Beautifully Broken (17 page)

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Authors: Sherry Soule

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Romance

BOOK: Beautifully Broken
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“Thank you, I love it.” I hugged her hard. “But protect me from what?” Although I probably knew the answer.

The blue seeds of her eyes showed unease, but her aura was sunlight and saffron. “
…other witches.”

Dad strode across the room. A wide grin overtook his features. He took Aunt Lauren’s hand and brought it to his lips. “Hello Lauren. Such an attractive top. Matches the color of your eyes. Are you still teaching third grade?”

Aunt Lauren’s cheeks flushed. “Yes, they’re like the children I never had…”

Dad stiffened, his eyes sad. He cleared his throat. “Can I offer you punch?”

“I’d love a glass.” Aunt Lauren’s eyes lit with an inner vitality when she smiled. Then her face darkened. I noticed Jillian fix her glittering eyes on Aunt Lauren and saw that Aunt Lauren glared back. Invisible sparks flew across the room. The atmosphere became thick with undercurrents and friction I sensed but didn’t understand.

The doorbell chimed.

“I’ll get it.” Jillian strolled to the door, a bouquet of sweet roses drifted across the room as she passed us. She opened the door. When I saw who was standing there, my heart spluttered hyperactively. My breath sucked in.
No way.






“I’m Trent Donovan—here for Shiloh’s party.” Trent’s drawl sounded deep and sensuous. “How do you do?” He held out his hand but Jillian ignored it.

A hushed murmur stretched throughout the room. I followed Ariana’s gaze to where Trent stood. My head shook in denial.

“Fantastic. Come in.” Jillian led him into the dining room.

One look at him, and my emotions ran rampant. Trent shrugged off his black leather jacket, under which he wore a long-sleeved black shirt, faded jeans, and badass biker boots.
God, those incredible eyes, muscular chest and sexy smile—yep, he’s smoldering too.

I licked my lips. My underarms grew damp. I pulled at the sleeve of my blouse, making sure the scar on my arm was covered. Ariana appeared beside me and elbowed me in the ribs, making me jump. “You’re such a smitten kitten.”

My breath staggered. “

Trent advanced with a smile. “Hey, you.” He bestowed that cocky grin on Ariana. “And you must be?”

“Ariana. Nice to meet you, Trent.”

While I stood there, gaping like a moron, I noticed Ariana holding back a smirk.

I like him. Seriously like him.
But I needed to play it cool and not be too obvious. I just prayed it didn’t show on my face. Too bad there wasn’t a psychic barricade for hiding overactive hormones. And he just wanted to be friends. And may I add that it totally sucked?

Because for once in my life, I wanted to be
. Just once. You know, the unpopular girl who gets the hunky guy. Sort of
Sixteen Candles
She’s All That

His voice interrupted my inner babble. “Shiloh, you look really pretty.”

Drawing a deep breath, I composed myself. “Thanks.”

He tapped a finger on his chin. “There’s something different about you.”

Ohmygosh, did he know? Did he sense I was different? A magnet for the supernatural?

“It’s your hair.”

Whew. Panicked for nothing. Breathe Shiloh. Act cool.

He smiled an uneven bad boy smirk that made my nerves jangly. “What did you do differently? The last time we hung out it was sorta wavy.”

“Used a flat-iron. No biggie.”

“I like it,” Ariana said, coming to my defense.

“I meant I like it too,” Trent said, grinning like a wolf. “Wicked sexy.”

Ariana tapped my shoulder. “That’s my cue to get some punch.” She left us standing awkwardly in the middle of the living room.

I wondered why he hadn’t called. Why he hadn’t bothered to get in touch with me after one of my friends disappeared at his house. And now he was at my party, looking extra-smoking hot and delicious but not even bringing up Paige...

“I hope you’re still working at Ravenhurst.” He frowned. “But I wouldn’t blame you if you quit.”

That’s no longer an option. I need Evans’ guidance more than ever.

“Nah. I’ll stick around.” My eyes strayed to his full lips.
Shiloh, act normal and do not think about smooches.
“Uh, what are you doing here?”

Very smoochable (it’s a word!), sexy lips—

“Heard about your party and I thought I’d drop by.” A smug grin lifted the corners of his generous mouth. “Is that cool?” He kept my dad’s recliner between us, his eyes fixed intently on mine.

“Yeah, I guess.” I traveled around the chair, but he shuffled in the opposite direction. He had perfect posture, his shoulders back and arms crossed. Feeling hurt and rejected, I pressed my hand to my stomach. Not the same guy I’d hung out with and
made out
with a week ago. That guy had been sorta sweet and charming. I’m not sure which I liked better.

