Beast of Burden (5 page)

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Authors: Marie Harte

Tags: #Desires, #Fated

BOOK: Beast of Burden
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“Then hurry up.” He rocked, pumping that fat shaft and making her crazed.

She couldn’t budge him, his strength keeping hers firmly in check. Goddess knew, that set her off in a big way.

“I need to come,” she moaned. “You feel so good in me.”

“Wait until we’re both in you,” Hall murmured and drew her head up, lifting her chin.

She opened her eyes and saw him descend, and then he was kissing her, and she couldn’t help herself from riding Avarr, seeking release.

“Yes, fuck, yes.” Avarr kissed her shoulder, her back, her hair as Hall continued to ravage her mouth.

He pinched her nipples and sucked her tongue, fucking with his mouth the way Avarr did with his cock.

So full, she teetered on the verge of climax. If only Hall would lower one hand to her clit. One touch and she’d go off.

Instead, he pulled back. “Avarr, switch.”

“Hel’s breath. Fine.” Avarr eased her off him and swore while doing it, then allowed Hall to sit under her.

“Wait,” she said, panting. “Why are we stopping?”

Avarr grinned at her, but his mean smile did nothing to ease her nerves. “Stopping? Little Snow, we’re just getting started.”

Hall pulled her over him, and again, she was filled. He fit her perfectly. Then he shifted and urged a cry from her because he hit the spot inside her that Avarr had been priming.

“You’re so hot,” Hall whispered. “So tight around me.” He gripped her hips to guide her up and down over him then stopped. “Oh, Avarr. I don’t know how you lasted so long without coming.”

“I know.”Avarr frowned. “But same rules apply. No coming. Not yet. Not until Eira is seen to.”

“You’re seeing to me now, aren’t you?” She pulled Avarr’s hand to her breast and groaned her pleasure when he squeezed. “Come on, Avarr. Kiss me.”

He shook his head. “Have you not learned you’re no longer in charge? We beasts of burden have made our claim.”

“Oh, man. You’re going to make me pay for that, aren’t you?” She secretly delighted in their notion of payback. Vengeance, justice, sexual games. She approved of all three. The feline sensibilities in her future lovers delighted her.
were the men she’d prayed lived behind those stoic demeanors, the passive guards.

The valkyrie in her needed power, a man—or men—who could best her. Mentally and physically, Eira had to have an equal or superior partner. She’d been bred to fight, but more, to win. Hall and Avarr could provide the challenge she desperately needed. And the satisfaction she’d sorely been lacking.

Avarr took her breath away with a kiss. Like Hall’s, but rougher. The big brute wanted her to feel him, so she nipped his tongue when he thrust it inside her. He moaned and squeezed her breasts. He pinched her nipples with more force than Hall had used, and the bite of pain had her gripping Hall’s cock with her muscles like a vise.

“By Odin’s lighting, do that again, whatever you just did. Avarr, her pussy fucking gripped me.” Hall panted and dragged his arms around her waist, wrapping her tightly.

“No coming yet. Unless it’s in her ass or mouth.”

“Why?” she whispered, lost in lust.

“The pussy’s mine the first time.”

“We did agree,” Hall rasped. “Fine. But then we need to finish this out of the water. I want to see her when she comes.”


They talked about her as if she wasn’t present, but she couldn’t bring herself to care because tricky Avarr had lowered a hand to draw circles on her belly before those skilled fingers moved lower.

He’d just neared her clit when Hall bounced her hard over him.

“Fuck. Enough.” Hall pulled her off and stood before her. He lifted her out of the water, and he and Avarr studied her body.

“All healed. That water works wonders.” Avarr nodded.

“Yeah, all better,” she croaked, wishing she could stop trembling. Gods, she needed to come. Perilously close to jumping one of them and grinding against him for relief, she turned her frustration into anger. “If one of you doesn’t finish this, and quick, I’ll find someone else who—

Hall lifted her over his shoulder and leaped from the pool, followed by Avarr. Before she could register what had happened, she found herself holding on for dear life to the furry back of a battle-cat as they raced to Folkvang on fleet feet.

They passed her friends and fellow warriors, all of whom stared at them in shock. Lowe managed a wave and a whistle, but then the cats whisked Eira past the others and into the wing where they shared quarters.

In the blink of an eye, Hall turned from battle-cat to man, and she fought to hold onto his waist as she slid to the floor.

