Bases Loaded (Mustangs Baseball) (18 page)

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she whispered his name.

let me finish.”


I saw you, and I lost my shit. I mean I knew you were
the one
.” He
curled his fingers, making air quotes around the last two words. “Anyway, I
always thought when I found
the one
, I wouldn’t want the same things I’d
wanted for all the years I’d been in the club. I thought I would want her all
for myself. Don’t get me wrong. I do want you all for myself. I lay awake at
night and think about being with you, but almost from the beginning, I saw you
with others. Friends of mine. I tried to get the images out of my head, Clare. I
really did, but then you asked me about the tattoo and, God help me, I damn
near had a heart attack.”

sorry,” she said.

be. It wasn’t your fault. I was shocked you knew what it meant, and the part of
me that wanted to keep you all to myself stood up and bared its teeth. But the
other part of me, the part that had been dreaming of you running the bases?
That part tore at my gut. I’ve been battling it out internally ever since. I do
love you, and I want you all to myself. But at the same time, I’d give just
about anything to see your sweet body taking all of us at once.”

mind raced. What was he saying? He wanted her to run the bases, but he
want her to? Antonio turned around. He grabbed the poker and nudged a few
logs until the flames roared.

faced her again. “So, I owe you an apology. While you’ve been trying to
convince me to invite you to run the bases, I’ve wanted the same thing. Only,
I’ve been denying it to you and to myself. If it makes me a pervert, then I
guess that’s what I am. Today, when we were at the house and you told me why
running the bases meant so much to you, I finally accepted it was what I
wanted, too. Part of me still wants you to want me and
me, but
there’s another part of me that can’t wait to get you on the field. I’m a
fraud, Clare. I don’t deserve a woman like you. But I love you. I can’t imagine
my life without you. Can you forgive me?”

stood, letting the throw drop to the floor. She skirted the slab of tree that
doubled as a coffee table and separated her from the man she loved. He didn’t
encourage her, just stood stoic as if he expected her to reject him. But how
could she? She understood about wanting to re-invent herself, knew how the
desire to do so ate at her.

to a stop in front of him, she flattened her palms against his chest.
“Antonio,” she implored, looking up into his troubled eyes. “Do you really
think there is anything to forgive?”

been an idiot. I
to change, but one look at you and I knew it
wasn’t going to happen.”

you know what it means to me that you envision me running the bases? It makes
me tingle inside. It makes me feel beautiful and desired.” Tears blurred her
vision. “That’s all I ever wanted. I love you.”

rose to her tiptoes and pressed her lips against his. He remained stock-still.

shouldn’t want the things I want with you,” he finally said.

love that you do. You aren’t a pervert, Antonio.”

feel like one. I want you to be my wife, and still I can’t get the images out
of my head.”

you think less of me because I want the same thing?”

no!” He grabbed her, framing her waist with his palms. “I never thought that.
Not for a minute. I’ve always respected the women who played the game, but for
whatever reason, I never thought I’d find someone I wanted to invite. It’s hard
to explain, but my family is ultra-conservative. My desires, my sexual
inclinations, are so far from what I was taught was normal, and for once, I was
trying to fit into that mold. Then I met you. You’re beautiful. You’re smart.
You’re a college professor, for crying out loud. I started thinking about
dragging you into my less than normal world, and I was determined not to do it.
I know it doesn’t make any sense. Yes, I wanted you to be different, to be
totally innocent of the kind of things I desire, but deep inside I desperately
wanted you to accept me for who I am.”

tugged, and she folded herself against him, her cheek to his chest. “I was
going to use this weekend to convince you to forget about playing the game, but
after what you said back at the house…I couldn’t do it. I finally realized you
have your reasons, and I understood why you want to do it. You need to do it.”

do, Antonio. It’s as crazy as it sounds, but yes, I need to do it.”

know that now, and I’m going to make sure you get what you need. That’s why I
called Keith. He’s a good guy, and he’ll treat you right.”

really going to do this, aren’t we?”

bet we are.” His thumbs traced the waistband of her slacks beneath her sweater.
“Just as soon as we get you out of these clothes.” His head lowered, his lips
hovering above hers. “Are you up for this? I know I am.” He held her tight and
pressed his erection into her belly.

