Beers, Lies and Alibis (Warblers Point Series Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Beers, Lies and Alibis (Warblers Point Series Book 2)
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The thought of getting back at Liam and Finn for the humiliation they bestowed upon her was worth it. They had dragged her name through the mud, made her look like the town trollop, and slowly took away customers from her business. Not only did they rake her over the burning eyes of Warblers Point, but they didn’t even try to fix it. They didn’t care to reinstall her innocence. Instead, they were too caught up in their own lives to see the crap she had to endure from their public display in her front yard.

She was never a spiteful human, nor a mean person, but something in her snapped that night. She was done being the nice girl, the one who always stepped aside for someone else to shine. She was over it and the only way to fix things was to take charge of her life and make things happen herself. The only way she could start getting what she wanted, was to partner up with Murphy and bring down the O’Learys.

“I’m calm. I can do this. When are we going to put the plan into action?”

“We’re waitin’ for first contact and, once that happens, then we’re on to the first step of me brilliant plan, which will be the hardest and most daring. But, like I said, we have alibis already set up and I’ve done me research; this will be no problem.”

“I hope you’re right, Murph.”

Murphy was just about to answer when there was a ring at the front of the store indicating that Murphy had a customer. They separated from their huddle and walked out of the back room.

It wasn’t until Sophie made eye contact with Finn O’Leary that she thought she probably should have waited in the back of Murphy’s store until it was good and clear. She didn’t want anyone thinking she and Murphy were up to something, but that could be her own paranoia making an appearance.

Finn smiled at both of them, as if the past couple months had been completely fine and their friendship was never tainted.

“Hey Murph, Soph, it’s good to see you both,” Finn said, with that annoyingly charming smile.

If Sophie had to admit it to herself, she was still crushing on Finn. How could she not? He was tall, dark and handsome with dark-rimmed glasses that made him look like a sexy Irish Clark Kent.

She despised herself.

“Finn, old boy. How the hell are ya?” Murphy said, always turning on the charm, acting like he wasn’t plotting to take down his “old boy” a couple of minutes ago.

They patted each other on the back while Sophie took the opportunity to look at both men standing in front of her. How the women of Warblers Point were able to get anything done was impressive, especially with the O’Leary men and Murphy walking around Main Street. They were a woman’s wet dream with their Henley shirts rolled up to their elbows, tight fitting jeans, and scruff that lined their jaws perfectly. They were panty pudding…that was for damn sure.

“Good. I was hoping you had some wax for my French fries before I take them out on the slopes tomorrow. I haven’t skied in a while and, Lord knows, I don’t want to end up having a yard sale out on the slopes.”

Murphy threw his head back and laughed. “I don’t think ya have anythin’ to worry about. I’ve seen ye gear; that old brain bucket of yours has seen better days and ye poles are two more striptease dances away from disintegratin’ to pieces. Why don’t ya let me give ya a good deal on some new gear?”

This time it was Finn’s turn to laugh. “And let you rape me in prices? Fuck no.”

Sophie felt sick watching the two men interact. It was disconcerting to see Murphy switch personalities so quickly. He acted like he was best friends with Finn, but Sophie knew the truth. She knew Murphy was out for blood. The change in his demeanor was something she wouldn’t forget because, if something ever happened, she knew there was a good chance she wouldn’t be able to trust Murphy. He might have her best interest in mind at the moment, but that didn’t mean that he would forever.




“You sure you don’t want anything?” Booker asked Fiona on the phone.


Booker was still very much concerned about Fiona and her lack of spunk. He was trying to be as attentive as possible whenever he was able to be at home. The studio had him running around like a damn lunatic. He had interviews, media spotlights, and final production wrap-ups to conduct, which prevented him from making sure his girl was alright.

Every night, when he slipped into bed next to her, he prayed that she would be there the next night. Most of the time, she was asleep when he got back from work, so he would curl up next to her, breathe in her sweet scent and soak in as much of her as possible.

Booker finally was able to get out of work early so he’d decided to stop by their favorite coffee shop and get her something they could drink while they watched the waves crash and the sun set from their deck. It was one of Fiona’s favorite things to do and he was already running late, but he wanted to get her something, even though she said she didn’t want anything. He knew she was playing the annoying girl card and saying she really didn’t want anything when she really did, but Booker knew better.

“Ok, I’ll be home soon.”

“Hurry, Book. The sun is getting low and I really want you here.”

“I know, baby. I’ll be right there.”

Booker hung up just in time to place his order. Fiona loved the soy chai latte, so he got her a large as well as a giant red velvet cookie to share. It was a small gesture, but a gesture at that. He would do anything to make her happy, even if that meant stopping to pick up her favorite drink and cookie.

Soft music rang through the coffee house as Booker waited to the side for his order. The coffee shop took great pride in their coffee, which was nice, but also aggravating at times because it took forever to fill an order. Sometimes Booker swore they were milking the cows in the back and pasteurizing their own milk.

Booker had the weekend off, he made sure of it because he planned on taking his girl out on a mini vacation before the next week started back up again. He just had three more days until the weekend; he could make it.

“Booker,” called the barista from the other side of the counter.

Relieved that his order didn’t contain the freshly milked cow product, since his order didn’t take three days to fulfill, Booker grabbed his drinks and spun on his heel to head towards his girl at home.

