Bed of Roses (4 page)

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Authors: Harley McRide

BOOK: Bed of Roses
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At three a.m., the crowd had finally dwindled down, leaving only a few ring bunnies hoping to score with one of the night’s fighters and the drunks who were adamant on either leaving with pussy or creating ruckus. The staff was busy cleaning up the cups and food containers that littered the floor in preparation for the next night.

Rose was dead on her feet, having worked for almost twenty-four hours straight. She had finally given into temptation and slipped off her heels, risking the hepatitis or other funk that could be contracted from the filthy floor, unable to fight the huge blisters that covered both heels, the balls of her feet, and almost every toe. The girls all chatted with her, making plans on getting together and hanging out on off nights. All but Krista, who had made it her personal quest to jump on Rose any chance she got. She took the definition of club rat to a whole new level.

“You’re still here...” Krista sneered.

Rose pretty much had her fill of the snarky tramp's shit and decided to get a few things straight. “Yes. Unlike you, I’m here to work…without falling on my back with my legs in the air. You’re pathetic. Get a life and quit trying to shift blame on everyone else because you lack what it takes to keep any of their attention longer than a quick blow in the back alley. Do yourself a favor and go get a prescription for antibiotics, then get a life.”

“You little whore! And you do? They won’t give you a second look you fat ass bitch! You will never fit in here. Your holier than thou shit doesn’t belong. None of the guys would touch you with a ten-foot pole because it is buried in your ass! Fuck off, cunt!”

Rose had noticed the track marks running up and down her arms immediately. There was no doubt what kind of woman she was. “That’s where you are wrong. I’m a woman, not a drugged out crack whore lookin’ for the next fix.” Rose doubled her fists, ready to explode.

“Like your mother? Oh, yeah, I know all about her. She has fucked her way through every club in the state and then tossed in the gutter on her ass after they were done with her. It looks like the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, whore.” Krista stepped up in her face in challenge.

Rose exploded. “You fucking white trash cunt!” She reared back and punched Krista in the face, following it up with a right hook that knocked her to the ground. Instead of backing off like she should have, Rose dropped on top of Krista and began beating the living shit out of her.

Sandman and Tonto were going over the night’s books when they heard the fight break out. Both of them flew out the office door to see what the hell was going on when they spotted the new girl thrashing Krista. Sandman glanced at Tonto in a look of surprise and laughed. “What the fuck?”

“It looks like our new employee has met Krista. Go pull her off.” Tonto walked in their direction, half impressed with her fighting skills. Few people got the best of the drugged out whore. The little mouse was a walking contradiction. No one caught his interest…ever—much less shocked the hell out of him. Sandman pulled Rose off the now bleeding woman and tossed her over his shoulder. Rose thrashed and squirmed. “Enough!” Sandman’s hand smacked down on her nearly bare ass and she froze. They had enough shit to deal with without a bitch fight. Patience wasn’t one of his strong suits.

“What the fuck!”

“Settle your little ass down now,” he growled. When Tonto reached them, he grinned at Sandman.

“Feisty little cat, ain’t she? I’ve never seen a pussy hit like a man. Take her to my office.” He turned his attention to Krista while Sandman and a pissed off Rose left the room. Once they were out of earshot he squatted down, lifting her head with a hand full of hair. “This is the last time you’ll cause problems in my club. Get your shit and get the fuck out. I never want to see your face around here again.” She looked up at him, half-crying, half-pissed.

“She doesn’t belong here! I am part of the Savages not her! I’m supposed to be your ol' lady, Tonto! I’ve paid my dues! This is my time, dammit! How the fuck can you take her side? She’s a fucking outsider. Don’t think for a second that that little prude will ever take care of your cock like I can.”

