Because He Breaks Me (5 page)

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Authors: Hannah Ford

BOOK: Because He Breaks Me
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I pulled out my phone and thought about calling the police.

But what would I say?

A man grabbed my bag in a Barnes and Noble? That he had tried to steal my phone? They would probably take a statement and send me on my way. The police were supposed to make you feel safe and calm, but the thought of calling the cops wasn’t making me feel calm and safe. In fact, it was just filling me with more anxiety.


His name shot through my heart like an arrow.

I hovered my finger over his name in my phone.

I told myself.
You’re done with him. He’s done with you. You told him you wanted nothing to do with him, you can’t just call him when you need him and expect…

What did I expect? To see him again? For him to soothe me and make everything better?


I just wanted to talk to him, to tell him what had happened. Didn’t it make sense to do that? What if he was in danger?

I pushed the call button on my phone before I could change my mind.

As the phone rang, a girl in a pair of leather pants pushed by me and into the bar, laughing loudly, the sound ricocheting through my ears and making it hard to hear.

“Hello?” I said into the phone, but he hadn’t answered yet.

The phone rang two…three… four times.

Panicked indecision flashed through my brain as I wondered if I should leave a message. Was he not answering because he wasn’t near his phone? Or because he had seen my name on his caller ID and didn’t want to talk to me?

I’d just decided I wasn’t going to leave a message when he answered.

“Adriana,” he said by way of greeting, his voice low and sexy and devoid of emotion.

“Callum,” I said. “Um, I’m sorry to call you, I just…”

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong, I just… that man from Florida, Jason, he was…” I felt a lump forming in my throat and I struggled to try and loosen it, to push my voice past it, but it was impossible. The shock of what had happened had continued to wear off, and now I was starting to get scared. Like
scared. Not only that, but the sound of Callum’s voice was having an intense effect on me, rocking me to my core and leaving me unsteady.

“Hold on, Adriana,” Callum said. I could hear voices and music in the background, the clink of glasses, the tinkling of a woman’s laughter. He was out somewhere. Of course he was out somewhere! I closed my eyes. Why had I called him? How stupid could I be? The background sounds faded into the background, and then Callum’s voice was back on the line. “Okay,” he said. “Now tell me what happened.”

“That man,” I said. “Jason, he was… I was in Barnes and Noble, and I saw him.”

“Where are you?” Callum demanded.

“Union Square,” I said. I forced a false bravado into my voice then cleared my throat. “Anyway, I just wanted to let you know. He seemed pretty determined to get your number, so I wanted to make sure --”

“Go to my apartment, Adriana. I will meet you there. Do not talk to anyone. If you see him, call the police.”

“What? Callum, no, that’s not –”

But the line had gone dead.

I took in a deep breath.

I knew I shouldn’t go.

But I wanted to see him.

I was powerless against the pull he had over me.

So I hailed a cab.

And I went to his apartment.

hen I got there
, I waited outside.

The street was relatively busy, and the people ambling along down the sidewalk provided me with a sense of comfort. If Jason
somehow been able to follow me, there were so many people around it would be hard for him to get away with anything.

On the other hand, every person I saw made me jump.

Two minutes after I arrived, a shiny black limo pulled up in front of the apartment, and Callum stepped out. He was dressed in jeans, a black sweater, and a black leather jacket, his hair slightly mussed. He hadn’t shaved since this morning and his stubble darker than usual. As he got closer, I caught a quick whiff of his woodsy cologne, and my body flooded with intense desire.

“Are you okay?” he demanded when he saw me, his eyes hooded with concern. “What happened?”

“I’m okay,” I said, shaking my head. “He just startled me is all. He wanted your phone number.”

“How did he know where you were?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Did he touch you?” He reached out and took my hands in his, turned them over, like he was inspecting me for harm.

““No, he just… he scared me.”

“You’re shaking.”

I looked down, surprised to see he was right. My hands
shaking, but I wasn’t sure if it was because of what had happened with Jason, or because Callum was here, in front of me, touching me, comforting me. “I’m okay,” I said, but my voice sounded weak.

He slid his hand up my arm, and I winced.

His eyes narrowed as he reached up and slid the cardigan I was wearing down over my shoulder.

He inhaled sharply when he saw the ugly bruise Jason had left on my bicep. “He did touch you,” he said, his jaw clenching, a vein in his neck throbbing. “You should have told me, Adriana.”

“I didn’t realize…” I said.

The window of the limo rolled down then, and a girl’s voice came floating over the pavement. “Callum, are you coming?”

I looked up to see a blond head poking out of the back of the car.

Oh my God.

It was Aubrey Zane.

Aubrey Zane, one of the most famous pop stars in the world, was in the back of Callum’s limo.

Had they been on a date? Bile rose in my throat.

“Stay here,” Callum commanded.

He walked toward the limo, leaned down, and began talking to Aubrey. I couldn’t see her face, nor could I hear what he was saying to her.

But a moment later, the limo pulled away and Callum came back to me.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a key, unlocked the front door of the building.

“Come,” he said, and I followed him inside and into the elevator.

