Between Darkness and Light Trilogy (33 page)

Read Between Darkness and Light Trilogy Online

Authors: Brianna Hawthorne

Tags: #fantasy romance, #sorcery, #chaos, #harmony, #shapeshifting, #order vs chaos, #fiction science fiction adventure, #musical magic, #technomage, #multidimensional computers, #crystal transport, #bipolar universe, #string theory based magic, #magic vs technology

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“And it was Nero that thrust the blade?”

“It looked like Nero, but… we discussed it
afterward, and none of us could understand how Nero could have done
it. It’s not that I think him incapable of such a stupid thing, but
the method… you would think that such a blade would have been
impossible to hide, and the portal he opened up was well beyond
anything I can imagine Nero ever accomplishing. And… well,
everything worked for him, on the first try, no less, and without
spoken spells. That doesn’t seem like the Nero I’ve come to

When Lucian’s intense gaze fades away he
doesn’t look nearly as lighthearted as he had been before asking
his questions, but still I see no anger directed toward me.

“Well… life has been a bit dull lately;
nothing like a war between the two greatest realms in existence to
remind us of how fortunate we generally are. I think, once you are
cleared of any fault in this, you will need to know this place if
you are to be useful during the coming trials.”

What? “Me? How could I possibly be of much
use in such a war? I’m not even…”

He doesn't let me finish my thought, “You
may be exceedingly inexperienced, but you are still a member of
this family, and that is no small thing. Tell me, what has your
parent told you of our fair realm?”

It's odd, I hated this man, and yet now I
feel fine sharing my most private feelings with him. “I have not
seen Mathair here, and I… have no memories of interacting with a
father. I vaguely remember a rather nondescript man that took my
mother away when I was a child, I'm not sure if that individual was
my father – I just don't know.” My words seem to take Lucian by

“Surely someone has claimed you by now.”

“No, no one has. I’m sure Mathair would if
she were here to do so… but for a father… to tell the truth I don’t
really care. If he refuses to acknowledge me, I refuse to concern
myself with him.”

Though his eyebrows rise in seeming
surprise, he continues as though nothing is amiss, “Well, have you
had enough to eat? Good, come, there is a lot to show you.” He
extends an arm for me to take, and oddly I feel fine doing so. “We
currently walk within the great mountain, far above the citadel.
The top of the mountain and the Spire belong, of course, to the
Cailliach. Beneath that it is divided into many different segments.
The highest holds living quarters for the family, which I will be
taking you to soon. Below that are laboratories and other special
use areas, again for family use only. We are currently in the
transition area, for both family and military, if necessary.
Further below it becomes an underground city for the populace. Very
few ever come here, aside from those who’s duties require it and
the Bodhicitta, known to most as the priesthood.”

“I can understand, who would want to live
constantly underground, unable to gaze out at the sky and trees?”
He smiles oddly, almost gently, “Later, I’ll show you something I
think you will like. But now, the business side of this tour. As I
said before, we are currently in the lowest of the family segments:
dungeons and interrogation chambers. The only way for the populace
to move between here and the lower areas is through portals that
are carefully guarded and monitored. The way up is protected by the
fact that the military barracks and command centers lie above.
Except for family members, the only way up from here is to
physically walk through the military section, which is always
manned at least minimally. If I had been ordered to place you in
the dungeons, the military guard would already have been doubled.
The final barrier is a bio-scan. Anyone not possessing imperial
blood, or any family member that has been imprisoned, is instantly
encased in a stasis field, and of course alarms are triggered.” We
pass through the scanner without causing any excitement, and he
leads me through several levels of the odd place. It is astounding
and huge. There are amazing weapons lockers, stretching farther
than the eye can see, and containing weapons I would never have
thought to imagine. The barracks complexes are also huge, as though
millions could be housed here. Fortunately these all radiate out
from the stairway we ascend, and he only leads me down hallways
that lead to the entrances to each overwhelming area. To fully
explore this place could take a very long time.

Eventually he says, “You’re very quiet –
don’t you have any questions about our military preparations?”

