Ben Hope 05 - The Shadow Project (28 page)

Read Ben Hope 05 - The Shadow Project Online

Authors: Scott Mariani

Tags: #Thrillers, #Crime & Thriller, #Adventure, #Action & Adventure, #Fiction

BOOK: Ben Hope 05 - The Shadow Project
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Noticing a scrawled note in ballpoint on the upper margin on the front page, Ben leaned down to read it. The scribble had been done in a hurry, but he could make out that it was a set of flight times from Dublin to Graz via Vienna, arriving 6.06 p.m. Austrian time.

He sensed a presence in the doorway and spun round quickly.

It was Sabrina. She was wrapped in a bathrobe with a towel round her hair and another one round her shoulders. Her eyes looked a lot brighter, and there was a flush of pink in her cheeks that hadn?t been there before.

?I thought you?d gone.? She studied him curiously for a moment. ?You saved me,? she said softly. ?Thank you.?

?How do you feel??

She gave a shaky chuckle. ?I?ll live. Thanks to you. I don?t even know your name.?

?It?s Ben,? he said.

?Glad you showed up when you did, Ben.?

?You?re probably wondering what I?m doing here.? She tried to smile. ?Right now, everything is so screwed up, nothing seems that strange to me.?

?Is Adam your husband, Sabrina??

She shook her head. ?He?s my brother. Are you a friend of his??

?I just want to ask him some questions. Where is he??

?He?s away on business.?

?In Austria??

She frowned. ?Scotland. At least, that?s what he said. But Rory?s gone.?

Ben guessed that she was talking about the boy in the picture. ?What do you mean, he?s gone??

?He was kidnapped,? she blurted. ?I wasn?t sure it was true, but now I know something?s going on. I should have called the cops.? She looked at him as though a sudden thought had come to her. ?Are you??

?No, I?m not the police. Nothing like that.?

?Then what are you? Just some guy who knows how to break necks and shoot guns??

?I?ll explain everything to you. But not here. We need to leave.?

She stared at him. ?Leave??

?Your visitors seem to have found what they were looking for, but they might want to pay a return visit to tie up loose ends.?

Realisation crept into her eyes. ?You mean me??

He didn?t reply.

?Guess I don?t have a lot of choice. Where are we going??

?To the nearest pub.?

?Good. I need a drink.?

?Not to drink. To talk. Get some clothes on. My car?s outside.?

Sabrina glanced up and down his body. ?You?re soaked. You need to change. Try Adam?s wardrobe.?

As she got dressed in the bathroom, he took her advice and found a change of clothes in the master bedroom. He gratefully stripped off his wet things, towelled himself down, and quickly pulled on the warm, dry clothes. The trousers were a thirty-six-inch waist, and he had to cinch the belt up tight to make them fit.

A couple of miles from the house was a small village with an inn. Ben parked up the Audi, left the Colt in his bag on the back seat and led Sabrina into the lounge bar. The fire was crackling in the chimney and the atmosphere was cheery with a lot of chatter and clinking of glasses. Irish folk music was playing for the benefit of the tourists, and shamrocks and Guinness logos lined the walls.

?Welcome home,? Ben said, looking around.

Sabrina shot him a curious glance.

?I used to live here in Ireland. Out west, Galway Bay.? He bought them each a double Bushmills and carried the drinks towards a little cubby-hole with a candlelit table for two.

Sabrina sat opposite him. Brushed the hair away from her face, sniffed and cupped her whiskey in trembling fingers.

?Let?s talk,? he said.

Sabrina told him everything. About who she was, about her week?s holiday in Ireland to be with her brother and nephew. About Adam?s peculiar behaviour, the tennis camp and the Edinburgh conference and the strange phone call from Rory. ?The rest is pretty self-explanatory,? she finished. ?You saw what happened.? As she said it, her eyes clouded.

?I don?t believe Adam?s in Edinburgh,? Ben said. ?I?m pretty sure he took a plane to Austria. He?d been checking flight times before he left.?

