Bear Necessities (21 page)

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Authors: Dana Marie Bell

BOOK: Bear Necessities
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head dipped, brushing against her chest. She took the hint and rubbed his
massive head. His eyes closed, his chest rumbling, the Bear equivalent of a

Alex.” His eyes opened and he stared at her. It was hard to read his
expression. “You’re beautiful.” His eyes closed on a sigh. She suspected it was

ran her hands all over him. She fingered the lethal five-inch claws, giggled at
the huge hump of muscle on his back. He sat down, watching her move around him.
When she reached his face again, his tongue reached out and ran up the side of
her face.

She wiped away the Bear drool and picked up her digital camera. She snapped off
a shot of him sitting there. The tattoo would show him from the front. “Change
back, smart-ass. I have a tattoo to do.”

shifted. “So?”

frowned absently and used the USB cable to plug the camera into the photo
printer. She pressed the button to print out the picture of her Bear.
what? Ah, there we go.
The picture was almost done. She’d have to make sure
no one else saw the image of her Bear sitting in the middle of the tattoo
Well, maybe I’ll show Cyn and Glory.
They’d get a huge kick out
of it. “Almost done. Let me make some adjustments to the sketch, make the
transfer and we’ll get started.”

settled back into her chair, still naked, and watched her while she cleaned off
his chest. She shaved off any stray hairs, making sure there was nothing that
would interfere with the clarity of the design. She transferred the image to
his chest, smiling at the sight. It looked perfect. Tabby mixed her inks and
snapped on her rubber gloves. “Ready?”

Alex pulled her down, kissing her so sweetly she damn near melted at his feet.
“Mark me, Tabby. Make me yours.”

shivered. She kissed the center of the tattoo. She’d lined it up so that his
Bear rested at his heart. “Mine.”

settled back down with a smile and closed his eyes. “Yours.”

picked up her gun, dipped it in the ink, and began to draw.


hadn’t freaked. She’d seen his Bear and, instead of being terrified, she’d been

He was
such a goner. If he hadn’t fallen for her before, he certainly was in love now.
She’d reacted with joy, told him he was beautiful, played with his
No one ever played with his claws.

touched him like he was a treasure. She’d made him hers more thoroughly than
any mating mark could.

almost had her move the image so that her Wolf rested over his heart, but
changed his mind at the last minute. Bear had led him to his mate. She was
healing his heart, and that heart would protect his Wolf with everything in
him. Having her image there, below his Bear and his heart, forever protected
and loved, was just right.

was so close to him, her thigh brushed his leg. She hovered over him, her gaze
intent on the art she was creating. The sting of the needle was nothing. He
watched her etch their love, their life, into his skin and smiled. This was
what he wanted, his Wolf, his family, and a home of their own. His cock
hardened at the thought of Tabby round with his cubs.

are you thinking about?”

wondered if she’d freak if he told her. “My new ink.”



needle didn’t stutter. “You’re okay with pups?”


looked up at him through her lashes. “Pubs?”

tried not to laugh. “Cups?”

wrinkled her nose. “I don’t think so.”

moved his hand, let his fingers brush her thigh. “Children?”

needle lifted. Her fingers shook. “Yeah. Children.”

For a
second, she sounded breathless. He nodded. “I’m okay with it.”

She took a deep breath, her expression once more intent. The needle hit his
flesh, the ink sinking into his skin. A deep peace settled over him. Funny.
Usually he had to do an hour of yoga and mediation to achieve this level of
just…being. He knew it had nothing to do with the tattoo and everything to do
with the artist.

hours, he lay there, watching his mate, his lover, mark their future, the
figures taking shape under her skillful hands. Every now and then, he’d smile,
visions of what they both needed dancing in his head. He could picture the
house he wanted for them, the way he’d come home after a long day and find his
mate, all green hair and big sparkling eyes, waiting for him. A warm, loving
smile would be on those full pink lips. Maybe they’d both get more ink, maybe
they wouldn’t. And sometimes he’d be the one standing at the door, waiting for
his love, their cubs safely tucked in bed.

It was
after midnight by the time she was done. She sat up, set the gun down and
stretched. He heard popping noises. She’d been bent over so long her back
crackled. “Take a look.”

He sat
up and stared at himself in the big mirror over her counter. He kept his hands
away, knowing he couldn’t touch, but damn if he didn’t want to. Her Wolf’s eyes
practically jumped off his chest. “It’s perfect.”

heard her snap off her gloves. “Let’s get you covered so we can get out of

turned, smiling when her gaze drifted down to his cock. “See something you

rolled her eyes but he could see the flush working its way into her cheeks.
“You’re going to have to be careful with your tattoo. You can’t really work up
too much of a sweat for at least a few hours. You need to give it time to
heal.” She frowned. “Wait. Can you heal it?”

shook his head. “Nope. If I’m not careful, I could cause scarring. I have to
let it heal naturally.”


reached down and stroked his erection, loving the way her eyes locked on his
hand. “You know, we could always turn up the air conditioning.”

down so I can bandage you, horn dog.”

chuckled and got back into the chair. His erection bobbed against his stomach.
“Like this?” He raised his hands up until they clasped the headrest. He spread
his thighs and waited to see what she’d do.

should have had you put your clothes back on first.” She rubbed the ointment
into the tattoo with gentle hands, bandaging him up carefully. “You know the
drill. You’ve gotten ink before. No soaking the bandages, mild antibacterial
soap for washing, use A&D ointment. No Neosporin or it’ll scar.”

