Bayou Corruption (20 page)

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Authors: Robin Caroll

BOOK: Bayou Corruption
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e've taken Martin Gocheaux into custody since Sheriff Theriot confirmed his involvement in the assault to me. We've also detained Roger Thibodeaux.” Agent Lockwood glanced at his notes on the table before looking back at Jackson. “This is Garrett Olson from ATF.”

The young man shook Jackson's hand. Jackson's head swam with information overload. Five days had passed since Bubba had come out of a coma. Five short days in which the government officials had followed up on Jackson and Alyssa's investigation like lightning.

“We're still working on getting the name of the other assailant from Roger and Martin, but so far, they aren't giving anybody up,” said Agent Lockwood.

“But you'll keep trying?”

“Certainly.” Olson grinned. Something told Jackson the ATF would like a crack at the old politician.

“Any luck on finding out details about Claire LeBlanc's accident?”

Lockwood nodded. “We're looking into it. I think Roger will break down and spill his guts once we get him to crack.”

“With the information we've processed so far, we believe Gocheaux was the man who chased Ms. LeBlanc in the bayou.”

“And shot at her,” Jackson reminded them. The memory gave him chills. “What about the dock manager, Burl?” Did the man know Jackson had been instrumental in implicating him?

“He claims Roger paid him not to inspect certain shipments. Says he had no clue what was in the crates,” the FBI agent answered.

“We'll keep looking into his story. Right now,” Olson popped his knuckles, “we're checking each and every connection to Roger and Martin. A couple of names have come up on both lists, so we'll start looking at them. Starting with the pilot they both apparently know.”

“Ah, the money drops in the bayou.”

Olson nodded. “Right. We figure if we get him, he'll tell us who else was involved, even if Roger and Martin never sing.”

“Sounds like this is all wrapping up.” Jackson made a final memo in his notebook and closed it. “And the senator?”

“We've tried to reach him for questioning, but his wife says he's out of town the rest of the week.” Olson heaved to his feet. “We'll stay on it until we get the truth, Mr. Devereaux. And that includes the senator's involvement.”

“Looks like we'll be done by the end of the month.” Lockwood stood.

“Heard the sheriff will be just fine,” Olson said.

Jackson smiled. “They moved him to a regular room yesterday. He'll start his physical therapy in a couple of weeks, but he should be able to come home before then.”

“That's really good.” Lockwood slapped his thigh. “Well, just wanted to come by and give you an update. Felt like we kind of owed you an exclusive.”

Kind of? Yeah, right. But Jackson kept his mouth closed and shook the agents' hands. “I appreciate it. Anything else I can do to help, let me know.”

“Oh, one more thing,” Lockwood said. “Will you tell Ms. LeBlanc we appreciate her assistance, too?”


Alyssa hung up the phone and stared at the picture of her parents. The call had been one of the hardest she'd ever made, but peace now flooded her. Right or wrong, she'd made her decision and there'd be no turning back.

I'm sorry, Momee, but I have to listen to my heart now.

She smoothed her white shirt before squeezing into the bathroom.

“You look pretty,” CoCo told her. “You do, too, Tara.”

The three sisters crowded into the bathroom, each putting final touches on their hair or makeup.

“Is Felicia over-the-moon excited?” Tara coated her lips with a mocha shade lipstick.

“She is.” CoCo sprayed perfume on her wrist and rubbed. “They set Thanksgiving Day as the wedding date.”

“Aw, how romantic.” Tara sighed.

“I think it is.” CoCo stepped into the hallway. “Come on, we're going to be late. Luc and Fels will kill me if I'm not there on time. Somebody has to run interference with Hattie.”

“How is the mother of the bride-to-be?” Alyssa asked.

“Driving Fels crazy, of course.” CoCo giggled and clapped her hands. “Come on, we need to get.”

“I still have to finish my hair,” Tara complained.

Alyssa laughed. Their cutting up while getting ready for a big to-do brought back so many memories. Picking on each other and their taste in dresses before proms and homecomings. Dates waiting in the living room, having to listen to Grandmere and voodoo. A knot wedged in Alyssa's stomach. No, she wouldn't let bad memories spoil her happiness with her sisters. Not tonight.

“Come on,” CoCo coaxed.

“Why don't you go on? Tara and I will be along shortly.”

“Are you sure?” CoCo popped her hands on her hips.

Alyssa and Tara burst out laughing.

“What?” their oldest sister asked.

“You always did that.” Alyssa waved toward CoCo. “Putting those hands on your hips and giving us orders.”

“I did not.”

“Yes, you did,” Tara quipped. “Still do, apparently.”

