Between Darkness and Light Trilogy (8 page)

Read Between Darkness and Light Trilogy Online

Authors: Brianna Hawthorne

Tags: #fantasy romance, #sorcery, #chaos, #harmony, #shapeshifting, #order vs chaos, #fiction science fiction adventure, #musical magic, #technomage, #multidimensional computers, #crystal transport, #bipolar universe, #string theory based magic, #magic vs technology

BOOK: Between Darkness and Light Trilogy
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I have a terrible time concentrating on
dinner, my mind is so filled with… music. It’s always filled with
music, of course, but this is different; it’s as though everything
around me
with more complexity than usual, as if I’m
the song of existence more clearly than ever

“I must say, never before have I heard
someone wax so eloquent without uttering so much as a single word.”
I look up to see Casanova, smiling very warmly.

“Excuse me?”

“Your music, it has far more depth than last

“Yes, I imagine it would, much like
everything here has more depth now.” I glance at my surroundings
and almost gasp – even more people are in attendance than last
night, but that alone can’t account for the feeling I get as I gaze
up into their faces… they vibrate with power on a level I’ve never
before. This time they do not look away from me…
though I wish they would; their gazes are so intense I feel like
I’m standing naked before the entire Universe. I wish they would
find something else of interest! Casanova’s voice proves to be my
lifeline to sanity.

“Tell me, what did it feel like when the gem
was touched to your brow?” I can’t help my smile as I think back on
the event.

“It was the most amazing thing I’ve ever
felt – my soul was suddenly flooded with music, I simply couldn’t
contain its mighty song. And then there was light, everywhere,
drowning out all other sight.” My voice trails off as I’m caught up
in the memory.

William’s voice cuts through my
consciousness, “Shi'ahn, are you alright?” My vision clears again
only to see Casanova’s face near mine, his eyes gazing deeply into
mine as his fingers gently cradle my chin.

“Such a beatific smile… as though it echoes
throughout your soul.”

William’s hand pulls me toward him, out of
Casanova’s grasp.

“I said, are you all right, Shi'ahn? Is this
what happened to you up at the throne?” His expression is terribly

“I’m sorry, William – the memory seems to
overshadow all else when I think of it. It was so beautiful, so…
welcoming. We are truly home, William.” His familiar smile returns
to his relaxing face.

“That’s what I’ve been telling you ever
since I got my eyes on those first books in my rooms.”

I turn back to Casanova. “What is that Jewel
to have such an effect on my mind?”

“Well, it is said that the… Guardian,
created the Emperor’s great crystal from the very light of the
Spire itself. That she created it while she was within the Spire,
where a metaphysical reality exists that only she can reach. Others
claim that it is the heart of a star that attempted to form near
the Spire. Both, of course, are merely rumors. What I know is that
the gem is used to intensify our link to this realm. It is touched
to each of us soon after birth so that it will recognize us, and so
that we can begin to learn what we must in order to prepare
ourselves for our first steps upon the path. The Emperor’s link to
the gem is far greater than anyone else’s, aside from the Guardian,
of course. It allows him to greatly increase his control of reality
here in Lumina, where such control is exceedingly difficult.”

Alma’s voice barges into our conversation,
“Which reminds me… how is it, Shi'ahn, that you had so little
trouble manipulating the matter in here last night? You claim to
have never been here before, you certainly have not ascended the
Path of Enlightenment, and now you claim that everything seems to
have more depth than it did yesterday. How could you possibly have
had any control over your surroundings then?”

“I… I don’t know.” I feel like I’m about to
melt under her stare, then I hear a voice clearing behind me.

“Lady Shi'ahn? The Emperor has instructed me
to escort you to the court sculptress.”

“The what?”

“The Emperor likes to keep sculptures of
each of the Imperial family in his private office. Please come with
me; I will return to collect William in due time.”


What about my dinner? I suppose there's
nothing for it; I grab some bread and allow myself to be led
through yet more long corridors. I have to wonder at the size of
this place, it must be huge. Finally my guide stops in front of an
unusual intricately carved door, scores of faces look out from it.
It feels like… like they watch me. I wonder if they could react if
they chose?

A voice rings out from within, “Come,
Shi'ahn, please join me.”