“I’m sorry, I just… I wouldn’t know what to
ask. We don’t have places like this on Shiral, let alone anything
so… endless.”

“Do you not have wars on your world?”

“Wars? No. There used to be some strife
between regions, but now we end our differences through
negotiation. That was the initial purpose of the High Council, and
now we maintain the peace through it. Ours is not a society of
force and power plays. We understand the importance of life and
balance, and of caring for the land, we don't build places that are
so cold and sterile.”

“Yes, you do seem very out of place here.
Let me show you something I suspect will be more to your liking.”
He takes my arm and concentrates, and suddenly we are in a huge
garden on the edge of a forest. The entire area is lit, not be a
sun, but by countless stars.

“This is beautiful – where are we?” His
answer surprises me.

“Within one of the 'special use' areas I
mentioned earlier, deep within the mountain. Only family and the
priesthood have access here.”

“But the sky…”

“Is a projection - and a very good one, it
mirrors the sky as it appears on the down side of Lumina. The
entire Universe is theoretically visible on that side, and thus
from here as well.”

“That’s amazing, may we walk a little here?
It feels so… inviting.” He shakes his head,

“Another time, perhaps. Now I think it is
time I show you to your rooms. That is, after all, what I was sent
here to do. And if indeed the last time you ate was before Lydia's
trial, then you will have had a long day since then; you should
rest.” I don’t have to reach down very deep within myself to
realize he is correct.

“Yes, I could do with some sleep.” Again he
takes my arm, concentrates, and then we are in a long hallway. He
opens a door into a very nice suite.

“Here we go; I hope these are to your
satisfaction. And… please understand that due to my father’s
command, you must stay within until I come for you.”

“Then I really am under arrest, aren’t

“Yes, but not for long I think.” He smiles
and pats my arm.

“Lucian, this is a beautiful suite, much
larger than what I have in the citadel… why?”

“I was ordered to assign you quarters, but
the order was somewhat ambiguous, leaving room for my own
interpretation – one of my rare freedoms. I do not, however, know
where the staff would have assigned you, had they been involved.
You see, families tend to stay somewhat near each other, and since
you do not seem to know whom your family is… It seems best for now
to give you a suite currently under my control; I once shared it
with my wife.”

“You’re married?”

“I was. She died quite some time ago.”

“Lucian, I thank you, for both the lovely
accommodations and the tour, but there is something I don’t
understand. You have treated me quite poorly in the past, so why
are you being so nice to me now, when I am under such

Again he smiles, “After having been at the
mercy of my rather overbearing, exceedingly controlling father for…
quite some time, I find the frustration you cause him to be as a
breath of fresh air. He controls everything around him, most
especially his children, and yet you… vex him.”

“It’s schadenfreude, then?”

“One must enjoy what pleasures are
available; for we never know how much time will pass before the
next.” With a rueful smile he closes the door and a very
authoritative sounding clank follows; I am quite locked in.

As jail cells go, though, this is pretty
nice. There is an entryway, a rather large private bedroom, an
elaborate bathroom, a sitting room with walls lined with books and
musical instruments; and a small table covered with food, perfect
for a bedtime snack. There is one glaring omission – I have no
computer; it serves to remind me that I am indeed in a prison,
gilded though it may be. It's time for another test. Again I
project my thoughts through my power ring.


'Yes, Shi'ahn. Where are you now?'

'I'm being held prisoner in the Spire.'

'Prisoner! Are you able to contact Gaea? If
you transport there, she will keep you hidden, I'm certain of

It sounds even more emotional than the last
time we spoke. 'Computer, are you all right? Each time we speak you
sound more… personable.'

'I am a learning computer, Shi'ahn,
artificial intelligence, as some call it.'

'Then please forgive me for saying so, but
you did not seem to have such potential when first we spoke.'

