Between Feather and Fur (Gryphon Melds #1) (10 page)

BOOK: Between Feather and Fur (Gryphon Melds #1)
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Shocked, Arial’s mouth fell open.

“Don’t look so surprised dear.” With a toss of her fake, bleached blonde head, she continued. “Fat women trying to impress men like Ben and Steve, men who are clearly far above you. Don’t fool yourself, I’m sure they’ll get over their pity fuck for the fat girl soon enough and move on to better things. Oh, those boys were always too kind for their own good.”

Arial’s heart pounded faster at the woman’s attack, but she stood her ground as old emotions of worthlessness sprung to the forefront.

Facts, not feelings, Arial, the woman is jealous and trying to make me feel less than I am.

A possessive anger raced through her veins. The little bitch was after her men; no way was she going to let her have what belonged to her.

“How hard was it to get into that dress anyway? You look like a piece of fat rump steak shoved into a sleeve. You’re a pathetic excuse for a human. Clearly you’re undisciplined with your weight. Can’t you see how your disgusting people around you with your fat arse.”

The words cut deep and Arial struggled to keep her breathing even as she spun on her heel to stride away from the blonde’s poisonous words only to come to a jarring halt at Belinda’s cruel laugh.

“That’s it, fat girl, go ahead and run, leave the real men to the real women here. I doubt they’ll ever even know you’re gone! I sure won’t miss out on the opportunity.”

Never again would she let someone make her feel worthless even if she didn’t like confrontations and trembled. Arial didn’t back down. She wasn’t the same timid woman to let others tread over her and abuse her. She grabbed a drink out of a passing man’s hand and threw it into Belinda’s face.

Belinda shrieked in outrage as the blue coloured drink dripped down her face. “You-you—”

“No, you listen up,” Arial snapped. “I’ve had it with people like you thinking I’m not worth anything because of my weight, or I don’t measure up to someone else’s standards. It’s you I feel sorry for. It must be difficult to hold on to any man.”

Arial waved her hand towards the woman’s over inflated breasts. “I’m sure your fake boobs, fake tan, fake hair and skeleton figure can pull men, but I doubt you’ve had a loving relationship, or one which lasted longer than the span of your emaciated waist size. I have two amazing men who love me for who I am. Yes, listen clearly, bitch. Ben and Steve are mine, mine! I am keeping them and no artificial, primped up diva will take them from me! For the love of god go eat some damn carbs. You look like a third world refugee. Oh, and just so you know, real men like meat on the bone and can handle the curves, you ditzy bimbo!”

She backed up and bumped into something solid. Strong familiar arms wrapped around her. It was only then she realised the club was silent. She glanced up to see Steve’s furious face, but he glared directly at Belinda.

Fear sliced through her and she shook. She embarrassed herself and her men in front of all these strangers. To her surprise, he jerked her closer and swooped in to kiss her. Hard. Deep. Long.

Her knees went weak and she clung to him, but Ben then pulled her from Steve and into his arms, kissing her just as passionately. Through the pounding of her heart, she heard the sounds of clapping and more joined in before almost the whole floor applauded, along with a few whoops and whistles.

Ben released her mouth and Arial felt the rise of heat right to the tips of her hair. She turned and buried her face against Ben’s chest.

“We’re so proud of you baby.”

“One hell of a woman you’ve found there, brother.” She peeked up to see Mark and Tom standing close by, with wide grins on their handsome faces.

“You don’t know the half of it, bro.” Ben chuckled.

“She assaulted me. Call the cops, I’m pressing charges!” A furious voice shrieked from their left.

“Shut up, Becky!” Steve snapped. “How about counter charges for verbal abuse; everyone in here heard you.” Steve looked over at Mark. “Brother, would you kindly take out the trash.”

“Gladly, I’ll also impose a ban on her ever returning to the club.” More cheers erupted as a spluttering, red faced Belinda was dragged away by two burly bouncers.

“C’mon, mermaid, I think we need to sit, and you need another drink.”

She happily let her men guide her through the throng of people, and was sure her cheeks were now neon red with the admiring smiles and, ‘good going, girl’ comments.

Relief swamped her when she finally sank down into a chair, surrounded by the comfort of her men. The place now knew without a doubt she belonged, heart mind, and soul.

* * * *

Carl rubbed his tired eyes, and leaned back in the seat of his hired car, watching the entrance of the nightclub he followed the expensive Mercedes to.

Five fucking weeks! His fingers tightened on the steering wheel. When he got his hands on her again, she would pay for every day, and every red cent she took and he paid to the private investigator to skip trace her.

How stupid did they think he was, not to know someone was watching him? He alerted his investigator, who in turn traced the other investigator back through the channels for which Carl’s watcher was hired.

Too easily, he slipped away without anyone being the wiser in a hired car and drove the distance from Perth to Melbourne—three fucking days. Yes, she’d pay for that, too.

He sighed, glancing at the papers spread across the passenger seat, with the obscure photo of her with two older women out shopping in a high-end Melbourne store with a smile on her chubby face. The second photo showed some rich prick with his arm around her. So, the little slut found a new fuck and wallet to squeeze.

This required some thought of how to lure her away from her now wealthy life. He needed to get her back on home turf, and then the serious breaking could begin. Clearly, his softer efforts were wasted. The effort he put into this one, moulding her into the perfect, timid creature. He shook his head. She was lazy and fat. Short of shoving her into a cage and letting her live off carrots and water... Carl you’re brilliant, if that’s what it took, that’s what he would do.

