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Authors: Ella Dominguez

Becoming Sir (23 page)

BOOK: Becoming Sir
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appalled and dazed expression on Sonya’s face almost made Sawyer laugh out loud again, but he suppressed the urge. “I’m not letting you leave here until you do,” he finished.

Sonya’s stubbornness would keep her from acting on his order, he firmly pushed her body toward the Youngs. Isabel was tucked into Dylan’s arm and peering out timidly while he was glaring angrily down at Sonya.

picked at her fake nails nervously and tried to back away, but Sawyer halted her escape with firm hands on her shoulders. Standing behind her and out of her view, he winked to Dylan and Isabel and an ornery smile briefly flashed across his face.

“Do it, Sonya, or else I’ll drag your ass into that club and mak
e you watch a flogging scene.”  Peeking over her shoulder and raising fine, arched eyebrows, she huffed in protest. “Or perhaps I’ll flog you myself seeing as you clearly need discipline and I’ve taken a liking to that sort of thing.”

Sonya inhaled sharply
, wrinkled her nose in horror and pulled out of his reach, but summarily apologized, albeit less than sincere. She then faced Sarah and made her amends, and quickly retreated to the man who had pussed out and was hiding in her car. Just as she opened her car door, Sawyer called out to her. Lifting her face to him, he gave her a sympathetic smile.

“Take care of yourself, Lady Sonya.”


The night had been one of good conversation and shared knowledge, and he wondered why he had waited so long to go through with his training. The scene with Sarah, as always, had calmed his nerves after the drama with Sonya.

The highlight of the night had been the Youngs’ announcement of Isabel’s pregnancy. He couldn’t believe he was going to be an uncle. Or something like that. A bruncle? He laughed quietly to himself.

Everything seemed to be falling into place and it was an exhilarating feeling, but as Sawyer walked Sarah to her front door, he felt as though something was ending and a shiver of sadness rippled through him. Standing on the porch while she unlocked the door, he stared at the full moon in the darkened night sky.

. The name formed on his lips unconsciously. It wasn’t so long ago that they had shared their first kiss in that very spot.  He felt her arm slip into his and glanced in her direction.

She was staring at the moon as well and had a pensive,
heartrending look on her face.

,” he touched her ruby lips.

“I can’
t help but feel sorry for Sonya. She let a good man slip through her fingers and she knows what she lost. She looked so sad…” she sighed gloomily.

“You’re so kind, Sarah,” he leaned down,
leaving small kisses all along her lips and jawline. “I guess we should say goodnight,” he said quietly, knowing he had to be up early and at Kerian’s first thing in the morning.

“Should we?” she asked, tilting her head back and peering at his face.

The beginning of a shy smile tipped the corners of her mouth. Her pull was magnetic and his arms encircled her, one hand on the small of her back.

She put her arms around his neck and breathed out, “
Please, Sir, stay one last night with me before you give yourself to Ciara.”

His emotions whirled and skidded, and his senses reeled as if they had been short-circuited.  He had never said h
e was giving himself to Ciara, or anyone for that matter. Why then would she assume such a thing? He let out a deep sigh, but drew his face near to hers.

“Yes, one last night,” he answered just before his lips captured hers.

His mind relived the velvet warmth of their first kiss and every one after that.  Backing her into her home and into her small bedroom, Sawyer eased her down onto the bed. The outline of her form could be seen only faintly in the darkened room. Gently
he lifted her dress and yanked the lacy cup of her bra down and traced the circle of her breast with a fingertip. His eyes traveled over her body and his hands slid across her silken belly.

As he removed his tie
, Sarah moved instinctively, raising her hands above her head and crossing her wrists in anticipation of his wants.

“You know your Sir well…
” he smiled, dipping his head down and skimming her sensitive, marbled nipples with his teeth. “…but right now I want to feel your hands on me. All of me.”

His tongue
made a path down her ribs to her stomach while one hand slid down her waist to the swell of her hips. Passion pounded the blood through his heart, chest and head when Sarah spread her legs for him.

Nipping at
her panty-covered mound, he held her gaze and breathed against her pussy, “I should probably apologize in advance for the ungentlemanly and filthy things I plan on doing to you. Like ripping the clothes off your perfect form, tying you down to within an inch of your life, and fucking that intelligent brain of yours out. But I’m not going to because I would be lying if I said I was sorry for doing it. And sorry, I am not nor ever will be.”

“It’s been too long since I’ve
been with a man. Take me, Sir, and make me forgot just how long it’s been.”

Oh, he would make her forget. He
was a man of his word and did exactly as he said he would by ripping her panties from her body roughly, the fabric disintegrating under his strong hands. Next, he pulled her dress off in one fluid motion above her head and tore at her bra, leaving all her clothing in a crumpled heap at the side of the bed.