?Why Austria??

?Maybe to meet with the kidnappers and talk terms. Maybe that?s where they?re holding Rory. Maybe they?ve sent him on some kind of errand. Or else he?s gone there looking for help, which could be a foolish move.?

Sabrina lowered her head against her hands. When she raised it and looked at him, her face was streaked with tears. ?Kidnappers. So you really think they?ve taken him??

?I?m afraid that?s what it looks like, Sabrina. I?m sorry.?

What do they want? Money, like a ransom? Adam isn?t that rich. Richer than he was when he was an academic, but not what you?d call wealthy.?

?You don?t have to be rich to be targeted by kidnappers,? Ben said. ?People will do anything to get their loved ones back.? He paused. ?But this isn?t about money, I don?t think.?

?Then what??

?Information. I think they?re using Adam for something, and Rory is their insurance policy.?

?My brother?s a house designer. What information could he have that was so important??

Ben asked, ?Did he ever mention the name Kammler to you??

She looked blank, thought for a moment, then shook her head. ?Not that I can remember. Who?s Kammler??

?Your brother was involved in some kind of scientific research. He had some computer files on disc in his study safe. Those people took them. I think whatever is on those discs is what they were looking for.?

Sabrina was quiet for a moment, biting her lip in agitation. Then she reached for her bag and started rummaging in it.

?What are you doing??

She found her phone. ?What I should have done days ago. I?m calling the cops. They?ll know how to handle this.?

He shook his head and leaned across to grab her hand. ?That?s not a good idea.?

?For Chrissakes, if he?s in fucking Austria that?s a lead, isn?t it? Surely things can be done? Don?t they have, like, Interpol and stuff for situations like this??

?Look at me, Sabrina.?

She was quiet and looked at him.

?If you call the police, you?re signing your nephew?s death warrant.?

She went white. ?How can you know that??

?Because Adam is under orders,? he said. ?That much is obvious. It?s the reason he was acting strangely before he went away, the reason why he made up that cover story about the tennis camp and going to Edinburgh for business. The kidnappers will have made it clear to him that if he breathes a word of this to anyone, they?ll harm Rory. The last thing anyone needs to do right now is start stirring things up.?

She didn?t reply, looked down at the table.

?Now, imagine what you?re going to put in motion if you involve the authorities in this. With all the best will in the world, it?ll leak out. There?s always someone willing to take a backhander in return for a juicy story. Television. Radio. Newspapers. A whole media circus, with the kidnappers watching every move. You might as well hold the gun to Rory?s head yourself and pull the trigger.?

Alarm lit up her eyes. ?How come you know so much about all this stuff??

?Because it was my job to deal with situations like this, and now I?m looking for someone who?s been missing for a long time. I think that person is in deep trouble, and I have a strong feeling it?s connected to the trouble your brother and nephew are in. Beyond that, right now I really can?t say any more.?

She sighed. ?So what happens now??

He leaned across the table and spoke gently. ?Sabrina, I do know one thing for sure. You weren?t supposed to survive this evening. When those people go back to whoever sent them and report what happened, and that there?s a witness??

?They?re going to come looking for me.? The words came out with a tremor, and she went a shade paler. Ben saw her pupils dilate with fear.

He nodded. ?It?ll be easy for them to find out from Adam who you are and where you live. They only have to threaten Rory, and there isn?t anything in the world he won?t tell them. That?s what kidnap is all about. Control.?

?It means I can?t go home.?

?No. It could be dangerous.?

Her eyes brimmed with tears again. ?So where I am going to go? Stay with friends? What the hell do I tell them??

?You tell them nothing. You can?t be in contact with anyone you know. They can be traced, and you?d just be putting them in danger too.?

She looked helpless.

?Do you trust me?? he asked.

?I don?t even know who you are. But you saved my life. What am I supposed to say??

