Beta Earth: Between Worlds 2.0 Edition (15 page)

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Chapter 41

To Protect


Gaidon regains consciousness. He is in Eva’s arms.

“Miss me?” Gaidon asks. Eva smiles.

“Welcome back, sir.” Gaidon stands up and looks around. Vin is in the middle of the room surrounded by ten Faux Forsaken members. Vette and Keith are among them.

“We are done here.” Gaidon says as he walks towards the stairs to the lower level.

“But what about the alliance?” Eva asks. Gaidon looks at Vin and smiles.

“It’s settled if I’m not mistaken.”Vin nods in agreement. Eva gives a look of confusion.

“What just happened?”

“I’ll explain later. As for now, I need to get lots of things in order. Vin, I will be contacting you soon.” Gaidon and Eva head for the exit and the three Syndicate bodyguards follow.

“No!” Keith yells. Instinctively Larry jumps in front of Gaidon and Eva. He is shot, his body falls on top of both of them. Vin quickly turns and sees a Faux Forsaken member pointing a gun at Gaidon. Vin instantly shadow-shifts, disarms him, and punches him in the face.

This causes him to fall to his knees in pain. The other two Syndicate bodyguards unsheathe their weapons and aim at the Faux Forsaken. The Faux Forsaken instinctively unsheathe their weapons as well. Gaidon grabs on to Larry.

“Hold fire!” Gaidon yells.

“Wait!” Vette yells.

“Don’t attack!” Vin says as he picks up the Faux Forsaken member. He continues to hold his face in pain from Vin’s punch. Vin uses his body to shield the Faux Forsaken member from the Syndicate bodyguards.

“What the hell was that?” Vin asks. Keith is silent.

“Damn … I missed.” The Faux Forsaken member says. Vin turns to Gaidon.

“Go now and get your guard help
… I’ll handle this.” Gaidon nods. Eva takes the gun from one of the bodyguards.

“Help carry Larry. I’ll watch our rear.” Eva says. Another corrupt Faux Forsaken member steps forward.

“Don’t move,” she says. Vin looks at her.

“I don’t believe this.” Vin says.

“Sorry, Vin. You have been good to us, so I will tell you. All of us here work for someone else now.” The traitorous Faux Forsaken member says. Vin shakes his head in disappointment. Vette walks over to the Faux Forsaken member and slaps her across the face. The girl doesn’t budge but all of the traitors aim their weapons at Vette. Vin drops the guy he is holding and walks in front of Vette.

“Vin seems your gang is infested.” Gaidon says. Keith steps forward.


“Shut up, Keith.” The traitorous Faux Forsaken member says.

“Only us here … We were hired by S.P.Q.R.” Keith admits. Vette walks over to Keith.

“Why, after everything?” Vette bites her lip she is so angry.

“I … I don’t want to be allied with the Syndicate! None of us do. We joined Vin, we wanted to be allied with him. But you … you held us at arm’s length.” Keith explains.

“He protected all of you from harm, you ungrateful traitors! He took all the pain and gave us all the spoils and only asked us to be respectful to our sprawl and loyal to our gang!” Vette yells.

“We can’t respect a man we don’t fight with. We can’t relate to a man we never see. Vin is a shimmer of an idea, not a real person. Ideas fade and for all we knew, Vin could be gone just as fast. He had no reason to stay.” Keith says. Vette has had it. She is beyond furious with Keith. “How dare you say this! Keith, I’m gonna—”

“He is right.” Vin says.

“Vin?” She asks. She is puzzled by his response. “I have been distant. An idea can inspire but you need a leader to lead. I was hoping I could make things safe enough where I didn’t need to lead anymore. Bring us to the point where an idea would be enough. But I don’t know if I can do it alone.” Vin says.

“You’re not alone.” Vette says.

“You’re a pretty bad traitor, Keith. Most don’t yell a warning before they shoot.” Gaidon says. Vin looks over to Keith.

“He’s right. Why did you yell, Keith?”

“Because I realized I trust you. Not S.P.Q.R but you. If you want to ally us with Gaidon, it must be for a good reason. You are our beacon of light, and nothing will change that.” Keith says. Vin looks at the traitorous Faux Forsaken members.