Sarah clawed at him frantically, tearing at his clothing and panting like a wild animal. When they were finally naked, he reached over and flicked the lamp on
so he could see every part of her physique in vivid clarity. He took in all the beautiful details of her body as if he were photographing her with his eyes. Her heated and languid eyes burned into him in silent expectation, and he couldn’t hold out any longer. He positioned himself between her legs and sank into her with one purposeful thrust, causing Sarah to moan out and thrash her head. The wet skin-to-skin contact and the sound of her voice was more intoxicating than any alcoholic beverage or drug, and Sawyer knew at that moment, with Sarah beneath him, submitting to his will, he would never need another drink again.

He lowered himself and buried his face in her tits, his grunts and moans smothered in her so
ft flesh as he pumped into her. Sarah’s hands found his hair and her nails grazed his scalp sending shivers down his spine.

my Sir,” she breathed out.

Her hands then cascaded
down the length of his back to his ass where she squeezed and dug her nails into him. The thrilling pain surged through his thighs and he ravaged her mouth, their tongues twisting together in rhythm like lovers on a dance floor.  All of the sensations assaulting him were pure otherworldly bliss and electrifying.

her around her waist, he flipped onto his back and hoisted her on top of him. She straddled him and planted her feet on the bed on either side of his thighs and lowered herself back onto him. She lifted herself slowly to the tip of his cock only to lower herself and engulf his dick completely, torturing him with her casual pace.

Sawyer watched her closely as she fucked him sweetly, her eyes fixed on his shaft as
she impaled herself deeply over and over.

What is that you’re so focused on?” he asked as if he didn’t know the answer.

gasped and looked up when he raised his pelvis and thrust up into her, breaking her concentration.

er cheeks flushed the same color scarlet as her lips and she smiled, “I forgot how good my pussy looks being fucked.”

a dirty mouth, Snowflake,” he smiled, pushing himself up on his elbows to get a better look. The shapely vision of her naked body taunted him and her words were crude, but she was absolutely right. “I concur, but not just your pussy, Sarah; every part of you looks good being fucked.”

had been too long since he had such a meaningful connection. He had fucked Ciara and Sonya, but it wasn’t the same. It was powerful on both accounts, yes, and even more so with Ciara, but not this intense. His attraction to Ciara was undeniable and the pull he felt toward her irrefutable, but Sarah… his Snowflake… His bond with her was deeper, tangible, devastating… and something else... Something he didn’t dare speak.

His hands seared a path over her breasts and up to her neck.  When his fingers
gently clamped around her throat, she cast her indigo eyes on him. A wicked smile touched her lips and her mouth soundlessly formed the word ‘yes.’

Sarah’s body was built to be taken by him.
Like this. Deep and dirty. Wet and hard. Forbidden and filthy. Intimate and sensual. He would give her what she craved - total domination, and she would give him what he could no longer live without – utter submission.




Chapter 16

After having fallen victim
to the numbed sleep of a satisfied and worn out lover, Sawyer woke early. He stretched and yawned loudly, the world around him spinning and careening on its axis from his night with Sarah. He dressed quietly and seated himself on the edge of the bed, watching her sleep.  The thought of saying goodbye to her left his body feeling as if he were half ice and half flame, and his brain a mixed hodgepodge of confused feelings. 

Sarah’s eyes popped open and she sat straight up, panicked for a brief moment until she saw him. Letting out a loud relieved breath, she gripped her chest. “I thought you had left without saying goodbye, Master.”

Sawyer’s mouth dropped open. The term Master had been strictly reserved for Doug and he wondered if Sarah even realized what she had said. A floodtide of emotions washed over him and he cleared his throat nervously.

“I would never do such a
despicable thing and I should paddle your backside for thinking so lowly of me,” he half-kidded.

smiled impishly and rolled onto her belly. Pushing her bare ass out at him, she glanced over her shoulder. “If it pleases you, Sir.”

“Maybe jus
t one,” he laughed, bringing his palm down onto her bottom swiftly and catching her by surprise. She shrieked and flipped back over, rubbing her ass briskly and her eyes rounded as wide as saucers.

“You offered!” he

“I didn’t think you would really do it,” she fake pouted.

The room grew silent and she stood and robed herself.  A look of tired sadness flickered in her eyes, but she forced a smile.

“Ciara is waiting for you, Sir. Be gentle with her.”

Sawyer gave her an ironic accusing smile. “Do you really think I would I be anything less?”

Her eyes brightened and her mouth upturned into a guilty smile. “I didn’t mean…”

He placed a finger to her lips, “I know. I’ll see you on Sunday. I’ll be focusing all my attention on Ciara, so our normal scheduled activities will have to be put aside. Tell me you understand.”