“Oh, you two.” CoCo stuck her tongue out at them. “You'd better be right behind me.”

Alyssa and Tara laughed while she strode away.

“You know, I understand why you cut and highlighted your hair.”

Alyssa stared at her little sister in the mirror. “You do?”

“Yep.” Tara blotted her lips on a tissue. “I've always lived in CoCo's shadow, too.”

“That's not exactly it.”

“Then explain it to me.”

With her hip cocked, digging into the side of the counter, Tara had no idea how much she looked like CoCo. Alyssa bet she wouldn't appreciate the comparison.


“I wanted to change when I left Lagniappe. Be somebody different. Totally make myself over.”

“Because you hate this place so much.”

“Yes. No.” Alyssa shook her head. She wasn't doing this right. “I did.”

“And now?”

Alyssa shrugged. “I don't hate it so much.”

Tara smiled. She really was a beautiful young woman. “Does that have anything to do with Jackson Devereaux being here?”

Heat washed over her face. “He's from New Orleans. Not Lagniappe.”

“But he's here now.”

Her little sister had a point. “Yes, he is.”

“What do you plan to do about that?”


Tara sighed and shook her head. “You know, you and CoCo are the big sisters—you're supposed to have a clue about what's going on. But neither one of you can figure out what's right in front of your faces.”

“Well, please don't keep me in suspense. Tell me what I'm not seeing.” This was fun, connecting with her sister.

“You're in love with him.”

That wiped the smile off Alyssa's face. She grabbed the comb and picked at her bangs. “I can't be in love with someone I've only known for weeks.” But she had a strong hunch her sister was dead-on right.

“Really?” Tara laughed. “Who do you think you're fooling?”

She set the comb on the counter. “Is it that obvious?”

Tara laughed again. “Only to those of us who know you.” She wrapped an arm around Alyssa's shoulders. “Have you told him?”

“Mercy, no. I couldn't do that.”

“Why not?”

“I just couldn't.”

Tara made a clucking sound.


“Well, it shouldn't be that big of a deal.”

“How's that?”

Tara shrugged. “He's in love with you, too.”


He knew the moment she walked into the Trahan house. He sensed her presence as he had that day in church.

Alyssa's smile lit up the foyer as Luc took her purse and directed her to the dining room for refreshments. Jackson noticed the other men in the room focusing on her as well. Something burned in his gut. He made quick strides to reach her. “Hi, there.”

She looked at him, a laugh teasing her lips. The lips he wanted to kiss so badly he ached. “Hi, yourself.”

“You look lovely.” What an understatement. In black slacks and a white tuxedo-style shirt that accented every curve, she wasn't lovely. More like breathtaking.

“You clean up nice, too.”

If he kept this up, he'd be drooling at her feet any second. “Let me get you a drink?”

“A cola would be nice. Thank you.” Why did she seem so shy all of a sudden?

He headed to the set-up bar, grabbed a soft drink and returned to her. “Here ya go,

“Thanks.” She took a sip, her eyes touching his soul over the rim.

“Agent Lockwood and the agent from ATF came by this afternoon.”


He gave her a brief update. Brief because his tongue felt as if it had swollen to three times its natural size, and words were hard to form.

“At least they're making progress. I just know in my heart now that Mouton is involved.” She lowered her eyes. “And was involved with my parents' murders.”

“They gave me all the information so I could write an article for the paper.” He swallowed. Hard. “I made you a copy of my notes for your piece.”

“I'm not going to write a piece on this.”

“You aren't?” Didn't she realize he'd handed her what would probably the biggest story of her career so far? “Why not?”

“I quit my job today.”

“You really did it?”

Alyssa laughed, that throaty sound that did strange things to his insides. “Now you sound like my editor Simon.”

“Are you sure about this?”

“I don't want to do it anymore. And besides, I don't want to compete with you.”

He took a moment to study her, really look into her eyes. She had a serenity about her. “Are you going to put your stories on your laptop now?”

She smiled. “I'm going to try.”

“That's great,
You'll be awesome.”

“At least I have some money saved up to live on. And CoCo told me I could move back home.”

“Sounds like you've got it all worked out.”

“For a while, anyway.”

“Why, Alyssa LeBlanc, how wonderful to see you,” a woman said in a high-pitched tone. Loudly.

Alyssa winked at Jackson. “Luc's mother,” she mouthed at him before turning to face Hattie Trahan. “Mrs. Trahan, how lovely to see you. And don't you look smashing.”

Hattie patted her pristine hair. “Aren't you precious to say such a thing?” Her gaze lit on Jackson. “I don't believe I've had the pleasure. I'm Hattie Trahan.”

