Better to rest (7 page)

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Authors: Dana Stabenow

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Liam lowered his eyes and saw the jar of sun-dried tomatoes sitting on the counter, shreds of dark red packed into golden olive oil.

Snoopy was right.

The room shone with elbow grease, not a coffee ground or a speck of egg yolk or a Cheerio dried hard anywhere. If it hadnt been for the blood, it would have been spotless, but there was blood, a lot of it, splattered over the small, square porcelain sink, the dish drainer and the dishes in it, the face of the cupboard beneath, and the floor. Most of it had dried to a hard brown.

“Did you take prints? Liam said to Prince.

She nodded, taking refuge in the minutiae of the job. “There were a lot of them.

“And you got pictures?

“Three rolls.

“All right, then.

Prince brought out the body bag she had carried into the house. Liam didnt move.

After a moment, Prince said tentatively, “Sir?

“God damn son of a
Liam said, and bent to the task.

Liam and Prince saw the ambulance off and went back inside, through the kitchen and into the large living room made much smaller by all the furniture in it. There were two couches, a recliner and a couple of easy chairs upholstered in three different fabrics in four different patterns, with end tables spaced between. A wicker basket held copies of the
Ladies Home Journal, Readers Digest,
Jo-Ann Fabrics flyers,
Coin World,
the Denali Seed catalog, and the
New York Times Book Review.
A jumble of toys spilled out of a toy box in the shape of a large hollow plastic frog with lime-green skin and yellow eyes. A television, big and black and brand-new, dominated one corner, but what drew the eye was the window that took up most of the east wall. Like the kitchen, this room faced the river. Lydia Tompkins must have enjoyed some spectacular sunrises.

The weeping sound was coming from two women who sat close together on one couch, and the whispers from two men on the opposite couch. They looked nothing alike, and yet it was evident at first glance that all four were the children of Lydia Tompkins.

Liam stepped forward. “Im Liam Campbell of the Alaska state troopers. Who found her?

Prince frowned a little at his blunt question, but after a surreptitious look at the expression on his face decided not to intervene.

One of the women blew her nose and rose to her feet. “I did.

“And you are?

“Betsy Amakuk.

“Youre her daughter?

“We all are. I mean, this is my sister, Karen.

“Karen Tompkins, the other woman said, standing.

“And my brothers.

The brothers followed suit.

“Stan Tompkins.

“Jerry Tompkins.

Betsy was large and regal in clean blue jeans and a dark blue sweatshirt with the boat name
F/V Daisy Rose
on the front. She wore pearl studs in her ears, her dark hair was immaculate, and her eyes and nose were red. Karen was petite and kittenish in hip-hugger cords and a cropped T-shirt. Her hair was short and streaked with gold and spiked with gel. Thin silver bracelets jangled from both wrists, and silver earrings touched her shoulders. Her belly button was pierced, and her mascara had run.

Stan, burly, tanned and fit, looked at Liam out of assessing eyes. His haircut looked left over from the marines, and his Carhartts, though worn, were clean and well-kept, as was the brown plaid shirt beneath them. Jerry, on the other hand, was thin and nervous, with eyes that couldnt seem to stay focused on any one object for very long. He wore a dark blue windbreaker over a T-shirt with a large hole showing and a pair of jeans worn through at both knees.

They all looked to be in their late forties or early fifties, Betsy the eldest and, if he had to guess, Karen the youngest. He said to Betsy, “What time did you find your mother?

“I dont know. She blew her nose again and looked at Stan. “What time did I call you, Stan?

“About two oclock, I think.

“Did you call him the moment you found her?

“You understand, Prince said, “we have to ask these questions, Mrs. Amakuk. Were very sorry for your loss.

Liam glared at her and she shut up. He repeated, “Did you call your brother as soon as you found your mother?

“Yes. No. Wait. I No, I called the ambulance first. Her eyes filled again. “Even though I knew it was no use. She was cold when I touched her.

Rigor had begun to set in. The house was cool. A murder before breakfast, then, most likely. “Did you touch anything else?

“What? I... no. No, I dont think so.

“The stove wasnt on?


