Bayou Stix Series: Bayou Stix Limited Edition Box Set (108 page)

BOOK: Bayou Stix Series: Bayou Stix Limited Edition Box Set
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My head is thrown back with my hair tickling his thighs as he feasts on my breasts and fucks me with his magical fingers. I’m moaning and writhing. I want to touch him, but there’s no way in this position. My back is bowed like a string and one wrong move will have me falling over. I don’t want the sensations to stop.

His thumb is pressing against my clit as his middle finger is thrusting into my slick channel and I’m about to scream. He bites my nipple and I cry out in pleasure pain. My body is convulsing from the extreme sensations, yet he doesn’t stop. He keeps fingering me as my muscles pull against him.

I slump against his shoulder and he chuckles. He bites my shoulder blade and licks my neck as he groans against me. “I’m not done with you yet.”

Smiling lustily, I stand on wobbly legs, push my pants and panties to the floor, and step out of them. He stares at me as I kneel in front of him and reach for his belt buckle. As I get it undone and unbutton his pants, he lifts his hips to help me remove his shorts. I slide them down his long legs and stare at the “V” of his waist and how it points straight at the cock I am so fond of. Leaning down, I kiss the tip and lick the single drop off it. He leans his head back on the couch and his hips involuntarily rise.

Groaning as I circle the tip, he says, “Front pocket. Condom. Put it on me! I need to be inside of you. Now!”

My nipples tighten and I feel another flood down below with his commanding words. Reaching out, I slip my hand into his pocket and pull out a pack of three condoms. “Pretty sure you were getting lucky here, Mr. Rodrigue?!”

He moans as I tear it and open and roll it over him, grasping him firmly as I do. “A man can hope, can’t he?”

Standing up and presenting him with my back, I mutter, “Yes, he can.” and I sink onto him. He glides in as if he’s never left. Rolling my hips with my feet planted on the floor has my eyes rolling back into my head.

Dade mutters, “Dear God, that. Yes,
.” as I ride him.

Lifting my feet onto the couch and anchoring my hands behind me, I move. My thighs are quivering with every motion. I can feel the energy building inside of me as I bounce. He’s pressing against my walls and I’m starting to spasm. He thrusts up as I come down and the slapping sounds are echoing through the room, along with our moans and heavy breathing.

He grabs my hips and holds me in place as he rams into me over and over. His balls are slapping my ass cheeks and he’s hitting my sweet spot with every thrust.

“Dade. Yes, fuck me. Harder! Fuck me harder. God, give it to me.
F…u….c…k… m…e.

I lose my balance he’s fucking me so hard, but I beg him not to stop.

Standing, he sets me on my knees on the couch and presses my hands onto the back. Kneeling behind me, he thrusts harder and faster. My head is jerking from the force. I’m holding onto the couch for dear life. His hands are on the back of my neck, anchoring me, as he impales me.

This is what I want. This is what I need. I can’t hold in my screams. “
I’ve missed this so much. Never stop. Ohhhhhh, don’t stop!”

I feel his thighs shaking behind me and his body tensing. His thrusting gets more frenzied. Using my knees, I push back against him as fucks me. As he hits my spot one last time, I scream out so loud I’m sure my neighbors can hear. “
Fucking yes. Oh, baby. Y…E…S!”
and moisture floods my thighs.

He slams into me a final time and roars my name as he cums,

My arms give out and I slump onto the couch. He follows me down and leans over me as we both breathe erratically, as if we’ve just run a marathon.

I catch my breath enough that I think I can talk. He fucked the breath out of me and it was amazing! I chuckle. It pushes him out. I laugh even harder.

Dade pulls off of me and slides to the floor. He lies down. I lie on the wet couch and roll to look down at him. I grin.

He grins back.

“Three condoms?”

He throws his head back and laughs. “Yeah. I debated about bringing more.”

I grab the nearest throw pillow and toss it at him. He catches it and lays it behind his head as he winks. “I’ve fucked you before. I know how insatiable you are, you horny woman. Look at just now. You jumped me.”

Sitting up, I glare at him. “I did not jump you! You came to my house! You kissed me! You brought condoms!”

