Bedded by the Italian Playboy (12 page)

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of sensations spread out through the exact areas the pressure had come from.
Jolts of pure pleasure. She sobbed Dominic’s name because it had
been like this before. Never so
intense, never so deep.

kissed her, gentle kisses along her face, down her neck, and slowed his
fingers. Rachel moaned, wiggled and kissed him back. Her body felt replete,
perfectly content and yet… Dominic was whispering to her now, telling her how
beautiful she was, how much he wanted her. And with his words she became aware
that something was missing. Her body needed more.

needed filling. “I need…”

“I know
exactly what you need,
Cara Mia

stood up, ceasing their contact and Rachel moaned, desperate to feel him there
again. But he was quick. His clothes flew off and within moments they joined
hers on the floor. Her shoes—she hadn’t even realized they were still on—were
kicked free, and then he was between her legs, his muscular body covering hers.

kisses, more strokes, more touches and it went on and on until it felt like the
last orgasm was a mere memory, like her body needed another, immediately.
Rachel could barely stand it. She panted and she screamed and, hell, she
sobbed, but only when she begged did Dominic finally position himself at her

one hand wrapped around his cock he entered her. It was maybe an inch, no more,
and yet he was so thick he made Rachel gasp. “It’s too much.”

pulled out but then he was back in again and she could feel the control he was
exerting. Feel the muscles on his arms pulled tight. See the strain on his

are so fucking tight,” he grated. “
Kiss me.”

did even as her body tried to accommodate him, and he kissed her hard, his
tongue mimicking the action of his cock. It began to feel right, like her body
knew this was what she needed and was stretching to allow it to happen. The
pressure began to build again, entirely different now, coming from low inside
of her.

moaned, moved her hips, not realizing…

whispered something against her lips, and the next thing she knew, a sharp pain
shocked her back to her senses and Rachel shrieked.

held himself perfectly still but he did not pull out and Rachel squirmed,
trying to get away from the pain. “It’s okay,
. Wait.”

took a nipple in his mouth and sucked, taking the whole bud in. The dual
sensations of pleasure and pain filled her and Rachel struggled to breath,
confusion chasing through her. She wanted him out and yet…and yet…the more he
sucked, the more it began to feel good again. The more the pressure returned.
Without even realizing it Rachel’s body began to relax around his cock, to
accept him, and then Dominic was moving inside of her. Stretching her pussy,
pulling on her walls, and it didn’t hurt anymore. It felt good. So good and she
moved with him.

released her nipple and entered her fully. His thick, throbbing cock filled her
up to the point where Rachel could do nothing but pant and gasp and moan.

tight,” he whispered. “So fucking tight.”

out and back in again and again and again and the feel of his dick working its
way into her over and over was pure bliss. Rachel loved it, couldn’t believe
she’d waited so long to do it.

Dominic,” she whispered back. “Give me more.”

he did. He fucked her slowly, almost leisurely, taking his time, letting her
become used to him. With each movement her body clamored for him and Rachel
found herself matching his rhythm, encouraging him to go faster, harder.

when she thought she would go mad from the slow pleasure his thrusts increased,
his body driving into hers. Rachel didn’t think as she wrapped her legs around
him, urging him on. In what seemed like no time at all, another orgasm, this
one so different from the first, hit and he plunged into her so quickly that
her entire body shook.

going to make me come,” he roared. “Fuck….”

felt it hit him, actually felt his body buck, the orgasm racing through his
frame, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close, glorying in
watching this man, the one who tied her in so many knots, take such pleasure
from this, from her, from them.

the aftermath of it all, when his breaths slowed and her body began to relax,
she kissed him. This was the first kiss she’d ever instigated and he kissed her
back. Slowly, tenderly and then with more force, more passion, more of

was to set the tone for the next seven days.



Chapter Sixteen


two weeks to the day since he’d met Rachel, Dominic sat in his
office, head in his hands, thinking.

left her just a half hour ago a trembling mess on his bed, her eyes glazed with
passion, her body pink with pleasure. He could still taste her on his lips.
Smell her on his skin. She was everywhere, surrounding him. But more than that
she was inside him, filling a space he hadn’t even known existed.

a week since he’d buried himself deep inside her unbelievably tight pussy.

weeks since they’d met.

now everything was different.

was different
and it was time to accept that.

stood up and made his way over to his drinks cabinet. Though unfashionable in
much of the city, Dominic always kept a drinks cabinet well stocked. Many of
his business associates were his fellow countrymen or other Europeans, and they
expected to close a deal with a glass of fine whisky or brandy. That was just
the way it worked and never had he been more thankful of the fact. He took out
one of his oldest bottles, buzzed through to Benjamin with an order not to
disturb, and poured himself a healthy measure. He needed to think. He needed to
work things through. He needed to understand what the hell was going on.
Because the fact of the matter was that, after two weeks spent with Rachel,
nothing really made much sense anymore beyond the fact that he was desperate to
have more of her. Desperate to keep her. He’d thought that once he fucked her, once
the chase was over, that he’d be satisfied. That the thrall she seemed to have
on him would lessen. Only it hadn’t. If anything it seemed to be increasing.

was perfect. Shy. Biddable.