I glance quickly toward the servant who
shrugs and smiles nervously.

The door swings open with an odd sigh, like
women’s voices saying, ‘Ah,’ in satisfied recognition.

I enter what is obviously an artist’s
workshop. A woman of indeterminate age stands to greet me. “Thank
you for coming, Shi'ahn, please sit down.” She leads me to a stool,
then begins carefully feeling my face. She must sense my surprise,
for she laughs kindly. “No, I am not blind, Shi'ahn. The hands
often catch details that the eyes do not see. Your homeworld has a
blue sun, does it not?

“How did you know that?”

“It’s all in the hands, child; all in the
hands. There, that should do it.” She moves behind a table and
lifts a large clump of odd-looking clay onto it. “Well now, let’s

I’m not used to sitting perfectly still for
long… I must fidget, for she sighs. “Shi'ahn, you need to focus
your thoughts on something. Why don’t you think about the moment
the Emperor’s Gem touched your brow – that should hold your
attention for a few moments.” I eagerly recall the memory,
grateful, really, for the chance to review it for a while
undisturbed. Just before the light completely blurs my vision, the
sculptress blinks oddly and her eyes seem to turn whitish with
swirls of color, like opals.

“Shi'ahn? Shi'ahn, you can relax now, I’m
done. Shi'ahn?” Hands clasp my shoulders and give me a slight

“What? I’m sorry, did I do something

“No, child, you’re fine – your sculpture is
complete. Care to see?” She turns it toward me and I inhale in
surprise. Does anyone have a smile so… rapturous?

“I don’t really look like that, do I?”

“Do you doubt my skills?” I pale and she
laughs kindly, “No, no, child, you haven’t insulted me. Yes, you do
look like that when you think of your oath taking. I’d say it’s a
pretty good sign. Now I need to clean up a bit and get ready for
William’s sitting. You look like you could use some rest.”

Feeling dazed, I walk out and am met by the
servant who brought me here. The trip to my rooms seems to take far
too little time. Conversely, it seems to take far too long for me
to get bathed and dressed for bed; why am I so tired?


The Emperor enters the sculptress’s workshop
after William has been escorted back to his rooms. She looks up in
surprise. “I was just about to test them, to make sure they are
valid representations.”

“By all means, do continue.” She turns
toward the bust of Shi'ahn first.

“Who are you?”

“I am the weaver and the binder… the
peacemaker. I am the child of fire and light; daughter of the old
Universe and Mother of the renewed.” The Emperor looks at the
sculptress momentarily, then takes over the questioning

“What is your purpose?”

“To give of myself so that others may
survive the coming darkness.”

“Why would you do that – what do you expect
in return?”

“It is what I am for… I expect nothing in
return, but… I do hope to know love, before death overtakes me.”
The Emperor entirely ignores the pain in her voice and

“Who are your parents?”

Another voice suddenly booms out, old but
very powerful, the Cailliach’s voice.

“That is quite enough of that! She is not
for you; you’ll have to wait for your answers – just like everyone
else.” The bust of Shi'ahn is suddenly no more than dust on the
table and floor. The Emperor and sculptress look at each other in
shock. After several long moments he asks, “Has anything like this
ever happened before?”

“No, Your Majesty.” The Emperor’s eyes flick
to the remaining bust.

The sculptress turns to her latest work,
“Who are you?”

There is an almost imperceptible pause,
then, “I am William.” She turns to the Emperor, her gaze clearly
asking if he wishes to question it further, but he shakes his

“Re-sculpt her.”

“I will try… but that one was special. I
bade her think of her oath taking, of the moment you touched
Croi'Solas to her brow. She radiated… something, I couldn’t really
tell what kind of power it was, but I harnessed what I could and
imbued the sculpture with it as I worked. I cannot recreate that
without her presence.”

“Do your best.” He turns and leaves.


Chapter 5

Rescue Operations

I awake to an urgent knocking on my door;
and hear a familiar servant’s voice outside. “Lady Shi'ahn, may I

“Yes, Joanna, of course.”

“Thank you, my lady. There is an urgent
family meeting to take place in half an hour. Apparently Count
Novanus is missing! You are to meet in the family conference

“Joanna, I’m afraid I don’t know where that

“I will return for you in twenty-five
minutes. I’ll have the kitchens deliver a small breakfast.”