He throws his hands up as he laughs. “Yeah, I did. But, I only kissed you. You attacked me and instigated the naked.”

Shit. He’s right. I did get him to take my shirt off and I undressed both of us. It’s not my fault. He’s too sexy! And I knew what that body looked like under that Thundercats shirt. And tasted like. And felt like.

Ok, maybe three condoms isn’t enough…

Rolling my eyes at him, I cross my arms over my chest. He watches my boobs press together. I see his crotch jump.

Leaning down, I flick it with my fingertip. He jumps.

I laugh. “Whatever. It’s your fault.”

“What’s my fault?” He pulls off the condom and ties it before crossing his hands behind his head and bending his knee which makes his glistening dick lay against his thigh. I’m captivated by the sight. “Melonie.”

What? What did he say?

He chuckles. “Yo, Dr. Bird. I need a minute here, so how about you stop looking at my dick like you’re about to climb back on it and focus on me?!”

My mouth pops open and closed. I drag my gaze away from his glorious anatomy and trail it over his abs to his tattooed chest, before settling on his face.
Dear lord that is an amazing face.

He pats the floor next to him. I arch my brow in question. Pointing to the corner of the couch where the throw was pushed in our frantic coupling he says, “Grab that and come down here.”

He wants me to lay on the floor?!


“Grab that blanket and come here. It’s pretty comfy and that couch is not big enough for both of us.” He states with a smirk.

Grabbing the blanket, I slide onto the floor and lay near him propping my head on my hand. “Ok, I’m here, Your Highness. Now what?”

He chuckles and leans over to kiss me lightly. As he pulls back, his face draws tight for a minute.

That can’t be good. What now?

I ask, “What is that look for?”

He sighs and rolls onto his back. “Why did you tell me your name was Rayne?”

I sigh, too. I knew this was coming. “My name is Rayne. Melonie Rayne.” He glances over at me. “I didn’t lie. I just didn’t tell you the whole truth, Dade.”

He rolls back and props his chin on his arms as he looks at me. “I know. I kind of figured that was what it was. I wasn’t completely honest either. I didn’t tell you I was a rock star.”

I laugh. “No, no you did not tell me that. How did we spend so much time together and no one let it slip, Dade? I mean, I’ve seen how famous y’all are now. That’s kind of weird that no one stopped you or came up to you for photos or anything.”

He grimaces. “They did. The first day I got there. I was on the beach. The regular beach. I fell asleep and apparently people were filming me and taking photos. The resort saw and gave me the private cabana to stop it from happening.” He shrugs. “And it happened after that a few times too, you just never saw it and St. John isn’t as bad as St. Thomas would have been. It’s why I chose it.”

I nod. That makes sense. So, what now?

We both just lay there in silence. He’s the first to speak. “Melonie?”

I look over. He’s watching me. “Yeah?”

He frowns and sits up. What the hell?!

“You said you like country music and that’s why you didn’t know who I was or about the band.”

Ok, where is this going? I nod. “That’s right.”

He smiles widely. “There’s this concert next month. This huge concert. Bayou Country Superfest.” My eyes widen and my mouth drops open. He chuckles. “Have you heard of it?”

Is he serious?! Have I heard of it? Oh my God. Of course I’ve heard of it! It’s one of the biggest country concerts around! I’ve been dying to go, but I never got tickets and now they’re sold out.

I nod and squeak out, “Yes, I’ve heard of it. Why?”

He laughs again. “I have a suite. Well, the band does. We have the same manager as Luke Bryan so we have tickets for the weekend. Would you like to go?”

Shut the fuck up! Bayou Stix has the same manager as Luke Bryan! LUKE BRYAN! Dade just asked me to go to the largest country event this city has ever seen. Dade is famous and he’s asking me if I want to go to something with him?

Wait… is this a date?! Would I go WITH him or just go?

Dade is a rock star and Luke Bryan is country… is this real!?

I’m blinking trying to understand all of this. Finally, I ask, “What do you mean ‘would I like to go?’ Are you asking me as a friend? I’m not sure what it is you’re asking. Who all would be going?”

