Bending Bethany (4 page)

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Authors: Aria Cole

BOOK: Bending Bethany
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“Okay, okay. I can pick up a hint,” I smiled, letting her win this one. “Thank you again for a great night last night.” I placed a kiss on her forehead. “Until next time.”

“Next time? Jenson—”

“Night, Bethany!” I called, jogging backwards down the street, my eyes riveted on her the entire time. No way was I letting a girl this special get away that easily.

I had way more up my sleeve for Bethany, until she’d have no choice but to go out to dinner with me. And more.



I spent the remainder of the night researching a paper on molecular biology. These papers were killing me with back-to-back deadlines, but I guess those were the consequences when you took 24 credits a semester. I was determined to get this work down and out into the real world so I could start earning an income and paying off those staggering student loans.

I woke the following morning, showered, dressed, and bounded down the stairs to head to the coffee shop to get some writing done on the paper.

I opened the door in the bright morning light and was shocked to find another, even larger bouquet of flowers on my stoop. It was a beautiful arrangement of roses, daisies, and lilies.

“What the?” I furrowed my forehead as I picked up the card.

Will you have dinner with me?:) J

I shook my head, stuffing the card into the pocket of my bag. I went back to the kitchen, dug up a vase, and placed the bouquet in my room. I couldn't walk into this room without thinking of him now, and I’m sure that’s exactly what he was hoping for.

Giving them one last inhale, I pulled my bag over my shoulders and headed out the door again.

“You found my flowers?” Jenson jogged up next to me with a sly grin on his face as soon as I’d hit the sidewalk.

“What are you doing here? It’s 7 a.m.! Are you stalking me?” I laughed as I continued to walk.

“I figured if I catch you early enough, you wouldn’t make other plans. Eat with me today. Any meal. Croissants? I know a great bakery. Lunch more your style? We can do that, too.”

“Jenson.” My smile faded when I finally reached the coffee shop and realized he wasn’t going to give up any time soon unless I was direct with him. “You have to stop. You’re wasting your time. Honestly.”

“That’s not the answer I was hoping for, and the day started off so well. You’re making me get a workout here.”

“Well, I know we had one night—”

“One great night, right?” His charming grin seared a hole through my heart.

“One great night. Fine. But I meant it when I said—”

“Yeah, I know. You’ve got a full plate. I think you just need a little bending.”

I laughed at his boy-next-door way. “Bending?”

“In soccer when you bend the ball, you give it a little extra twist with the inside of your foot to angle the ball into the net. Like a curve ball. But it’s hard. Not everyone gets it right. You have to caress the ball just right. It’s a talent, and it just so happens I’m an expert at it.”

I couldn’t even contain my laughter then. “I see you don’t need me to stroke your ego.”

The grin split his face, the sun glinting off his golden skin like it’d been painted with a master’s brush.

“Just stating facts.” He shrugged and pushed a hand through his hair as sweat dampened his taut skin.

I shook my head with a smile. “You very well may be the most impossible man I’ve ever met.”

“Oh, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet, baby.” He winked, then jogged backwards, giving me a small wave before he turned and ran off around the corner.

What was he doing?

What was

Every other girl I went to class with would kill for just one glance from Jenson Abbot. His rugged good looks and body built for sin made every American girl’s knees turn to jelly.

He turned my knees to jelly, too. That’s what had gotten me into this mess.

I was too focused for his advances, too driven to be settled. I had too much to accomplish and not nearly enough time to do it in. No way could I press pause for Jenson Abbott.

Let him find one of the other girls willing to give everything up for his pretty smile and golden body. That girl wasn’t me.

I turned and stepped through the doors of my favorite coffee shop, the familiar scent filling my nostrils and easing my anxiety.

I plopped down in my chair and opened up my screen, prepared to pound out a few hundred words before I even ordered my morning coffee.

The cursor stared back at me, blinking, taunting.


I opened Google instead and typed in two words:
Jenson Abbott.

I had soccer on my mind.

I managed to avoid Jenson for almost two full days.

I’d woken up Tuesday morning to a sweet little package tied with ribbon on my doorstep. My eyes darted up and down the sidewalks in search of his tall, broad frame.

I’d opened the gift minutes later to find expensive Swiss chocolate shaped like different types of undergarments—white chocolate shaped as thongs, bikini panties in decadent dark chocolate, and cute boy panties with adorable sugar designs in mouthwatering milk chocolate.

Thought I owed you a pair. J

I rolled my eyes but smiled deeply, stuffing chocolate high-cut panties into my mouth. I let the flavors of indulgence roll in my mouth, and closed my eyes at the sinful taste, then left for class.

By the time I returned home that night, there was another note tucked into the door jamb.

Two tickets to the MLS Cup play-off final, the very one he was playing in this coming Friday. My eyes widened in shock. I didn’t know how much play-off tickets cost, but it was way too much, that was for sure.

Taylor had squealed and clapped her hands behind me when she’d spied the tickets.

“We’re going!” she’d announced and darted off into her room. “What should I wear? Would a mini-skirt be too flashy for a soccer game? I want to look so good Luc can’t even focus on that damn ball.”

“We can’t go.” I burst her bubble.

“What, are you crazy? These are play-off tickets!”

“I’m not accepting his gift. It’s too much.”

“Who cares? He gets them for free. It just means he wants you cheering him on during the game. It’s sweet if you think about it.”

“It’s not sweet. He’s just trying to woo me. That guy has girls falling at his feet, why is he chasing me so hard?” I plopped onto her bed.

“Bethy, why wouldn't he want you? I mean, the glasses are a little nerdy, but some guys are into that. You have a gorgeous body. I wish I had your tits.” She plumped her own over her tank top and frowned. “You got all the good genes and you don’t even use them.”

“You’re ridiculous,” I huffed.

