Beautiful Deadly: Betrayal Vol. 2 (3 page)

BOOK: Beautiful Deadly: Betrayal Vol. 2
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Where is she now? She must be scared and lonely, not knowing what is going on with him. Oh he misses her, misses the days when he could just hold her in his arms with nothing hanging over their heads. The days when she had no suspicions about his actions. She was so loving and free and it hurt him to know that for the second time, he is the cause of her distress. He wants so much for her to be happy and to let go of the pain and hurting of her past life, but can she do that if he continues to hurt her in this new life? Will she ever be able to move on from it? Will she be able to accept Jessica as a part of their little group?

He hopes that they can become friends because it must be lonely for them to not have any females to talk to about their new life. It would be good if they could keep each other’s company. That way he doesn’t have to worry about them being lonely and he would no longer feel so guilty for destroying their lives.

Chris looks up to see an officer watching him through the glass door. They didn’t even give him a comfortable chair. What if he wasn’t a vampire and wanted to sleep? They just place him to sit on a chair with no care for his comfort. Had he not been worried about Alex, he would have bust out of this place a long time ago. The walls were wearing him out. Sitting down and staring at them for so long is maddening.

Realizing that he didn’t tell Jessica to come before the sun comes up, he started to worry that it might affect them when they were leaving. Remembering, also that she has been living on her own and is still undiscovered gives him comfort to know that she is smart enough to do the right thing.

Chris’ vampire instincts begin to creep in as his throat starts itching for all of the humans in the building. He watches the throat of the officer standing at the door and uses every willpower in him to remain under control. It would be so easy to grab him and drink his blood, so very easy. The vein was pulsing and he could hear his heartbeat above all the noise in the station. It sounded so delicious, so yummy and inviting.

The officer looks seemingly uncomfortable under Chris’ intense gaze and places his hand on his gun. Chris smiles. If only the officer knew that his bullet would just dent when it hit him, but cause no harm. If he knew, he would release him immediately.

Chris peels his eyes away from the officer and turns it back to the wall. He is becoming impatient and bored, having to sit in one place and pretend to be normal for so long. He looks up on the clock on the wall and sees that the time is 5:15 AM. He is just about to get up to ask the officer if he could call back his lawyer, when he heard her voice on the other side of the door.

Relief flood through him when he sees the door open and she confidently strides into the room.

“I need to speak to my client alone please.” She says and the officers left them by themselves.

“What’s going on?” she asks Chris. “Why are you here?”

“Somebody spotted Alex when she went hunting tonight. They trailed her back to my house and I didn’t know. I was coming back from seeing you and ran straight into the crowd of police. I have no idea where she is or I would have escaped, but I didn’t want to leave and then she shows up and they take her.” he tells her.

Jessica listens intently. “Do you know where she is now?” she asks.

“No, I have no clue. I sensed her faintly at the house, but I can’t be sure because the scent of the humans overpowered any other smell. I am worried about her Jess, can you check on her for me?”

Jessica nods. “Of course. I have to wait until I go back out though, because they took my phone when I came in. I am going to try to get them to release you, I have watched enough law shows to know that they cannot hold you without probable cause. I am going to call them in for the questioning now.”

Jessica informs the officers that she is ready for the questioning and they came into the room.

“We have reason to believe that your client knows the whereabouts of a missing woman. We found her possessions at his house and she was spotted earlier nearby.” One of the officers says.

“So, let me get this straight. You take my client into custody because someone is staying at his house? How old is this woman?” she asks Chris.

He tells her that Alex is twenty-two.

“She is twenty-two years old, that means that she is an adult and she is free to make her own decisions. If she doesn’t want to contact her family, then my client has nothing to do with that. She isn’t a fugitive, she isn’t a minor and she wasn’t kidnapped. My client must be released immediately or I will file a lawsuit against the state. He should not have been in custody for a woman who makes her own decisions.” Jessica says, while Chris stares at her in admiration. It seems the women in his life will continue to impress him and leave him speechless.

The officer turns to Chris. “We have to release you, but please tell her that her family is worried and they miss her. Ask her to just give them a call to say that she is okay.”

By the time Jessica and Chris leave the police station, the sun is almost out, but Jess had taken umbrellas with her as a backup. They got into her rental and started the journey to his house to find Alex.

Chapter Five

Alex has been sitting in the tree outside of the jail cells for the past two hours. She has to leave soon because the place is getting to bright and she isn’t sure if her umbrella will provide enough shield from the sun’s rays. She has tried unsuccessfully to communicate with him to see how to help him to escape. She is worried sick about what is going on with him. She has no idea who to call or what to do. She knows that she cannot go into the police station because they will recognize her and cause drama that she doesn’t want.

This has been her roughest night since Chris’ return. Everything just went downhill so quickly and she blames herself for being careless. Had she not allowed herself to be seen, none of this would have happened.

The look on their faces was hard for her to take in. it is obvious that they are truly hurt by her disappearance and the thought of them thinking that she ran away and chose not to contact them, chose to leave them in misery is troubling to her. She hopes that they can think of a way to give them some closure to allow them to move on with their lives. This is something that she has to put some thought into because she hates that this is causing them so much pain.

It is funny that a few months ago, she thought her parents didn’t really love her. It is a pity that it took this tragedy for her to know how they feel and for them to really show her that they love her. Her parents have never been vocal about their feelings, nor were they affectionate people who showed their emotions. There is an old saying that we should make use of time because it goes by in a flash. Alex and her parents are perfect examples of that. No one expected this, not even the person who caused it all.