“Did you see anyone leaving the house as you arrived?


To Stan, Liam said, “And you came as soon as Betsy called?

“Yes. Well, my wife had to come down to the boat to tell me Betsy had called and wanted me up to Moms.

To Betsy, Liam said, “So actually you called Stans wife.

“No. Well, yes, she answered the phone at their house.

“You might want to ease up a little here, sir, Prince murmured from the background.

Liam, who knew he was being a jerk, didnt seem to be able to turn it off. “Why, he said to Betsy, “did you come to the house today?

A spark of anger glowed briefly in her eyes but she kept her voice level. “I come by every afternoon for coffee.

Liam thought of the two mugs on the counter, the box of tea bags, the full kettle, the empty percolator. “Your mother lived here alone?

“Yes. After Dad died, I wanted her to move in with us but she wouldnt. Said shed lived here for fifty-eight years and if she had another fifty-eight in her she wanted to live them in the same place.

All four siblings gave the same involuntary smile as Betsy called up the memory.

“Now let me ask you something, Mr. Campbell, Betsy said, drawing herself up to a height that allowed her to meet Liams eyes straight-on. “Who did this to my mother?

“I dont know.

“But youll find out. It was a statement, not a question.

“Ill need to ask you all a lot more questions. I need to know what she did with her days, who her friends were

“A friend wouldnt do this!

Liam looked at Jerry, red-faced and teary-eyed. “Can you all come down to the post this afternoon? The sooner we interview you, the sooner we can move the investigation forward.

He waited for their nods. “Who were your mothers neighbors?

“There werent any close by, Stan said. “One of the reasons we wanted her to move in with Becky. Jim Earl bought out old Eric the Red six years ago when Eric had to put his wife in the Pioneer Home. Thats the place north of here. The next house down belongs to the Isaacsons. He gave a dismissive wave. “Outsiders, havent been in the country long. Mom barely knew them.

“Well talk to them all, Liam said. “In the meantime, please leave the house as it is so we can have a chance to go through it.

“Why? Betsy said.

Liam, suddenly very tired, pulled off his cap and ran his hand through his hair. His scalp felt tight. “We might find something that will lead us to who did this thing.

“Like what?

“I dont know, Ms. Amakuk.

“Youll leave everything as you found it?

Liams lips tightened. “Alaska state troopers are not thieves, Ms. Amakuk.

She had the grace to look uncomfortable. “No, she said quickly. “Of course not.

“If you have a key, Ill make sure we lock up behind ourselves.

“Of course. She went into the kitchen and they heard drawers and cupboards opening and closing. In Newenham, house keys were not normally ready to hand. Eventually Becky returned with a brass house key on a ring bearing a Last Frontier Bank fob and handed it over. She gathered what remained of her family together with a glance and they followed her out, Karen hanging behind to cast a languishing glance Liams way.

“You sure are tall, she said. “I like tall men a lot. She stepped in close to him and her voice dropped to a purr. “They make me feel all little and feminine.

Liam slapped his cap back on and said to Prince, “Lets start in the kitchen.

“Yes, sir, Prince said woodenly, and followed him from the room.

December 6, 1941

We lost one the other side of the Canadian border. The weather was shitty and it sounds like they might have flown into a mountain. Probably another one of those mountains thats ten thousand feet higher than the map says it is. Didnt know anyone on board.

Peter invited me to dinner. It was great to get off base. He lives in this little dugout kind of a place down on this creek that is so muddy that the mud soaks through the snow and ice. He says its full of salmon in the summertime. I dont see any self-respecting fish swimming up that but thats what he says. He says the salmon get really big, forty, fifty pounds but I reckon thats just one of his storys. He fried some moose steaks and boiled potatos from his garden. There was even butter I dont know where he got it. Pretty good better than what were eating on base. He showed me some gold nuggets one was the size of a radish I never see such a thing. I asked how does one go about finding more of those and he says you dont stroll out and pick them up off the ground its hard work. He says he might have a proposition for me later on if I can find him a flight to Russia.

A letter from Mom today saying that Aunt Victoria saw Helen down to the Powder House dancing. Im glad shes feeling better. I wonder who she was dancing with. Ira said hed look after her for me.