“You’re acting strange.”

“No, I’m
.” Trent glanced around. My eyes followed his about the room. Dad watched us with a worried frown. Correction: everybody watched us.

Something bugged me concerning his change of attitude. I leaned toward him. “What’s with you tonight? What’s with the uber cool guy act?”

“Everyone’s watching.”


His expressive face changed and grew somber. “My uncle says you’re a fast learner. Doing a great job.”

I so do not get this guy. Super cocky then super sensitive? Huh?
I gave myself a mental shake, then responded to his comment. “He’s an excellent teacher. Very knowledgeable guy. But don’t change the subject.”

Trent’s eyes became flat and unreadable. Eyes that had swallowed too much pain and in which the twinkling of trust had long expired. “You haven’t said anything to anyone, have you?” he asked, voice soft and urgent. “About Ravenhurst being haunted?”

“Yeah. Sure. Because people are
believing in this sort of thing.”

So that’s why he’s acting all snooty. Afraid I’ve been talking trash about Ravenhurst.

“I’d appreciate if you kept it that way, cool?”

Nodding, I said, “Sure. Yeah—I get it.”

He hitched forward slightly, breathing sharp. “Anyway, thanks for having me,” he said, before strolling away.

Ariana was instantly beside me. “What were you guys whispering about?”


.” She pinched my arm, giggling. “You’ve got lovesick face.”

“I do not—”

Jillian approached us with a wrinkled brow. “Ariana, I need to talk to Shiloh.”

“Sure.” Ariana ambled to the table laden with food where Trent chatted with my friends.

“Shiloh, did you invite Trent?” Jillian asked.

“No. Why?”

Her expression darkened. “I don’t like him. There’s something about him…” she paused, choosing her next words carefully. “…that’s odd.”

Yeah, you think?
But I kept my mouth shut for a change, because I was odd too.

“Needing air, I slipped out the back door. The cool night breeze rushed to greet me. The anthracite ceiling of sky flowed with a million stars.


I jumped at the sound of my name. “Hey.”

“Happy belated birthday,” Trent said. “Why didn’t you give me an invite to your party?”

I shrugged my shoulders, I said, “It seems you don’t need one.”

“I suppose not.” He laughed quietly. “Does it upset you that I came uninvited?”

“No…it doesn’t
me, sparky.” I snickered, playfully slapping his arm.

But why haven’t you called me? Were we just some casual hookup?
No. We were friends.
Friends that kiss?
Ugh, my head hurt. Even if he was a jerk for not calling, a part of me still wanted to share more smooches with him. Real, deep kisses that lasted—

“Such a smartass.” He stepped back, his mouth curved down. His expression stung and hurt. I stared into his intense emerald eyes and saw past the arrogant demeanor he wore like armor, to the genuine regret shadowed in his expression. “Look, I’m really sorry about your friend. I came over tonight to smooth things over, but I guess you’re still pissed.”

“Excuse me?”

“It’s obvious you aren’t happy to see me. But there’s no reason to be all
with me.”

I can’t do this. I can’t pretend. Not with him.
What he said hit home, struck my heart. He was right. I was still feeling pissed and a mix of other emotions varying from melancholy to confusion that crowded my heart. I swallowed, thinking about our fight. The drama-queen way I had acted.

“Now who’s being sensitive?” I gave him an apologetic smile. “We always seem to be fighting.”

“Opposites attract?” He chuckled, digging his hands into his pockets. “So we cool?” When I nodded, he said, “Good. I was afraid you were still mad at me…”

I moved behind the stone bench, putting space between us. It wasn’t like he was some whipped puppy-dog. I was the one with the burning fever of desire raging in my blood. The pull I felt for him was bizarre, wonderful, magical. Also it felt dangerous. Obsessive. Forbidden.

My eyes searched for signs of my shadowy foes in the garden. “But I should make one thing clear, while we’re working together—we shouldn’t be making—I mean, hanging out.”

Did I really just almost say making out?
I mentally slapped my forehead.

He rocked on his heels, gazing at the stars. “Fine. Whatever you say. Not gonna push. I’ll see ya,” Trent said and walked toward the backdoor. He was leaving.

Wait, what am I doing?

“Trent!” My voice sounded raspy, betraying my feelings. “Don’t go. Do you wanna hang out Friday?”

Trent swung back around. His coy smirk returned, putting a twinkle of light in the depths of his eyes. “Yeah. Seven-thirty?” He smiled, moving to stand directly in front of me again. “Um, can I ask you something? You wear a lot of pink. What’s that about?”