?London?s a big place. You can easily lose yourself in it. I know someone there, a very close friend of mine whom I trust completely. I?ll have to clear it with her, but I think she?d let you stay with her. You?d have to cancel everything, keep hidden, not even go out.?

Sabrina chewed her lip. ?For how long??

?As long as it takes for me to sort things out.?

?Does that mean you?ll find Adam and Rory??

He took a deep breath. ?I?ll find them.?

Chapter Forty

In the terrible place that Rory?s world had become, all that separated night from day was whether he could see light under the cell door. When the light was on in the corridor outside, it meant it was day; and he lived in constant terror. When the corridor was in darkness, it meant his captors had gone to sleep. Like vampires, returning to their coffins, giving him a few safe hours to huddle in his bed and cry softly and try to be strong and brave and all the things he wanted to be. But more than anything, he wanted his dad to be here.

He had no idea what time it was or how long he?d been lying there under the sheets, burrowed in tight like a frightened animal. When he heard the cell door open and the footsteps walk across the stone floor towards the bed, every muscle in his body went rigid. A torch-beam scanned the room and he saw its circle of pale light land on the bed, shining through the sheets.

Whoever it was came closer, and he felt icy fingers of panic clench his heart as he thought of the hateful witch-woman who?d done those awful things to him just a few hours before. It was her. He could still feel the touch of the cold blade against his skin. Now she was back for more.

But when he felt someone sit on the edge of the mattress next to him and the warm, gentle hand on his shoulder, he knew it wasn?t her. A joyful thought leapt through him at that moment. His dad was here, come to save him. He threw back the sheet and sat up in bed.

The face he saw, dimly illuminated in the torchlight, wasn?t his father?s. It was the short, ruddy-faced man who?d been bringing him his food.

Rory eyed him uncertainly. ?What do you want, Ivan?? he said with all the strength and confidence he could muster. There was still a shake in his voice, and he felt dizzy and sick.

Ivan put his finger to his lips. ?Shh. They do not know I am here,? he whispered in that thick accent of his. He flashed the light furtively back at the door, then let it shine back on his face. Rory could see the anger in his eyes.

?They should not have done that to you. I would not have allowed such a thing to happen. You must understand this, Rory.? Ivan reached into his pocket, brought something out and offered it to him.

Rory looked at it. It was a chocolate bar. He tore off the wrapper and ate greedily.

Ivan smiled as he watched him. ?Good,? he whispered. ?Eat. Get strong. You will need your energy.?

Rory chewed and swallowed until there was nothing left. Ivan gently took the wrapper from his fingers, stuffed it back in his pocket and handed him a tissue. ?Wipe your mouth with this. They must not know I brought you chocolate. They would kill me.?

Rory wiped the flecks of chocolate from the corners of his mouth and gave the tissue back to Ivan. ?Why?? he asked the man.

?Listen to me carefully. I am not one of them. I am here to spy on them.?

Rory?s eyes widened and his heart began to thump. ?Are you a cop??

?A special agent,? Ivan whispered. ?And I will get you out of here.?


?Soon. Very soon, I promise you. But you must trust me. Will you trust me, Rory?? Rory nodded quickly.

?Thank you. I know it is hard for you, and you are very scared. You are a good, brave boy.?

?Where?s my dad? Is he here??

?Shh. I think someone is coming.? Ivan turned off the torch, plunging the room into darkness. They both stared in the direction of the cell door. Any second now, Rory imagined the light was going to come on in the corridor and that woman was going to come marching in with the guards and find them together. They?d take Ivan away and kill him, and then he?d be alone again.

But nothing happened. The corridor remained dark and quiet.

Ivan let out a sigh of relief and turned the torch back on, shading its beam with his hand so that his face was half-lit and full of shadows. ?It is too dangerous for me to be here,? he whispered. ?I must go. I just wanted you to know that you have a friend in this place. I will not let them harm you. Everything will be fine. You have my word.?


?I will be back. Get some rest,? Ivan whispered. Then he slipped out of the door and Rory heard the soft click of the lock.

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