Beast: An MMA Stepbrother Romance (15 page)

BOOK: Beast: An MMA Stepbrother Romance
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Shit, Emma might actually finish herself off at the rate she’s going.  She’s definitely most of the way there.  Her legs are starting to tremble.  But just when I think she’s about to come without me, she pounces down onto me instead.

I take a little foil out of my pocket, but Emma takes it out of my hands and rolls it on herself.  Then, she slides down on me in one smooth motion and grabs hold of my abs as she bounces up and down on me like she’s possessed.

It’s a good thing we’re out in the middle of nowhere, because I’m pretty sure this car is rocking.  I put my hands on Emma’s shoulders, pulling her down into me with a strength that I usually reserve for 200 pound MMA fighters.  I’m not going to hold back anymore.  I don’t even think I can.

But Emma takes it all and throws it right back to me, and pretty soon, we’re kissing again, and I’m not thinking about anything in the universe but her, and it stays that way up until we finish and she collapses down into my arms.

“I think you were right,” she says, bringing her face inches away from mine.

“Right?  About what?”

“You said that by end of the summer, you were going to make me yours.”

Emma smiles, and her blue eyes look down into mine.  “And I think you were right.”



Chapter 20:  Emma


It’s not that Portland isn’t a nice place.  It looks like it’s a lot of fun.  I just haven’t been paying very much attention to it, because ever since our little encounter in the back of Gina’s car…something’s changed between me and Caleb.  He’s being as cocky, dirty, and aggressive as ever…and I’m really enjoying it.  All afternoon, we’ve been giving Fox and Gina a run for their money in terms of aggressive public affection.  As we hop from food truck fairs to outdoor concerts, it’s like we’re in a competition to see who can be hornier in public.

Apparently, ever since our little encounter in the back seat of Gina’s car, Caleb has decided that my ass is his personal property.  He keeps squeezing it, smacking it, and trying to lead me around by it.  When he gets too grabby, I end up smacking him on the chest, and then we start wrestling in the middle of the street.  I’d be lying if I said that it wasn’t a little hot to grope Caleb out in public, but I’m a little concerned he’s going to keep it up when we’re back to California.  And that can’t happen.  I can’t even imagine what would happen if the two of us started acting like this at work…or even worse, around our parents.  I shudder at the thought.

But for now, it’s alright.  It’s even pretty fun to tease Caleb for a change, giving him a taste of his own medicine with corny double entendres and “accidental” contact with my boobs until he’s nice and hard.  At the food truck fair, I bought an artisanal organic corn dog and took the entire thing in my mouth, making eye contact with him the whole time.  His reaction was the same thing he’s been saying to me all day.

“Just fucking wait until we get back to the hotel.”

Outside our hotel window, the lights of downtown Portland shake up and down as Caleb fucks me from the back.  He didn’t even say anything when we got in; he just posed me on the bed, pulled off my clothes piece by piece, and slid every inch of himself inside me. 

I never considered myself the type of girl to be loud during sex, but when I’m with Caleb…well, let’s just say it’s a good thing that the walls in here seem thick and sturdy.  The feeling of Caleb’s huge cock pumping in and out of me is causing me to make noises I didn’t even know I could make.  Of course, that’s not enough for Caleb.  He told me in the elevator that he was going to make me pay for every erection I gave him while we were out in Portland, so I know he’s not about to show me any mercy any time soon.  I bite my lip and let out a long breath as Caleb’s hands begin to travel up my body, sliding up my stomach until they reach my breasts and enveloping them with his huge hands.  It’s so easy to think of him as my annoying stepbrother sometimes that I’m still surprised by just how big he feels when we’re naked and his body is pressed up against mine.

Caleb’s hands manipulate my breasts like they weigh nothing at all, and then he grabs onto my shoulders, pulling me down hard on his cock as he begins to thrust faster.  Before too long, I close my eyes and come, shuddering as the inked-up MMA fighter behind me takes out a whole day of sexual frustration on my bent-over, trembling body.  The feeling of me coming up against him is too much even for him, though, and he follows right behind me, shuddering with a massive orgasm that almost sends me right back over the edge.

Temporarily spent, Caleb collapses down on top of me, crushing me into the mattress. 

I tap Caleb a couple of times on the arm.  “Get off, you’re heavy.”

