Bettie Page Presents: The Librarian (23 page)

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She moved close to him, her arms around him. She was so happy she felt she could burst.

He pulled away, and then she realized Sebastian was holding out a small blue box. A Tiffany's box.

“What is this?” she asked, feeling déjà vu from the night he'd given her the padlock. He smiled at her, his eyes dancing. She quickly untied the white ribbon and opened the lid to find a platinum key, about an inch and a half long, covered in diamonds. She lifted it out of the box and saw that it was on a chain.

Sebastian reached for her, and she realized he was unhooking the padlock necklace. She felt it slide from around her neck, and he pressed it into her hand.

“I'd love to see you wear the new one,” he said, fastening it for her. “You didn't finish looking in the box.”

The velvet base that had cushioned the key necklace was empty. She looked at him quizzically, and he reached into the box and removed the lining. There, at the bottom, was a worn, bronze, everyday house key.

“What's this?” she asked, confused.

“The key to my apartment,” he said. “I figure with your roommate on her way to the altar, you might need a new place to live.”

Regina put her hand to her mouth, smiling a foolish grin that threatened to erupt into ecstatic giggles.

“Is that a yes?” he asked.

She nodded, wide-eyed.

He kissed her softly on the lips, then pulled back to say, “Of course, you understand that I have house rules. But I know you're obedient.”

“Oh, I am, am I?”

“Yes,” he said, pulling her into him, his mouth against her neck. “In the bedroom, at least.”

He took her hand and walked toward the edge of the portico, then down the stairs.

“We can't leave yet,” Regina said.

“Sure we can.”

“I want to see Margaret get her award.”

“You're going to make me sit through this whole thing?”

She smiled, nodding slowly.

“Okay, you can make me sit through this now,” he said. “But once we get home, I'm going to make sure you can't sit for a week.”

“Promises, promises,” she said, leaning into him.

They walked hand in hand back into the library.


Blue Angel

Fallen Angel

Naked Angel

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2012 by Logan Belle

Bettie Page ® is a registered trademark of Bettie Page LLC.

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ISBN 978-1-4767-0415-9

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