Battle Magic (23 page)

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Authors: Tamora Pierce

Tags: #Speculative Fiction

BOOK: Battle Magic
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Monster stuck his head through an opening in the side of his carrier and squeaked. For a large cat, he had a very tiny voice. Briar grinned. “You don’t hold a grudge, do you, old man?”

Evvy staggered over, her eyes swollen with exhaustion. “I can’t do gate stones to keep them from straying,” she whined. “I’m too tired!”

“I’ll do herbs,” Briar said. “Don’t worry. That tent’s for you and Rosethorn. Go to bed.”

Evvy managed to crawl into the small tent. When he looked in shortly afterward, Briar discovered she had collapsed onto her open bedroll without crawling into it. He tugged her blanket off and covered her, silently thanking whoever had set up the tents.

Once he’d made the herb circle around the women’s tent so the cats could roam inside it, he released them from their baskets and fed them dried meat soaked in water. Then he went in search of a meal for himself.

The soldiers invited him to share theirs: a cup of butter tea and a bowl of dough mixed with cheese and tea, apparently the normal ration meal. Briar had eaten worse, and more unusual, dishes. He devoured his and thanked his hosts.

They chuckled. “Usually foreigners just spit it out,” the cook explained in
. Briar wasn’t about to tell them he hadn’t spat out far weirder things served by the emperor. They had agreed to
keep silent about their time in Dohan, for one. For another, he didn’t want these people thinking he was a snob.

“You won’t catch me wasting decent food,” he said truthfully. He bowed and returned to the captain’s fire.

Rosethorn was gone. “She went to bed,” Parahan told him. He was sharpening his swords. “Captain Rana here says the emperor’s troops attacked in strength up the Ice Lion Pass, the Green Pass, and out along the northern plain a week ago. General Sayrugo only had word of it two days ago. She wasn’t convinced until today that Yanjing might have sent forces up the Snow Serpent Pass. Most people have left it alone for attacks in the past. It’s too narrow for getting real numbers of troops into Gyongxe.”

“We didn’t see any soldiers before today, so they were ahead of us for certain. If they try to send more soldiers, they’ll have a fun time,” Briar said. “We choked the border crossing with thorns. They won’t get through those without a really good mage. We made the plants to resist axes, fire, and a lot of magic, Rosethorn and me.”

“The emperor hasn’t sent an army this way,” the captain replied. “Still, he can bleed us a bit, and tie up our troops here in the south with only the smallest portion of one of his armies if he chooses. He can afford to waste soldiers here; we can’t.” He got to his feet. “We ride before dawn and we’ll be riding hard all day. Get some sleep.”

By the time their journey into Gyongxe was done, Briar never wanted to hear the words “ride hard” again. His bum and thighs, used to the slow pace of caravan riding, were as blistered and
chafed as if he had just sat on a horse for the first time. Rosethorn and Evvy were no better off, and Parahan, after years afoot in Weishu’s palaces, was even worse. Night after night the four applied salves to their sores and did their best not to complain. It was too important to reach the people who had been their friends for those long winter months.

Rosethorn and Briar also patched wounds on their companions. Twice during their ride up the pass they were cut off by Yanjingyi soldiers and had to fight their way out. Rana said with grudging respect that these Yanjingyi warriors were enemies to be respected. They had seen Rana and his company ride east and done nothing. It was Rosethorn and her companions who brought them out of hiding to attack.

Every day the hills around them rose ever higher. Trees grew straight up, clamoring for each bit of sun. There were fewer broadleafs and more pines. Scrub and grass clung to the lower slopes where wild goats and yaks grazed in between ribs of naked limestone, shale, and granite.

It did not help Briar’s peace of mind in this land of stone that Evvy twice dropped loads of rock onto Yanjingyi attackers. In his head Briar knew that even if the cliffs and ridges that soared above the road were unstable, Evvy would redirect loose stone if it fell. In his heart he waited for a ton of boulders to drop on him. If he could do it without Evvy noticing, he sent a screen of tough ivy crawling over any area that looked like it might be inclined to fall, just in case.

After supper the night before they were due to reach Rana’s base, Fort Sambachu, Evvy walked out beyond the picket line of sentries. Sergeant Kanbab came running for Briar.

“The men chased her, trying to get her to come back. They didn’t dare call to her, and they kept tripping in the dark,” she explained as she led Briar to the place where his student had last been seen.

“On rocks,” he said. He didn’t need to ask.

“On rocks,” Sergeant Kanbab agreed. She left him when he could see the pale gleam of Evvy’s yak-skin coat. Briar followed Evvy until she halted on the edge of the riverbank. He called for some of the grasses there to sprout up in case Evvy slipped and tumbled into the icy water. She could control rocks, but not dirt.

When he reached her, he had to shout in her ear. She had chosen a spot right over a series of rapids. They boomed in the night.

“What are you
?” he cried. “The enemy could be nearby! And you scared the sentries!”

“The mountains sing.” Strangely enough, her voice was perfectly clear. “Not like the Yanjingyi singers do, or the Gyongxin warriors. It’s in my bones. They sing of caves and snow and vultures.”