“Thank you. I'll make a note not to panic
when they arrive.” I catch a small smile on her lips as she turns
to leave. Well, twenty-five minutes leaves time for a short bath. I
do so quickly, dress in as modest of clothes as I have available to
me, and find a rather large breakfast waiting in the entryway. I
don’t have time to eat nearly enough to fill my neglected stomach,
so much like at home; I grab a belt pouch and put some fruit, dried
fruit and biscuits into it for a snack. I only have a few moments
to finish an omelet, a few kippers and some toast before Joanna

Far fewer people gather than had been in
attendance at dinner the other nights… and apparently very few are
expected; the only table in the room is really rather small. As we
approach it, everyone forms into rough family groupings. It’s a bit
uncomfortable, since William and I have no acknowledging parents;
but all seem to assume that we are descendants of Nebulaea, so we
sit near her daughter, Aurora. It should be noted, however, that
she does not look herself. She no longer gives off the feeling of
awe, but rather despair. Her clothes are far different from the
other night, she now wears a sturdy, serviceable gown.

The Emperor enters and begins speaking
immediately, “Before I authorize official action, I would hear the
evidence that leads some to believe that Novanus is

Aurora answers, “He had contacted me, asking
for assistance – he was under attack by forces he did not
recognize. Before I could bring him back our contact was

“Is there any further proof?”

Aurora adds, “I have since tried to reach
him through every means available to me, but he responds to

“That also is not decisive proof of his
disappearance, he could merely be… occupied.”

It seems good proof to me, it’s almost as
though the Emperor… doesn’t trust Aurora? Or perhaps he dislikes
Novanus; I could understand that.

Gwenllian clears her throat tentatively, “We
had a meeting scheduled this morning… he is never late, for
anything. I too have been unable to reach him.” The Emperor turns a
somewhat displeased gaze toward her. She withstands his scrutiny

“I see. Alone, neither of these incidences
would merit my concern, but together, and coming as they do from
two entirely different sources, they do. Aurora, join efforts with
others of your choosing and seek your brother through your crystal;
perhaps the additional minds can break through whatever has been
blocking your attempts.” Without pause, Aurora stands.

“Celeste, accompany me.” She pauses and
looks thoughtfully my way, “Shi'ahn, please join us.” We leave the
meeting room immediately while the Emperor continues giving out
assignments. I don’t hear him name William before his voice fades
in the distance. Aurora leads us down many corridors, to some
remote segment of the citadel. The room she takes us into is odd,
there are three very comfortable looking chairs facing each other
in the middle of what looks like a warding circle. There are no
other objects in the room, which appears to be… padded? It doesn’t
look like padding, it looks like very plain white walls, but the
acoustics are all wrong, fuzzy, almost dead. Celeste explains.

“This is what you might call a risky
communications room. It contains nothing that can be used as a
weapon of opportunity, nor anything that can assist in locating us.
I nod, but don’t really understand. Aurora’s voice cuts through my

“Are you armed, Shi'ahn?”

“What? No!” She sighs in unsurprised
disappointment and steps out of the room for a moment. When she
returns she holds out a dagger. “You should get used to carrying at
least one blade – they may seem archaic, but they do not rely on
anything but their own physical presence to be effective. You never
know what will or will not work out in the vastness of the cosmos,
but as long as the three physical dimensions are in force, a blade
is a blade.” I move to strap it to my belt, but she stops me.

“There would be little purpose in using this
room if you blatantly display a weapon – hide it beneath your
skirts.” She looks over to Celeste, “We should disguise ourselves.”
Suddenly their appearances alter! Aurora's hair turns black and she
must invoke something similar to my battle braids spell, for it
twists itself into braids that lie tightly against her scalp. Her
facial structure looses its exotic form and becomes plain. She
shrinks as well, becoming only as tall as I am. I look to Celeste
and see similar changes, although she now has rather mousy light
brown hair. Neither of them looks special at all. Aurora turns to
me, “You should be fine, as no one knows of you yet. We, however,
are well known, and as such are at a distinct disadvantage if
something should go wrong during our attempt.” I want to ask her
how they did that, but she gestures for us to sit.

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