Bet in the Dark (38 page)

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Authors: Rachel Higginson

BOOK: Bet in the Dark
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“Three,” I interrupted again but I felt the heaviness of what he was saying.

He nodded his head like he was allowing my insight of information. “Now, I don’t know if you loved him or not, but three years is a long time. And the boy treated you poorly and then he did wrong by you. That messes with a girl’s self-esteem. But you need to understand that you allowed Colton to happen in your life and you allowed that to continue. It’s not your fault that he cheated on you, that boy lost the best thing that could have ever happened to him. But all his misdeeds messed with your head. And it’s up to you now whether you’re going to allow Fin to happen to you, or if you’re going to shut him down and allow this pattern of unworthy boys and heartache to continue to happen to you.”

Ty’s words were like an ice cold bucket of reality thrown over my head and I really wanted to resent him for them. But I couldn’t. He was right. “So you’re saying I have low self-esteem and my only option for happiness is to date Fin? Otherwise I’m going to date losers for the rest of my life?” Even though I believed everything Ty was saying I couldn’t get the disbelief out of my tone.

“I’m saying, that you have strong feelings for Fin. And Fin, obviously has very, very strong feelings for you, otherwise he wouldn’t be pursuing this hard. If you turn your back on something that could be good, really, really good for both of you, then you’re telling the universe you don’t want good things. You’ll settle for subpar. You’ll settle for being hurt.”

I couldn’t stop my head from rearing back. Was Ty right?

“What happened to just working on me for a little bit?” I grasped at straws.

“Ellie, if you can’t see what a great man Fin Hunter is, and how good he would treat you then maybe you don’t deserve him,” I opened my mouth to protest but he held up his hand and so I just listened. “He has been to hell and back more than once in his life. He doesn’t let people in easily and he doesn’t trust others ever. Everyone important in his life has let him down at some point or the other except for his grandmother and his brother. He has walls so thick I didn’t think anything could get through them. But then there’s you. And he’s invited you to family dinner at his grandmother’s house. And you’re not sure if you can let go of your pride long enough to even consider what this boy is offering to you.” Tears pricked at my eyes, my heart breaking for Fin all over again. “And Ellie, if Fin is offering his heart to you, it’s just a formality because believe me when I say you already have it.”

Those words hung in the air between us with so much weight I didn’t think I would be able to breathe through them.

“Ok, but what about the fact that he doesn’t believe me about Tara? He still thinks I’m the one that lost all that money.” It was my last defense, my last hope to come out of this unscathed.

“Sweetheart, do you really think Fin would let you get that close if he still believed you’re the one that ripped him off? Hell, he might never have believed it. Maybe he just wanted to keep you around.”

Something about that resonated so true with me; I actually jumped from the way my heart slammed into my chest.

I swiped at a tear and mumbled, “Geez, Ty, when did you get to be such a romantic.”

“I’m not,” he huffed. “I just care for those kids.”

“Why? How did you get to know them?”

“I served with his dad in Afghanistan. I was there when he died. He regretted every day I knew him how he abandoned his kids, but he admitted he wasn’t man enough to do anything about it. He ran from how hard it was, while his first born son stayed to take over his job. Colin wasn’t a bad man apart from what he did to his family, but he was lost. And he punished himself every day. While he was dying he begged me to do the job that he couldn’t, made me promise to look after his family. I said I would, of course. Colin died as a man filled with bitter regrets, I knew I could never let myself become like that. But when I got here, I realized his family didn’t need me to take care of them, they had Fin.”

I was full on crying now, a big sobbing mess.

“Fin’s been single-minded since the day I met him. I didn’t think anything could penetrate those thick defenses he’s built around him. But then it seems, there is you.”

I sniffled. “You really trust him? You trust that I’m more than a hook-up?”

“Has he ever made you feel like that’s all you would be? I know you’ve only known him a short time, but Ellie, you have to see what I do. You have to know by now that there is so much more to him than that.”

In a shaky but confident voice I whispered, “I do.”

“Good,” Ty grunted. “Alright, now are you going to be able to finish your shift tonight or am I going to have to call in a replacement?”

“Good grief,” I groaned. “I’m fine. You’re the one that’s all emotional.” I grinned through watery eyes since that was not at all true. Even though I knew Ty’s feelings for Fin and his family ran deep, he still was as stoic as ever.

“Get out of here, go do your job,” he shooed me away but not before I caught a hint of a smile.

I wiped at my eyes and obeyed. Back on the floor I casually walked to the bathroom to fix my face before joining Steve at the host stand. We were working with another high school girl tonight, Katie. Hopefully he would hit on her the whole night.

“What’s up gorgeous?” Steve called out as I approached the host stand.

“Oh, no. Not already,” I groaned.

“Hey baby, you alright?” his voice dropped with sincerity but he never lost his swagger.

“Yes, Stephen, I’m fine.”

