Berry-stained lips and curly tendrils framed her porcelain skin. She blew away one of the stray hairs that had fallen, her warm breath washing over Banger’s bearded face. Lifting her hand, she tucked the strand into her messy bun. He took a deep breath and her light, jasmine-orange scent wrapped around him, hitting him in the groin. He sucked in air while his gaze held hers.

The woman blinked rapidly, then averted her eyes, mumbling, “Sorry, again. I have to get back to work.”

“Just glad you’re okay,” he replied in a smooth baritone.

She walked away, her delicious hips swaying with each step. Banger watched her until she turned the corner and disappeared. Standing still for a couple of minutes, he tried to make sense of his strong response to the beautiful woman. He hadn’t experienced anything like that since he’d said good-bye to Grace. The club whores and the hoodrats didn’t stir anything in him except lust, and when he drained his dick in them, he felt nothing afterward except physical relief.

Returning to the table, Banger glanced around to see if he could spot the pretty lady whose uniform hugged her in all the right places. She was nowhere to be seen. A tinge of disappointment wove through him as he absentmindedly wadded up the drinking straw wrapper.

“Would you like anything else? We got fresh pecan pie,” the waitress said as she cleared the plates.

Upon hearing the words “pecan pie,” Banger focused his attention on the waitress. “I’ll have a piece with a scoop of ice cream and a cup of coffee with cream.”

“Is Belle cooking tonight?” Cara asked the waitress.


“Can you ask her to come out for a second? I want to compliment her on the dinner.”

“Don’t know if she can get away, but I’ll tell her.”

“Tell her Cara is asking.”

“Will do. I’ll bring that piece of pie and coffee to you right away, sir.”

Banger looked after her as she shuffled behind the counter, took out a whole pie from behind it, and cut a large slice. He could smell the fresh pecans and the brewed coffee as she came back, placing both in front of him.

The vanilla ice cream melted down onto the warm slice, sealing the nooks between the pecans. The first bite was an explosion of sweet, salty, and creamy flavors. As Banger concentrated on the amazing dessert, he heard Cara greet someone.

“The food was so good. I wanted to tell you how much we enjoyed it. Wasn’t it good, Banger?”

He looked up, then stopped chewing when he met the glittering blue eyes of the woman who had sparked something in him just a few minutes before. Surprise registered on her face, and a slow smile spread over her lips.

“Belle, this is Hawk, my fiancé, and this is Banger. Guys, this is Belle.”

Banger glanced at Hawk and laughed inwardly when he saw the scowl he gave Cara, and the devious smile she flashed back at him. Turning to Belle, he said, “Good to meet you. You make a great chicken fried steak. The best I’ve had. You make this pie?”

A cherry stain brushed across her cheeks, and she looked down. “Thanks. Yes, I baked the pie. You like it?”

“Fuckin’ good.”

She met his eyes. “I’m glad you like it.”

An awkward silence fell between them before Cara said, “Banger is very picky about food, so the way he gobbled everything up is a huge compliment.”

Belle nodded.

“You been working here long?” Banger asked, loving the way she glanced at him demurely every few seconds.

“About six months.”

“Damn. If I’d known, I’d have been here sooner. I’ve missed all your good cooking, and your pretty face, for half a damn year.”

“You’re being too kind.” Her laughter rang in his ears, sweet and soft, like tinkling bells, and all he could do was smile. She covered her mouth with her hand and locked her gaze with his. For a suspended second, they were connected, but then she looked away and the moment was gone.

Cara cleared her throat. “What time do you get off work, Belle?”

“In about a half hour.”

Cara looked at Banger and Hawk. “Do you want to go to Blue’s Belly for a drink?”

At the same time Hawk replied, “No,” Banger said, “Yes.”

Merriment lit up Cara’s eyes. “Great. Would you like to join us, Belle? I know you don’t get out much, and it’d be a nice way to unwind before you go home.”

After a moment’s hesitation, Belle shrugged.

“She’s probably tired from being on her feet so much,” Hawk said, narrowing his eyes at Cara.

“I’d like for you to come. Give us a chance to talk,” Banger said as his eyes lingered on Belle’s mouth.

Tugging on her silver-hoop earrings, she nodded. “Okay. Sounds like fun. Give me a little time to change outta this.” She brushed her fingers over her uniform.