“You must have known this wouldn’t end well. Your plan to assassinate Gaidon failed. So ... you are stalling for some reason.”

“Backup of some sort?” Vette asks.

“Him! You guys have to go now! The hunter is coming!” Keith yells. Vin’s eyes widen upon the realization. “Damn! Clave.”

“It’s too late. He should be here any minute.” One of the traitorous Faux Forsaken says. Gaidon laughs.

“You fools. I know a thing or two about S.P.Q.R. They won’t let you live after contacting them. I can almost guarantee Clave killed the traitor or traitors that gave the location of our previous meeting.”

“Bluffs won’t save you here.” The traitor Faux Forsaken member says. Vin shakes his head.

“I can vouch for what Gaidon says. I’ve seen that assassin’s methods first hand.” Gaidon heads for the exit. The Syndicate follow behind him.

“Stop!” a Faux Forsaken member shouts.

“You gotta be kidding. I’d rather take the chance that you’ll fire than be in the room as a mark for that man.” Gaidon replies. Vin steps in-between Gaidon and the traitorous Faux Forsaken.

“Vette, Keith, everyone, leave now.” Vin says. Vette and Keith begin to walk away and the traitors take aim at them. “There are only two options here. Either we all leave and sort this out elsewhere or you face me … and I do not have time to hold back.” Vin says.

“Don’t be stupid. Most of you have seen Vin in action. You can’t win.” Vette says. The know traitors lower their weapons. The plan was to stall, they know full well they can't take on Vin in any form of combat. Vin looks back and Gaidon is already gone.

“Let’s go.” Vin says.

As he turns to leave he hears a horrifying scream. Vin turns back to witness one of the traitorous Faux Forsaken with a broadsword through his heart. “Run now!” Vin yells. Clave dashes in with incredible speed. He leaps over desks and chairs. Immediately closing distance with anther Faux Forsaken member. With one stroke he slices clean through him.

The remaining traitors fire at Clave. “Wait, he can—” Clave deflects the bullets and one of them hits a Faux Forsaken member in the leg. Vin runs for Clave’s second blade and grabs it out of the dead Faux Forsaken’s body. Clave runs up beside Vin and kicks him in the stomach hard. This winds him and causes him to lose his grip on the sword.

Vette and Keith grab the injured traitor and drag him to safety. The other Faux Forsaken members are stationed behind desks and file cabinets. They try to get a bead on the constantly moving Clave. Clave runs over to Vette and Keith as they drag the wounded Faux Forsaken member.

He cuts clean through the Faux Forsaken member and while in the motion, slashes Keith deeply in the arm. Keith screams in pain. Vette grabs a metal file cabinet and swings it at Clave. He easily knocks it away with his sword.

Vin recovers from Clave's kick and notices Vette is in danger. He grabs the sword near him and shadow-shifts. He stops Clave in mid-swing and enters a furious sword battle with him. “Impressive. I don’t see many swordsmen. Who taught you?” Clave asks.

“A kid.” Vin says in a short response. Clave laughs.

“I guess it should surprise me but you are full of surprises Vin” Vin looks around at the Faux Forsaken members.

“Let them go.” Vin demands.

“No chance.” Clave replies.

“Then I have no choice.” Vin says.

“Did you forget last time? Even with all your tricks, we are in different leagues.” Clave says. Vin swings the sword around proficiently.

“Not with this.” Clave switches his grip on his sword surreptitiously.

“Strange, you don’t normally carry one.”

“And you will see the reason why soon enough.” Vin says confidently. Clave throws his sword at Vin. He tries to block it and loses his own sword in the process. Vin’s sword slides across the room.

Vette rips the sleeve off one of the dead Faux Forsaken’s shirts. She runs over to Keith and tends to his arm wound. Clave notices one of the Faux Forsaken taking aim at him.

He dashes for a gun that belonged to one of the dead Faux Forsaken members. Vin notes Clave’s trajectory and shadow-shifts to Clave before he can reach the gun. Clave adjusts instantly to Vin’s sudden appearance. He pulls a chain connected from his sleeve to his sword.

The sword almost slashes Vin as it flies back into Clave’s hand. Clave then whirls his blade around, using the chain to extend his reach.

