Becoming a Jett Girl (The Bourbon Series) (33 page)

BOOK: Becoming a Jett Girl (The Bourbon Series)
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His lips were soft and eager as they matched mine perfectly. There was nothing carnal about our kiss, it was sweet, caring and protective, a side of Jett that I was falling hard and fast for. He didn’t show that side of him very often, especially in the Bourbon Room, but it was moments like this, or when I received his letters, that I saw the man that I saw now…a protector.

Reluctantly, he pulled away just before I went all animalistic on him and devoured his mouth with mine. He smiled up at me and then gently placed a kiss on my forehead. He shifted my body so I was now resting my head on his shoulder and we were both looking up at the sky. He reached to the side and, in seconds, I was blanketed by warmth.

“You seemed cold,” he murmured into my ear. “Watch the stars with me.” He said it more as a statement rather than a question, but instead of fighting, I conceded because, at the moment, there was nothing more I wanted than to lie next to Jett Colby, cocooned in his warmth and watching the clear night sky twinkle with possibilities.

Chapter Thirty Four

“Wild One”


“Are you cold?” I asked Goldie as she stood in the middle of the Bourbon Room rubbing her shoulders. We spent more time outside than I expected and I thought I did a good job covering her up with blankets, but as she stood before me, in her little yellow sundress, she shivered.

“No, not at all.”

I walked up to her and rubbed the side of her face with my thumb. She turned her face into my touch and I reveled in the way her soft skin felt against my hardened thumb.

“Then why are you shivering, little one?”

“I don’t know. I guess you make me nervous sometimes.”

“Nervous?” I felt like I was smacked in the face by her confession. I never wanted to make my girls nervous, ever.

She pressed her palms against my chest and shook her head. “No, not bad nervous. Good nervous. I don’t know what to expect from you when I come in here, so I get nervous excited as I anticipate what you are going to say to me.”

I moved closer to her and put my hands on her hips. “Is that right?” I felt a smile slowly spread across my face. “And what might you be anticipating tonight?”

She shrugged her shoulders as she looked down. I placed my hand under her chin so she was forced to make eye contact with me.

“I would have thought from the last time we were here together, you would have learned to keep your eyes trained on mine. Do I need to teach you a lesson on proper eye contact?”

“No, it’s just intimidating sometimes…to be near you.”

“Come,” I said as I pulled her over to the bed, she followed without putting up a fight.

Before I had her lay down, I reached behind her and pulled down the zipper of her dress and let the yellow cotton perfection fall to the floor. She was wearing a perfect set of black lingerie, but as I looked at her, I felt it didn’t quite fit her personality.

“I need to get you new lingerie.”

“What?” Clearly, she wasn’t expecting me to say that.

“This color doesn’t suit you. You belong in yellow…it’s evident after seeing you in that dress all day. You are breathtaking in yellow.”

“Jett, all the girls wear black.”

“No, they wear purple with black lace. You will wear yellow when you don’t have to wear a classic Jett Girl outfit.”

“I shouldn’t get any kind of special treatment. I technically don’t even…”

“Don’t finish that sentence,” I said rather sternly. “If I decide you wear yellow, then that is what you will wear. I will have Kace put in an order tomorrow.”

She rolled her eyes at me. “There’s no reasoning with you, is there?”

“I don’t know what reasoning is,” I said as I ran my thumb against her bottom lip. “Do you have something to say to me?”

“I don’t know. Do I?” she asked with a mischievous grin.

“Don’t toy with me, little one. What did I tell you about playing games?”

“You like them?” she said with complete innocence.

I shook my head at her insolence, not being able to contain the humor rushing through my body. Out of all the girls, she had the biggest balls when it came to disobeying me. How this petite woman could make me forget all of my morals and rules was beyond me. She had the ability to make me forget everything I built for myself the past couple of years and she broke down every damn wall I put up. The thought was unnerving. I knew I needed to put my guard up, but as I looked at her, I knew I couldn’t, at least not tonight. Tonight I had to get lost in her, in the sparkle of her eyes and the smirk of her mouth. She captivated me and there was no way I would be able to break her trance tonight.

“Goldie…” I tried to say in a warning tone, but she could see right through me.

She shook her body out and then lifted her chin to look me directly in the eyes. “I am here to submit to you.”

“Good girl.” I leaned down and placed a light kiss on her lips, not because I wanted to, but because I absolutely needed to. The minute I felt her lips on mine up on the roof, I couldn’t get the feeling out of my head and I needed more.

“Strip for me,” I ordered

“What do you want off first?”

“Panties, I need to see if you’re wet for me. Once you take them off, lay on the bed and spread your legs.”

Without missing a beat, she rested her body on the plush comforter and took her thong off, exposing herself completely to me. I turned away from her and walked to the bar to get myself a drink. I would let her wait it out for a little while. The little tease needed to learn some patience.

“What are you doing?” she asked, as I sipped on the drink I poured myself.

“Were you told you could speak?”

She shook her head and then raised her hand…actually raised her hand like she was in a damn classroom.

I rolled my eyes and said, “Yes, can I help you?”

“Uh, aren’t you going to give me the old dipstick?”


“You know…check my liquid level.”

I smiled as I put her little car analogy together. “No, I am not. I am just going to admire the view.”

She moved her hand down and put her fingers in her sweet pussy. Shock went straight through my belly as she deliberately disobeyed me by not laying still. She moaned as she moved her fingers in and out of herself. I just stood there, drink in hand, in utter shock and a state of arousal from seeing the rebel finger herself. Fuck.

