Beast Untamed: Beasts of Bodmin Moor, Book 3 (11 page)

Read Beast Untamed: Beasts of Bodmin Moor, Book 3 Online

Authors: Faye Avalon

Tags: #panthers;cat-shifters;shape-shifters;Cornwall

BOOK: Beast Untamed: Beasts of Bodmin Moor, Book 3
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His hand came to her ass again, and she moaned when he began molding her flesh. The light slap made her jerk, the surprise of it momentarily stealing her breath. She stiffened, then relaxed when his hand slid over her skin.

“Okay?” His enquiry, delivered in a deep, husky tone, fired need through her body.

“Yes,” she grated.

“The truth, Erin.” If possible, his tone deepened further. “If you don’t want—”

She cut off his words with a shift of her hips, her backside pushing against him.

He drove his cock in deeper, held still and slapped her ass again. It was a little harder this time, but apart from the slight shock, Erin felt no discomfort. In fact, it seemed to be turning her on even more.

He drew her head back so that she had to use her hands to support herself. She had never engaged in anything quite so raunchy. It felt illicit, decadent, delicious…

Nathan pushed deeper, his breathing echoing off the walls of her tiny bedroom. He held steady once more, slapping her ass again. This time she must have let out a sound because he slid his hand beneath her hips and worked his finger on her clit.

He drove in all the way, pushing her deeper into the mattress. He tugged lightly on her hair, encouraging her head back still more and causing her back to arch. The pressure on her pelvis was amazing.

The rocking motion set the old bed creaking, the sound adding to the risqué feel of what they were doing.

Nathan’s thrusts increased in speed and depth until Erin felt the friction not only from Nathan’s cock but from the slide of the sheet beneath her. Her legs were wide apart and angled across the corner of the bed, while her breasts jiggled freely. It seemed as if the assault on her senses came from every direction.

Nathan released her head and placed his hand on her hip, lifting it and driving harder, deeper. He grunted as he climaxed, and seconds later, Erin joined him. She loved the feel of his hot semen pumping into the condom and warming through her vagina.

He collapsed over her, his head between her shoulder blades. Erin turned her head to the side to make it easier to grab for air. She could feel Nathan’s chest rising and falling against her back.

Erin couldn’t speak. It had been too intense, too…much. After a few intakes of much-needed oxygen, she let out a long sigh.

Lazily, Nathan rubbed her ass cheek, the one he’d spanked. “You sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine.” Nobody could be more surprised than she was. It seemed she was a bit more adventurous than she’d ever thought possible. Who knew? “I’ve never done anything like that before.”


He eased out of her, and Erin drew her legs together. She crawled up the bed and turned on her back. Nathan prowled up over her. “There are things I want to do with you, Erin. Things I want to do
you.” He rained light kisses over her mouth, along her shoulder, across her breast.

She ran her hands down across his back, loving how broad and muscular it was. How hot his flesh felt beneath her palms. “What sort of things?”

He gave a low, husky laugh. “You name it. I want to do it.”

It came as another surprise that she could actually get behind that. Sort of. “I’ve never been adventurous. I’m not entirely sure how I feel about it.”

“We’ll take things slow. If there’s anything you don’t like or don’t want me to do, you just sing out.”


Nathan drew her nipple into his mouth and ran his tongue around the hardened nub. Then he looked up at her. The beginnings of stubble showed around his strong jaw, while his eyes glittered with wicked intent. “Just for starters, that frilly apron you were wearing at the coffee shop? Did you bring it home?”

Chapter Nine

In the light of his past exploits, he hadn’t been especially adventurous, Nathan thought as he let himself into his house just over a week later. For the last seven nights, he’d contented himself largely with pure vanilla, which, if he was being honest, satisfied him more with Erin than some of the more extreme activities he’d shared with other women.

He didn’t want to spook Erin, and he couldn’t quite get past the look in her eye and the small voice that warned him not to push her too fast, too far. He had a feeling that if he’d tied her to the bed or suggested anal play, she’d put the brakes on. That was the last thing he wanted.

