Believing Binda (11 page)

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Authors: Khloe Wren

BOOK: Believing Binda
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She woke with a
start. The room was a lot brighter now, the day having slipped away.

"It's all
right, beautiful. You kind of passed out after the last round. We've been
rather demanding on you."

She smiled. Yeah,
they had. And she'd loved it.

promise not to stop."

there's a promise we'll both keep no problem."

Her stomach
rumbling loudly had her clutching her belly.

"Oh, now that's

Baxter's hand
brushed hers aside, "We've all worked up an appetite, precious one."

"And I'm
guessing for the next nine months, you'll be eating more than usual."

She frowned up
at Zane to see him staring at her belly with the stupidest grin on his face.

"What are


Baxter cut off
her questions and rolled her quickly onto her back so he could stare at her
tummy, too. This was getting too weird. She looked down, and her breath froze.
Another mysterious mark had appeared.

"What the
hell is that? If this keeps up I'm going to be covered in tattoos!"

"That, our
beautiful Desired, is the mark that appears while you're pregnant."

"After one night?

"Completely serious.
Both Eilagh and
Becky are pregnant as well.
Seems portal travel triggers
human females’ fertility."

Binda frowned. She
hadn't known her friends were expecting. Had she hurt her friends so much they
now didn’t trust her? As soon as her men let her out of bed, she needed to find
all four of them and apologize.

"How come I
didn't know that?"

down, little spitfire. It's been a very hectic couple of days, and they haven't
seen you. We only know because as the healers of the clan, Dimitri informed us.
I'm sure they'll tell you as soon as they see you."

"Yeah, I
guess. Well, can we keep our little miracle a secret for a short while from
everyone? Let Becky and Eilagh have their time in the limelight."

She’d been such
a bitch to them. The least she could do was stand back and let them enjoy their
time in the limelight.

you want, beautiful. How about I go round up some food for us all and bring it
back here? I'm not ready to let you dress yet. I rather like you naked and all
sex rumpled in our bed."

"The way
you two keep ripping my clothes off, I'll be naked all the time because
there'll be nothing left for me to wear."

Binda tried not
to smile as Baxter rolled her over and swatted her lightly on the butt. Zane
leaned over to deliver another swat before he headed out the door muttering
under his breath something about her being a brat.




Dimitri looked around at the apple trees surrounding him. This had been
where it all started so long ago. Where the liaths had entered their world and
caused such devastation. Then only one full lunar cycle ago, five human females
had entered their land here. Talk about causing chaos. He chuckled as he looked
at them all now. Eilagh held his hand as she leaned against Max, who had his
hand resting on her lower belly, over their growing child. She looked
completely relaxed and content.

Becky was finally looking comfortable wearing a dress and was in
arms with her cheek resting against his chest.
Drake was standing beside her with a hand resting below his brother’s arms on
her hip.

Sweet Carina was standing with a contented smile on her lips as Denver,
Phelan, and Hart all stood close to her. They all had a hand on her, and her
own hands were folded over her own unborn child.

Calix stood behind Skye with his palms resting over the budding life in
her womb. Axel and Owen stood to either side holding her hands.

He chuckled as he glanced to Binda. She paced back and forth wringing
her hands as Baxter and Zane stood close by with amused expressions.

"Relax, Binda."

"I swear, she told me it would happen today. The Goddess said four
more women would be delivered by the Great Wind and that we should be

"Maybe next time you should ask her for a time, save us all
standing her for a whole day."

Clearly, Binda missed the teasing tone in Baxter’s voice as she stopped
and shook her head. "I should have thought of that. Why didn't I ask her?
So stupid."

Baxter grabbed her shoulders and caught her gaze.

"You are far from stupid. You, my precious one, are the reason our
race is saved. If standing out here for a whole day every so often is the only
price the Goddess requests, we are truly blessed, are we not?"

With a nod and a sigh Binda relaxed into his arms, and Zane moved closer
so he could touch his Desired, too. Dimitri gazed further back and saw all his
un-bonded warriors. Everyone had come to see who would be next to
blessed with their Desired. Taking a deep breath, Dimitri
caught the scent of honey.

"I believe it is time for our new arrivals."

Excitement bubbled within Dimitri as the tunnel of wind formed before
them. They were truly saved. The Goddess had stepped in and provided them with
saviors. Beautiful strong human women to help heal his warriors, and at the
same time these females were gentle fragile flowers that had been trampled on
and needed strong males to restore them to their full potential.

With an icy blast the Great Wind disappeared, and in the center of a
circle of frozen grass
four unconscious females.
Well, he assumed under all the layers of clothing they were female.

Baxter and Zane moved forward to check each one's pulse as Binda started

"I get it now."

Dimitri frowned at Binda, what was the crazy female talking about?
Eilagh stepped away from him and toward Binda.

"What do you mean?"

"Look at them. They are fully kitted out for hiking in really cold
conditions. The Goddess told me these women would be from the highest level. I
thought she meant royalty or something. What's the
these ladies were attempting to climb Mount Everest or some other really high,
secluded mountain?"

Dimitri chuckled along with the others. Seemed the Goddess had a sense
of humor, and wanted to keep the Great Wind a secret from humans by choosing
women who were isolated. Shaking his head, he spoke up to get things moving.

"Well, now we need to work out how to do this. Can I suggest we let
take off their outer layers? They're
going to roast in all that clothing out here in the sun."

The females all moved forward and began to take off bags and undo hats.
These females had pale skin with hair ranging from white blonde to dark golden
brown. Savren stepped up to his side, his ever faithful planner.

"We all felt drawn to our
, even
before we touched them. Have the eldest of each family approach the group. If
they feel any of their instincts flaring, they may gently touch each female on
the hand. It will be over quickly, and then we can move them indoors."

"I don't like having so many touch them while they're unconscious,
but I don't see another option. Whichever family these females belong to won't
take kindly to another warrior having carried her if we wait for them to

He sent the mental command for all eldest brothers to come forward and begin
the process. As the males filed past the unconscious females, the five original
women all stood protectively over them, acting like the mothers they would all
soon be.

Savren had been correct, and within a short time all four females were

"Eldest brothers, please take your
to the clinic. They still need to be looked over and allowed time to wake. They
will be cared for by the other females until they are ready to meet you."

As the four families headed up to the castle all the others followed. He
snagged Eilagh's hand before she could walk up the hill and pulled her into his
embrace. Max stepped up to them and gently pressed her between them.

"For years I resented having to be the Clan Leader knowing I'd be
the last, knowing there was nothing I could do to save us. Then you and your
friends arrived, and now all dragon warrior families have a future. This is one
of the rapidly increasing days I've loved being Clan Leader."

He looked up to the sky and shouted at the top of his lungs, "All
thanks to the Blessed Goddess!"

Dimitri let his tears flow as every warrior stopped their progress to
the castle and repeated his words.


The End



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