Between Sundays (28 page)

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Authors: Karen Kingsbury

BOOK: Between Sundays
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egans heartbeat was anything but normal as Aaron helped her into the small cruise ship. Cory helped them decide that it would be better to eat at the Sea Lion Caf where they had the best fish and chips in the world, and then take a boat ride around the bay. One that lasted an hour long.

As it turned out, most of the bay cruise lines were closed until April. The one that was open had a sunset cruise at five oclock, so they saved dinner for afterward. The sun was splashing a waterfall of diamonds across the water as they boarded the three-story ship, and Megan fought hard against her fears. She wanted to conquer them, and that helped. They moved inside on the main deck and sat at a booth near the back along a row of windows. Megan gripped the tabletop and Cory giggled at her.

We wont sink, Megan. Really. He kneeled on the seat so he could see out the window. I always wanted to sail on the ocean at night.

Oh yeah. She blew at a wisp of her hair and slumped against the back of her seat. Me too. Always.

Plus, if you think about it, youre not really afraid of the boat, right?

I always thought I was.

Yeah, but without the boat youd have to swim back.

He has a point. Aaron took the spot on the bench beside her.

Right. Cory giggled again. So that means youre afraid of water. Only you drink water all the time, Megan. So youre not even afraid of that. He held up his hands as if hed solved her problem.

Aaron hung his head and tried to hide his quiet laughter. He wore a UCLA baseball cap pulled low over his brow, because hed told her he didnt want to be recognized. Not tonight. Not that there was much of a chance that would happen. The cruise was nearly empty, and most of the passengers appeared to be from a group of Russian-speaking foreigners.

Aaron picked up a brochure on the table and studied it. Hmmm. His eyes shone as he looked at her. Sunsets at 5:43.

Great. So seventeen minutes of sailing under dark skies. Megan leaned her head back against the cool glass. I might need help.

Under the table, Aaron reached for her hand. Always, hed held her hand like a friend might, the way a father held the hand of his child. But this time, he worked his fingers slowly between hers and his eyes found the most anxious places in her heart. Ill stay beside you the whole way.

I wont. Cory grinned. He bounced a few times and pointed to the front of the deck. Where the bow of the boat came to a point, the ship was solid glass. Pillows had been placed on a carpeted area there, inviting guests to enjoy the cruise from a comfortable, secluded spot.

Can I sit up there once we get moving?

Sure. You can go up there now if you want. Aaron settled against the back of the seat so that his shoulders were touching Megans. As long as we can see you, its fine.

Really? Corys eyes lit up. He was so full of life, so appreciative of the things hed never had a chance to do before. Okayhe pointed againIll be right there. You can watch me.

Megan tried to think of something to say, but she was completely consumed with the look in Aarons eyes, the sensation of his fingers between hers. She forced herself to breathe out. Hes right, dont you think?

Aaron hesitated. About sitting at the bow?

About not sinking. She gave him a weak smile. I cant believe Im doing this.

For a moment, he looked concerned for her. You dont have to. He glanced at the loading area. The doors were still open. We can get off.

No. Her answer was quick. Classical music clicked on just then and filled the boat with soothing sounds. With Aaron strong beside her, his fingers between hers, her fears were already easing. I want to do this. Youre with me, that makes me feel better.

Right. He grinned. That way, I can help you if we sink.

Thanks. She allowed herself to melt into his arm a little more. I might have to close my eyes.

You better not. He ran his thumb along her hand. Youll miss the sunset. Something in his eyes told her he wanted to say more, but he seemed to be holding back.

The engines moved into high gear, and one of the crew shut and locked the door. Whether she wanted to or not, there was no turning back now. As the thought crossed her mind, she wondered if that was true not only for the hour cruise, but for her and Aaron as well. There was no mistaking the look in his eyes, the gentle way he spoke to her, or the way he held her hand. He had feelings for her, and now that he was convinced he was Corys father, a casual dating relationship would never work.

Because Cory belonged to both of them.

They would either need to move ahead as friends and nothing more, or they needed to consider jumping in. Otherwise, Cory would be confused, and that wasnt fair. Hed had enough confusion in his life already. She rested her head on his shoulder and stared out the window. She pictured the scene from earlier: Super Bowl MVP Aaron Hill walking into the Mission Youth Center and whisking them off for a cruise?

A part of her kept wondering when the director was going to yell cut.

I never get tired of looking at the bay. His voice held a quiet joy. Especially this time of night.

Its beautiful. Megan sat up straighter and realized they were near a mostly glass door, one which led to a small deck that apparently wrapped around the main cabin. With so many windows, they could go outside and still have a clear view of Cory. Also, it was the only door that led out to the deck. So if Cory went outside, hed have to come this way.

Aaron mustve noticed at the same time, because he nodded toward the door. Lets stand out there. Until we get too cold.