Kagati Lake was covered with a foot of crusty snow, but someone had plowed enough of the strip for Wy to put the Cessna down. Leonard Nunapitchuk was there to help her unload the supplies for the little sundries store his wife, Opal, had started in their living room when she got the bid for postmistress.

“Good to see you, Leonard. How you been?

However hard she tried to make it sound like a casual question, it wasnt one and they both knew it. His wife had fallen victim to the serial killer Liam had apprehended the month before. Still, Leonard wasnt a whiner. “Oh, muddling along.

“And the kids?

His expression lightened a little, and he nodded upslope, where his three remaining children had built their homes and brought their spouses. “Fine. His eyes, nearly hidden in the mass of wrinkles surrounding them, narrowed with what might have been a smile. “Ill be a grandfather come spring.

“Thats great news, Leonard.

“Yeah. If its a girl, Sarah says theyre going to call her Opal.

“Opal would be happy to hear that.

“Yeah, he said again. “I just wish He stopped himself and said in a bright voice, “Its too cold to stand around out here jawing.

Wy followed his lead, emptying out the back of the plane and reinstalling the seats that she had folded and stored. “Dusty and his wife are making a Costco run into town, she said in answer to Leonards inquiring look.

“Whos minding the kids?

“Theyre bringing them.

Leonard looked at the plane, which seated six, and back at Wy.

“Theyre all under eight. Shell hold the baby and Ill buckle the two smallest kids in one seat. I just hope nobody throws up. I hate people puking in my planes.

“Cant say I blame you. He loaded his boxes onto a handcart and waved good-bye. She watched him push it up the trail and disappear into the brush that hid the rambling log house from the airstrip. It was a big house. It had to feel pretty lonely after his wifes death. She wished she had time to follow him up, accept a cup of coffee, play some cribbage.

But she had to get back to town, and Tim. And Liam.

Before she could go very far down that road the Moore gang arrived. She got them sandwiched in and they were in the air fifteen minutes later. The most she could do was circle Leonards house and run up and back on the prop pitch. Hed hear the engine
and know she was saying good-bye.

On the way back to Newenham she took a short detour to fly low and as slow as the Cessna would allow over Ted Gustafsons place at Akamanuk. A tall, spare, grizzled Scandinavian bachelor homesteader, Ted was also diabetic and dependent on the regular supply of insulin Wy delivered at three-week intervals. He came outside when he heard the engine and waved a reassuring hand. Everything okay there. She waggled the wings and climbed back to five hundred feet.

They landed in Newenham a little before five, just in time for the Moores to catch the last Anchorage-bound flight of the day. Wy noticed a body bag being loaded into the cargo hold, and wondered who had died, and if it had been a death Liam had had to respond to, and if so, what time he would be home. It was her turn to cook, and Jo and Gary both had been invited. She decided on macaroni and cheese with onions and garlic, her mothers specialty and a dish that could easily be made larger by the addition of another vegetable on the side. She snugged down the Cessna, checked the Cubs tie-down lines, and headed for Eagle to lay in supplies.

Jo and Gary were already at her house, engaging Tim in a fierce battle of cutthroat pinochle. “I cant believe you shot the moon! he was saying when she walked in.

Jo gathered up cards with a complacent air. “Yes, well, like I always say, cutthroat is not for the faint of heart.

“Only the hard of head, Gary chimed in, so opportunely that it could only have been something he had said and she had heard many times before.

Jo aimed a halfhearted cuff at the side of his head and shuffled the cards in an alarmingly professional manner, fanning them, flipping them, and dealing them out again in a blur. Tim was trying hard not to look impressed and failing. “Could you, like, maybe, teach me how to do that?

“Like, maybe, I could.

Gary looked up and saw Wy, and flashed a warm, intimate grin. “Hey, girl.

“Hey, Gary.

Tim observed this exchange through narrowed eyes.

“Back on the ground, fly girl? Jo said. “Just in time to pour another round. You have your uses.

“Youre welcome, Wy said dryly, and got three Coronas from the refrigerator.

“Did you get any Coke at the store? Tim said.

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