“Shit!” came the voice of a woman standing in front of him, now wearing his drink order.

Her used-to-be white blouse clung to her rather impressive chest as she pulled it off with her fingers to keep the heated drink off of her creamy skin. Her blouse was practically sheer, but now with his drinks all over her, she didn’t have to wear a shirt because he saw everything anyway. She was wearing a white lace bra that provided an amazing amount of eye-popping cleavage.

Realizing that he was staring, he shook his head and started grabbing for napkins.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you there.”

The girl finally looked up and Booker was smacked in the face with the lightest blue eyes he had ever seen. It was like he was staring into two icebergs, they were so light. Beautiful light brown hair cascaded down her shoulders in waves and framed her heart-shaped face perfectly. She was gorgeous.

“I have to take off my shirt, this is burning,” the girl said, while disrobing quickly. Luckily it was close to sunset, so no one was really getting coffee at the time.

Booker threw his now-empty cups into the trash can and removed his blazer as quickly as possible. The girl was standing there in just her bra, skinny jeans and boots. Her body was amazing. She had to be some sort of yoga instructor or personal trainer because her body was cut, but with an extremely impressive rack.

Shit, what was he doing? He was checking out another woman while his girlfriend was at home waiting for him.

“Here.” Booker offered his coat to the girl, which she gladly took and put on. Even though the drinks were hot that spilled all over her, Booker got a quick glimpse at her hard nipples, which he turned away from as quickly as possible. What the hell was wrong with him? He knew he hadn’t had sex in a while, but he had never been a pig who just stared at women before.

He took a quick look at the girl one last time and then it hit him. He knew her from somewhere, but where?

She wrapped up her shirt and put it in a bag one of the coffee shop workers gave her. She looked around awkwardly before making eye contact with him.

“I’m taking this blazer.” A brief smirk crossed her face.

Booker chuckled. “It’s the least I can do. I’m so sorry. Can I get you a drink or pay for your dry cleaning?”

“I just finished my drink, so I’m good. I’m just going to take your jacket, which I hope you know you won’t be getting back.”

“That’s alright.” Booker couldn’t help but ask, “Do I know you from somewhere?”

She looked him up and down, blatantly giving him the once-over and then stepped closer so she could take a better look into his eyes. She smelled like flowers and soy chai lattes, the combination was lethal.

“Nope, never seen you before in my life.”

Booker inwardly smirked because almost everyone had seen him. Hell, people could go to the grocery store and see him plastered on magazines with the lead characters from his movies. Normally, directors didn’t get much attention, but apparently the studio thought he was an attractive man and wanted to promote him as well…another reason why Fiona felt so inferior.

Fiona, crap. He looked outside and saw that the sun was close to setting.

“I don’t mean to be rude, but I kind of have to get home.”

She stepped aside and allowed for him to walk past her. “Sorry to keep you waiting,” she said with a wink.

Booker smiled back and headed for his car; he needed to get the hell out of there and back to his girl. What happened in the coffee shop was…weird. He would never cheat on Fiona, she was his forever, but the fact that the coffee shop girl had an effect on him freaked him the hell out.

Her light blue eyes blazed through his mind as he quickly drove home. Why was he so intrigued? Especially when he had beautiful whiskey-colored eyes to go home to every day.

He pulled into his driveway, grabbed the cookie that wasn’t affected and ran to the back of the house where he saw Fiona curled up on one of the lounge chairs with a grey blanket wrapped around her little body. Her camera that she carried around everywhere with her was sitting next to her on the end table that accompanied her chair and it wasn’t until then that he realized he’d missed the sunset.


Fiona turned to the side so her back was now to Booker. He was in trouble for sure.

Setting the cookie next to the camera on the table, he sat next to her and pulled her reluctant body into his warmth. She stayed turned away from him as he tried to maneuver her body into his. There was no hope; she wasn’t giving in.

“Fiona, please talk to me.”

“I asked for one thing, Booker. I asked you to watch the sunset with me and you couldn’t manage to do that. I thought you got out early.”

“I did. I wanted to get you a drink and your favorite cookie, but then I ran into a girl…”

She didn’t let him continue as she lifted her face to look directly at him. Her eyes were laced with red from tears she had shed over him. Booker’s heart broke in half at the thought of him causing Fiona pain. To anyone else, missing a sunset wouldn’t be such a big deal, but ever since his job became more demanding, a small thing like watching the sunset with the person you love was a big deal to Fiona, especially since they barely saw each other.

“What girl?”

Booker was so shocked at first from Fiona’s abrupt movement to look him in the eye that he was caught off-guard.

“What girl, Booker?”

“I don’t know. Some random girl I spilled my drinks on. That’s why I only have a cookie,” Booker said, while grabbing the cookie quickly and showing her.

Looking down at the cookie, Fiona shook her head and turned away again.

“Baby, please. I’m sorry. Can’t you see that I was trying to do a nice thing for you? Talk to me, please.”

Silence met the cool California air as Booker tried to coax his girl into talking, but it was no use; she completely shut him out and the pain in Booker’s chest grew to an almost unbearable level. She was slipping away from him at an alarming rate.




To my dearest Blaire,


I tried to stay away and give you the space that you wanted, but it’s eating away at me. I know you won’t accept my phone calls so instead, I decided to write to you. I’m sorry if my handwriting isn’t as legible as I’d like it to be, but I’ll try.

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