want everything you promised. I want you. My body is yours.”

thin coat she wore joined his on the chair, and soon she stood before him in
nothing more than a blue satin thong. Her nipples were twin points of pain,
reacting to both the cold and Antonio’s heated gaze.

you’re beautiful.” His hands warmed her skin everywhere he explored, and he
left not an inch untouched. “I know I keep saying that, but it’s true. Did you
see the way Keith looked at you tonight? I thought he was going to fuck you
right there on the baggage carousel, and God help me, I probably would have helped

wanted him to,” she admitted.

froze. Had she said too much? He lifted his lips from the curve of her breast
and straightened, towering over her.



smiled. “Damn, woman. Why didn’t you say so? We could have given him a ride in
the limo. He’s good in tight spaces, if you get my meaning.”

giggled like a schoolgirl. “I know what you mean. But as exciting as it all
sounds, you’re right. I’m not ready. I trust you. Consider this winter training
for rookies.”

only one rookie I’m interested in, and that’s you, babe.”

lifted her in his arms and, holding her much like he had on the airplane, he
kissed her. Tongues tangled, plunged, and explored until the pressure built
between her legs, and she thought she might die if he didn’t fuck her soon.

said something about a bath?”

said a lot of things.”

I want you to do every one of them.”


* * *


didn’t deserve her. She was too damned perfect. There had to be a catch. No one
was as perfect as Clare was without some flaw. But running his hands over the
curve of her bubble-covered back, staring at her sweet, heart-shaped ass raised
and open for him, he couldn’t conceive of a flaw big enough to change the way
he felt about her.

me if it hurts,” he said, rimming her with his finger first. He’d warmed the
lube and smallest butt plug Keith had supplied by dropping them into the
bathwater earlier. An added bonus was Clare had the opportunity to examine the
toy and get used to the idea of allowing him to insert it.

bathing each other, he judged the time had come. The way she opened for him,
trusted him to get her through this humbled him.

folded a towel on the ledge at the end of the tub. With her head resting on her
folded arms, her breasts floated in the bath water. The caress of warm water on
them would add to her pleasure. He’d played with her nipples enough that they
had to be sensitive.

ready, Antonio.”

squeezed lube on his finger and spread the warmed gel over the tight rosebud. A
little more on his finger and he flattened the palm of his left hand on her
left cheek to steady her. His finger slipped effortlessly past her barrier. He
felt her tense, saw her body react.

he asked.

huh,” she said with a slight nod of her head. “I’m okay. It feels good.
Strange, but good.”

cock could hoist a mainsail it was so primed to take over the job. Ignoring his
erection was impossible, but he did his best to focus on what was important.

for me.” He stroked over her ass cheek to the small of her back, massaging
until her muscles gave way. “A little more now. Just my finger, babe. Nothing
to worry about.”

she was tight, but he managed to wiggle his finger a bit, twist it around, move
in and out enough to give her pleasure. After a while, she began to move her
hips, showing him what felt good.

yeah. You like the way it feels, don’t you?”

Oh, God, Antonio. It feels so good.”

onto that thought. This is going to feel good, too.”

wasn’t much good with his left hand, but he managed to locate the warmed butt
plug and coat it with lube, all with one hand while he continued to pleasure
her with the other. She moaned, moving with the slight motion of his finger.
The plug was bigger around and longer. She would feel it, that was for sure.

from her, he immediately pressed the tip of the plug against the slight hole
he’d created. She gasped but managed to keep her muscles relaxed. He pushed
harder. The plug dilated the ring of muscles, slipping inside easily. Seated,
she closed around it, holding it in place.

saw stars, remembered he needed to keep breathing or he would pass out. He
sucked in much needed oxygen, and when his vision cleared, he grabbed the rim
of the tub to steady himself. His cock throbbed, and his balls felt like hot
coals. The urge to replace the plug with his dick was so strong he was reaching
for the rubber toy before he came to his senses. She wasn’t ready for him yet.
She would take him in if he insisted, but it wouldn’t be as good for her as it
could be if he did this right. And he was damned sure going to do it right, for
her. His Clare.

that, sweetheart?”