Avarr caught her just as they entered their chamber and barred the door behind them. Then the brute tossed her onto a big bed and stood back with Hall, studying her.

She’d been waiting for this since she’d first seen them, truth be told. So to feel nervous made little sense. Eira wanted sex with both men. She desired them, and she liked them more than she should. They’d always treated Freya with not only respect, but love. Not in awe of their goddess, but justly reverent and affectionate. Everyone held them in such high regard, and she’d heard more than one well-pleasured female brag about how amazing they could be in bed.

Yet they looked at her not as a conquest, but as something much more. And to know they’d been lusting after her for as long as she’d been wanting them…


Avarr turned to Hall, whispered something, and Hall nodded.

“Eira, there’s something we need to clarify.” Hall crossed his arms over his chest.


“Avarr and I are in charge from now on.”

“Wait a minute.” She frowned. “In charge of what?”

“You,” Avarr growled and pounced.

She didn’t bother struggling because he had her pinned down before she could take her next breath. Such speed. She panted under him, her entire being vibrating with the need to have him and Hall.

“I can smell your need.” Avarr smiled. “Only Hall and I can satisfy you, Little Snow. Not with a battle. We’ve already won that.”

“Hey.” She didn’t like his sudden superiority complex, even as she admitted he wore conceit well.

He shifted down her body and rested his chin against her mound. “Have I told you how much I love this strip of hair guarding your woman’s parts? Your… pussy?”

He and Hall chuckled. “Our favorite word. We are cats, after all.” Hall walked around the bed before joining her on top of it, kneeling by her side and showcasing his huge cock. “Avarr’s going to eat you. And while he’s doing that, you’re going to get me nice and slick. With your tongue.”

Her mouth watered. “If I refuse?”

Avarr licked her, and she gave an embarrassing keen. Never dare a cat to prove the abilities of his tongue apparently.

“Exactly.” Hall held himself. He stroked his thumb over his slit, spreading the shine over his cockhead. “Now open up, Little Snow. Lick me the way Avarr licks you.”

Avarr went to work, and before she knew it, he had her in a rage of lust, so lost to anything but the desire for these two men. Hall knelt over her face and angled his cock down, so it was only natural to open her mouth and take him in. He pumped lightly, keeping his gaze on her face as she took no more than the tip of him between her lips.

At the angle, she could do no more, but then Avarr was adding his fingers, sucking the whole of her clit into his mouth. Teething her, licking, sucking.

She couldn’t hold back, and by the pained grimace on Hall’s face, he neared his end as well.

He pulled back suddenly, leaving a short burst of seed on her lips. “Hurry, Avarr. I’m nearly there,” he said, panting.

Avarr purred against her, and she lost it. She cried out as her orgasm laid waste to her body, miring her in a world of pleasure. It took her a moment to realize Avarr had released her from his mouth, only to see him staring down at her as Hall took his place, lapping her up, but soothing her instead of arousing her.

“Beautiful.” Avarr smiled. “And time for us to show you what it means to be claimed.”


Hall continued to taste her, trying to get himself under control. He’d nearly come in her mouth,, so lost in the sight of Eira pleasuring him. For so long he’d fantasized, but the reality far exceeded his imagination.

The taste of her… As a cat, he could differentiate the subtle nuance of Avarr’s feline fire over Eira’s lightning—her sexual power that was innately feminine. He found the combination of them both to be more drugging than Freya’s kiss.

Eira had come hard. But that wasn’t enough, for any of them. He rose and saw Avarr stroking her breasts, her belly, her face. Avarr paid careful attention to her mouth.

“Put yourself there,” Hall encouraged. “Her lips feel like silk around your cock.”

Avarr groaned and joined her on the bed. Hall rounded the pair to watch as Avarr lowered himself and Eira opened her mouth. She sucked his shaft, and Avarr’s obvious enjoyment eased Hall’s feline’s rumblings. Ever since he’d touched her, Hall’s cat wanted to mark her. To rake his claws down her smooth belly and see his ownership. That should have made little sense since he’d already marked Avarr.

Hall had wondered about Eira’s hold on him for a long time. The more he thought about it, the more he considered he might be one of the lucky few to have more than one mate.

The question became whether she would she accept him and Avarr or bolt. Normally he’d court a potential mate. His bonding with Avarr had been a slow build, but once committed to sex, the joining had been instant. He had a feeling it would be the same with Eira because he didn’t think he could hold himself back from claiming her.