Oh, he'd known many of these older debutantes back in New Orleans. He bowed low and kissed her proffered hand. “Jackson Devereaux.”

“My, if I were younger, I do believe I'd swoon.”

A blush hinted on Alyssa's face. He wanted to laugh, but knew she'd probably belt him one if he did. “It's an honor to meet you, Mrs. Trahan.”

Luc appeared at her side. “Mother, can I steal you away for a minute? The caterers have questions.”

Hattie waved her hand at Jackson and Alyssa. “A woman's work is never done. I'll see y'all later.”

Jackson had never felt such gratitude before as when Luc whisked Hattie away. “She's quite the character I take it?”

Alyssa opened her mouth to reply, then froze. All peace fled her face. She turned whiter than white.

“What is it?” He grabbed for her elbow.

“Him,” she whispered.


“Senator Mouton. He's here.”


ackson tugged Alyssa close to his side. Out of town? Not hardly. He needed to call Lockwood.

CoCo appeared at his elbow. “The happy couple is making their way here. Come on.” She gently pushed him toward the living room, then headed off toward Luc.

He whispered into Alyssa's ear. “Let's just give our congratulations to Luc's sister and fiancé and then we can go.”

She shook her head, but her face still matched the white of her shirt. “He's not going to run me off. Who does he think he is, showing up here?”

“What does Luc's sister look like?” Jackson scanned over people's heads, hoping to single out the engaged couple.

“She's got the bluest eyes you've ever seen, honey-colored hair and an infectious smile. Oh, and she's in a wheelchair.”

He glanced about and finally spotted the woman whose smile lit up the entire room. He led Alyssa in that direction.

“Alyssa!” the bright young woman hollered as she spied them. She held out her arms. “It's so good to see you.”

Alyssa plastered on a smile and hugged her. “You, too. Felicia Trahan, this is Jackson Devereaux.”

He gave a low bow and kissed her hand. “The pleasure is mine.” Her blue eyes were hypnotic.

Felicia giggled. “Now, that's a Southern gentleman for you.”

“Where's this husband-to-be of yours?” Alyssa asked.

“I don't know. He was just here. Probably went to get me another mint julep. I'm parched.” She nodded and smiled as people moved past her. “Did CoCo tell you I'm having my surgery next week?”

“No. What surgery?”

“They're going to operate on my legs. Doctors say I have a seventy-five percent chance of being able to walk.” She smiled, happiness shining in her eyes. “I'm determined to have Luc escort me down the aisle.”

“Oh, girl, that's great.”

“Yeah.” Felicia tilted her head. “Oh, there's my man now. Sweetheart, I want you to meet some people.”

Alyssa and Jackson turned to greet Felicia's fiancé.

Jackson tipped his head and shook the man's hand. “Hello, Frank.”


Alyssa gripped Jackson's arm. “Am I missing something?”

Felicia frowned. “Do you know each other?”

Jackson shifted his weight from one foot to another. “Yeah.”

“Jax works on the docks, Licia.” Frank moved to stand by her wheelchair. “The sheriff introduced us.”

“But I thought you were a reporter, Mr. Devereaux, yes?” Felicia's brows knitted. “I still don't understand.” Felicia stared up at her fiancé.

Frank whispered something to his bride-to-be, then narrowed his eyes at Jackson. “So, anything new?”

Jackson gave a curt nod toward the senator. Frank's eyes widened.

“I need to run to the ladies' room,” Alyssa blurted out.

“Oh, down the hall and to the left,” Felicia replied.

“I'll walk you,” Jackson said. He nodded at the couple. “We'll see y'all in a few.”

They took their leave.

“You could've told me he was helping you,” Alyssa hissed.

“I didn't want to tell anyone.” He grasped her elbow. “You know how dangerous these people are. I couldn't let his name out for fear they'd go after him.”

“You could've told
” Hurt wove into her words.

When they turned left at the end of the corridor, Jackson cast a glance behind them. Frank and Felicia had already moved to mingle with a group in the middle of the living room. Jackson took out his BlackBerry and punched in the number for Agent Lockwood. He waited as the call rang and went to voice mail. Hanging up, he dug in his pocket.

“What are you doing?”

“Looking for Agent Olson's number. Lockwood isn't answering.”


“I want to let them know Mouton is here. His wife told them he was out of town, remember?”

Olson answered on the second ring. After Jackson explained the situation, the ATF officer assured Jackson that he'd leave that minute. Jackson put away his BlackBerry and held Alyssa's hand. “He's on his way.”

“What do we do in the meantime?”

“Act like nothing's wrong. We don't want Mouton to get suspicious and bolt.”

