Bargain With the Enemy (4 page)

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Authors: S E Gilchrist

BOOK: Bargain With the Enemy
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A feeling he had experienced for himself when his parent had enrolled him into military school when he was a bare five cycles. A feeling he'd hoped to never encounter again. Yet here this tiny scrap of humanity was suffering just as he had suffered.

And he was the cause.

‘You win, little one,' he murmured, conscious of a profound relief lightening his essence as he made the decision.

And the instant rigid attention of his sex.

It appeared he would have to re-think his tactics.

Further interaction with his brother's mate would be certain to curtail these foolish imaginings.


With shaking fingers, Stephanie tightened the bulky backpack's straps across her stomach and cast another glance over her shoulder.

The long corridor on Level 1 was empty.

Her gaze switched back onto the hatch confronting her. Heart thudding, she examined the control panel. No different from any other out-moded security system she'd seen on the space station so it shouldn't be too difficult to by-pass.

Something's not right. Where's this bloke's personal guards?

Fingers poised above the keys, she hesitated but the knowledge that time wasn't on her side drove her onwards. Any second now, a guard could come marching down the corridor or fling open the door.

Three times she keyed in code, fourth time lucky. A narrow, blue light appeared about the hatch, signifying the lock was disengaged. Holding her breath, she pulled from her pants' pocket, a stun tube. One quick press and it was activated. She inched open the hatch and tossed the tube into the room, quickly ducking back out again to lean against the door.

Heart pounding, she mentally counted down the seconds.


If all went according to plan, the occupants of these quarters would be knocked out for a minimum of ten minutes. More than enough time for her to snatch up Mia and rush to the departure bay. An earlier glimpse at the flights timetable had revealed a re-supply shuttle bound for the planet below was due to depart very soon.

Fingers crossed my luck will hold and I'll be able to bribe the chief-on-deck and sneak on board. Once on Verrilous, we'll blend into one of the refugee camps. And thanks to the creds Ice Man has given me, he won't find us so easily a second time

On that thought, Stephanie yanked a pair of goggles over her eyes and shoved a breather into her mouth. She wrenched open the hatch and stepped inside. A faint greenish haze blurred her vision until she clicked on the tiny button on the top of her goggles.

That's better.
She examined the main living area carefully. A middle-aged Darkon female with greying black hair lay slumped on a sofa, her eyes closed, and her mouth open, her chest rising and falling in a gentle rhythm as she slept.

Two Darkon guards had sagged against the far wall and slipped onto the floor in a tangle of limbs. One guy had his face nestled in the other's groin.

Steph grinned as she imagined their reactions to their intimate position when they eventually regained consciousness.

An open door to her left revealed another room, which she assumed by the lack of light flowing through the opening, must be the sleeping quarters. Eight bounding paces and she was there, peering in past the door-jamb into the shadows. Another typical rack room with one massive bunk and a smaller one beside it, a cleansing room tucked into a corner.

A large shape lay prone on the double bunk, soft deep breathing signalling his unconscious state.


Her loud heartbeats filled her ears as she stepped cautiously towards the smaller bunk. And there, nestled in a cocoon of soft wraps, was Mia.

Reefing a shayote from her belt, Stephanie did a careful examination of the sleeping baby. Data flickered through the air and some of her anxiety lessoned as she read the results. All good. Mia would suffer no ill-effects from the stun tube and should sleep for another twenty minutes. Quickly, Stephanie re-clipped the shayote to her belt and scooped the baby into her arms.

She tiptoed past the bunks, heading for the door, expecting at any moment for one of the guards to sound the alarm.

Sweat chilling her flesh, she hurried across the room, her gazed fixed on the outer hatch. A light flashed on the timer encircling her wrist.

Only five minutes left!

Almost there. She ran the last two paces, reached the hatch, pushed on the door with her shoulder. As if in slow motion, it swung open.

Ducking her head, she lifted her right foot to step over the hob.

The fine hairs on her nape bristled.

Oh man! It's him.

