Because of Sydney (13 page)

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Authors: T.A. Foster

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Because of Sydney
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Her mouth dropped. “That is the most sexist thing I’ve heard. I’m talking about the women who should be here in this underground business world.”

“Sweetheart, there’s nothing underground about this. This is how deals are made. It’s completely out in the open.”

“Exactly. It’s a good ole’ boys club.”

“You’ve walked through this lobby for all of thirty seconds and you’ve already determined how it works?”

Her eyes flared. “Tell me I’m wrong.”

She had me. It was a good ole’ boys club. I hadn’t thought about it much. I didn’t care whom I did business with as long as the deal was solid and would make money. I realized looking around, Sydney probably wouldn’t see it that way. She was clearly outnumbered.

I saw the cigar smoke drifting from the brandy bar. I could hear the pats on the back. The deep chuckles between men. An occasional statistic thrown out about the local quarterback. I shook my head.

“You’re not wrong.”

“As long as you see it.” She crossed her arms in frustration.

“I do now.”

The bellhop led us into the elevator and deposited us on the top floor outside of the executive suite. I opened the door for Sydney while he laid our bags out on the luggage racks.

“Is there anything else I can get for you, Mr. Lachlan?”

“No, I think we’re good.” I handed him a folded twenty-dollar bill as he backed out of the room.

“This is beautiful.” Sydney looked out of the window, admiring the Riverwalk below us. “Wow. You can see everything from up here.” I was glad she had decided to drop the conversation we started in the lobby.

“It has a nice view.” I stood next to her, watching the tourists mill about while one of the river boats floated by.

“So much better than staring at the peeling paint in my tiny cubicle at the

“I’m glad you like it.”

“Can we take a boat ride?”

“Err…uhh, I’ve never done that here.”

She pinched her pouty lips together. “Never mind. It’s no big deal.”

I grabbed her hand, the spontaneity of her idea taking hold. “No, if the pretty girl wants to do all the touristy stuff, then we’re doing the touristy stuff. I promised you fun, right?”

I loved the smile that spread across her face. “Really? You don’t mind?”

“Depends. Are you going to want to see the Alamo next?” I joked.

“Only if you want to see it.”

I realized I might have awakened something in her. She suddenly looked much younger than twenty-two. Her eyes lit with excitement.

“Ok, the Alamo and a river boat, but then I get to choose the next spot. Got it?”

She nodded. “Deal. You get next pick.”

“Thanks.” I was starting to wonder if I had come out ahead or not.

She threw her phone in her bag. “Ready?”

“After you, Miss Paige.”

I held the door for her as we walked out of the room.

It wasn’t the afternoon I had planned, but seeing Sydney’s face every time we did something new made it worth it. I laughed when she realized the Alamo wasn’t nearly as big as she had envisioned, and I tried not to make fun when our gondola driver filled half the boat with water on every push with his paddle. Her shorts got soaked. These were the things she wanted to try. By the time we made it back to the suite I could see the fatigue setting in.

“Why don’t you take a nap before dinner?” I suggested. “Maybe dry off a little.”

“And what are you going to do?”

“I have calls to make. I need to check in with the Dallas office. Go. Sleep.”

She paused in the doorway, considering my directions. “Aren’t you going to sleep?”

“I’ll sleep tonight. Really. Go. I’ll wake you up before our reservation so you’ll have time to get ready.”

It wasn’t as if I was counting the hours since the morning, but my body responded to the idea of crawling back in bed with her. I gripped at my fists, feeling my hands react with burning to thoughts of her smooth skin. I had already let too many things slide today.

“Ok.” She closed the bedroom door and I sighed.

It might be the only way I’d get any work done—with a solid door between us.

I pulled out my phone to call the office.



The conference call ended earlier than I expected. The sun was setting over San Antonio. I tipped the door open. Sydney was sleeping like she did this morning. My heart raced, seeing her under the sheets.

I crossed the room. It was cool and dark. The drapes were pulled together.

I should let her sleep. I didn’t let her last night. But before I could turn back, her eyes opened. She looked at me and I froze. My feet rooted to the floor. My eyes unable to look away.

“Did I oversleep?” she asked.

“Not yet.”

“What time is it?” She began to sit upright.

My chest stirred when her shirt fell off her shoulder, exposing the tiny freckles on her skin. I approached, taking her in with each step toward the bed. My body was drawn to her. I knew it the first time I saw her. I knew it when she showed up at lunch and again last night when I caught her questioning Grey. There was something about her that drove me crazy.

I maneuvered so I was on top of her. Each knee on either side of her hips, the bed sinking under my weight. She smiled. “How did your call with the office go?”

“I think we’re going to have to establish some guidelines.” I raked my lips against her mouth. I stifled a groan. I tasted the sun on her skin and wanted to drink in the rest of her.

