Bella Notte (6 page)

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Authors: Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

BOOK: Bella Notte
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Don't worry
so much, Mike, I'm sure that there's nothing wrong. And if there is
something, I'll figure it out.” I smiled at him.

I know, Em,
I guess it was an odd reaction to me or something. Next time, I'm
sure they'll love me.” He smiled in reply, but it was forced.

Okay, let me
know when you get home so I know you're okay, alright?” I said
as we got up from the table.

You know I
will, love ya, Em.” He kissed my cheek and beckoned his
two-wheeled monster to life.

I watched as he
headed toward the highway that led to his house. I wanted to make it
all better, I knew something was wrong. I wanted to sit and hold Mike
until I was sure that his mood passed. That would have to wait until
I found out what was going on. I got in my own four wheeled beast and

By the time I got
home, both my parents and grandparents were home- big surprise to me.
It was late so I left my car in the driveway knowing I'd probably be
running late tomorrow. I slipped in the kitchen door and that's when
I heard them in the dining room. My parents and grandparents were
sitting at the table, deep in conversation. I inched toward the door
that was slightly ajar and listened.

Are you sure
that she didn't suspect anything from your reaction to him?”
Winfred asked with a tone of urgency I had never heard my grandmother

Yes, Mother.
I'm sure. We were so shocked to have one of
William said, exasperated.

Honey, he
hasn't changed yet- maybe he won't. You know she really likes him.”
Edwina's voice was full of hope.

You know as
well as I do- just as she'll change, so will he. I could smell it.
The change has started in them- even if they've not noticed the signs
yet.” William's voice was completely void of the hope my
mother's voice held.

I think
perhaps this conversation is best left for when the house is again
empty … and not so easily overheard.” Alfred's voice
traveled closer and I knew I had to move.

I ran as quietly as
I could up the stairs and into my room. I figured I might be getting
a visit from Grandpa, but before he got up to me I needed to think
about what I'd heard. Mom and Dad reacted to him that way because of
something he was- different from what we were.

I sat back on my bed
and that's when I remembered the strange vision I'd had during my
dance lessons today. I knew that it held something important and it
had to do with what they were talking about, but there were no clues
as to what. My mind wouldn't work the way I wanted it to.

The voice was gentle and I knew it was Grandpa.

Grandpa.” My voice quivered and I hoped he didn't notice.

He pushed my door
open and came and sat next to me.

Sometimes we
learn things that we don't understand, at least not at the moment.
When that happens, know that all the questions that are brought up by
this information will be answered at the right time.” His voice
carried a gentle air of wisdom.

He rose to leave.

My words trailed.

sweetheart.” His eyes sparkled.

Will Mom and
Dad make me stop seeing Mike?” I couldn't hide the tears that
began to streak down my face.

Oh, honey.
Don't worry. You can still see your friend.” He wiped a single
tear with his soft cool hand and then left my room.

I didn't know what
to think, but I did know I could still see Mike and I didn't care
what they thought we were becoming. With that I fell into the shaded
world of sleep.

When I woke the next
morning I was already late. My cell buzzed on my deep cherry
nightstand. I grabbed it and it said, “one new text message.”
I clicked the OK button when I was prompted to read it.

Em, Get up!
You're late already!! See ya soon!” It was from Mike, and he
was right- I'd slept through first period.

I threw on some
jeans, a t-shirt, and my boots. I ran out to my truck and found
Grandpa had stuck a note inside excusing me for being late.
does he always know?

I got in and sped to
school. I made it to second period as the class was starting. Mike
sat at our usual table and greeted me with a head nod.

Always got to
get you outta bed,” he said with a smile.

I knew that
yesterday had been forgotten, so I wouldn't bring it up.

Yeah, well, I
was awake- just not functioning yet,” I grumbled.

You could try
getting me into bed.
thought came and went and left a rosy tint to my cheeks.

Bad thoughts
as usual?” he said, shaking his head as he gently touched my
now burning cheek.

I don't know
what you're talking about.” I knew the guilt was written on my

The day passed as
they usually did and soon it was Thursday, the day before my
birthday- I was scared. I'd asked Mike to come, but he still hadn't
given me an answer. My parents hadn't told me he couldn't come, they
said that he might not feel comfortable with all our family there
from Europe and the others that they'd invited. I knew I needed his
answer today and that I wouldn't get upset if he decided not to go.

Today is
unusually bright and sunny.
grimaced as the sun glared off a bench and into my eyes for like the
hundredth time. I was waiting for Mike outside his shop class. It
took me all day to build up the nerve to talk to him about tomorrow.
Miss Ashley said I could go early today, saying something about her
knowing all the preparations that still needed to be done for my
celebration tomorrow. So, instead of heading home, I took the
opportunity to clear my mind and figure out how to talk to Mike about
tomorrow. I couldn't do it then since I wouldn't be in school due to
the high volume of guests coming into town. I sat on the table in the
cafeteria closest to the shop and stared at the shut brick red door.
I never could understand why that door was red.