“Sure, you just let us know when you’re ready,” Cara said, a satisfied smile spreading across her face.

An hour later, they were seated at a small table at Blue’s Belly, sipping their drinks and listening to a local band play classic rock covers. Cara had arranged it so Banger and Belle were seated together. If Belle wasn’t so pretty and sexy, Banger would’ve been pissed at Cara’s blatant matchmaking. He didn’t have anything better to do, though, and sitting with the curvy cook beat spending the night alone at his house.

“Mmm…. This is so good,” Belle said as she took a big gulp of her frozen strawberry margarita. “It’s my favorite drink. What’s yours?” she asked, looking at Banger.

He brought his bottle of beer up and clinked it against her drink. “Coors all the way.” The way she giggled warmed him.

“I love the sugar around the rim of the glass.” She stuck out her tongue and ran it over the edge, licking at the granules, then her lips.

Watching her tongue on the glass made Banger’s dick twitch; he bet it could do all sorts of dirty shit to him.

“Why you looking at me like that? What are you thinking?” She playfully brushed her fingers over his hand.

“You don’t wanna know what I’m thinking.” His blue eyes twinkled.


“‘Cause you’d slap my face, and I’m betting you got a damn good swing.”

A blank look was soon replaced with a flush that crept across her cheeks. “Oh.” She giggled nervously then broke away from his stare, stirring her drink repeatedly with the small straw.

“Didn’t mean to make you nervous, but you must know you’re a beautiful woman.”

“I’m not nervous, just out of practice. It’s been a while since I’ve been like this with a guy.”

“Are you fucking with me? A sexy woman like you must have a bunch of guys after her.”

“Not really. Anyway, I’m too busy.” She took another gulp of her drink, red still the dominant color on her face.

Banger laughed and grabbed her hand. “Let’s go dance. This is one of my favorite songs.”

He led her to the dance floor, and they shook their bodies to Sammy Hagar’s “I Can’t Drive 55.” As Belle moved her hips to the beat of the music, Banger felt his jeans grow tighter. The way she swayed told him she’d be all kinds of hot in bed, and for the first time in a long time, he wanted a specific woman. The fucking he did with the club whores and hoodrats didn’t count—it was for physical release, nothing more—but his whole body was burning for this voluptuous woman who ignited something in him he’d thought was long gone.

When the music slowed a bit, Banger pulled Belle into his arms, pressing her close to him, loving the way her soft tits felt against his chest. They moved back and forth to the slow strains of Nazareth’s “Love Hurts,” her subtle floral scent driving him crazy. He wrapped his arms around her, his bulge rubbing against her, the sensation sending sparks down his spine. Belle leaned her head on his chest and put her arms around him. When his hands lowered to rest on her fleshy ass, she stiffened then shook her head. Leaning down, he whispered in her ear, “You’re a sexy woman. I love the feel of your body.”

“You can feel it with your arms around my waist. Take them off my butt.”

Just like that, she ordered him to stop what he was doing. At first, it startled him because women never told him what to do. Hell, he and Grace had sex the first night they’d met. Since her death, the club women clamored for him; he’d been off-limits during his marriage, but they came at him like sharks, silently hoping he’d take another old lady. They couldn’t do enough to please him and show him he needed their pussies. And the woman he actually craved ordered him to stop touching her tempting ass.
What the fuck?
He didn’t know what to make of it.

“Your hands are still there.”

It was a statement, but it worked; he abruptly moved them up and around her waist. Satisfied, she leaned her head on his chest once again. They danced the next few songs, then she said against his ear, “Let’s go back to the table, my feet are killing me.” Her lips just grazed his skin, and Banger ran his finger down her jawline while he nodded.

They ordered another drink just when Hawk turned to Banger. “Cara and I are cutting out. She’s got an early morning hearing. I’ll see you at the clubhouse tomorrow.”

Banger winked and tilted his chin then turned his attention to the lovely, cocoa-haired woman who made his pulse quicken. Her tangle of curls fell a little past her shoulder, and Banger’s fingers itched to wrap around the spiral strands, feeling their silkiness against his callused skin. And her full bottom lip was begging for him to suck on it while he held her close.
Damn, she’s a hot one.