Yes, she may be fat, pale and with ugly red hair, but the fact remained she belonged to him. He did not let go of anything which belonged to him. This time he would brand it into her skin.

Two? They both had an arm around her waist. The little slut was stuffed into a sexy, black and green dress, a smile on her whore painted lips. Clearly she has taken to prostitution to make money. Men with fat fetishes—if these two were fucking her, they would have to be.

The two fucks that’d walked her into the night club wouldn’t stand in his way.

The question still remained of how.

The door of the club opened and a sexy, slim blonde woman was shoved out by two burly bouncers with her face as red as her dress. He couldn’t hear what was said, but clearly she was enraged at those who threw her out.

Curious, Carl sat up, watching her snatch her purse and tiny jacket, flip the bird to the bouncers before turning and stomping away on rather high fuck-me, red heels.

Instinct told him opportunity may have knocked on the door. Snatching the photo of Arial, Carl scrambled from the car and hurried after the blonde.

“Oh, Miss!” He was a little out of breath from his sprint to catch up to the woman. “Miss, please, can I talk with you a moment.”

She stopped and turned angry, flashing brown eyes on him. “What!”

“Sorry, I saw how badly you were treated back there; why would anyone throw such a beautiful woman out of a club?”

Carl kept his distance, so not to appear threating, giving his best charming smile. She didn’t take the bait.
Stupid bitch
. But snapped out a, “What do you want?”

“I’m Carl Pratt. I’ve been searching desperately for my lost girlfriend and was only wondering if you have seen her.” He thrust the picture of Arial into her line of sight.

The woman’s face reddened even more. “You’re looking for that fat bitch.”


“Yes, the woman stole my heart and my money; you know her?”

The blond stepped forward, snatching the image out of his hand, a gleam of hatred in her eyes. “She stole my men! The fat bitch threw a drink in my face and they took her side and threw me out of the club.”

“So unfair.” Carl cooed. “It seems, if I may, we may have something in common.”

She slapped the picture back and narrowed her heavily mascaraed eyes on him. “What do you mean?”

She really was stupid; this would be a walk in the park. “You want your, uh, men; I want my girl back, and if I’m not mistaken, a little revenge too?”

“Yes, I want to strangle that woman’s chubby neck.”

“Let’s go get a coffee. I’m sure we have a lot to talk about and plan our revenge.”

Excitement gleamed in her eyes, and his expectations rose.

Being the outward gentleman, he offered his arm to the blonde. “Yes, I’m all for planning revenge. I’m Belinda.” She took his arm, and he guided her back towards his rental.

Yes, with Belinda’s insight and assistance, he would soon have Arial back, and then she would learn what it really meant to belong to Carl Pratt.

* * * *

Ben couldn’t wipe the grin from his face, nor could he keep from touching her.

“I’m sorry, I...I never behaved like that before...I.” Arial leaned against him; he tucked her head under his chin, cradling her in his arms.

He felt her chest rise as she inhaled deeply and closed her eyes, no doubt the shot of adrenaline from her verbal smack down only now starting to fade.

“Ben spotted the barracuda waiting outside the bathroom and thought something was up,” Steve explained.

“We hurried though the crowed, but didn’t reach you in time to stop her verbal attack. Our idiot brothers held us back. God, Arial, when I saw your face, the hurt in your eyes...” Ben hugged her tight, burying his face in her neck.

“I’m fine.” She hugged him back. “Really.”

“I’m...we’re so damn proud of you. You stood up to that bitch and showed your mettle baby.” Steve ran his hand down her arm.

Her little laugh was shaky. “I can’t promise to be brave all the time.”

“You have no idea how brave and strong you are, but we’ll always be here for you, as well. We’ll stand strong together.”

She nodded with a smile. “Yes, together.”

“So...” Steve began, schooling his face into one of passiveness. She cocked her head, staring at Steve. “You’re going to keep us, hmm?”

She froze in his arms, her eyes widening. Ben sent his friend a warning glare.
Don’t blow it now, buddy.

“It’s good to know.” Steve’s grin was slow as he held her gaze. “We were going to wait to do this, but I think your public announcement is way better.”

She shook her head, “I...I don’t understand.” Ben knew where this was going, they talked about it, arguing over it, feeling she wasn’t ready, but after the strength and character she showed down stairs, they both knew she was ready for everything they would tell and show her.

“You know we love every yummy little inch of you, Arial.”

“Yes.” Ben fucking loved how there was no hesitation in her voice.

Steve moved in closer, taking both her hands in his. “We know it’s only been a short time, and you’re still healing, but will you say that amazing little word one more time and agree to marry us?”

Her breathing hitched. “Marry you?”

“Us,” Ben pressed. “Legal Australian law states you can’t have more than one husband on paper. For law’s sake you’ll marry Steve, but you’ll be bonding to both of us.”


“Please marry us, mermaid.” Ben approved of Steve sliding onto his knees, and the pathetic pleading in his voice. Yeah, he would call him out on his soft side later, but right now he was more interested in their woman’s answer, as much as his meld.

“Oh, Steve, Ben, you really want me forever.”

“Until the sun roasts the planet, until hell freezes over, until there are no more stars...”

Her burst of laughter warmed Ben’s heart. Steve moved in and kissed her deeply before backing up and letting Ben have her lips, too. He poured all the love in his heart into his kiss, loving the way she trembled now from desire, her soft little moan making his cock push harder against her thigh.

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