Any thoughts of catching a quick nap disappeared. I wanted her.

“I thought we already did that. Fun, remember?” Her hands skated up my side, dragging my shirt over my head.

“The fun is understood.” I kissed her shoulder. “I need to know that everything between us is off the record.”

“You think I’m going to write about this?” She sounded offended.

“I need to know if you overhear something or see someone, you aren’t going to use the information. That’s all I’m asking.”

I sat on my heels so I could start on her panties. They were tight and cute—like the rest of her. She had slept in them. Her wet shorts were still drying from the gondola ride. God, she was killing me.

“Do you think that’s why I’m here? For the story?” She breathed deeply when I peeled them from her legs.

“No, but I want to make sure it’s part of our arrangement.” This was exactly why I stayed away from reporters, but damn if this one didn’t have me.

“And what if I say I can’t do that?” Her eyes said she was testing me. It was the part that drove me crazy the most. She didn’t back down.

Her hands trailed over my chest, dipping farther below my waist until my eyes closed. Her movements were designed to make me tremble. It was working.

“Then we might have a problem, Miss Paige.” I choked on the words. She was dangerously close to having this over before it even began. I rolled on my back, taking her with me.

She looked at me, her hair falling around my face.

“Everything is off the record?”

“Completely.” I gripped her hips, bringing her against my body, letting her feel what she was doing to me.

“And what happens when I get back to work and I have to follow up on the resort you’re building? You realize I’m still on the business beat.”

“I didn’t say you can’t do your job. You just can’t report anything you learn when we’re together.” I worked the silky tank off her arms and threw it on the floor. My fingers worked the clasp on her bra.

She gasped as her bare breasts rubbed against my chest.

“It’s going to be complicated. I don’t know if I can separate things like you do.”

I gently tugged on the skin on her breast with my teeth, watching with hungry eyes as her nipple puckered. She leaned forward and my tongue lashed against it. I grinned when she sighed.

“Tell me now if you can’t do this.” I slid on my back, taking all of her in my mouth. She bowed under the pressure of my tongue. I stopped abruptly and moved to face her. “Because I can stop things.” I focused on her eyes. She was drowning in lust, her body writhing for more. I pulled her knees apart. I had no doubt how she’d answer.

“I don’t know that this is completely fair,” she whispered. “You’re the one with all the power.”

My hands dropped to the side, flattening on the sheet. “It looks like you’re the one on top, girl.”

Her teeth grazed the side of my ear. “This is
off the record?”


I inhaled sharply when I felt her pull me inside. My hands gripped her hips, but she quickly pushed them off, shaking her head.

“No,” she toyed. “My turn.”

“Is this your answer?” I groaned as she sank warmth and fire on me. We were both on the verge of diving into a place where words were useless.

Her mouth crushed against mine, and she murmured a yes.

I smiled, knowing these were my favorite kinds of negotiations.



I buttoned my shirt and waited for Sydney. It didn’t matter what girl I was with, the getting ready routine always seemed to be the same—it took an eternity. I could buy three companies by the time a woman was ready for dinner.

We had reservations at eight at a five-star restaurant a few blocks from the hotel on the Riverwalk. She didn’t need to know I was scouting one of the chefs for the resort. I found opportunities where I could. It wasn’t worth an overnight trip for two morning meetings alone. When Mark mentioned the chef had started at the restaurant, I knew it was another reason to make the drive.

I looked at my watch again. We were close to being late when I heard the sound of high heels behind me. I turned to see her emerge from the bedroom.

Her hair was long and loose over her shoulders. I liked it down. The green dress hugged her breasts, but the skirt bounced out, short and high on her thighs.

“Wow. You look beautiful.”

“I didn’t really pack for a fancy dinner. It’s just a sundress. You sure it’s ok?”

My eyes hadn’t moved past her legs and the heels. “You better watch out.”

“Why is that?”

“Because someone is going to snatch you up tonight.”

I liked how she blushed so easily when I flirted with her. It made her seem more innocent than I knew she was. There was nothing innocent about that girl.

“We better get going. I have a car waiting for us.” I turned for the door.

“But can’t we walk? I like the river.”

I took her hand and pulled her to the elevator. “We can walk after dinner. I don’t want to miss our reservation.”

“All right. This is your turn anyway.”

“Keeping score?”

She smiled. “Only if you are.”

Her hand slid into mine as we walked through the lobby. I saw how the men at the brandy bar looked at her when we walked by. I nodded at a few of them. Maybe I didn’t have the right to claim her, but in this moment she was mine. Completely mine.

The car waited for us by the curb, and I helped her into the backseat before jogging around to my side. It was only a two-minute ride to the restaurant, but it would have taken twenty along the Riverwalk, especially if she was planning on walking the entire way in those shoes.

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