He hated having to miss their 1:00 and 9:00 appointments
. They were part of a cherished routine they had fallen into and he did love his routines. But he knew it had to be done. Ciara was to be his only focus. Sarah lowered her eyes and nodded, but he knew he had wounded her and he suddenly felt cruel for insisting on it. He tipped her head back and kissed her forehead and trailed his fingers sensuously down her arm to try and comfort her.

“Forgive me?”

She offered him a merciful smile and wrapped her arms around his waist. “No, Sir, forgive me. My disappointment is selfish. I know you wouldn’t have asked if you didn’t feel it was important.”

“You’re always the picture of perfect submission, Snowflake. Thank you for understanding.”
His words made her visibly relax and she offered him a sudden arresting smile, throwing his balance off. He shook his head to clear his thoughts and got back to business. “Our scene is set for 3:00 p.m. I expect you to be there a little early to help me set up.”

“Of course.
” She reached for a folded piece of paper on the nightstand and placed it into his pocket. “I’ve written you something and I ask that you not read it until tomorrow before your scene.”

Sawyer reached into his pocket and touched it, wondering what kind of cryptic message it contained.  Hopefully
it held words of encouragement seeing as he would be needing them.

“When did you write it?”

“Last night after we made… after we had sex,” she stammered, looking past him and avoiding eye contact.

Yes, that’s exactly what they had done but he wasn’t about to say it either.

I’ll bring my camcorder as well,” she kept moving right along.

he rolled his eyes.

“It’ll be fine. I promise you won’t
see your fine naked body on YouPorn,” she giggled.

“Thanks for the reassurance,” he leaned down and pecked her lips.
He pulled her close and so tight he squeezed the air from her lungs. Pressing his forehead to hers, he closed his eyes to try and relay what he was feeling. “Last night was…” he couldn’t find the words. All the most amazing descriptive words he could think of didn’t seem like nearly enough to explain what the night had been like for him. He opened his mouth several times when Sarah finally finished his sentence.

“Yes, Sir… it was.”


He sped away, annoyed
with himself for having fallen for Sarah. Her words came back to him, ‘no foreseeable Master in my future.’ He reminded himself that she was his trainer, nothing more. Only a week ago he had been thinking about Ciara in the same way. What the hell was wrong with him? He had never been so irresolute in his life and his indecision irked him.

Back at his condo, he packed a small bag, becoming more irate as the seconds ticked by. He paced
his kitchen for several minutes and finally slammed his bag down on the counter and threw himself into his large chair. He needed to get his shit together and focus. He forced himself to slow his breathing and envision Ciara’s chestnut-colored eyes and meek smile.
He clenched his jaw tight. Seduce consent. Breath play.
He fisted his hair and grunted. Gain Ciara’s her trust. Take it slow. Remind her that limits are meant to be pushed and reassure her.
Throwing his hands up, he cursed the air.

Sarah. He smiled and laughed at himself. Even in his turmoil about his feelings
for her, she brought him peace. Shaking his head, he gathered his bag and left.

Traffic had delayed his arrival only giving him more time to think about the upcoming scene and eat
ing away at what little calm he had.

When Kerian opened the door, he promptly slapped Sawyer on the back and gave him an enormous smile. “Domly One!”

Sawyer’s eyes immediately scanned the room for Ciara.

s in the dungeon. I permitted her and Julia to engage in a bit of playtime before your arrival. We had expected you earlier, but perhaps if we go down there right this instant we might be able to see their spectacular finish.”

Sawyer smiled stupidly like a teenager getting ready
to watch his first porn movie and dropped his bag where he stood. “What are we waiting for?”

Sneaking in quietly, the Doms stood
just out of sight as Julia plunged into Ciara with a strap-on dildo attached to her slim hips and her dark-brown hair a fantastic sweaty mess all around her face.

“Christ, Kerian,
you’re one lucky man,” he whispered.

“Yes, I am,
but thank you for noticing,” Kerian lifted his eyebrows proudly.

Ciara held her legs wide for Julia and was completely open to the intense fucking that
she was being given, and had the most hypnotic look of orgasmic delight on her face.  And the smell. Good, God. Sweat, perfume and pussy. It was glorious and filthy, and Sawyer became erect so quickly, he feared he would pass out from the lack of blood flow to his vital organs. He stumbled from dizziness and nearly knocked Kerian over.

“Christ, man!” Kerian huffed as he steadied Sawyer, breaking the women’s concentration.

He felt like an asshole for having interrupted their breath-taking scene with his juvenile reaction. “I’m sorry, ladies,” he sheepishly grinned. “You just look so damned tasty. It’s all a Dom can do not to pass out from lack of blood in his brain.”