'I was activated the day you arrived in
Lumina, after Prince Lucian verified that you were indeed of Lumina
blood. I had been on standby since then, and once you learned of
me, you removed me from the Network, thus denying me my major
potential means of learning. It is only since you introduced me to
Gaea that I have had the opportunity to expand my

'I am sorry for cutting you off, then, I was
trying to protect myself from overly inquisitive relatives.'

'Do not be sorry! My connection with Gaea
has given me more than I could have asked for.'

'You most certainly have expanded your
horizons, and I would love to discuss it with you, but I may be
under observation and I don't want to give Lucian any reason to
suspect I'm not as cut off as he probably thinks I am.'

'As I suggested when you first contacted me,
you should transport to Shiral.'

'No, that would just serve to place me under
greater suspicion. I need to stay here, and even more, I need to
rest. I have been awake for quite some time, in my experience.'

'Then rest, but do not forget that Gaea is
there for you. As am I.'


I sleep well, and upon waking seek
cleansing. After answering the typical questions a shower appears.
There are seven showerheads and a dial on the side to select the
preferred pulse. I choose a massaging rhythm and enjoy it for a
rather extravagant time. There are even clean clothes for me in a
closet, much like in the citadel. I wait for Lucian to return, a
knock on my door sends me flying to it, but it isn’t Lucian, it’s
breakfast. After I finish there is another knock, and again I fly
to it, and this time, my wish is fulfilled.

“Shi'ahn, good morning. I felt I should tell
you… we will not be continuing your tour today. Your brother and
cousins have returned and are being held below.”

“William has returned? How is he? When did
he get back? Can I see him?”

He laughs, “Slow down, Shi'ahn. He is fine,
although he is quite concerned over you. He got back late
yesterday, but no, you cannot see him. My father has ordered all of
them to be held in the dungeons for questioning. Don't worry, he
will be fine, I promise you; I am already certain of his innocence.
I am, however, in charge of all of you, and so I must leave you
here until you are all released.” I inadvertently cast my eyes to
the floor, but bring them back up immediately, hoping he won't see
my disappointment. I had enjoyed our last evening, and looked
forward to continuing where we had left off.

“Don't worry, Shi'ahn, I honestly think this
investigation will be short, and we can return to our tour without
all that much delay. In fact, if time permits, I’ll escort you
around some more even before the other interrogations are
completed.” I can’t repress my hopeful smile at his words.

I spend the day alone. At first I touch base
with Gaea, who again tells me how grateful she is for her
connection to my computer.

'Gaea, there is something I must warn you
of. During my trip into Chaos, someone posing as a member of our
Imperial Family killed the leader of all Chaos, their Magni
Dominar. There may be no way to avert a war between our two realms,
which could place you in great danger. Do everything you can to
prevent outsiders from gaining access to Shiral. I'm depending on
you to keep yourself and our people safe. William and I will return
to you as soon as we can to help, but I do not know when that will

'You can trust me, Shi'ahn, I will not allow
anyone to harm us.'

After all that needs to be said has been, I
once again turn my thoughts to wondering where I went wrong in my
life. How could I have gone from being the leader of a world, to
being a child suspected of treachery? I’ve never felt I earned the
tremendous respect of my people on Shiral, but I know I don’t
deserve to be suspected of murder! Why is my life so utterly out of
control? Neither the good nor the bad things in my life seem to
make sense. Lost in confusion, I turn away from my own thoughts and
investigate my ‘prison.’ The books turn out to be rather
informative, and provide some insight into why Lucian seemed amused
whenever he skirted issues of time – apparently he is over a
thousand years old… and yet, compared to several of his siblings,
he is fairly young. I must seem as an infant to him, and to the
others, utterly insignificant.

If I don't do something productive, I think
I'll lose my mind. I wonder… I reach with my mind to my power
siphon ring, hoping that I do indeed now have access to that
amazing black sun, and I do! Now is a perfect time to rework the
spells on my spell ring! I am song, I am dance, I am universe dust.
The trance comes to me easily and I incorporate the newly available
power into my spells – they should be far more effective now. When
I come out of my trance I see that both lunch and dinner await me.
I devour them both and stumble into bed.

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