I can feel Caleb laughing on top of me.  “Did you just tap out on me?”

He rolls over, wrapping his massive arms around me and pulling me on top of him.


Caleb smirks and squeezes me in his arms, sending a shiver up and down my spine.  Lying on top of him shouldn’t feel this good, but it really, really does.

I trace my finger along the contour of one of Caleb’s massive pecs, stopping when I feel a curved jagged ridge running along it.

“What’s this from?”

My whole body shakes as Caleb laughs.  “I got that one about a year ago.  I was fighting this dude who called himself Alligator, and his thing was that he had this mouthpiece that went over his teeth with blades on the top and the bottom.”

“Oh no!”

“So as soon as we get into the ring, this guy charges at me, and digs his stupid fake teeth into my chest. Look, there’s another scar down here.”

Caleb grabs my finger and guides it to right above his nipple, where a deeper scar curves up like a smile.  “So this guy bites me on the chest, and it fucking hurts, but now he’s got his head stuck to my body.  Three punches and he went down.  Not a very smart guy.”

I run my fingers along both halves of the scar, starting to feel myself warming up again. 

“Want the grand tour?”  Caleb asks, pointing to some of his other scars.  I smile and nod, and Caleb takes me all around his body, putting my hands on all his hidden scars, most of them inflicted by some kind of crazy weapon wielded by one of his opponents.

“So why does everyone you fight get to have crazy weapons and you don’t?  How is that fair?”

“I could if I wanted to, but as far as I’m concerned, that’s not MMA.  In the underground leagues, people get gimmicks because that’s what the crowd wants to see, but I think it’s weak to bring a weapon in a ring.  As soon as I see someone like that, I know I’m a better fighter than they are.”

“Why didn’t you pick a better league, then?”

“What, like be on TV, and have all the announcers talking about my rich dad, and how I probably got into fighting because of my mom?  They’d put me on TV even if I sucked because I’d be great fucking TV just for my last name.  No one in this league knows my name, and they don’t care.  I had to earn this.”

I rest my head on Caleb’s collarbone and look up into his eyes.  “Are you going to keep fighting after this tournament?”

Caleb is quiet for a few seconds, looking up at the hotel ceiling.  “I thought I was, until this afternoon.  Now, I’m not sure.  Part of me just wants to win that prize money and use it for something better.”

Caleb looks back to me, with a devilish look in his eyes.  “But if I start thinking like that, I’m going to get my ass beat in the first round.  You’re not a fucking spy for one of my opponents, are you?”

I stick my tongue out at Caleb.  “Maybe.”

“Shit, I didn’t even think about that.  They knew I was going to fucking demolish them at the tournament, so they sent me a sexy-ass curvy stepsister to get inside my head and make me think about quitting.”

With one hand, Caleb spreads my legs, pushing my hips down into his abs with his other hand and turning the heat between my legs from mild to scorching hot.

“I guess I’ve got no choice but to fuck you until you’re on my side, then.”

Caleb pulls me down his body, and I can feel the tip of his cock brushing against my entrance, ready to slide back inside me and make me his again…

But there’s a knock at the door.  A loud one.  I roll off of Caleb with a disappointed groan.

“That better not be Gina.”

The knock comes again, faster and angrier.  I throw my clothes on, hop into my jeans, and crack the door open.

As soon as I start to open the door, a strong hand pushes it all the way open, and three police officers storm into the room.

“Police!  Hands in the air, no sudden moves!”

I squint against the light of an officer’s flashlight as Agent Woods steps into the room.  Then, I feel someone take my raised hands and cuff them together behind my back, while the cop in the back starts reading Caleb his rights.

“I was hoping you’d do it the easy way,” says Agent Woods, “But you left me no choice.”

“Hold on, wait, hold on!”  I turn around, and see a short, overweight cop trying to pull Caleb out of bed.  It’d almost be funny if we weren’t in such serious trouble.

“I’m fucking naked under here, give me a second!”

Uh oh.  I didn’t even think about how this looks.  Agent Woods knows Caleb and I are stepbrother and stepsister, he’s naked in bed, and I’ve got sex hair going in seven different directions.  I’m pretty sure we just got busted.

I can see the headline now:  Local Girl Caught with Sexy Stepbrother.  I’ll never be able to live it down.

