Before the Pyramids: Cracking Archaeology's Greatest Mystery (38 page)

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Authors: Christopher Knight,Alan Butler

Tags: #Before the Pyramids

BOOK: Before the Pyramids: Cracking Archaeology's Greatest Mystery
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Abraham is intimately connected with the idea of kingship through his meeting with Melchizedek. Later, all Jewish kings for hundreds of years from the time of Solomon sacrificed their children to the god Moloch in order to cement their right to rule. After the Babylonian captivity all such practices were banned and it is likely that the story of Abraham was adjusted to suit.

Solomon’s Power Brokers
: Knight C & Butler A, Watkins, 2008

The Hiram Key
: Knight C & Lomas R, Random House, 1996

There still are still people in Scotland who continue to claim that Rosslyn was intended to be a Christian chapel. They ignore all of the evidence and statements of several leading experts to the contrary – that it was clearly designed as a Jewish building depicting the New Jerusalem. Some also continue to publish the fatuous argument that the building was the Lady Chapel of an intended, but never constructed, collegiate church. These claims are breathtaking in their denial of fundamental evidence that shows this theory to be utterly impossible.

Appendix 4

Uriel’s Machine
: Knight C & Lomas R, Transworld Books, London

Civilization One
: Knight C & Butler A, Watkins, London, 2004

Appendix 5

The Bronze Age Computer Disc
: Butler A, Foulsham, 1997

Appendix 8

In reality these days many of the degrees of Scottish Rite Freemasonry beyond the three initial degrees are offered to Freemasons in ‘blocks’ and so the ceremonies are not always undertaken.

First published in hardback in the UK and USA 2009 by
Watkins Publishing, Sixth Floor, Castle House,
75–76 Wells Street, London W1T 3QH

This edition published 2011

Text Copyright © Christopher Knight and Alan Butler 2009, 2011

Christopher Knight and Alan Butler have asserted their right under the Copyright,
Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the authors of this work.

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Designed and typeset by Paul Saunders

Printed and bound by Imago in China

British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data Available

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Available

ISBN: 978-1-780282-25-1

Distributed in the USA and Canada by Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.
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