nodded. He knew what to do, and if he fouled up, his own little artist would
kick his ass to remind him.

you just going to leave me like this?” He waved at his erection.

folded her arms over her chest. “What will I get out of it?”

grinned. “Orgasms. Lots of them.”

bit her lip, looking like a naughty little girl. “If Cyn finds out about this,
I’m in so much trouble.”

hips jerked. “We’ll clean the place up when we’re done.” He hadn’t actually
thought she’d go for it. He figured she’d argue, he’d get dressed and he’d take
her back to the hotel room. Having sex in her chair? Talk about a fantasy come

smile was slow and languid, her eyes heavy with passion. She leaned down and
took the head of his cock into her hot, wet mouth. “Oh, fuck.” He reached for
her head, eager to guide her rhythm just the way they both liked.

Keep those hands up, mister, or this stops.”

hands latched onto the headrest. As far as he was concerned, they were chained

boy.” She patted his hip and swallowed him down, taking him to the root.

shit.” He fought to keep still. He didn’t want to choke her, but
that felt incredible. He’d never had anyone take him the way she did.

head began to bob, her tongue playing his cock like a fucking virtuoso. He lost
himself in the sensation of his mate pleasuring him. God, he’d never felt
anything quite so good. The cool air of the tattoo parlor blew over him, the
pictures on the wall reminding him of the art she’d done on other people. He’d
have to get her to take a picture of his new work, add it to the gallery on the
wall of her station.

Oh. Oh
. That tongue of hers was a lethal weapon. She lapped at the head of
his cock, long, languid strokes, tasting the drops of precome that dripped from
him. He clamped down on the headrest, desperate to grab hold of her head and
force her to take him all in.

time it was her space, her show, and he’d be damned if he didn’t let her have


sucked him down again, watching his face through the fall of her bangs. He
looked so gorgeous with his head thrown back. He was staring at the ceiling,
his lips pursed. She wondered if he was doing something to hold himself back,
prolong the pleasure. Counting ceiling tiles, maybe?

wasn’t sure if she wanted him to come now or if she wanted him to fuck her. Her
hands ran along the insides of his thighs, came to rest at the juncture of his
groin. Her fingertips grazed over her mating mark.

did her best not to give away what she was about to do. He looked so ready to
blow. And he was being such a good boy.

lifted her head and, before he could react, bit down on the mating mark.

roared and practically levitated off the tattoo chair. Startled, she pulled

looked out of Alex’s eyes. “Uh-oh.” The last time she’d seen that look, he’d
bent her over the bed and claimed her most thoroughly. Her pussy clenched in

was going to be fun.

found herself off the floor and screeched. Alex had her on the counter so fast
it was dizzying. Her head hit the mirror, her legs were spread wide and he was
ripping at her jeans.

No shredding!” He paused. She had maybe two seconds to come up with something
to save her jeans. “You want everyone seeing me bare-assed?”

growled, the sound low and threatening. She hadn’t known it was possible to get
turned on, but fuck that possessiveness of his was hot.

undid her jeans and slid them down her legs. When he reached her boots he
paused, the heat in his expression intensifying. “I love these boots.”

she could ask what he meant, he was lifting her again. She found herself on her
feet, her back to him, her hands clenching the edge of the countertop. Her
panties were pulled down, exposing exactly how wet she was. He nipped her ass
cheek with sharp teeth before licking a long line between her cheeks. “No lube,
so this will have to wait.”

thought about the A&D ointment, but decided against it. She didn’t know if
it would work or not, and the way he was acting, she’d rather be lubed for the
pounding she expected to get.

I love your ass.” His hands kneaded the globes. Little nibbling kisses peppered
her cheeks. “So beautiful.” He gave it one last lick before reaching under the
edge of her shirt. “Your back is gorgeous too.”

giggled. No one had ever called her back gorgeous.

slapped one of her ass cheeks.

What was that for?” She scowled at him over her shoulder.

I say you’re gorgeous, you don’t laugh.”

looked dead serious. “Why not?”

leaned over her, caging her against the countertop, one arm on either side of
her. “Because you are.”

shrugged. She knew she was cute on her good days, but gorgeous?

you calling me a liar?”

blinked. He sounded almost pissed. “Um. No?”

He yanked her shirt off, his fingers going to her bra clasp before she could
take a breath. “Your back is lean and strong, capable of carrying any burden.
Just like you.” He undid the clasp and stroked the bra away, his hands hot on
her skin. “Your arms can wrap themselves around a Bear most find terrifying and
love him until he can’t breathe without filling himself with you.”

met his gaze in the mirror. His eyes dared her to lie to him, to tell him it
wasn’t love.

nodded. She wouldn’t lie to him. Not ever to him.

of the anger leached away, warming the dark brown eyes of his Bear. He rested
his palm against her chest, nestling it between her breasts. “You’ve got the
most loving heart I’ve ever been privileged to know. So don’t tell me you
aren’t gorgeous. Everything about you is beautiful.”

He was going to make her cry. “I’m not perfect.” She’d screw up, she always
did, and if he put her on a pedestal, she’d destroy them both when she fell off
of it.

smiled. “I never said you were. I said you were beautiful. I know the
difference.” He slid his cock between the folds of her pussy, getting the tip
nice and damp. “You’re stubborn, but you’ve had to be to survive. You’ve got a
smart mouth. Sometimes I don’t know whether to laugh or fill it full so you’ll
shut up.”

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