Which surprised him.

He was more than relieved that there hadn’t been a repeat of his eyes turning gold. Before that first night with Erin, his eyes only changed color when he shifted into full panther state. For other males it happened when they had sex with their chosen mate. That had shocked the hell out of him. Until Caleb had convinced him that it was an anomaly, and down to those crossed wires in his brain his friend had talked about.

But he couldn’t forget the look on Erin’s face when she’d noticed. Shock. Disbelief. Fear.

For the first time ever, he wondered what it would mean to tell a human woman that he was a shapeshifter. That he had the ability to morph into a panther whenever the mood took him. Not only that, but he was one of many. A pack of animal shifters who walked among humans and secretly integrated with the community.

Shit. He was glad he never had to make that particular declaration. Since he never intended to permanently hook up with a human woman, or a shifter female, for that matter, the concern was moot.

But the eyes-turning-gold deal had been a real issue. For the last seven nights, he’d taken steps to ensure it would never happen again. He’d kept control, directed his power into the sexual act itself and focused on the technicalities and not the woman beneath him. And willed his eyes to remain green.

Now, walking toward his home office, he wondered how Caleb had managed the conversation with Talia. But since Talia had been married, albeit briefly, to Caleb’s half brother, she’d already known about the pack’s existence when Caleb claimed her for his own. Still, considering it wasn’t going to be an issue for him, he didn’t need to give it a further thought.

He couldn’t deny that he felt more satisfied and laid-back than he’d felt in a long while. Which kind of pissed him the hell off. He wasn’t used to feeling this way, not even during his fuck-buddy arrangement with Naomi. Like Naomi, there was none of the whole after-sex awkwardness with Erin. She didn’t want a relationship any more than he did. Which meant he didn’t have to hedge around the whole
thanks it’s been great but…
conversation, and he didn’t have to firm up plans for the next time, if any, that they’d hook up.

Which beggared the question, why was he so fucking irritated?

Because, unlike Naomi, he wasn’t sure what to do about Erin.

What he should do was what he always did after a night of great sex. Or in this case, several great nights. What he should do was nothing. Let things slide in the hope that they would naturally fizzle out. Or maybe discuss another friends-with-benefits arrangement with Erin. But that meant Erin would be free to hook up with someone else. Someone like that jerk at the coffee shop.

The flare of possession was so intense, he felt his claws lengthen and his fangs descend. Shit. He needed to run, clear his head. Get that damn female out of his thoughts.

A sound from his office brought his attention back. Entering, he was momentarily surprised to see Tynan sitting at the computer.

“Well, well. Good of you to show up.” Tynan sat back in his chair, folded his arms across his chest and tutted, an easy grin spreading slowly across his mouth. “And just before the clock strikes noon.”

Nathan spared his friend a glance but continued to his own computer without breaking stride. He didn’t care for having his life monitored or people keeping a check on his comings and goings. “What are you? My mother?”

“Thankfully, no. Although I’m sure your departed mother would have something to say about her only son staying out all night.”

Briefly, he wondered which mother Tynan was referring to. His birth mother or adopted one. The thought layered fresh irritation to that which was already there.

“I’m thirty years old, for fuck’s sake. I get to run my own life. When did you get back anyway? And how did you get here? Didn’t see your excuse for a vehicle in my driveway.”

“Got back last night. Naomi was getting antsy about missing her patients. I swear my female is one of a kind. She dropped me off as my car’s in for service. So who’s the lucky lady?”


“The one who kept you out all night and the one you stayed to enjoy breakfast with.” Tynan made a show of glancing at his watch. “Or should I say brunch.”

It came as no surprise that Caleb hadn’t mentioned Nathan hooking up with Erin to their friend. Caleb was as circumspect as a man could be. Like Nathan, he considered a man’s business to be his own.