“Were you… um, were you and Aubrey on a date?” I asked. And then, because I hated the way I sounded, I added quickly, “I’m sorry, I didn’t meant to interrupt.”

He glanced at me out of the corner of his eye, and I was sure he was going to deny it, was going to tell me that he was just with her for some business thing. But he didn’t.

“Yes, we were on a date.”

“Oh.” My stomach twisted itself into a tight, painful knot. The elevator doors opened and we stepped into the hallway. “So after what we did last night, you were on a date with another woman?”

He was at the door to his apartment now, and he unlocked it and pushed inside. “You mean after you kicked me out and told me you wanted nothing to do with me this morning? Yes, I was with another woman, Adriana.”

I followed him as he tossed his keys onto the counter and removed his jacket. He reached into the refrigerator, pulled out a bottle of water and took a long sip. He set it down and then braced himself against the counter, his muscular biceps straining against his thin sweater.

“You could have at least waited a day,” I said, unable to keep the bitterness out of my voice, even as my mind screamed at me to stop, to not give him the satisfaction of seeing how upset I was.

“I could have at least waited a day?” Callum repeated, and give a sarcastic laugh. “Do you know what you did to me this morning, Adriana? Do you have any fucking idea?” His hands tightened around the counter, his knuckles turning white as his voice rose and echoed accusingly off the walls of the apartment. When I didn’t answer him, he raised his head and looked at me, leveling me with those brilliant blue eyes. “You

I was still standing by the door, not sure if I was ready to fully commit to coming all the way into his apartment. “You must have been really devastated to immediately set up a date with one of the most gorgeous women on the planet, Callum.”

He crossed the room to me and grabbed my arms, pulled them up over my head and pinned them against the back of the door, his hips pushing into mine until I was trapped. “You rejected me,” he growled. “Not just me, Adriana, but who I am, what I need.”

“I didn’t reject who you were,” I said. “I just… “ He was so close, I could smell his scent, could see a tiny scar on his collarbone, could see the top of his shoulder where the strained muscles and tendons peeked out from the top of his sweater. “I can’t give you what you want.”

I was saying the words, but my voice sounded far away, and my knees felt weak. I fought against the power he had over me as hard as I could, but he was pulling me under, my resolve snapping like a twig under the weight of his magnetism.

And then, suddenly, he released me and walked back to the kitchen, picked up his water bottle and took another pull.

“Why are you here, Adriana?” he asked quietly. “Why did you call me?”

“Because Jason –”

“You could have called the police. They would have come right away.”

“I wanted to warn you.”

“Thanks, but I don’t need your warnings,” he said, shaking his head. “Jason is the least of my problems.”

“Are you going to call the police?” I asked, twisting my hands together in front of me.



“If you want to call the police, Adriana, be my guest. But Jason’s not a threat to me. He’s just a poser, one of those guys who think they’re hot shit. He’s upset, but he’ll get over it. If you feel differently, then by all means, you should file a report.”

My eyes filled with tears at Callum’s callous dismissal. I’d hurt him. I’d rejected him so deeply that he’d considered it an attack on who he was as a person, a validation that he was just as fucked up as he thought he was. I wasn’t sure we could ever recover from that.

I knew if I left this apartment, he wouldn’t contact me again. And I
contact him again, not after this. But the thing was, I felt safe here, in this apartment with him, even though he was the person with the ability to hurt me the most.

“I’ll get you a security detail,” he said. “Starting tomorrow.”

“I don’t want a security detail.”
I want you.

“You won’t even know they’re there. And you won’t need to have any interaction with me.”

“I want to have interaction with you,” I said. I took a step toward him and put my hand on his arm. “I don’t want a guard, Callum.”

I felt his muscle clench under my touch, and then he turned to look at me. “What do you want, Adriana?”

“I want you,” I whispered, my voice trembling. “I want you to own me.”

As I said the words, I realized how true they were. I wanted to be with him, I wanted him to fuck me, to spank me, to punish me for what I’d done by not signing the contract in the first place. I wanted him to own me.

I reached into my bag, my hands still shaking.

I took out the contract, pulled the pages out the envelope and set them on the counter before signing with a flourish.

“There,” I said, setting the pen down. I squared my shoulders and looked him dead in the eye. “I’m yours.”

Callum stood there, not saying anything for a long moment, his gaze setting me on fire, his soul invading my body and burning my veins from the inside out.

Then he raised his chin.

“You’ll have to be punished.”

I nodded.


I dropped my eyes from his. “I understand, sir.”

His breathing was deepening as he eyed me hungrily.

“Lock the front door, Adriana,” he said. “And then go to the bedroom.”





In the meantime, check out HURT SO GOOD, the TWENTY BOOK BOXED SET by New York Times Bestselling Author Kelly Favor, Hannah Ford, and Chloe Hawk…

From hot and demanding bosses to seductively bad stepbrothers, this TWENTY BOOK BOXED SET indulges every sinful thought you’ve ever had.

And it hurts so good…

Click here to get all twenty books for 99 cents, or free as part of your Kindle Unlimited Membership

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