“Well, even if you don’t go, I’m going.” She quickly snapped the extra ticket out of my hands and shoved it down her bra, giving me a triumphant look.

“Taylor,” I groaned. “You know it’s your fault I’m in this mess in the first place.”

“Me? How?!”

“You dragged me out Saturday night. I’m still behind on my paper.”

“Oh, forget the paper. You’ll get it done, we all know that. The day you miss a deadline is the day hell freezes over. Now, what are you going to wear to the game?”

“I told you, I’m not going.”

“Yeah, right. No hot-blooded woman would pass up the chance to watch Jenson and Luc running around that field sweaty and sexy. Drop the act and get used to the idea that we have plans on Friday.”

With that, she spun out of the room.

I sighed, resigned to my ridiculously stubborn sister, who seemed to be on the same team as the ridiculously stubborn man pursuing me.

I lifted my phone and hovered over his phone number. I still hadn’t saved it to my contacts. I’d had no intentions of ever using it again.

“Hello?” He answered on the first ring.

“Thank you for the tickets, Jenson, but they’re too much.”

“Great, you’re coming, then?” The cheery tone of his voice made me feel like an epic asshole.

“Um, yeah, I guess.”

“Great! Ready for dinner now?”

“No!” I laughed at his dependable persistence.

“Okay, until next time, Bethany.” I heard his grin on the line.


“Sleep well, beautiful.”

“Jenson!” I called, but he’d already hung up the phone.




I woke the following morning with the plan to beat all plans. One of the guys had told me about a gift he’d given his fiancée for their anniversary, and because I was enjoying keeping Bethany on her toes, I thought it was the perfect idea.

I walked to her house after my work out later the following afternoon, gift in hand, more determined than ever to get the girl to share a meal with me. Just a few hours of her time was all I was asking. Just enough to see if this thing between us was as real and true as I had a feeling it was. I’d never been much for dating, too focused on my career and the sport to take time out for a relationship, until I’d wrapped Bethany in my arms on that dance floor. Not only did her laugh send anxious butterflies battering around my stomach, but she was sensual, funny, sexy, and smart. I couldn’t get enough of her.

I knocked twice on the door, waiting on the top step.

“Jenson,” she half groaned when she greeted me.

I smiled brightly, unwilling to be outdone, and thrust the bouquet at her. “Up for dinner?”

“It’s going to look like a funeral parlor in here!” she giggled.

“One helluva funeral parlor then.” I winked at her mischievously when she took the bouquet, now close enough to see the detail.

“Jenson!” she squeaked, her cheeks flaming red. “Are these panties?”

I laughed at her coy embarrassment before taking another step closer to her. “One dozen of them. I only hope I’m the one who gets to see you model them,” I whispered in her ear. A shiver ran through her body as her breathing hitched a moment. She was affected, I could see the physical reactions all over her body.

“I can’t believe you did this.” She fingered the delicate laced edge of one pair of dark red panties, twisted up in a thousand folds to look like a rose.

“Share a dinner with me?”

“You are persistent, aren’t you?” She grinned, then stepped aside. “Come in.”

“Finally, entering the sacred lair.” I stopped as I passed her. “I’ve missed you.”

The kiss I placed on her forehead surprised her, ocean-blue eyes widening in shock.

“Don’t get your hopes up. I don’t have time for dinner, but I’ll get changed and we can run out to a deli. Or takeout maybe.”

“I’ll take it.” I grinned and winked as I stepped into her apartment.

“Just give me a minute to change. I’ll be right down and we can leave.” She smiled sweetly, eyes glancing from me, back to the bouquet of panties, then back to me.

“Love seeing that smile.” I traced the elegant curve of her lips with my thumb. Her pupils dilated, and her thighs shifted. She cleared her throat and pulled away.

“I’ll be right back.”

She ran up the stairs, her leggings hugging her sweet little ass as she went. I hoped at some point I’d get it in my hands again, get her under my body to kiss and claim and take care of, but she needed time, and that I would give her. I understood a woman with drive and motivation. I’d been raised with a working mother myself. I loved strong, independent woman who knew what they wanted, and maybe gave me a bit of a hard time while they were doing it. Challenges excited me. I was a competitive man.

Bethany sped back down the stairs minutes later, panty bouquet decidedly absent from her hands.

“You look beautiful,” I said when she reached me, a light floral dress swishing around her creamy thighs.

“Thank you,” she replied, a little shy in accepting my compliment.

“What are you in the mood for?” I looped her arm with mine when we set off down the sidewalk.

“There’s a hot dog stand around the corner. It’s so good.” Her excitement for the kid’s meal took me by surprise.

“I finally get to take you out to eat, and you want hot dogs?!”

She laughed at me then, her giggle sprouting wings in my heart. “I told you I didn’t have much time. And I promise you, best hot dogs ever.”

“Okay, you win, you win.”

“We can eat them in the park.” She looked up at me, as if in compromise.

“Can we sit? I’d like to actually have a proper meal with you.” Without thinking. I reached for her hand, locking it in mine. She froze for a minute, not responding, her eyes glancing down at our locked hands.

“Jenson.” She pulled her hand from mine. “Why are you doing this? Why are we here? What do you even see in me?” Her questions threw me for a total loop.

“What do you mean, why am I doing this?” I stopped us in our tracks and turned to cup her chin gently. “We’re doing this because I like you, Bethany. Because I’ve already had you in my bed once and I can’t stop thinking about it. Your skin under my hands, my lips across your body, the taste of you, the feel of you…I want more.” My eyes burned into hers, and I hoped she would see I meant it. No lies here. I wasn’t one of those asshole players on the team who banged every groupie in sight. I’d stayed away from that on purpose, realizing that someday, when I did find the right one, I wanted something special still between us.

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