“It’s my favorite color. What? I can’t be a feminist girly-girl and like pink?”

Trent’s smile never wavered as he held his palms up. “Slow your roll! Just asking.”

I laughed then sobered. “Have you heard from Paige’s family?”

“No.” He kicked at the dirt. “We sent them a funeral wreath for the private service…” Trent moved closer and his gaze became appraising. “You know, you have a unique bone structure. Like an Indian princess.”

“Uh, original…” I muttered.

“It’s true.”

I suppressed a smirk. “Does that flowery talk usually work on girls?”

He shoved his hands into his pockets, hooking his thumbs through the loops. “Gets ’em every time. Not you though, eh? Think you’re immune to my charms?”

“Depends. Is that your best line?”

“Ouch! Harsh.” He placed his hands over his heart, pretending to stumble backwards. “Why so cranky? Seriously, you’re the kind of girl a guy could blog about. And it’s not like I have a girlfriend.”

“Hmm, then a test.” I spun around, putting my back to him. “What color are my eyes?”

“Seriously?” He chuckled. “Deep brown. Dark as a forest on a moonlit night. More the color of sable, mysterious and rich and full of secrets,” he said, his voice sweeping through me, faint, like leaves ruffled by a gentle breeze, brushing my consciousness so softly that my mind barely registered his voice, yet the whispered words imprinted themselves forever into my heart. “And when the sunlight hits them, the iris turns a gorgeous bronze hue.”

I turned to face him. My mouth hung open like a moron.

Okay, maybe I do like flowery talk.

Trent moved a step closer, closing the distance between us. He took the tip of his finger and pushed back a strand of hair from my eyes. He slid the hair behind my ear, his fingers trailing across my cheek and leaving a path of warm sensations on my skin. I forgot to be watchful of the shadows. I licked my lips, pretending to act nonchalant, while my insides trembled and dissolved into mush. Shivers raced across my skin. It was hard to catch my breath. I leaned into him and his body responded. He cradled my head in his hands, lowering his face to mine. Our lips inches apart. I got ready for the smooches.

Nothing happened. I opened my eyes.

His body had gone glacial, rigid. Muscles in his jaw twitched. His hands dropped to his sides and he stepped back. Blinking rapidly, he appeared torn by confusion. Uncertain and tangled. His withdrawal felt like a slap.

Did I do something wrong? Have bad breath or something?

My peripheral vision caught the shades in the garden. They glided over the roses, turning them from crimson to onyx, shrouding everything they touched like an oil stain. They whispered, making the little hairs on my arms rise. Shadows slithered and twined. Before my unblinking eyes, they morphed into distinctive shapes. Like goblins from a fairytale with shimmery black skin and red devil stares.

Fear expanded in my gut. The ligaments in my knees liquefied. I peeked at Trent’s face. He was staring up at the sky, lost in thought. My eyes swung from his face to the shades.

Without me prompting it, magick spun around me like a mystical transformation of moonlight and night air. A supernatural wind swooshed through my hair, lifting the strands to float about my face. My arms went instinctively above my head. I was encased in a tornado of silver, turquoise, and violet stained magick. My senses expanded, instinctively absorbing the trees, grass, and earth. Before Trent could glance over, I focused on the shadows and pointed at them. With my finger, I hurled magickal energy at them. They whimpered and turned to shades of grey.

Trent grasped my shoulders. “What were you doing?” The magick faded with the change of tone in his voice. Which simmered with barely checked passion.

“Just stretching.” I looked into his eyes. Got lost in their magnetic power.

Neither of us said anything for a minute. He raised his hand, tracing my lips with his fingertips. His touch made my body relax and quiver simultaneously. He bent to place those luscious lips on mine. Finally.

Someone stepped onto the back porch. “Shiloh? You out here?”

Damn. Damn. Damn.
I pulled away, my cheeks fiery with irritation.

Ariana moved into the light. “It’s time to cut the cake.” She lounged against the doorframe. “Whatcha guys doing?” she asked in a singsong tone.

“Nothing,” Trent and I said simultaneously.

Great timing, Ari. Just when things are getting interesting.

Her left brow lifted. “Oh,

Trent flushed and pushed past Ariana into the house. She laughed.

I gave her the stink eye. “Thanks,” I mumbled as I passed her, and she laughed again.

Stepping into the dining room, someone switched off the lights. A chorus of voices crooned the Happy Birthday song. Dad carried in the cake and set it on the table. I weakly smiled at everyone. Pulling my hair back with one hand, I bent to blow out the candles.

“Don’t forget to make a wish.”

I peeked at Trent before blowing out all the candles. Except one.


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