“How did I miss seeing a pretty lady like you? You from Pinewood Springs?” he asked as he leaned in close, his arm pressing against hers.

She shook her mass of curls. “Lakeview. It’s about an hour from here.”

“Yeah, I know it. You got some great backroads for biking. I go there often during the summer. How did you end up in Pinewood?”

“My husband died a year ago, and he left me and the kids in a bad way. He always told me he’d take care of me, but he didn’t.” She paused, her gaze moving from his to the dance floor.

“That’s tough.”

When she looked at him again, her twinkling eyes had turned hard, the bluish-steel of a midwinter sky. “Yeah, it is. Anyway, my best friend, Holly, had moved here to be with her boyfriend. He’s a deputy sheriff. When Harold died, and our house was foreclosed, Holly told me to get a fresh start. My kids and I moved in with her and Darren for a few months until I landed the job at Ruthie’s. With the overtime, and Ruthie’s generosity, I was able to afford a small bungalow on the east side of town. It’s a far cry from our five-bedroom home in Lake Vista Hills, but it’s good to be in a place that’s all our own.” She brought her drink to her lips, the hardness in her eyes softening a bit.

“How many kids you got?”

“Two. I have a daughter who is sixteen and a ten-year-old boy. They’re my anchors. What about you? Were you ever caught by a lady?”

He bobbed his head up and down. “I got a daughter, Kylie. She just turned nineteen and is away at college in Crested Peak. Her mama and I were hitched for fifteen years.”

“You divorced?”

“Nah. My old lady died.” After six years, saying the words aloud still pulled at his heart.

Belle placed a hand over his. “I’m sorry. It must be tough.”

Clenching his jaw, Banger stared straight ahead. “It is.”

Silence settled around them, each lost in their memories. Grace’s shining blue eyes and long, glossy blonde hair flashed in front of him. She had been a kind, beautiful woman who adored her daughter and husband. She was so clear in his mind that he felt that if he could just reach out a bit further, he could touch her, feel her warm skin and silky hair again.

“I’m glad I came out for a drink. I’m having a good time.” Belle’s lilting voice pushed Grace to the corners of his mind as she squeezed Banger’s hand.

He squeezed back. “I’m glad I came in the diner tonight.” He stroked her cheek with the back of his hand and marveled at how soft it was, like a piece of silk.

Banger relished being with a woman who made him laugh, who intrigued him, and who wasn’t a few years older than his daughter. He’d become bored with the senseless chatter of the women he bedded. He had nothing in common with them, and they didn’t hold his interest one iota beyond sucking him off. Being with Belle was like a breath of fresh air.

When midnight struck, Belle gathered her purse and coat. “I better go. My kids are alone, and I have to work tomorrow. It’s been a nice night. Thank you.”

As she rose to her feet, Banger jumped up and helped her with her coat, then lowered his head and said, “I’ll walk you to your car. Just give me a sec.” He texted Blade, one of the prospects, to pick him up.

As they moved through the parking lot, the icy air chilling their lungs, Banger put his arm around Belle and tugged her close to him. She didn’t pull away, and they walked together until she stopped in front of a gold Honda Accord. “Here I am,” she said softly.

She pulled off a glove and dug in her purse for the keys. Their breaths formed clouds around them in the bitter cold air. He took the keys from her and opened the door then swung her around so she faced him. Without hesitation, he bent down and kissed her gently on the mouth. She pushed back, a smile whispering on her lips. Banger leaned forward to capture her mouth again, but her hands on his chest held him back.

“Thank you again. I really have to go.”

Banger quirked his lips. “You didn’t like the kiss?”

Her eyes widened and patches of red streaked her cheeks. “You’re a direct person, aren’t you?”

“Fuck yeah. I don’t go in for hiding what I mean. I wanna kiss you again.”

She shifted from one foot to another. “There’s no point in it. I had a nice time, but I don’t have any time for anything more. I’m too busy working to make ends meet and taking care of my kids. A lot of times, I pull a double shift. I rarely go out for fun. Tonight was definitely an exception.”

Banger drew her closer to him, her hot tequila breath warming his face. “I’m not asking you to spend your life with me. Just asking for a kiss. No harm in that, is there?”

BOOK: Banger's Ride: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 5)
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