But really, my problems could be much worse than just getting exposed.  I mean, we just got caught lying to an FBI agent!  We could go to jail!

Agent Woods looks over my shoulder at the cop trying to get Caleb out of bed.  “Is he wearing clothes yet?”

“Kind of.”

“Close enough.  Let’s get them to the station.”

When they finally get Caleb out of the room, he’s dressed in nothing but a pair of ridiculously tight boxer briefs.  We make eye contact, and he shrugs.

“Let’s give some people a show.”

He seems pretty calm for somebody who just got arrested.  As the police lead us on a long, awkward walk from our room to the elevator to the squad car parked out front, Caleb looks mildly annoyed at worst.  I’m a little less put together, but since I know totally freaking out would be a really bad idea, I manage to keep it together until the car starts to pull away from the hotel.

I turn to Caleb.  “Do you remember everything you said yesterday morning?”

“Yeah.  Don’t worry, we got this.”

I wish I had his confidence.  I’m not so sure we do.


Chapter 21:  Emma


I yawn.  It’s got to be four in the morning by now, and counting the dots on the interrogation room ceiling is getting seriously old.  Caleb’s been offering to let me use him as a pillow so I can take a nap before Agent Woods gets here, but I’m definitely not giving her any more incriminating evidence that we’re fucking than she already has.

Besides, touching Caleb is
a good idea right now.  He’s almost completely naked, and my body’s still thinking about what he was about to do with it before the police knocked.  Forget prison.  I can’t imagine a worse punishment than being stuck in a tiny room with a mostly-naked Caleb and a camera recording everything we do.

“So how many felonies do you think they’ll charge us with?”

Caleb shrugs.  “I’m not worried, and you definitely shouldn’t be worried.  If they try and give you a hard time, I’ll take full responsibility.”

“Even if it means more charges for you?”

“It’s only fair.”

I think he’s trying to make me feel better, which is really sweet, but it’s not exactly working.  I don’t want to go to jail, but I don’t want Caleb to talk himself into jail either.  Who’d be my annoying stepbrother if he wasn’t around?

Agent Woods walks into the interrogation room, breaking me out of my reverie.  The short, overweight police officer who arrested Caleb shuffles in behind her.  Agent Woods shoots him a look.  “Actually, I’d prefer to talk to these two alone, if you don’t mind.”

The policeman looks a little disappointed, nods, and closes the door behind us.  Almost immediately, Agent Woods’s demeanor changes.  She shakes her head, rolls her eyes, and undoes her bun, letting her black hair fall down to her shoulders.  “I hate Portland.”

I shrug.  “It’s nice to visit.”

There’s an uncomfortable silence between us as Agent Woods drops a manila folder down onto the interrogation table.  “First of all, don’t try to deny that you’re Beast.  If you open up that folder, you’ll find our entire file on you, and you’ll see that we have more than enough evidence to prove your identity.”

Caleb opens up the folder, and a smirk appears on his face as he casually flips through it.  “Alright, fine.  I never really tried to hide it from anyone but my dad.”

This isn’t going how I wanted it to go.  Shouldn’t we have a lawyer here or something?

Agent Woods lets out a huge sigh of relief.  “
you.  Now we can actually talk.”

She sits down across from us.  “Before we go any further, you should know that personally, I don’t really doesn’t care about prosecuting fighters.  In my ideal scenario, we all win.”

Caleb looks up from his folder.  “So you want me to fucking snitch.”

Agent Woods laughs.  “Let me tell you what I want.  You’re a member of the California Kings Underground MMA league, correct?”


“And you’re going to be competing in their championship tournament two weeks from now, aren’t you?”

Caleb sets his mouth into a hard line.  “I was, until I got arrested.”

Agent Woods leans back in her chair and smiles.  “Don’t think of it as getting arrested.  Think of it as getting hired.”

A vein throbs in Caleb’s forehead, and I’m worried he’s about to say something inappropriate to Agent Woods.  Then, he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

“Hired to do what?”

“Win the championship.  Do you know what happens if you do?”

“I win a lot of money?”

“Yes, but you also get invited to an afterparty, and that party is the real reason we’re interested in California Kings.  Your league has some very high profile fans:  mobsters, corrupt businessman, shady politicians, you name it.  They gamble on your fights, and at the end of every season, they gather together for a very exclusive gala.”

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