He tasted the word on his tongue and felt himself harden. Which was ridiculous!
He’d fucked her twice already today and
she learned fast. He’d had her in every position he could think of and a few
more besides. He’d buried his head between her legs, watched her eyes widen as
she took him into her mouth. He’d sucked her breasts to the point where he’d
almost shot his load on the bed sheets and still it wasn’t enough.

even close.

replayed the moment he’d entered her for the very first time and felt himself
shudder, his cock lengthen. Knowing he was the first. Knowing no other man had
made her scream and sigh and drench herself…it was heady, irresistible. He
didn’t know if he would ever be satisfied, ever grow tired of watching her gasp
as he drove her to orgasm.

won’t,” he said aloud, the empty room echoing his words. “Not any time soon.”

that was that because Dominic was a logical man and it seemed to him that it
was time and more to accept the conclusion that had formed who knew when, but
formed it had.

was due to leave tomorrow.

was not letting her go. He had to keep her. On his arm. In his bed. Impaled on
his cock. Where she belonged. That was just a fact.

a deep breath he picked up his drink and took a healthy swig. The rich liquid
caught the back of his throat but he needed it. Bottled courage, he thought and

If you want to keep a woman, there’s only
one way to do it.

mother’s words. How many times had she drilled them into him and how many times
had he ignored them? He could ignore them now. There was absolutely no reason
why he shouldn’t simply keep her until he tired, until he was satisfied, and
then send her away like he had all the women over the years.

Rachel was different.

that his mother was right after all. Why was he even surprised? His mother
usually was.

another swig of his drink and Dominic nodded, letting the inevitable wash over
him. Was he not of the age for a wife? Had he not been considering it in an
abstract sort of way for some months? Accepted the knowledge that at some point
held have to think about doing it? Why not Rachel? Why not the woman who turned
him on in a way no woman ever had.

woman who had come to him untouched.

was unlikely he would ever find anyone her physical equal, he thought. She
matched exactly his perfect woman. The hair, the eyes, the figure. It was
almost like she had been designed specifically for him. He would need to find
out more about her background. Check her family connections and such, something
he admitted he should already have done. He would ask Ryan to do so
immediately. But assuming all was well in that regard, Dominic could find no
single reason why Rachel was not perfect wife material.

, he thought.

if he planned to marry her there was no reason he couldn’t ask her to stay with
him now. Not if his intentions were honorable. They could go together to see
her family, explain the situation, pick up her things, and then he could
continue to enjoy her. Even think about looking for a home.



Because you’re thinking with your dick?
frowned, the thought pushing him, refusing to allow him to duck it. He clenched
his fist around his glass, wondering if that was really the case. The lust was
certainly a factor, but the more he thought about it, the more Dominic knew it
was more than that. It made sense. It was logical. Right.

would be his wife. His shy, demure, biddable, innocent wife.

would find no one else to match her, no one else her equal, and that was simply



Chapter Seventeen


was clutching the headboard on either side of the carved middle, legs spread
wide, ass thrust out…with Dominic’s head between her legs. She wasn’t quite
sure how he’d talked her into this, how she’d even found herself in this
position, and yet here she was. But Lord, she felt self-conscious. Shy, like
this was something she was
to be doing and all Dominic’s coaxing was making no difference.

don’t know if I can do this,” she said. “I feel really…”

what?” he asked.

shrugged. “I don’t know. Embarrassed?”

is nothing that you or I do together that should embarrass you,” he said.
“Nothing.” His breath tickled the inside of her thighs and Rachel shivered.

felt it and laughed. “It would please me immensely. I have thought of it
constantly. Do this for me,

could she say no to that? How could she say no to anything he ever asked her to
do? Not when she always lapped it up and begged for more. So scrunching her
eyes shut and tightening her grip, Rachel did as he asked, lowering herself
until she sat directly on Dominic’s face.

did not hesitate to take advantage. He quite literally buried his face in her
pussy and when that wasn’t enough for him, he reached up, clutched her hips and
pushed her down some more.


mouth was everywhere. On her, in her, around her. He licked and laved. Nipped
and bit and Rachel was damn glad the headboard was there to clutch because she
needed it, God, did she need it.

gripped it tight, held herself up even as pleasure shot from her pussy all over
her body. And then somehow his hand moved under her ass and a finger entered
her. Rachel moaned and literally felt herself cream his face.

licked harder, as if in approval, and added another finger, then another. The
embarrassment now long gone, swiped away in the haze of pleasure, Rachel found
herself riding his fingers, riding his face. Scraping her clit against his
stubble exactly how she liked it. When the orgasm hit she lost her grip of the
headboard and crumpled on to him, and Dominic let her, waited until her orgasm
was spent before flipping her onto her back and taking her into his arms.

moment her heart rate returned to normal Rachel took a deep breath. “That

laughed. “I told you, did I not?”

certainly did.”

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