He’s enjoying my confusion. “I mean do you want to come to the concert? I’m asking you to come with me. Everyone is going, I’d imagine. Most of us actually listen to the people playing.”

“Who is everyone?”

“Me, you. Jude, his wife, Lexi, Jessie, his fiancée, Blue, Liam, Clove, Cruz, Bradi, Micah, Erik, and Alec.”

I have no idea who these people are. All of them are in the band?!
“Who are those people?!” I ask uncertainly.

He reaches out and takes my hand. It stops me from pulling at the carpet. I didn’t even realize I’d been doing that. “Jude is the lead singer. Lexi is his wife. Jessie is the lead guitarist. Blue is his fiancée and she works with Clove and Bradi at Rock With Me. Bradi is kind of our publicist. Micah is her boyfriend. Liam and Clove you already know. Cruz is our drummer. Erik is Lexi’s best friend and business partner over at Java and Sweeties and Alec is his boyfriend.”

Oh my God. I’ll never remember that. I’m going to need note cards. He knows the girl who bakes at Java and Sweeties?! She is brilliant! Her stuff is amazing.

I’m nodding as I process. “Ok, I’m never going to remember that, but yes, I would love to go. I’ll study beforehand and remember everyone’s names. I’ll try not to act like an idiot, too.”

He looks at me inquisitively. “Why would you act like an idiot?”

Throwing my hands up, I look at him from under my hair. “I don’t hang out with famous people, Dade! I’m a doctor. I talk to doctors, nurses, and patients. I don’t know how to talk to famous people.”

He snickers. “You talk to me!”

I shove him. “You don’t count! I didn’t know you were famous!”

He catches me and rolls us both so I’m underneath him. “Nope, just that I was insanely hot!”

Laughing, I slap his shoulders. He kisses me and I stop squirming.

Another one of the condoms is put to use.

Later, he showers with me and we are lying propped in my bed, watching Food Network, my go to channel. He laughs. “Clove always has this on, too.”

I giggle. “Well, she is a chef.”

He smiles and I see the pride on his face. “She is. She’s an amazing chef. That girl can work magic with food.”

“I can see how much she means to you when you talk about her. I think that’s awesome that you two are so close.”

He sobers for a minute. “I’m sorry I left the way I did. I never even thought about it when Liam called me and said that she was in the hospital. My only thought was to get home to her to protect her. It’s my job. It wasn’t until I was at the airport and tried to call you, that I realized I didn’t have your number.” I trace his face. “I even called the resort, but when I gave them the name Rayne, there was no record of you.”

My chest hurts. He tried to call me. He really did. Leaning up, I kiss him. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you my real name once we started spending so much time together, Dade.”

He kisses my palm. My heart starts racing. “I tried to track you down from here too, but all I got was dead ends. Then, at my sister’s event… there you were.”

I smile. Fate has a funny way of dealing cards.

We snuggle and watch some more TV before he sees the time and says, “I need to get going. I’ll be packing tomorrow.” He sees my raised brows and continues. “We have a concert in New York on Friday night. We leave Thursday and will be back on Sunday. We’ll be busy while we’re there, but I’ll call you.”

Oh, he’s leaving?! It’s not the same, Melonie. He’s telling you he’s leaving. It’ll be cool.

I nod. “Ok, that sounds like a good time. Have fun.”

We talk a bit more and that third condom is used before he bids me goodnight and I fall asleep with a smile on my face on pillows that smell like sex and Dade.

Chapter Eleven


esterday was insanely busy with going over everything for the show and packing. We didn’t finish up until around 11PM, so I didn’t have a chance to talk to Melonie. I did exchange a few texts with her though.

We’re boarding the plane and heading to New York. It’s loud as shit on here with everyone talking and laughing. Getting this crew loaded onto a plane and settled is a feat. Bradi is barking orders and after about half an hour, we’re ready to actually take off. I have my ear buds in and I’m listening to a playlist trying to just relax for a minute.

BOOK: Bayou Stix Series: Bayou Stix Limited Edition Box Set
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