Antonio. I’m so horny.”

know, babe.” Her pussy glistened. “Let me take care of that.”

she begged.

used his thumbs to part her folds. Her clit peeked out, all pink and plump, and
he couldn’t resist. He arched his back to get lower and flicked his tongue over
the needy bud. She moaned and pushed her ass toward his face.

got you.” He pressed his face to her pussy and allowed his tongue free rein.
She tasted better than any meal he’d ever had, and the added bonus was this
dessert was his. He was going to enjoy every minute of watching her take
pleasure from his friends, but this part of her was his. He’d fucking kill any
man who put his face between her legs.

was on the edge. He’d made sure to drag the foreplay out as long as possible,
knowing the higher her level of arousal, the easier it would be for her to take
the plug and enjoy it. He could sit right here, eating her pussy for the rest
of his life, but he’d kept her on edge for a long time, and he couldn’t wait
for her to experience her first orgasm with a solid object up her ass.

was she in for a surprise.

speared his tongue inside her, twisted it, sipped her juices. She wiggled her
ass, earning her a tiny swat on the rear that stilled her long enough for him
to give her one final, long tongue sweep. Then he covered her clit and sucked.
His tongue flicked against it a couple of times. She ground her ass against his
face, and with a keening wail that echoed off the tiled walls, she came.

held her ass tight, keeping her cheeks apart so she would feel the maximum
impact on the plug, all the while he continued to torment her clit. A fresh
wave of her arousal coated his cheeks, and he couldn’t help thinking next time
he wouldn’t shave before he ate her. See how she’d like the way his beard felt
against her pussy.

he’d wrung the last spasm from her, and she’d practically flattened him,
falling onto his face, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her trembling
body against him.

me how it feels right now. Any pain?”

It makes me feel full, but no pain.”

the orgasm?”

God, Antonio. There are no words.”







body had turned to putty. That first night, Antonio had carried her to bed.
He’d made sure the plug was properly seated then spread her legs and filled her
with such tender care she’d wept.

that will be Keith’s cock in your ass while I fuck you. Does that make you

tentatively moved against him. “Yes.”

the tension coiled inside her, and the images his words brought to mind only
escalated her need. But, he wouldn’t be rushed. Each stroke was measured and

babe. So you get used to the feeling. If it hurts, say Miners, and I’ll stop.”

hadn’t needed the code word that night or through the next two days. He had
changed the plugs regularly, each increasing in size. With each one, he gave
her time to adjust to it then he made love to her slow and gentle.

was about to go out of her mind with anticipation. She leaned over the
granite-topped kitchen island and watched him grill steaks on the indoor grill.
She hadn’t worn a stitch of clothing since he’d undressed her for the bath
their first night in the condo. He insisted she would feel less self-conscious
playing the game if she got used to being naked, as the game was a no clothes
zone from the first inning to the last.

seemed perfectly at home wearing nothing at all, and she was perfectly fine
watching his tight ass in the kitchen.

doing okay?” he asked.

This is the last one, right?” Sitting down was doable, but not desired.

had her doubts when Antonio had brought out the plug she currently wore,
certain there was no way it would go inside her. He’d taken her to the kitchen,
bent her over the counter, and proven her wrong.

turned. The apron he’d donned for safety’s sake tented in the front. “You can
stand at the counter and eat dinner. Then I’ll take the plug out, let you rest
for a while before I fuck you there. Do you think you’re ready?”

aren’t going to fuck me with the plug in, like we did with the other ones?”

but I’m going to fill your pussy with a life-sized dildo. Keith will be here
tomorrow, remember? You need to feel what it’s like, be certain you can handle
it, before then.”

leaked down her thighs. “Are you hungry?”

smiled. “Babe, you know I am.” He flicked a knob, turning the grill off.

him cross the room to stand beside her, her heart raced. He tweaked the plug,
causing her to gasp.

is about trust. I’m humbled you’ve given me as much as you have, but allowing
me to plug you is one thing. I don’t think you understand how much more trust
you’ll have to give up to let me fuck your ass. And it will require even more
to let my friends have you there.” He pressed against the plug with the heel of
his hand, his fingers dipping into her wet folds. “Are you ready?”

knees, already weak from two days of almost non-stop sexual arousal, nearly
gave out on her.

there.” His arms were around her in an instant then she was in his arms being
carried to the bedroom.