“You don’t belong here you pathetic cunt. You’re not a Savage, Krista. You’re just a piece of ass with an active mouth who let anyone and everyone in your holes. They've all been tapped and your pussy is worn out. Get the fuck out before I have you taken out.” He released his grip on her hair and let her head fall back on the hard floor with a thud. She was in a full blown tantrum, kicking her feet and screaming at the top of her lungs when he walked out. The crazy cunt had to go. From the first day she had made herself known she had been a disposable party pussy, willing and ready. In the beginning, it had been okay having a slut that would take them all on at once. Hell, she had begged for it. She had stripped right in the clubhouse and laid back on the pool table, spread her legs, and invited every one of the men to take what they wanted. Oh, and they had, one, two, and sometimes three at time, they fucked her till she passed out. Once she got a taste of them, she turned into the go-to fuck when the guys wanted to get down and dirty. Bitch was game for anything. Her holes had been fucked, fisted, abused, and tore up to the point no one wanted to touch her. The past few months, her only use was for visitors or to bring in more business at the Pit, insuring all of the gamblers who showed up and lost everything would come begging for a loan.

The Pit was their best income. All of the underground fights were set up with enough money bet on each fighter the house brought in ten times their starting income each night. It also gave them leverage to use when they went to collect the delinquent payments from the lowlife gamblers who dug themselves in a deep hole. Some did their dirty work, while others ended up in a shallow grave. Either way, the house came out on top.

With Krista taken care of, Tonto went back to his office, curious about their new little waitress. Under normal circumstances if someone outside the club started shit with a member, there was hell to pay. Krista wasn’t a member though and never would be. Rose was starting to prove her worth, and unlike others, she amused him. He might need to pull her in to fuck it out of his system. She didn’t seem to be rat material, but that wouldn’t stop him from getting his fill before he shoved her back in the outs when he was done.

When he opened the door, Sandman had her cornered, threatening her with a pair of handcuffs and his belt. Instead of crying or screaming for help like most bitches would do, she was cussing him with threats of her own. “You son of a bitch! You hit me with that fucking belt and I’m gonna hang you with it!”

Tonto had to swallow a chuckle. Who the hell was this little iron Rose? “Sandman, that’s enough.”

“Fuck no it isn’t! The little bitch punched me in the nose! I’m not backing off until I beat her ass red!” Tonto grabbed the leather strap from him and yanked him backwards, bracing himself when Sandman jerked into his chest. He growled, but backed off and sat at the desk in a huff. Tonto reached out, took her shaking hand, and led her back to the couch. He guided her down right beside him, keeping a grip on her hand.

“Not many people surprise me. You, little Rose, I can’t figure out. One minute I think there is no way in hell you can hang in an environment like this, the next, I am watching you go up against Sandman. I gotta say I’m impressed.”

Rose looked between the two, unsure where things were going. She had lost her temper, and decked the infamous pit bull hitman of one of the roughest gangs around—probably wasn’t one of her best decisions. The fucker had spanked her like a child. Whether he deserved it or not, she should have restrained. Now she faced the consequences. They could make her disappear if they wanted to. No one would find her body out in the Arizona desert. Even still, her anger pulsated off her in waves.

“Listen, I’m not going to apologize for what I did. The bitch had it coming, and so did his rude ass.” She pointed a finger at a now grinning Sandman who sat smugly staring at her, obviously amused at the situation. Instead of angering him like she had expected, he was laughing at her. This was becoming a pattern. “I do understand I was unprofessional with Krista. In my defense, there were no customers around and she started it. I don’t believe in violence, but like I told you before, I don’t take shit from anyone. If I wouldn’t have set her straight, she would have ate me alive. I know who you are and what you all are capable of. I don’t want trouble, I just want to do my damn job and go home.” Somehow her apology had veered off in a sharp left turn. She half wanted to just get up and leave, but after the tips she had made tonight, even if she needed to beg to keep her job she would. She didn’t have a choice.

Sandman stood and walked over to them, sitting on her other side. Their presence was more than a little intimidating and he knew it. He had noticed her before but fought any interest that might have been there because she wasn’t a Savage. Their lifestyle played by different rules—ones in which anyone standing on the outside didn’t understand and sure in the hell didn’t need to know about. When he had walked out and seen her sitting on top of that little slut leach, he saw a side of her that impressed him…and fuck if it didn’t turn him on. “You hit me,” he grumbled, trying to see how bad she would crack under them.

“You smacked my ass.” She met his stare with the same amount of intensity as he gave off in a battle of wills. Much to her surprise, he grinned.