“What’s it to you?” Nathan straddled his chair and booted his laptop. “I’d think you’d be more interested in your own sex life than mine.”

As he pulled up his travel schedule, Nathan felt Tynan’s eyes boring into his back.

He drew in a long breath. Should he tell Tynan? Face the same scale of advice he’d received from Caleb? Which was to leave Erin the fuck alone.

The past few days had proven that he couldn’t walk away from her. When he left each morning, he never made plans with Erin. No promises to call, or to hook up again. But sure as hell he was knocking on her door when night fell, in the hope she’d let him in and they could pick up where they’d left off the night before.

What he really wanted was for her to come to his place. For her to spend the night in his bed. But she never showed any interest in doing that. In fact, come to think of it, she’d never once mentioned it.

Tynan scooted his chair until he was beside Nathan. “Something on your mind, bro?”

Nathan kept tapping away at the keyboard, unable to meet his friend’s gaze. He knew Tynan wouldn’t let him off the hook, which meant he’d have to feed the man something.

“Woman trouble,” he finally said. “Can’t figure out this particular female, and it’s pissing me the hell off.”

Tynan leaned an elbow on the desk, like he was settling in for a companionable chat. “That’s a first. Usually you don’t get far enough into a relationship for any trouble.” His tone softened. “This one got you hooked?”

Had she? Was the tight feeling in his chest due to the hook settling around his ribs?

He leaned back and stroked a hand over his jaw. “Kind of.”

He expected Tynan to laugh or slap him on the back, but instead his friend simply nodded. “Who is she?”

Shit. Showtime.

Nathan turned so he could look Tynan in the eye. “Erin.”

His friend’s eyebrows rose so high they almost touched the disheveled hair falling on his forehead. “As in Erin Howard? Naomi’s friend you escorted to the wedding?”

What exactly was so freaking amazing about that? Nathan thought, scowling. First Caleb, now Tynan. He wasn’t some lothario seducing an innocent.


“Hell, man. Naomi’s going to fry your ass.”

“Yeah. So I hear. Caleb said much the same about Talia.”

Tynan smiled and shook his head. “If facing the wrath of those two females can’t scare you away, then I’m thinking there’s more than good sex taking you back for more.”

“There’s something about her.” And he felt like a drowning man grabbing for a lifeline. “She keeps me guessing. Doesn’t seem too bothered if I turn up or not. Maybe that pisses me off.”

“Some would say you’re getting a dose of your own medicine.”

“You included?”

“Nah. I hate seeing a man in pain, even if it is because of a female.
if it’s because of a female. What are you planning to do about it?”

“Not planning anything. Apparently, she’s not figuring to stay around that long anyway, so maybe I should just enjoy the sex which, by the way, is excellent, not just good.”

Tynan waggled his eyebrows.

“I want her in

“So get her there.”

“Last time I asked, she didn’t turn up.”

“Then get her there by other means, outside the promise of that excellent sex. What’s she into?”

Nathan shrugged. “Wants to write a book. Local flowers, plants.”

“There you go. We’ve got rare specimens around here.”


Tynan laughed. “Who the fuck knows? I’m looking for a ruse here, man.”

Nathan wasn’t averse to getting a female under
false pretenses, but he didn’t feel right deceiving Erin that way. Yet Tynan did have a point about tempting her out to his place. If the promise of dinner and sex didn’t do it, maybe plants would.

Tynan slapped Nathan on the shoulder. “You’ll figure it out.”

Yeah, he would. He wanted her on his territory. On his terms.

He did a quick Internet search, made a mental note of a couple of names, then pushed away from his laptop and stood. “Got something to do.”

Tynan’s soft laughter followed Nathan to the door and received the flip of a middle finger while Nathan kept right on walking.

In the kitchen, he reached into his pocket for his cell. After several rings, during which he considered whether or not to leave a message, she picked up.

“So, Erin. Are you planning on coming out here to pay me a visit anytime soon?”

He was met with silence, during which he clenched his teeth together.