almost fainted or something,” he said, laying her gently on the bed, rolling
her to her stomach. “Let me see.”

buried her face in the covers and relaxed her ass cheeks. He knew that part of
her better than she did. He’d certainly seen it more than she ever had. After
applying more lube, testing the fit, and assuring himself she wasn’t in any
pain, he placed a kiss on her right cheek and pulled the comforter up to her
shoulders. “Don’t move.”

left her there, horny, and weak with need. He returned a few minutes later,
disappeared into the en-suite bathroom. She listened to the sound of running
water for what seemed like forever. The next time he appeared in her sight, he
had lost the apron. His erection was at full-mast, and he had a washcloth in
his hand.

need to speed this along,” he said, uncovering her. “Time for this to come out.
I’ve got the dildo warming in the bathroom sink. I’ll give it a few minutes to
warm up then I’ll make sure it fills you properly. It will take some getting
used to.”

head spun. He parted her cheeks. There was pressure against her anus then the
large plug popped free, and she sighed with relief.

look at your ass.” Something else enter her. “I can get three fingers in there
without any resistance.”

played for a little while until he forced a groan from her. He withdrew, draped
the warmed washcloth between her cheeks, and held them closed with one hand.

remember your word, right?”

she said.

I hate that team, but I’d hate to hurt you even worse, so don’t be afraid to
use it if you need to.”

fine. Really. I got weak-kneed in the kitchen thinking about what you said,
about putting all my trust in you.” She rose to her elbows and looked over her
shoulder at him. “Get the thing…the dildo, please. I want to feel you inside me.”

different, you know? I’m not sure how to explain it, having not been on the
receiving end, but I know it’s different. I want to do it to you, but you have
to understand, the trust goes both ways. I trust you’ll tell me if you hurt or
if there’s anything else going on I need to know. It’s emotional. That’s all
I’m sayin’. And you have to tell me if it’s too much for you.”

brushed a lock of hair behind her ear, his knuckle trailing along her jaw, over
her shoulder and arm then to her nipple, puckered and hard, begging in the
shadows for attention. She let him play, the distraction just what they both
needed at that moment.

furrowed brow eased as her body responded to his touch, and she was glad she
could alleviate his concerns.

promise to tell you if I feel…anything. Please, Antonio. I’m aching.”

rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, held it prisoner while he
spoke. “You’re sure? I was going to give you more time, an hour or two, at

you last an hour? I know I can’t. I’ll probably come as soon as you get inside

tugged on her nipple. A ripple of pain/pleasure shot straight to her pussy. “I
want it to be good for you. I want that more than anything.”

you, it’s always good.”

smile was tender. He palmed her breast and leaned down to place a kiss on her
forehead. “Rest. I’ll get everything we need and be right back.”

dropped down on the mattress. He checked to make sure the cloth was still in
place then pulled the comforter over her again. She closed her eyes, idly
wondering if he took this much care with the other women he’d been with.

woke to his hands on her, stroking her ass and thighs beneath the comforter.
His weight was a solid presence along one side of her body.

up, sleepy head.”

feels good.”

your legs for me, babe.”

on her stomach, she did as she was told. One large hand cupped her, his fingers
probing her sex. “Did I sleep?”

couple of hours.” His hand roamed upward, gently explored her nether hole. “Any

That feels good.”

need to see you to get the dildo in properly. I’m going to uncover you now.”

She opened one eyelid enough to see the room was dark except for a few candles
flickering around the room.

going to lift you. A pillow under your stomach will make this easier for both
of us.”

didn’t have a cooperating muscle in her body, but he had enough for both of
them. He lifted her hips easily and slid a pillow underneath, tilting her ass
up and open. She couldn’t even find the control to fist her hands as he
patiently explained his every move.