“No, thank you!” Briar shouted. “I’m sure it’s lovely, you bleat-brained stone mage, but we’re going back to camp now! I bet your pocket stones will sing to you if you ask them nicely!”

“All right,” she said, as if he’d asked her to feed the cats. She linked her arm in his and walked peaceably back to the cook fires with him. She even apologized to Kanbab and the sentries. Briar was shivering by the time they sat down to get warm. These mountains weren’t like any others they had seen. She had liked the heights and the occasional glacier, but she hadn’t been strange about the mountains themselves. He remembered the skeletons stepping out of the cliff face not so long ago, and the knowledge
that, in Gyongxe, this kind of thing happened over and over. Evvy had been friendly with Gyongxe’s rocks all winter. What if they survived this war, and Evvy was too entangled with the stone and mountains of Gyongxe to leave? What could he say to her that would compete with the highest mountains in the world?


The sunrise was just touching the river the next day when the hills in the east ended in towering cliffs. They were free of the gorge. Half a mile on they found a wide bridge that crossed the Snow Serpent River. They turned south and rode across it, off the main road. A lesser road following a deep stream took them to a short and jagged hill where Fort Sambachu was built at the feet of the Drimbakang Lho mountains. By then Briar was leading Evvy’s pony. Her eyes were fixed on the soaring peaks ahead. In the gorge the hills had obscured the mountains beyond. Here Evvy saw the immense, snowy heights that stood between Gyongxe and the Realms of the Sun.

“See those three?” Kanbab asked Evvy, pointing to the nearest mountains. “According to the worshippers of La Ni Ma, our sun goddess, those mountains are her husbands. The east one is Ganas Rigyal Po, the Snow King. The west one is Ganas Gazig
Rigyal Po, the Snow Leopard King. And the one in the middle is Kangri Skad Po, the Talking Snow Mountain King.”

“What does that mean, the ‘Talking Snow Mountain King’?” Briar asked. He wasn’t sure if Evvy even heard.

Kanbab looked at Briar. “I think the worshippers feel he is the most conversational of the Sun Queen’s husbands.”

“The sun isn’t a queen in the Living Circle,” Evvy murmured.

Kanbab smiled at her. “But this is Gyongxe, the home of many faiths. Surely they told you that when you were here for the winter. Garmashing itself has more temples than even the God-King can count, it is said. People come here to build at least one temple for their faith because our realm is closest of all to the heavens, and our mountains hold them up.”

“And why do people want to be close to the gods?” Evvy wanted to know. “Back home, Shaihun does
things to people.”

Kanbab gave Briar a strange look.

“Shaihun is a god of the deep desert,” Briar explained. “Is that Fort Sambachu or a temple?”

“It’s the fort,” Kanbab said in confirmation. “Let those lowland creepers come against us there and see what they get!”

Briar had to admit, the fort looked promising. Its hill and its towers commanded a view of the pass, the road, and the grassy plain for a good distance. The curtain walls sloped inward and climbed the hill in steps, which would allow the archers on the highest level to shoot above the heads of those lower down. Around the outer walls an army of five hundred or more tents was camped, flying banners of crimson, turquoise, and emerald silks.

Evvy yelped and reined up, almost forcing her mount to rear. Briar instantly reached for her horse’s bridle, though he was trying to keep from pulling too hard on his own animal’s reins.

“Wait! Wait!” Captain Rana called, raising a hand. “It’s all right! They are allies, and welcome ones at that!”

Kanbab rested a hand on Evvy’s elbow. “If you’re this jumpy now, what will you do when you get to the war?” she asked. “We’re just getting ready for it. Garmashing is where you’ll find the real danger!”

Parahan rode up beside Evvy. “These — these are Kombanpur flags, but not my uncle’s or my father’s. What is going on here?” He dismounted and walked into the tent village.

“He’ll catch up with us,” Rana said. “Come on. The general’s waiting for you.”

Once inside the fort, they barely got a chance to wash up and release the cats in the rooms to be shared by Rosethorn and Evvy. Rana shooed the three travelers along the halls of the fortress to General Sayrugo’s audience chamber. There the notables were seated on one side of a long, worn table behind pots of the ever-present tea and teacups. Rosethorn, Briar, and Evvy watched as Rana marched up to an imposing bronze-skinned woman in a fire-orange tunic jacket. He presented her with the reports he had written each night on the road.

Then they saw the older man on the general’s right and forgot all about her and Rana. Evvy squeaked and threw herself around the corner of the table to hug First Dedicate Dokyi. Rosethorn and Briar were more restrained, but every bit as glad to see the older mage.

“Evumeimei, where is your dignity?” her most recent teacher asked as he patted her on the back.

“I don’t have any,” Evvy said, her voice muffled by the cloth of his habit.

Dokyi looked up at Rosethorn and Briar. “General Sayrugo has been good enough to allow me to read the reports she received from Captain Rana,” he said. “I understand you had a difficult time. Evumeimei, did you bring your cats?”

She straightened up, indignant. “Of course I did!” Then she saw his smile and realized that he was teasing. “Sorry, Honored Dedicate. You can visit them whenever you like.”

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