Battling Troy: Devil's Knights Series (2 page)

BOOK: Battling Troy: Devil's Knights Series
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“Dude, it's cheese. Of course it’s edible,” Meg said, reaching in and grabbing one.

The gas pump clicked off, and I handed the box back to Meg. “We need to get back on the road looking for Marley,” I said, hanging the nozzle back up.

“I know, I just needed to get something to eat. I was starving,” Meg said, cramming another mutant nacho cheese thing in her mouth.

“I’ll drive.” I grabbed the keys that were dangling from her fingertips and walked around the truck to the driver’s side.

“You better be thankful I have my hands full right now. Otherwise, I’d punch you in the junk, ass,” Meg said, sliding in on the other side and setting her bounty of snacks from the store in between us.

“So thankful. I don’t want to end up like Hunter,” I smirked, starting the truck and heading out of the parking lot.

“Ugh, please don’t mention Hunter, you’ll ruin my appetite.”

“Have you seen him since you punched him?” I asked, laughing. I still love when Meg tells the story of how she punched Hunter in the junk when he hit on her. I only wish I could have been there to see it. I had actually been friends with Hunter first and met Meg through him. Meg and I had started working together and then I had begun to see how Hunter really was. He always told his friends that Meg was the issue and was anti-social, but after working with her for a couple months, I started to see the real Hunter.

“No, thankfully I have not seen the douche king. Remy said he was limping for a couple of hours after it, but that’s all I heard,” Meg said as she grabbed her huge ass drink off the floor that she had wedged between her feet.

“Give me one,” I said, seeing there were only two mutant orange triangles left. Half the time I had to fight Meg to get food. Another reason I never thought of her as a girl, she was a fucking bottomless pit. She handed me one and shoved the other one in her mouth.

“Go to her house, maybe they dropped her off there,” Meg said around a mouthful.

I crammed the mutant orange triangle into my mouth and instantly moaned. Son of a bitch that was some good cheese.

“Good, right?” Meg asked, a huge smile on her face.

“Yeah, yeah, you were right again. You can’t go wrong when it comes to cheese,” I mumbled.

“Turn down Allan and then Chester and Marley is the third house on the left.”

“What the hell else did you buy?” I asked as I watched Meg rummage through the plastic bag.

“Licorice, three candy bars, and a bag of shrimp.”

“Fucking shrimp?!”

“Yeah, I thought I could make Lo some shrimp stir fry tonight,” she said as she put the bag on the floor by her feet.

Meg just bought fucking shrimp from a gas station. A. Fucking. Gas. Station.

“Are you trying to poison King?” I asked, turning down Chester.

“You’re a jackass,” Meg pouted. She crossed her arms over her chest and kicked the bag on the floor.

“Yeah, and you’re a fucking loon half the time.”

“Now I have to think of something else to make for dinner.”

“You can make him shrimp stir-fry, I just wouldn’t use shrimp from a fucking gas station.”

Meg huffed and turned to look out the side window. “Slow down, her house is on the left.” I slowed down and pulled over to the curb in front of her house just as Meg’s cell phone started ringing.

I glanced at Marley’s house, seeing that she lived only a little bit away from Ethel. I don’t know if I would want to live that close to the woman who was banging my dad.

“Wait!” Meg said, grabbing my arm as I reached for the door handle. “Head back to downtown,” Meg said to me, the phone still held to her ear.

“Why? Do we know where she is?” I asked, staring at Meg.

“Just drive. You are not going to believe this shit,” Meg said, ending her phone call and shoving her phone into her pocket.

“Tell me where the fuck we are going,” I demanded as I cranked up the truck and made a u-turn to head back the way we had just come.

“They know where Marley is.”


“Head to Curl Up and Dye.”

“What the fuck?”

“Marley broke a nail and she headed there to get it fixed,” Meg said, a grin spreading across her lips.

“That was her first thought after being released from kidnappers? The fucking nail salon?” I ask, outraged. That was fucking insane.

“Looks like you have your own loon to deal with now,” Meg laughed.

I shot Meg an eat shit look but didn’t say anything. I wouldn’t say Marley was a loon, but she sure had her priorities off I don’t know what she was thinking, but I sure as hell knew what I was thinking.

As soon as I got her alone, I was going to tell her exactly what I thought about going to a fucking salon instead of back to the clubhouse. Then her soft firm ass was going to find out what the palm of my hand felt like.



Chapter 3


“I really think you should get that looked at, hun. I don’t think you should have that large of a lump on the side of your head. It’s bulging,” Gwen said as she set the bottle of clear coat nail polish down and gazed worriedly at my head.

“I’ll be okay. I’m just waiting for those Tylenol you gave me to kick in.” I reached up and gently rubbed the side of my head with the palm of my hand, careful not to smudge the touch-up Gwen had just done.

Big A’s dumb as rocks henchmen had thankfully dropped me only two blocks away from the salon. The only smart thing to do was to walk to Curl Up and Dye to call Gravel and then have Gwen fix my manicure while I waited.

I had never been kidnapped before, so I’m not sure what the protocol is, but I’m pretty sure the Assassins missed the mark, big time. I was terrified when tweedle dee and tweedle dumb grabbed me, but as soon as they had opened their mouths in the van, I knew I was the victim of a second rate kidnapping.