All over. Her pussy, her ass, her thighs. She would need a bath after this.

dildo has a cup on it.” He brought it to her face so she could see it. “This
part fits over your mound. Holds it in place.”

nodded at the enormous rubber toy. “’kay.”
Whatever you want. Fill me. Fuck

her legs again, he inserted the head, inquired about her comfort then, assured
she was handling it, eased it fully inside her. The front piece applied
pressure in just the right spot and the length and girth of the phallus
stretched her fully. He had her attention.

babe.” He massaged her thighs, her hips. “Use your word if you need to.”

feels…good. Big, but good.”

you can do this, you can take everyone I know.”


it is. But no sense using anything smaller. You have to know what the real
thing will feel like. That’s why so many women don’t complete the game. They
aren’t prepared for the reality.”

better now. Will they take it slow like this?”

you ask they will, otherwise, no. I told you, this isn’t easy. It can be a
brutal game if you aren’t up to it.”


chuckled and kissed each ass cheek. “And you’re going to get more. Ready?”

please, Antonio. Fuck me.”

together,” he said, urging her to close over the dildo, increasing the
perceived size.

straddled her thighs, spread her cheeks with both hands, and seated the head of
his cock at her entrance. “I put a condom on while you were still asleep. Can
you tell?”


It’s a thin one, so it shouldn’t interfere with your pleasure or mine.” He
rocked his hips, nudging at her anus. “You’re still open a little from that
last plug. I’m going to take it slow. Real slow.”

closed her eyes and, as she’d learned to do with the plugs, relaxed her body.
He entered her. Stopped, allowing her time to adjust. “Tell me what you feel.”

feels good. Kind of scary, you’re big all at once, not tapered like the plug.”

I know. I thought about using a dildo on you, but didn’t want to ruin the
experience for you.”

like this.”

took another inch then he rose up over her, keeping his weight off her by
bracing his hands on either side of her head. His thighs bracketed her hips,
and she could feel heat radiating off his body. And suddenly, understood what
he had been trying to tell her.

was different.

we go, babe. I’m counting on you telling me how you’re doing.”

hips flexed, and he slid inside her, lowering his chest to her back. His hands
found hers, pinning her to the mattress from head to toe.




brain scrambled to keep up with the sensory overload. For a split-second, her
body kicked in to fight mode.

sweetheart. It’s me. I’ve got you. You’re safe.”

words got through to her, and she relaxed.


filled her, body, soul, and heart. Her body was no longer hers, but his, and
her faith, her trust in him, was not misplaced. Warmth flooded her, tears
pooled behind her eyelids, and liquid desire gushed between her legs.

you’re magnificent. Clare. My Clare. Mine.”

she breathed.

here, love.” He wove his fingers with hers, curled her fists into his.

me. Please.”

withdrew almost all the way and filled her again. “I love you, Clare. I love
you so much.”

absorbed his words, certain the emotion behind them was equal to what she felt
for him. She gave herself to him, fully. With every motion, he claimed another
bit of her heart. Pleasure spiked each time he drove into her, pressing her
clit against the cup covering her mound. Tiny rubber fingers inside stroked her
sensitive nub, making her crazy, driving her up and up.

body, flush against hers, demanded her total submission. She gave it, unable in
this position to do anything but submit. If she said her word he would stop,
would let her up, but she wouldn’t, couldn’t. He’d tried to tell her, but no
way could he completely comprehend what a mind-fuck this was for her. He owned
her. By refusing to say her safe word, she gave everything to him. God help her
if he broke her trust because she’d have nothing left.

coiled in her center, and the last puzzle piece fell into place. He wanted one
final piece of her, her orgasm. Once he claimed that, he would have it all.
Again, her body contemplated fighting, but as if he sensed her reserve, he
demanded her complete surrender.

it to me, Clare.”

she gave it to him. She gave him every last gut-wrenching spike of pleasure.
She screamed his name and silently begged him to give her something of himself
in return.

Mother….” He slammed into her in short, hard thrusts. He rocked against her,
giving her a piece of himself with every spasm.

relaxed his arms, and his full weight came down on her, pressing her into the
mattress. Impaled, she was helpless beneath him. Weak with surrender, her heart
soared with an empowering realization. He’d given her all of himself—his body,
his soul, his love, his protection. Buried deep inside her, his heart beating a
rapid rhythm against her back. He was as much hers as she was his.

wish we didn’t ever have to move,” she said.

too, sweetheart.” He kissed the crown of her head. “Are you okay?”


in Heaven. Did you go there with me?”

did. I didn’t know….”

didn’t you know?”

it would be like this. You said it would be emotional. It is…and more.”

I crushing you?” He started to move, and she squeezed his fingers entwined with
hers to stop him.

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