“And I’ll do it again.”

“Then be prepared to get your face rearranged again.” She wasn’t about to give in. Not now.

So far, Tonto had sat silently observing. The more shit Sandman dished, the more she stepped up and didn’t cave. Her name was definitely on the agenda for the next Rumble. With the upcoming Pit fights and the shit that was gonna throw down, they needed someone like her. For now, he’d keep an eye on her. “I think she might be able to take you, man,” he teased.

“Mmm. I have no doubt she can take me. Question is, can she take all of me. I'm sure I would love every deep pounding moment of it too.” Sandman leaned closer to her, brushing up against her side. Her heart skipped a beat, fully aware that she sat in between two men who outweighed her by about four hundred pounds. She should be scared shitless. Maybe it was exhaustion or just plain stupidity, but she didn’t run like a normal person would have. She held her ground.

To test her more, Tonto did the same on her other side, resting his arm along the back of the couch behind her shoulders. He felt a subtle tremor run up her spine and grinned. Oh, he knew she could take it…in time. There was no way in hell this hot little number, who shocked the shit out of him at every turn, would get away without him getting a taste. From the looks Sandman was giving over her head at him, he was thinking the same thing. Tonto leaned in, lowering just a whispers breath away from her lips and stopped, looking her in the eye. He had only meant to test her and see if it was all a show, when she moved the distance that separated them and pressed her lips to his. Unlike most women who waited for the man to escalate the kiss, she teased the tip of her tongue along the seam of his mouth until he opened and granted her access. Once her sweet tongue slid in and found his, he took over. One hand raised up and tangled in the back of her hair, pulling her against him harder. He worked her mouth violently, licking and nipping past all the warm-up mushy shit and straight to almost orgasmic tongue fucking. He pulled away abruptly, leaving her dazed.

Before she could catch her breath and reality set in, Sandman turned her toward him and did the same thing, picking up where Tonto had left off. He was more violent with his moves, shoving her down into his mercy. Both of his arms wrapped around her and yanked her against him. When the hardness of his chest made contact with her tits, her nipples became hard peaks, sending sparks straight to her clit, and waking up her nonexistent libido.

Sandman almost blew in his pants the moment her little tongue darted against his. Unlike the sluts who fell at his feet, Rose was like taunting a virgin into submission, except she held just enough experience there was no doubt she’d be a good fuck and suck. Just from her kiss he knew her little lips would suck him like a pro if the number she was doing on his tongue was any indication. The harder he went at her, the more she responded. Not a spot in his mouth her tongue hadn't investigated and when their tongues dueled, the little minx sucked on his, making his cock twitch for the same attention. Before he could get his hand up enough to rip her shirt off, she pulled away.

What the fuck was she thinking
? She just went to second base with both of them. Instead of feeling ashamed like a normal person would and given she had seen the rats whoring on every guy that walked in tonight, she felt excited. Was she just like her mom? Could that shit be hereditary? No. Rose kissed them both because she wanted to—because they were the subject of every damn fantasy she'd had since she started working at the diner. And most of all, because she wanted them both. She had no un-realistic fairy tale hopes of a happily ever after, but accepted what it was. Before things could escalate out of hand and she lost her job over it, she had to get out. Hopefully she hadn’t just ruined it all. Up until now, they had shown her a small amount of respect, knowing she wasn’t there for a fuck toy but as a serious employee. There was no way she could lose this after the tips she had made tonight. Twelve hundred dollars in one damn night. That was well over two weeks pay at the diner or more.

“I need to get home. I’ve been up for almost twenty-four hours. Thanks for the job. It’s the best opportunity I’ve ever had.” She carried herself confidently, too exhausted to fold to embarrassment or shame.

“Sandman, have a Prospect take her home,” Tonto commanded. He was surprised at her reaction, but even more so at how she walked away nonchalantly. The girl was a delightful challenge to figure out.

Much to her surprise, Sandman just nodded. For such an alpha male, he answered to Tonto with respect. She had heard the clubs worked like a monarchy but hadn’t understood how a bunch of egos could work and follow instructions by other even bigger egos.

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