I still had no idea how the hell they had thought that I was Cyn.  Cyn was all sweet and sexy siren, while, although I hate to admit, I tend to lean more towards Barbie. We were on completely opposite ends of the spectrum.

Thank God King had called when he did, because even though I wasn’t afraid of dumb and dumber, Big A scared the shit out of me. He may not look like much of a man, but I could tell there was a coldness behind his eyes that I didn’t want to see personally.

“Hell of a thing to happen to you on your day off. There goes your plans of finishing unpacking all of those boxes you have in the spare bedroom,” Gwen said, putting away everything on her station.

I had come to find out that in the time I had worked at the salon that Gwen was a bit of a neat freak, which really surprised the hell out of me. Gwen was pure rockabilly to the core. A definite throwback to the 1950’s. She always wore amazing dresses and the most killer shoes I had ever seen.

Today she had on a black swing dress with tiny red polka dots all over it, and her breasts were barely contained. I had been taken back by her, shall we say, ‘breast independence,’ when I had first met her. Now I’m pretty sure if I saw her in a turtleneck, I would be shocked.

“So what were you doing last night that got you kidnapped?”

“I was leaving the clubhouse early this morning with fond memories of sleeping in my own bed when dumb and dumber had grabbed me.” I held my hand up in front of me and blew on my nails, helping them dry faster.

“You told me that, I meant what, or should I say who, kept you at the clubhouse so late?”

The most amazing guy I had ever met? A guy I wish I would have just stayed in bed with? Mr. Right? Ugh. I seriously didn’t know who the fabulous man I spent the night with was, and I doubted I would ever find out. “Just a guy,” I said vaguely.

“Well, was this guy worth getting kidnapped over?”

So worth it. Three orgasms worth. “I guess.”

“You guess?” Gwen said, resting her hands on her hips. ‘I bet-,” Gwen started but was cut off by the truck that screeched to halt in front of the salon. I saw Meg hop out of the passenger side and breathed a sigh of relief that it was her that has come to get me and not Gravel. I wasn’t up for our strained and awkward relationship.

“Holy hell, who is that tall drink of water?” Gwen asked from behind me.

I shifted my eyes to the driver side, expecting to see King following Meg into the salon, but my jaw dropped when I saw it was Mr. Right from last night. What the hell was he doing with Meg? I had asked him last night if he was part of the club and he had said he wasn’t. What a fucking liar. I had seen my own father choose the club over me countless times, and I knew that I did not want to be with a man who had anything to do with the Devil’s Knights. Mr. Right had just turned into Mr. Hell No.

“He’s all yours,” I said, turning away from the front window. As I was standing up, I heard the roar of motorcycles coming down the street, and I knew I wasn’t as lucky as I thought I was. Now I had my father here and also the guy I had slept with last night. This might get interesting.

“I’m going to go grab some popcorn and watch the biker show,” Gwen said, ducking behind the front reception desk as the front door swung open. Meg and Mr. Hell No walked in and looked around.

I kept my gaze on Mr. Hell No, waiting to see his reaction. It was worth the wait.

His gaze traveled up my body, caressing every inch of me. I fidgeted under his gaze and rubbed my hands on my jeans.

“Holy shit! What happened to your head?” Meg shouted as she walked towards me.

I ripped me gaze off of him and focused on Meg. “It’s nothing.”

“That sure doesn’t look like nothing. It looks like they took a baseball bat to your head. Maybe you should sit down,” Meg said, pulling one of the chairs that was pulled up to the manicure station and pushed it towards me.

“I’m fine, promise. I took some Tylenol and just need to rest once I get home.”

“The only place you are going is the hospital,” Mr. Hell No growled at me.

My eyes opened wide, shocked at his words. Who the hell was he to tell me what I was going to do. He was just a one night stand that I had no plans of revisiting, no matter how tempting he looked right now.

“I told her she should have gone to the hospital instead of here, but she didn’t listen,” Gwen replied, popping up from behind the reception desk.

“Holy shit,” Meg said, jumping back from Gwen. “Where the hell did you come from?”

“I needed snacks,” Gwen said, holding up a bag of popcorn she always had stashed and shoved a handful into her mouth.

“Sweet,” Meg said, holding her hand out for some. I watched as Meg and Gwen eyed each other up, deciding if the other was alright. From what I knew of Meg, she and Gwen were going to be two peas in a pod. Neither one thought before they spoke and were the life of the party.

“Seriously, you get kidnapped and then they let you go and this is the first place you go, a fucking salon?” Mr. Hell No thundered at me.

“Hey, look-” I started, but Meg interrupted me.

“Troy, lay off. She’s OK,” Meg said around a mouthful of popcorn.

Troy? Holy hell, this was Troy? The guy who last night’s party was for and the guy I had slept with. Shit. I had to sit down. My head was swimming with the fact Mr. Right had turned into Mr. Hell No and now turned into Troy. Plus, my head really wasn’t feeling the greatest. The pills Gwen had given me had barely touched the freight train running through my head.

I pulled the chair to me Meg had offered before and plopped my ass in it. I leaned forward, resting my head in my hands, careful to not hit the huge bump on the side.

“Where the hell is she?” Gravel boomed as he walked through the front door. Oh great, just what I needed, my father added to the shit storm rolling through my head.

“Over here,” I mumbled, waving my hand in the air.

“Jesus Christ, Troy. What the hell did you do to her?” Gravel said as he walked over and kneeled down in front of me.

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