She pulled her fingers out and said, “Maximum level of wetness…sir.”

I turned away from her, so she couldn’t see the damn smile that crossed my face. Damn it! I wanted to pound on the bar of the counter from the way she made me feel but I refrained. I had to show no tells, especially where Goldie was concerned.

I downed my drink in one quick swoop and then walked over to her with a neutral look on my face, trying not to let her know how fucking cute I thought she was. Fucking cute…Jesus, I needed to drop to the floor and try to locate wherever the hell my fucking balls went.

When her eyes widened as she looked at my arousal, I lost it. Something inside of me snapped and I lost control. I pounced on her like a lion on its prey; she had no hope of surviving.

She squealed as I unclasped her bra and sucked in her sweet pink nipples that were tight and provoked, just begging for my tongue.

“You drive me crazy,” I confessed, as I moved over to her other breast. Her legs wrapped around my waist and her hips thrust into my cock, searching for some pressure, some release. “Do not push your luck, little one,” I said, as I stilled her hips and continued to suck on her breasts as if they were my one and only lifeline.

“Fuck…Jett, please.”

“Patience, little one. You will get what you want.”

I reluctantly pulled away from her and slowly took my clothes off as she eyed me with pure desire in her eyes. She licked her lips as she took in my entire body. My erect cock grew to an uncomfortable throb from her blatant display of wanting.

She sat up, once again going against everything I told her and ran her hands up my body, tracing every contour and ripple on my chest. Her small hands were an aphrodisiac that sent me flying as she worked my body with her dainty fingers.

“You’re not very good at listening tonight, are you? Do I need to tie you up again?”

“I just want to feel you, Jett,” she said with hopeful eyes.

Fuck me. I kept my breathing steady as my heart pounded against my chest. Things were getting too close, she was getting too close. I was leading her on, hell, I was leading myself on.

“Turn around,” I ordered, using my deep, domineering voice to show her I meant business. I needed to fuck her and then send her on her way. I would edge my craving and then move on because emotions between the two of us were starting to get out of hand.

“Now,” I said, as she looked up at me, searching my eyes for the intimate man she was just with up on the roof. I knew that’s who she wanted, fuck, that’s who I wanted to be, but I knew it wasn’t an option…ever.

Just as she turned around, I bent her over the bed and spread her legs. Running my hand up her back, I used my other hand to test if she truly was ready. The minute I hit her soft folds, I knew I was in trouble as a hiss escaped my lips at how absolutely wet she was. My dick begged to be lodged in her, plunging relentlessly and taking what I so desperately wanted.

I flipped her body over so now she was facing me, brought her legs up so her calves rested on my shoulders and plunged into her. The minute my cock broke through her warm center, she screamed my name in utter pleasure, making my cock jump.

“Fuck…” I moaned, as I grabbed her hips and rocked into her. “You feel so good.”

“Jesus. I am going to fucking come,” she announced.

“Don’t you dare,” I groaned as I continued to pump into her.

“Jett, please.”

I looked down at her and her eyes were trained on mine, glassed over in pleasure and begging for release. At that moment, I pulled out of her completely and dropped her legs to the floor. A guttural cry came out of her as she looked up at me with confusion.

“What…what’s going on?”

“Time to leave.”

She sat up and looked at me as if I had just cut her in half.

“Why,” she practically whispered as she came up next to me.

Why was a good question. Why was I torturing myself? When I looked down at her again, I knew why I was torturing the both of us…because the heat between us was too intense, my need for her was overpowering and I needed to prove to myself that I didn’t need her, that, in fact, I could do without her.

“I’m done with you. I’ll have Kace send Pepper up.”

There, that would do it, I thought, as I walked over to the chair that was in the room and sat down, avoiding all eye contact. I didn’t dare look at her face because I couldn’t stand to see the broken look she was going to give me. I knew I was being an ass and I was being an ass for a reason; I needed her out of the room, I needed to take a step back and put my life back together that she so easily blew through.

The day was a mistake, taking her out, learning more about her…fucking kissing her. Fuck, what was I thinking?

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t realize she was in front of me until she actually sat down on my lap and put her hands on both sides of my face so I had to look at her. She pulled my head toward hers and pressed her lips against mine.

Fuck me, I lost my battle of wills as her tongue slipped in my mouth and took exactly what she wanted, every last ounce of control I had. My tongue played with hers as my hands ran up her delectable body. She propped herself up and then slid her warm heat over my cock, causing a strangled moan to escape my mouth.

“I don’t believe you when you say you don’t want me. I know you do.”

I pressed my head against her forehead and shook it. “I don’t want to want you.”

“Why not?” she asked, as she started to rock up and down my hard length.

“You’re dangerous,” I admitted.

“Mmm…and, like, you’re not?”

“I am; that’s why you need to stop what you’re doing and leave.”

She continued to slowly torture me and unravel every muscle in my body to the point of feeling nothing but the tight sheath around my aching cock.

“Do you want me to stop?”

She swirled her hips as she lifted up off of me and then slammed back down.


When did I ever give up control? I was so out of my element it was absurd what Goldie could do to me, but there was no stopping her. I picked her up and placed her on the ground. I spread her legs as far as they would go and fucked her. My hips flew in a rhythm that was indescribable. Sweat trickled down my back as I flexed my hips to the point that I thought I was going to get a cramp, but there was no stopping me.

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