He must have the constitution of an ox to regain consciousness so fast.

A hard hand gripped her upper arm, yanking her to a halt. Like a desperate fish at the end of a hook, she jerked and pulled, attempting to twist out of his hold.

‘Cease your struggling, little thief,' growled Ivo behind her.

Panting, Stephanie gave one mighty wrench and his hand fell away. Her foot caught under the hob. Unable to use her arms to regain her balance, she pitched forward.

An arm looped around her waist and heaved her backwards, stopping her momentum. She pressed a shaky kiss to Mia's soft curls. As her pulse gradually slowed its frenzied race, she realised exactly where she stood. Pressed hard against a wall of hot, earthy-scented muscle, and trapped by arms that felt like steel girders.

Gulping, she sucked in air and made a tentative movement.

The Darkon imprisoning her changed his hold, gripping her hips and turning her to face him.

Now what?

Trembling, Stephanie pushed the goggles to the top of her head but didn't raise her eyes from a chest so wide it filled her vision. His touch seared into her skin, causing her to shake inside. Something fluttered in her lower abdomen and she shuffled her feet.

How long they stood there, she had no idea. For Steph, it felt like an eternity before he spoke again.

One word. ‘Clever.'

He released her to step back and wave her forward.

Pointless to run, although every sense she possessed shrieked at her to turn tail and head for the proverbial hills. But to do so could risk her falling and injuring Mia.

Instead, Stephanie stomped back into the compartment.

Over near the wall, the two guards had risen to their feet and now, their faces a ruddy bronzed colour, they both glared at her.

Ivo pointed at the sofa, where the Darkon female still slept.

Stephanie perched on the edge and kept her gaze stubbornly fixed at a spot near his feet. Why she knew this would irritate him, she had no idea. But any chance to annoy or get the better of him was too good to miss.

‘It is not often I underestimate my opponent,' he said in a conversational tone.

He stepped closer and placed a finger beneath her chin, tugging her face upward. When she jerked her face sideways, he removed his hand.

She flicked him a sideways glance. At the inscrutable expression on his face, Steph swallowed. She well knew he could order her incarceration in some cell for who-knew how long and there was nothing she could do about it. Something in her face must have alerted him to her thoughts for he gave a sharp nod.

‘I am glad you understand the seriousness of your position,' he said coolly. ‘But as I have no wish to continually look over my shoulder to check what you are up to next, I propose a bargain.'

Stephanie popped the breather from her mouth and narrowed her eyes. ‘What kind of bargain?'

‘One that will suit both of us.' He pointed at her. ‘I will allow you care of the youngling but only on my terms. You will obey me at all times. You will have no authority over her nor will you have any rights as a parent. This agreement will remain in place until she has settled into her new life. At that time, you will be transported to a planet of your choosing and never will you attempt any contact with her.'

Dream on, as if that's ever going to happen.
‘What happens if I don't agree?'

‘I will ensure you will face punishment for your crimes of desertion of your post and theft.'

He's got a mind like a steel trap.
Stephanie eyed him warily, noting the stubbornly jutting chin and a fleeting flash of such heat in his dark eyes it made her recoil in surprise.

What was that?


For me?

The thought sent her gaze hunting over him, as if this was the first time she'd thought of him as a man. He was big, like all Darkons, exuding a strength and power that called to her femininity on the most primitive level. His mouth, controlled into a straight line, hinted at passion with that full, slightly protruding lower lip. And he certainly was built with shoulders wide enough to carry the heaviest of burdens, narrow hipped and heavily muscled thighs, easily discerned by the clinging material of his flight pants.


Her mouth dried as she zeroed in on his thick bulge. His words,
you will obey me…
echoed inside her head. What if he meant something other than Mia's welfare?

The thought should terrify me.

But, oh man, it doesn't!

Her gaze jolted upwards to be ensnared by the feral glow in his eyes.

‘There is one, last stipulation to our bargain.' Bending slightly, he reached out and fingered her pony tail, allowing the strands of hair to slide through his fingers.