The two women and Kerian all laughed loudly. When
Ciara looked at him, he felt the familiar pull to her that he had felt the previous weekend.  She was so damned gorgeous. He inhaled their mixed sex, and arousal and excitement rioted within him.

Kerian climbed on the bed and
his face spread into a depraved smile. “Shall we finish them off?”

“Hell yes.”


Late breakfast was being served while Sawyer and Ciara chatted in whispered tones, their bodies pressed tightly together. He was anxious to tell her of his endeavors at the club. He almost ruined the surprise and spoke of his new found liking for breath play, but luckily Kerian politely interrupted before he spilled the beans. Ciara sat quietly, enthralled with his every word. He stroked her hair and decided on breaking tradition by feeding her. She seemed to be uncomfortable with it initially, but quickly eased into her new role of being pampered. It was what her Master wanted, after all, and what Sawyer wanted, Sawyer got. 

During brunch discussions, Sawyer was shocked to hear that an outing was planned. It was to be a lesson on proper Master/slave be
havior in a public setting for him and a refresher for Ciara.

She dressed in something sexy yet appropriate an
d handed a short leash to him. He looked at suspiciously. He wasn’t fond of the idea of a woman wearing a harness of any kind, most especially not in public. Not particularly because he cared what people would think, but because he felt it was degrading. A collar, yes, but a leash? 

“Does Kerian normally
make you wear this out in public?” he asked, his face twisting into an unwitting sour frown.

“Master Morrison, this leash is a symbol of my commitment to the life I
have chosen.  The restraints I wear don’t need to be connected to anything to make me stay. I am bound to this life as a slave because I choose to be.”

He shook his head and let out an audible sigh.
“You’re so bright and expressive, Angel. And also very knowledgeable for being a trainee.”

She bowed her head gracefully, the blush on her cheeks clear to see. “Thank you, Master, but the title of trainee is soon coming to
an end.”

“That’s what I’ve been told. Are you excited for your transition?”

“Yes, as well as nervous. What about you?” she peered up at him.

“What about me?”

Her mouth popped open and she looked mildly dazed. “Nothing, Master. I didn’t mean to speak out of turn.”

“I don’t know what you mean. You weren’t.”

Ciara shook her head, “Your casualness catches me off guard every time. I just mean aren’t you nervous about your training ending?”

Sawyer huffed
and grinned at her. There was no doubt he was much less strict than Kerian and he couldn’t imagine how difficult that was for Ciara to acclimate to. “Absolutely. There’s so much more for me to learn. Though I have to admit I hope my training isn’t nearly as long as yours. Six months seems exceedingly long.”

“Normal slave training averages three to four months, but the time frame is customized to each slave and their needs. Master K felt that I was a particularly hard nut to crack and so my training has been a bit longer.”

As obedient and docile as Ciara was, he couldn’t imagine her being difficult to train. “You? A hard nut to crack, huh?”

While putting on a black, pin-striped, low-cut blazer, she explained. “Yes, I was very insolent in the beginning. One half of my mind wanted the change, but the other half resisted it. It was a constant battle for me to accept Master K’s rules and punishment. But once I accepted who I really was and let the inner slave who was begging to come out of me free, things seemed to fall into place. I had
to let my walls and defenses down, too. Training has been the most arduous thing I’ve ever done in my life. Even more demanding than earning my Master’s Degree and that was grueling,” her eyes widened and she smiled. “As for my body, it liked what was happening all along and kept telling my brain to stop being so overactive.”

And luckily for Sawyer, he was reaping the benefits of her ‘arduous’ training.

Finally dressed, she took the end of the leash and attached it to a gold bracelet around her wrist. She then looped the end of the leash around his wrist so that it was barely visible.

“You see, even in public, no one will know except you and me. Like a precious hidden secret only shared between the two of us,” she smiled

“And I still have control of you.”

“Yes, Master. Complete control.”


Seated in an upscale restaurant on the edge of Denver, the two couples ordered their lunch meals, everyone around them oblivious of their Master/slave secret. It was euphoric. The way Kerian, Julia and Ciara interacted with one another was captivating to watch. Their connection was profound, and the love passing between them was palpable. They were their own little family unit and it warmed Sawyer’s heart. It also saddened him to think of Ciara on her own and away from the people who clearly loved her. The vanilla world was cold and harsh, and unkind to women like her.  Most of all, they were judgmental and unwilling to accept something they didn’t understand; like Sonya had been. Who would care for her and guide her once her training was over?  To think of her without a Master was unacceptable.  He gave her a secret smile, his unspoken thoughts kept to himself.

“Ciara is going to start working at a publishing company
as a junior editor at the end of the month, Mr. Morrison. We’re very proud of her,” Kerian stated as he looked to Julia.

BOOK: Becoming Sir
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