Seeing that she is having no luck with helping Chris to escape and that it is getting dangerously bright, Alex makes her way back home. This time, she makes sure to observe her surroundings and moves as fast as she can to ensure that she isn’t seen. As Alex makes her way through the woods, she can’t shake the feeling that she is being watched by somebody. She jumps into a tree and scan the area around her, but sees no one. She has that eerie feeling that eyes are following her and she runs as fast as she can, but slows down when she gets close to the house.

Afraid that the same thing that happened to Chris might happen to her, she quickly climbs into a tree and concentrates on the scents around her. She visibly relaxes when she senses Chris, and looks up in confusion when she senses another vampire. It has a peculiar scent, one she has never smelled before.

Alex jumps down from the tree and cautiously enters the house through the back door. She sees no one in the back rooms, but finds Chris standing by the living room, and a woman sitting in the couch.

Chris walks over to her with outstretched arms. “Oh, Alex. Thank God you are okay. I have been so worried.”

Instead of going into his arms, Alex uses her hand to block him and looks from him to the woman. “Who is this?” she asks him.

“Oh, my bad. Alex, this is Jessica, the woman I told you about.”

“You finally found her.” she says, taking a seat in a chair.

Chris doesn’t like her tone, but because he knows that she has been having a rough time, he pretends to not notice. “Yes, I found her last night. I was coming back to tell you when I ran into the little welcome party.” He laughs. “I could sense you last night, but it wasn’t strong enough for me to know where you were. Where were you hiding?”

“I was in a tree out back. I sensed them coming and ran outside so they didn’t find me inside. I wanted to call you to warn you, but I realized too late that I left the phone inside. I was hoping that you would sense them and turn back, but it seems you were still distracted.” She looks over at Jessica when she says ‘distracted.’

Jessica remains silent throughout their exchange. Sensing the tension between them and feeling that she is somehow the cause, she deliberately ignores the jibe that Alex throws her way. She knows how women are when they are hurt and she knows Alex will soon get over her insecurity when she sees that Chris really loves her and that she isn’t a threat to her relationship.

“I was indeed distracted, but I was so excited to get home to you and share the good news.” Chris says to her.

“I was thirsty and went hunting. I was also distracted and didn’t sense a nearby group that was hiking. The person that saw me was a classmate of mine and she must have alerted the police, who trailed me her. Apparently she saw the direction that I went it and then told them. I’m sorry for being careless.” She says.

Shaking his head, Chris says. “We were both careless and should have been more careful.” He sits down on the handle of the chair beside her. “I missed you.” He says, placing his hand around her shoulders.

Alex leans away from him. “How did you get out?” she asks.

Confused, yet again by her behavior, Chris tells her. “I called Jessica to pretend to be my lawyer. She told them that they didn’t have any grounds under which to hold me because all of your sightings showed that you are not being restrained. You are not a minor and you are not being held against your will. She was pretty good actually, my freedom proves it.” He smiles.

“I’m sure she was.” She says sarcastically. “So what’s the plan now?”

“We go to Detroit as we originally planned. The sooner we leave, the better. I see that you packed, but we will have to replace your things when we get there.” Chris tells her. “Where are you coming from?”

“The police station, I have been there for the past two hours, trying to find a way to save you; feeling guilty that I caused this. Apparently my guilt is unnecessary because instead of calling me, you called her.” she stood up and left the room after saying this, showing no regard for Jessica’s feelings.

She walks into their bedroom and flops down on the beds. She tried to cry, but the tears wouldn’t come.

She hears Chris’ footsteps coming behind her. “Alex, what is going on with you? Why are you being so rude?”

Alex ignores him.

“You had a problem with me going out to search for Jessica every night and now that the searches will stop, you are still upset. I don’t understand.” He waits for a response, but gets none. “Alex, please tell me what’s wrong.” He says, pleadingly.

She finally faces him. “I always have to put up with you having issues to sort out. You disappeared on me right after you changed me and just a short while after your return, you disappear every night to go and find a mystery woman who supposedly ran away from you. What am I supposed to think? I don’t want to have to be fighting for your attention all of the time. You are back now, but for how long?”

“Alex, I am back for good. I feel like I have to protect the both of you because I am the reason that you are now vampires. Can you at least try to understand that? Can you also understand that I love you and want to spend eternity with you?” he tells her, running a finger along her cheek.

“I will believe you if you leave with me right now. Go out to the living room and tell Jessica goodbye and let us go to Detroit.” She tells him.

Chris stands up. “Alex, I can’t do that.”

“Why not?”

“We can leave now to go to Detroit, but Jessica is coming with us. I can’t leave either of you alone again.” He tells her.

Alex is in rage now. “She has been living by herself all this time. Why do you think you need to be prince charming now and run to her rescue? She is doing quite fine.”

“Alex, please understand. I cannot leave her alone again. Look at it this way – you will both have somebody to talk to besides me. You can discuss things with her that you wouldn’t discuss with me. You might turn out to be really good friends.”

“Now you want me to be friends with the woman you are in love with? Hell no!” Alex jumps out of the bed and runs straight out the back door.

“Alex, what are you talking about? Where are you going?” Chris calls after her. She disappears into the woods and he runs into the living room.

Chapter Six

“Jess, you have to come help me. Alex just ran off into the woods and she is angry. We can’t have a replay of what happened last night, we need to get her back here before somebody sees her.” Chris tells Jessica, leading her by the hand to the door. “Are women always this emotional and dramatic?” he adds.

“Chris, I don’t know Alex, but if she is anything like me, she is still reeling from her transformation. She is confused and doesn’t know what she is going to do with the rest of her life. Seeing her family last night must have made her feel worse.” Jess says, surprising Chris.

“So you aren’t offended by her comments?”

Shaking her head, Jess says. “No. I think once she gets through this phase, she and I will be good friends. We have the same spirit. Now, let’s go find her.” she pats him on the shoulder and awaits his instruction.

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