He moved to circle Avarr and pulled his lover back. He gripped Avarr’s cock, feeling the slick girth and riding the back of Avarr’s ass with his own erection.

“That is so sexy,” Eira moaned. “Yes, more, Hall. Kiss him. Jerk him off. I want to see him come on my belly.”

Avarr turned his head and kissed Hall before Hall could remind Eira he was in charge. Avarr had been pushed by the sly vixen, who put her hands over Hall’s to stimulate Avarr to new levels of need.

Avarr pumped, ramming through their fingers, and Hall knew if he didn’t soon put a halt to her mischief, Avarr would spill for sure.

He pulled his head back. “
Eira, stop. I want you to climb on top of Avarr when he lies down. Now, sweet, we’re coming inside you. Both of us.”

She blinked up at him, and he thought for a moment she might be rethinking things. But then her smile grew wide. “Finally.” She scurried out of the way.

“Avarr, get on your back.”

Unfortunately, Avarr was caught in the lust he’d done his best to subdue for so long. “No.”

“Avarr, yes.” Hall leaned closer. “So that we can mate her, and you can fill her womb with seed, lover.”

Avarr trembled, his dick thick. “Yes, yes. Okay.” He hurriedly lay on his back, his eyes gone over to feline slits.

“That is so fucking hot,” Eira gushed and leaped on top of him.

Hall hurried to slather his cock with the unguent Avarr had once used on him. He had himself nice and slick, only to see Eira riding Avarr, his lover grunting with each thrust.

“My turn,” Hall said thickly. “Eira, hold. Bend closer to Avarr. I’m coming up your ass.”

“I haven’t done that in a while,” she warned. “And you’re both very big.”

“Yes. It will probably hurt.” He heard the little moan she tried to suppress and smiled. “But you’d like that, wouldn’t you, Little Snow?”

Hall, take me. Inside me.”

“Do it. Let me feel you inside her,” Avarr rasped. “Quickly, Hall. I’m losing control.”

Hall noted Avarr’s lengthening claws on Eira’s waist. “We’re going to mark you while we take you, Eira. I’m sorry for that, or I should be. But we can’t stop it. It’s instinctive.”

Perhaps she’d think the marking was something all battle-cats did. Hall was past caring. Past anything but hearing that sweet plea on her lips.

“Hurry, Hall. I need you.”

The magic words. He joined them on the bed and was careful to penetrate in slow increments. But Frigg’s tits, it was so difficult not to ram hard inside that warm sheath. So tight, so hot. He felt Avarr’s plump balls as he seated himself fully. The energy within flared, a sudden sharing that combined the feline warmth of their battle-cats and the powerful strength of their valkyrie’s desire. He connected to Avarr and Eira as if they were one.

The pleasure amplified and pushed him to move.

“Yes, oh yes,” Eira cried as they began thrusting. Slowly at first then faster as the pleasure became overwhelming. “I’m coming again.
Oh yes, yes,
” she screamed.

Avarr’s breathing grew frantic. Then he was shouting as he slammed up into her, his length grazing Hall’s through the thin membrane of Eira’s flesh. Hall neared his own end, the scent of sex and lust and love mingling with the power flowing through them. He didn’t want to hurt Eira, but he couldn’t stop himself from pounding into her as he crouched, the position uncomfortable yet amazing as he buried himself inside her.

Hall roared as he slammed one final time and came, the ecstasy making him lightheaded. It took him a moment to realize he was crushing his partners under him, and he withdrew and pulled Eira off as well, laying her next to Avarr.

Avarr rolled to his side, his gaze loving. “Eira? You okay?”

She sighed and smiled, and the scent of blood hit Hall hard. Avarr, too, by the look of concern on his face.

They gently rolled her onto her belly and saw her hips and the backs of her shoulders scored with claw marks that healed in seconds, leaving scars that would never fade. Hall met Avarr’s gaze and nodded. Avarr opened his mouth then closed it, realizing they needed to tread warily with their fierce valkyrie. Incredible sex was one thing. A mating completely another.

“You guys okay?” Eira asked. “Because I am better than fine. I feel like I’m floating. My gods, who knew?” She rolled herself onto her back and blinked up at them. “Why the long faces?”

Avarr sighed. “Well, we’re ready for the next round, but valkyries are known to be small and frail. Would you rather we made love to each other instead?”

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