I don't know what
to say to him. I wonder why he hasn't mentioned it. Maybe it's time
to start to talk to him about the dream and about the vision I had
two weeks ago. I don't know how we've managed not to talk about it

I sighed and the
bell rang- Mike was the last one out of the room.

slowpoke.” I waved him over to the shiny beige table.

Hiya, Em.
Whatcha doing out here?” he asked without looking surprised to
see me.

Well ... I
was wondering if you're gonna come tomorrow.” I waited to see
some clue as to what his response would be, but nothing showed.

Em ... I
asked my parents and they said I'm not allowed to go because I have
family obligations. Apparently, we have some family coming into town
as well.” He frowned and looked away.

I never want to
see him frown ... I hate it.

No worries,
Mike. My parents said you'd probably be bored stiff since it's only
family and all.” My fake smile began to crack.

I hope its
lots of fun ... even though it is only family. I'm gonna miss ya
tomorrow- I'm stuck at our house welcoming people. Ugh!”He led
the conversation and our direction out of the cafeteria.

I hope you
don't go postal and kill anyone. I mean you don't even have a party
to link the craziness too!” Awkwardness snaked in the pit of my
stomach as I joked half-heartedly. My mood began to darken like thick
rain clouds rolling in.
the point of a birthday party if I can't spend it with whom I want?

Hey, I got
you something ... I know you told me not to and all ... but I thought
it could be something we share. Here, open it.” I could read
the nervousness on his face as he handed me a black wrapped present
with a green satin ribbon.

I untied the ribbon
and tied it into a head band for my hair. Then I took one high
glossed crimson polished nail and cut through the tape holding
together the thick black paper. I slid back the flaps to reveal a

It was thick, worn
sienna colored leather, and the pages looked out of sorts. I ran my
hand along the edge and fell in love with the texture of the aged
pages. I looked up at Mike and the tears started to stream down my
I am such a baby.

Mike ...”
My words got caught in my sob.

Em, if you
don't like it- maybe you'll like its contents.” He frowned
again completely misunderstanding my reaction.

I love it!”
I shouted and hugged him.

Oh! Great!
Well, then you'll love the inside.” He smiled.

I opened the book to
the middle and found it blank. I decided to thumb back toward the
front. That's when I found his small and scratchy handwriting. I
looked up confused.

It's kinda
like a journal. I thought we could write to each other. The first
entry is of why I think I knew you right away.” He looked down
at his boots.

Oh, Mike!
This is the best present ever! I was just thinking about how we never
talked about that. I can't wait to read it,” I said as I
started to turn toward the front again.

He stopped me. “Not
now, later. And then you have to write about how you thought you knew
me, okay?” He smiled and grabbed his helmet. “I gotta go
now, Em. Promise you'll let me know when your party is over and,
hopefully, I'll be able to see you, okay?” He shoved his shiny
red helmet on.

Mike, wait.
Take your helmet off.” I said it as calm and collected as I
could but I was scared of what I was about to do.

Mike took his helmet
off and looked curiously at me. He was about to open his mouth to say
something when I threw myself at him. His shock was momentary and
soon his lips responded to mine.

Being this close
seemed to cause a flood of emotions to pass through us, between one
another. I could hear his blood flowing through his body and I could
smell the change of his body- to lust. I don't know how long we
kissed, but I do know that when it ended, I was more connected to
Mike than I ever thought possible. Mike stared at me as his normally
tan face returned from the red hue it had taken on.

I wanted to
let you know that I love the present and I hope that you have a great
time tomorrow. Okay, bye.” It all tumbled out as I hopped in my
Jeep- and then I sped off.
love him! I never thought I would be one of those foolish people to
fall in love, but I guess I am.

When I looked up in
my rear-view window, I saw that beautiful red bike following me. I
had already driven passed my house- I didn't even realize it. I
turned onto the trail that led up to the old mines. I parked my Jeep
and got out. Mike stopped his bike and watched me to see if I would
object to his company.

Em, you know
we both should be heading home.” He was always the voice of

So, head home
then. Otherwise, come and grab my hand and walk with me.” I
stuck out my tongue and held out my hand. He took it. We walked
together in silence through the thick trees. I never walked this part
of the forest before but it somehow felt familiar.

The sun was hiding
behind the clouds making the sky look as though it was set on fire-
it was beautiful. We stepped out into a clearing and we both froze.
Fear gripped my heart and I could feel the sweat beginning to flow
between our hands. I looked at Mike and I understood what the front
of journal held. We both knew this place from our dreams. I took a
step back – I was afraid.

Don't be
afraid, Emma. We're together and I'm not going anywhere.”
Mike's voice sounded trance like to me.

Mike, I don't
know what your dreams held for you, but this place never brings
anything other than trouble. I'm afraid. I don't want to lose you.”
My voice trembled and I pulled back on his arm as he stepped forward.

My dreams
have always haunted me- always ending badly. But I'm drawn to the
place that I've seen for most of my life.” He seemed so distant
to me.

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