Her face twisted into a grimace.


“It's still hard to believe he's probably involved in all of this.”


He pulled her into his arms. “
we'll get the truth out.” Her hair smelled so good. Like wildflowers growing along the country roads of the bayou. He brushed his lips against her temple. His heart surged at the connection.

“I know that, but my emotions are all tied up.” She snuggled against his chest.

“Alyssa, there's something we need to talk about.”

“Mm-hm.” She hadn't opened her eyes yet.

“I think I'm falling in lo—”

“Jackson, there's a man here to see you,” Luc said, clearing his throat.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, Jackson released Alyssa. “We're on our way,” he told Luc, who nodded and headed down the hall.

“Must be Olson,” Alyssa said, her cheeks still bright.

He took her hand and walked beside her. “I'm going to get this out if it kills me.”

She laughed, the familiar warmth spreading to his toes. “Seems like we're always getting interrupted.”

Just before they entered the living room, he tugged her to a stop and turned her to face him. “This won't wait.” His Adam's apple felt the size of a watermelon. “I think I'm falling in love with you, Alyssa LeBlanc.”

He turned and strode into the living room.

Let her simmer about that for a while.


Falling in love with me?

He just blurted it out and walked away. Oh, who did he think he was? Dropping such a bombshell, then leaving?

Yet her heart laughed. He felt the same way about her as she did him. Not only that, he'd been the one to say it.

She followed the path he'd taken, spied him talking with Agent Olson, and moved to stand beside him. She slipped her hand in his and squeezed. He smiled at her, but continued his whispered discussion with the officer.

Uncertainty etched deep into the ATF agent's face. He ran a hand over his crew cut. “I don't want to cause a major scene here.” He glanced over the party. “He's sticking to Mrs. Trahan like glue. I need one of you to try and get her away from him. I'd like to avoid involving anyone else, and don't want this to turn ugly.”

“Alyssa, can you distract Mrs. Trahan?”

“I can try.”

Jackson stood straight. “I'll get Mouton to take a walk with me outside, using my reporter status as enticement.”

Agent Olson nodded. “Okay, then.” He laid a hand on Alyssa's shoulder. “Ready?”

“I think so. Yeah.”

Jackson kissed her so quickly his lips were gone before she registered them on hers. “Be careful.” He winked.

Her heart thudded, but not from the excitement of the situation. She straightened her shoulders before walking across the room, weaving around people.

She nodded at the couple as she approached. “Evening, Senator. Hey, Mrs. Trahan, can I talk to you for a sec?” She laid her hand on Hattie's forearm.

“Sure.” Hattie studied Alyssa's face. “Are you okay? Is something wrong?”

Alyssa felt, more than saw, Jackson's scrutiny. She forced her voice not to warble. “Everything's fine. I just wanted to ask you something.” She racked her mind, searching. “About Luc and CoCo.”

“Are they okay?” Hattie's gaze darted around the room.

“They're fine. I just wanted to run something by you right quick.” She smiled sweetly at the man responsible for killing her parents. “Will you excuse us a moment?”

Alyssa didn't wait for an answer. She turned Hattie toward the den.

Her part was done. She caught sight of Jackson. He strode toward Senator Mouton, who'd taken a couple of steps to follow them.

“Senator, may I have a quick word with you outside? The
is doing an in-depth report on the election.” Jackson delivered his lines just loud enough for others to turn and stare at him and Mouton.

Alyssa held her breath and slowly kept leading Hattie. She saw CoCo and Luc talking to a server and headed in their direction. Hattie would most likely be mortified that such a scandal would occur on her property. Her family came from generations of Southern gentry—no disgrace should be mentioned in connection with the Trahan name. Then again, after Justin's arrest a few months ago for murder…

“What are you two up to?” CoCo asked.

“I need to talk to you for a second,” Alyssa said.

Hattie jerked her head. “Wait a minute. I thought you said you needed to talk to me about CoCo and Luc?”

“What's going on?” Luc asked.

Oh, no matter how she did this, the end result wouldn't be pretty. Alyssa took a deep sigh and locked stares with her sister. She filled them in on the turn of events. “Agent Olson's here now. Jackson's taking Mouton outside.”

“What're y'all talking about? I don't understand. Would somebody please tell me what's happening, yes?” Hattie's hands trembled as she wrung them.

CoCo wrapped an arm around Luc's mother, speaking in hushed tones. Luc glanced toward the French doors leading to the patio. “Maybe I should check and make sure everything's okay.”

“I think that'd be a good idea,” Alyssa said.


A gunshot rang out. Alyssa's blood ran cold.


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