Stephanie held her breath.

He straightened, his hand falling to his side. ‘Should I decide to appease the needs of my flesh, you will share my bed.'

Chapter 4

‘What? Your brother's wife? That is so wrong and it's something that will never happen,' Stephanie blustered in a breathy, squeaking voice that would have done credit to a mouse. ‘You can cross that one off your bargaining list.'

‘You are not his legal mate.' Face tight, Ivo marched off to confer with his guards who snapped into instant military stance.

Dumbfounded, Steph stared after him. By the way his soldiers kept sneaking glances at her, she surmised Ice Man was laying down the law about keeping her in sight at all times. He beckoned her forward.

Her mind busy conjuring up images of her and Ivo between the sheets sparked her sleeping libido into life and she took a few steps in his direction. She longed to argue his arrogant declaration but she hadn't missed the avid expressions on his subordinates' faces. No doubt the entire space port would be buzzing with this juicy snippet of gossip in a few hours.

A Traditionalist bedding an Earth woman.
Such news would be beamed out across the galaxy before she could blink.

So much for keeping a low profile.

It would be better to ignore him, fob him off if he made any moves. She could pretend compliance and watch and wait for the first opportunity to jump ship. Besides, he was a die-hard Traditionalist. Those guys lived for their monk-type existence. Physical gratification was definitely not on their radar. A few pointed reminders about his chosen path should rid him of any curiosity in her direction.

And if all else fails, I'll play my last card — my husband.
Ice Man doesn't need to know John died four years ago. All I need is some time.

‘A bargain is a negotiation on terms,' she said, hugging Mia closer. ‘And my terms are; one, I'll stay with Mia for as long as she needs me and not when you say I'm done, and two, you will not touch me.'

His lip curled. ‘You are in no position to state terms.'

He was impossible.

About to blister him with her opinion of his character or lack thereof, the baby in her arms wriggled and opened her eyes. And let loose a mighty scream.

Closing her mouth over the angry words bubbling like boiling water, Stephanie placed a kiss on Mia's satiny cheek before hoisting her against her shoulder and patting her little back in a soothing gesture. Busy sucking noises told her Mia had placed her thumb into her rosebud mouth.

‘She's hungry.' Stephanie glared at the warrior. ‘Did you feed her?'

Chagrin crossed his face. ‘The youngling would not stop yelling.' His skin turned a deep bronze colour.

‘Honestly. Men. None of you have any idea.' Stephanie clicked her tongue and turned her back on him.

The Darkon woman on the sofa gave a snort and blinked open drowsy eyes that widened when her gaze fell on Stephanie. Smiling in a friendly fashion, Steph walked over and asked her to hold the baby for a few minutes. After handing Mia over, she hoisted off her bag and retrieved from a thermal pack, the milk bottle she'd made up earlier from the last of her powder.

She tested the liquid on the back of her hand before subsiding onto the sofa beside the Darkon woman. ‘I'm Ste…um…Janeen.'

The other woman handed Mia back. ‘Ursa.'

Aware that both the woman and Ice Man watched her every move, Stephanie settled Mia into her arms and gently placed the teat against her lips. The baby kicked her legs and sucked with gusto.

‘Easy does it, sweetie, or you'll get wind,' Steph murmured, gazing down at the little girl in her arms.

After she fed her, it was change time and all the while, the Darkons' eyes never left her. The guards had even stepped closer and hovered a few feet behind Ivo who had leaned forward slightly. This was obviously a task none had seen before and it served to remind her all too sharply of the cultural difference between their two races.

A dimpled smile creasing her face, little Mia kicked her legs and blew bubbles. Stephanie's heart swelled anew with the love she felt for this innocent baby.
What will happen to her in the Darkon world, if I'm forced to leave her?

She fastened the last button and re-tucked Mia into her soft blankets. ‘Err, what shall I do with this wet cloth?'

She had to re-press a giggle at the look of consternation on the Darkon males' faces as they all stared at the sodden cloth now lying on the ground.

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