This helps Clave keep Vin at bay while he runs for the gun on the ground. Clave finally reaches the gun, snatches it and fires at the Faux Forsaken member. Vin shadow-shifts and pushes the Faux Forsaken member out of the way.

In the process, he is grazed in the shoulder by a bullet. “Vin!” Vette shouts. Clave is shocked at Vin’s action.

“These guys betrayed you! Why are you working so hard to save them?” he shouts. Clave shoots at another Faux Forsaken member. Vin shadow-shifts and pushes that Faux Forsaken member out of the way. This time the bullet grazes Vin’s arm.

“Get out of here!” Vin shouts. Keith, Vette, and the remaining Faux Forsaken members run for the exit. Clave aims for them. Vin shadow-shifts and grabs Clave. He slams him against a pillar forcefully. This causes him to drop the gun. Clave is temporarily winded by the powerful thrust. “Clave, you must stop this.” Vin pleads.

Clave recovers and punches Vin in the chest. Vin holds his chest and backs away from Clave. “I thought we went over this. We are beyond talk. Only skill can stop me and now I know not even legends are a match for me.” Clave says.

“You once said you don’t like to kill.”Vin says. Clave lowers his sword slightly.

“Yeah … It’s not my favorite part.”

“I know why you don’t like to kill. I share that feeling. I haven’t killed anyone since I killed the former boss of Faux Forsaken.” Vin says.

“What? Impossible. All those gang wars and all the turf you acquired … I don’t believe you.” Clave says.

Meanwhile, Akari runs full speed toward the abandoned factory where Vin and Clave are located. As she approaches, Akari notes the people running away from the building. “I’m sorry, Taurus. I hope I’m not too late.” Akari says as she continues to sprint towards her destination.

Vin shadow-shifts and grabs Clave’s other sword. He holds the sword with both of his hands. “I promised someone I wouldn’t kill you but I’m sorry, Clave … I see no other option here.”

“Yeah, who?” Clave asks. Vin doesn’t reply. He just holds on tightly to his sword. “To be strong enough to not have to fight, to avoid killing … That is all I wanted but when you take this path in life. You find your choices are limited.” Vin says.

Clave prepares himself as Vin’s eyes start to glow white. All around them reality seems to be distorting. “Okay, concentrate. It’s just like deflecting bullets. I have to feel him. I can do this.” Clave says.

His pupils slightly dilate. “I can do this … I can. I am invincible. No one can touch me!” Clave shouts. “Here is where you will learn that is a lie. I no longer need to hide it from you. Your world will come crashing down as I show this to you. I know this because it caused my world to crash as well.” Vin says.

Vin reaches in his coat and pulls out some very sharp-looking, circular, shaded eyeglasses. He then puts them on. They perfectly cover his flickering eyes. Clave laughs.

“Glasses? If this is a cool contest, I already won.” Vin vibrates with energy. “This is my weapon.”

Clave keeps his eyes wide open. He is prepared to stop Vin at all costs. “Shadow-step.” These are the last words Clave hears before Vin warps directly next to him. Clave hardly has any time to react. Vin delivers a light cut to Clave’s arm, drawing blood.

His accuracy. It's improved? Clave thinks.

Clave then tries to defend himself as Vin unleashes a fury of warps and slashes upon him, relentless and aggressive. After thirty seconds Clave’s body is riddled with cuts and he is covered in blood but still trying to defend himself.
So this is it … I won’t survive this.
Clave thinks as the onslaught continues.

Vin is shifting so ferociously now that he is actually managing to summon Clave’s body between this world and the white void area. This initiates a joint shift phenomenon. The battle rages, blow for blow, between worlds. “What is this? I feel … fear.” Clave says.

Vin stops shifting. Clave stands dazed and bleeding badly. Vin viciously knocks away Clave’s sword and is now vibrating almost beyond recognition. His very presence is distorted. Vin prepares for the final blow as Clave stands barely conscious.

“Roni, Akari ... it’s been fun.” Clave says softly.

“You see Clave … a sword is a tool use to kill … not to protect. That is why I chose not to carry one.” Vin holds his sword high over his head and a tear rolls down his cheek. “This is all this tool is good for!” Vin yells in a distorted tone as he thrust downward with his sword.

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