“No you’re not, you look like hell. Do you need me to beat the shit out of somebody? Who hurt you? You tell me, I’ll kick their ass,” he threatened in his manliest voice.

“Thanks for the offer, but it’s not necessary. I’ll be fine.” I sighed wearily and looked around for Katie. She had to be avoiding him or working. She hated both.

“Are you pregnant?” he asked louder than I ever wanted that phrase to be uttered.

“No!” I screeched. “And you’re the sEcond person to ask me that. Good lord, do I look pregnant?”

“No, girl, you look
. But even pretty girls get knocked up, surely you know this. No one is immune from the love stick when you’re not using protection.”

“Oh my gosh. I want to
!” I started walking to the bathroom before Creep-o Steve-o could spout anymore unwanted advice.

“Alright, girl! I’m here if you want to talk though!”

That was the last he got out though for the rest of the night. Dinner service picked up like expected and we were slammed with customers. As soon as everything died down I let him and Katie go immediately. Katie was anxious to get done and I was terrified every time Steve opened his mouth, not knowing what craziness would fall out.

Once they were gone and everyone in the restaurant started counting down the minutes left till close, Lennox and Grayson walked in. They were so intimidating, even to me. They walked shoulder to shoulder, obviously brothers. Grayson was dressed in sweatpants and another wrestling t-shirt and Lennox was dressed in black dress pants and a turquoise polo, ever looking the businessman even on the weekend. They were so different and so similar at the same time. They smiled at me as soon as they approached the host stand and it was obvious they were getting along.

Which was never a good sign.

“What are you guys doing here?” I didn’t even try to hide my suspicion.

“Can you eat with us?” Lennox asked, ignoring my question.

“No, but I can sit with you guys until someone else comes in.” They gave me mutual looks of approval so I grabbed them menus and sat them in the bar area not far from the host stand. I crawled up onto a bar stool while they looked over the menus briefly and then simultaneously looked up at me.

They were terrifying and they knew it. This was a tactic they used on me often. I was so over it.

“Stop bullying me, why are you here?” I demanded bringing out another smile in both of them.

“Hey, have you noticed anything off with Beckett?” Grayson asked thoughtfully.

Now this was something I did want to talk to them about. “Yes! I think he’s into my friend Britte,” I confided in them. “He won’t stop bothering her.”

“What do you mean he’s into her?” Lennox asked, amused by this.

“Like he made out with her and now won’t stop texting her.”

“Wait, he’s already hooked up with her?” Grayson’s eyes grew big. I knew the feeling of disbelief acutely.             

“They only made out,” I clarified for Britte’s sake. “Britte has some standards; she wouldn’t just sleep with Becks.”

Grayson and Lennox gave looks of disbelief, but I wasn’t about to argue this with them.

Finally Grayson asked, “Does she like him?”

“No, she’s terrified of him. I don’t think he knows what to do with feelings, so he’s scaring the crap out of her,” I admitted, feeling kind of bad for Beckett. Although not bad enough to dish it out to my Grayson and Lennox.

They howled with laughter. “He’ll figure it out, Els.” Lennox promised when they settled down.

“Sure,” I shrugged noncommittally. If I told them my true feelings, that I hoped he just moved on and left Britte alone, their fierce loyalty would come out and they would all but join arms with Beckett in an attempt to woo her.

I was her friend; I could
let her fall into a relationship with one of my brothers. Friends don’t let friends date their emotionally unavailable, womanizing brothers.

“Did you give Hunter that letter I gave you?” Grayson asked casually, but I noticed how still and quiet Lennox grew.

“Yep,” I answered simply and then glanced back at the door.
Please let there be customers. Please let there be customers.  

“Good,” Gray answered.

The waiter for this section popped up just then and took their beer orders of Old Milwaukee. They ordered an appetizer too and then when the waiter was gone, they turned their attention back to me.

“I met him tonight,” Lennox stated, still not revealing any emotion.


“Finley Hunter,” Lennox shot Grayson a look out of the corner of his eye that showed there was no way I could win this.

“He likes you,” Grayson announced.

“Oh, gosh, not this,” I shook my head getting ready to stand up and walk away.

“We know that because he told us, Els, so sit down,” Grayson snapped and I did but more because I fell back into my seat out of surprise.

One day I would grow a spine. It would probably have to be in a convent away from all these alpha males, but one day….

“He stopped by Gray’s apartment earlier, while I happened to be there,” Lennox explained. “He had wanted to talk to Gray, but he got both of us instead.”

“What are you doing in town anyway?” I demanded suddenly too nervous to hear how their story was going to play out.

“I can’t visit my brother?” Lennox looked offended.


“It doesn’t matter what we were doing, that’s not the point,” Lennox all but growled. “Your boyfriend stopped over to explain to Grayson that he was going to start dating you and he wanted your family to be aware of him.”

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