“I’d love to see your house,” she finally said in the manner of someone wanting anything but. “I hear it’s amazing. It’s just…”

“Thought you’d like to see some of the plants native to the moor.” The words rushed out, despite his attempts to hold them back. “We’ve got some specimens growing wild around here. It’d be good for your research.”

He waited, his fingers tapping on the counter. He wasn’t sure of his next move if she said no, except going over to her place, tossing her over his shoulder and bringing her here by force.

“You mean tonight?”

“Yeah.” He didn’t want to consider the option that she might be busy or, fuck it to hell, have another date. He thought of the moron from the coffee shop again, and that sense of possession scrambled through his center, fired into his stomach, and burned in his chest. He had to work to stop the growl from escaping.

“It’s not really possible tonight. I’m doing an extra shift at the coffee shop today, and Willa will have been on her own too long as it is.”

“Bring the dog with you. I’ve got private land where she can run.”

Silence stretched again, during which he reconsidered doing the caveman bit.

“What time?”

He sucked in a breath, smiled a little. “How about coming over late afternoon? It’ll still be light enough. I’ll give you the tour. Cook us dinner.” He waited a beat. “You bring dessert.”

He could almost hear her brain working overtime, searching for another reason to refuse. Then, with a resigned sigh in her voice, she said, “Okay.”

Biting back a grin, he gave her directions and hung up. It was hard to wipe the self-satisfied smile off his face, until he remembered that he’d be spending the afternoon out on the moor searching for rare freaking plants.


* * * * *

Erin pulled into Nathan’s driveway, kept the car revving and simply stared at the house and grounds. It was stunning. Architecturally ultramodern, with sleek lines and copious glass windows and doors. She bet the inside was amazing. She’d soon find out.

Heck. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. Hooking up with Nathan on her own territory was much simpler. There she felt safe. Here? She was way out of her depth.

He must have heard her car, because the iron gates she’d driven through closed behind her. Erin tamped down the shiver of panic. There really was nothing to concern herself about. If she wanted to leave, she knew that Nathan would let her do so. But it didn’t help the storm of nerves in her stomach.

Seconds later, Nathan strolled around the side of the house and out toward her. She watched him, took the time to admire that easy gait, his muscular lines, the sensual swagger.

She realized her juices were already flowing. Despite that she was panicked and jumpy, she was already wet for him. Erin took long, slow breaths in an effort to calm both her nerves and her hormones.

He opened her door, placed a hand on the top and leaned down. “Are you planning on sitting there all afternoon? Or are you coming in?”

She pursed her lips. “I’m weighing up my options.”

He glanced toward the backseat. “The way Willa’s wriggling back there, I’d say someone needs a comfort break.” Looking back at Erin, he slipped her seat belt off. “Why don’t you come on in? I’ll even keep the gates open if you want. That way you can make a hasty escape if you feel the need.”

Erin drew in another breath. Had he read her mind?

On the drive over, she’d constantly talked to herself. Nathan wasn’t Justin. She’d mentally repeated that like a mantra, over and over. He didn’t make her feel the least bit threatened physically. While he was incredibly dominant in bed, and she’d done things with him she would never have believed she could do—like spanking, using a vibrator, and that incident with the ice cubes last night—Nathan always checked in with her to make sure she was okay.

She wasn’t in fear for Willa either. Despite his attempts to befriend Willa, Nathan seemed almost ambivalent toward her dog. Which suited Erin fine.

She turned off the engine, then accepted the hand Nathan offered. She got out of the car and went to step aside, but he pulled her in. He wrapped his arms around her waist and hiked her against him. “Hello, Erin.”

She smiled, gave in and slid her hands up his arms and around his neck. “Hello, Nathan.”

His kiss was hot, demanding, and in seconds, Erin was thinking about his bedroom. About being naked beside him, underneath him.

Willa’s excited bark brought them apart. Erin laughed. “I think you might be right about that comfort break.”

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