A shiver ran down her arms, but it had nothing to do with a chill in the air. The inside was plenty warm. No matter how tempting the idea, standing on the deck with Aaron seemed dangerous in a host of ways. Still, when he stood, she stood with him. Two other kidsa boy and a girlwere sitting by Cory now. They were dark skinned, from India maybe, and probably on vacation. Most locals would be home getting ready for school in the morning.

They slipped outside and Aaron paused. Are you okay?

She breathed in sharply through her nose and studied the waterso close she could feel the spray from the wake. In her imagination, this would be the most terrifying moment of all, standing outside on the deck of a boat, feeling the sway of the waves beneath her feet, knowing the water was only a few feet away. But something about the moment felt fresh and invigorating in a way she hadnt expected. I am. She sounded as surprised as she felt.

There was a wooden bench down a little ways, and near it two heaters, warming the area for nights like this. Aaron led her to it. They sat and he slipped his arm around her. For a long time he said nothing. They were facing west off the rear of the boat, and the feel of the sun on their faces and the rhythm of the ocean was enough. But after a while he whispered near her ear. Do you trust me, Megan?

Her heart skipped a beat. She didnt want to seem nervous or startled, but she had to wonder. She turned slightly so she could see his eyes, and there, without a doubt, lay the answer. Youre not talking about the boat.

No. He moved his hand off her shoulder and brought it to the side of her face. I missed younot seeing you.

She wanted to talk, but she couldnt catch her breath. If he was going to kiss her, she wouldnt stop him. Whatever that said about her. Aaron

With his hand still sheltering her face, guarding against even Cory seeing what he was about to do, he leaned in closer and lightly touched his lips to hers. The kiss started slowly, marked by innocence and uncertainty. But it ignited a smoldering fire for both of them, because instead of coming up for air, the kiss grew deeper, slow and passionate.

When they drew away, there was breathless desire in both their expressions. Megan allowed herself to get lost in his eyes, swept away by the moment. I can say one thing. She brushed her nose against his and he pulled her into his embrace. She kept her voice low and near his ear. You made me forget the boat.

He nuzzled his face against hers. You need the boat, remember? He kissed her again, smoother, slower still. I made you forget the water.

Mmmm. She kissed him this time. Whatever. She felt herself falling, getting lost in his embrace and his touch. And suddenly she wanted to know whywhy they were doing this and what it meant and what about the actresses that waited in the wings. She slid a few inches from him and searched his face. Her cheeks were hot, and suddenly the heaters were overkill. The occasional cold breeze from the ocean felt good. What She held her hair to keep it from blocking her view of him. Whatre we doing, Aaron? She looked over her shoulder at Cory, still sitting facing the windows at the other end of the boat. Then her eyes found his again. Whats happening? She hadnt wanted to be catty or jealous. It had never been any of her business until now. She gripped the bench seat.
God, give me the words
What about the actress?

At first he looked baffled by her question, but then his expression changed and sorrow darkened his eyes. That was my agent. I told you. He ran his thumb along her cheekbone. I fired him last week.

Megans heartbeat jumped around again, and this time it had nothing to do with the boat or the water. With Bill Bond out of Aarons life, the future was that much more possible. Really?

I dont want an actress, Megan. He worked his fingertips up into her hair, and the sadness in his eyes grew stronger. Thats why you stopped seeing meright?

It is. I didnt want to keep you from someonesomeone more your type. She should feel guilty for dismissing him so quickly that day at the park. Shed missed him every day since. But she couldnt, not when she was consumed with joy here beside him. Those days were gone. She brought her hand to his face, his rugged jawline. Im glad you dont want an actress.

The sun was setting, sinking into the water, and the reflection on the bay was stunning. Together they went in and checked on Cory, chatting with him and his new friends for a few minutes. When they went back outside, the sun had dropped below the horizon, and the sky was washed in pink. They found their places and kissed again, and then Aaron stood and looked down at her, smiling. She watched him, wondering. Maybe he was too cold and he wanted to go in where it was

Slowly, Aaron dropped to one knee and held his hands out to her.

She started to shiver, but she took his fingers. What was he doing, and why did it feel like it was all happening in slow motion? Aaron

I love you, Megan Gunn. His words mixed with the sound of the wind and water, but they were clear and thought out. I love the way you know who you are and how you dont need material wealth to be happy, and I love your dedication. He wasnt in a hurry. I love your passion for foster kids, for changing the system. His eyes shone a little brighter. I even talked to Derrick and Jay Ryder about putting something together to present to the governoror to Congress. You could help us.

She held his hands a little tighter. His words spoke deeply to her because they proved that ages ago she had become more than a conquest. He didnt love her for her looks or because she was needy. She realized even now with Aaron declaring his love to her, she looked more like a college co-ed than the sort of woman the public would expect to see with a celebrity quarterback.

He wasnt finished. I love everything about you, and maybe most of all, I love that youre my sons mother.

She felt her eyes begin to dance. She wanted to hug him, to let him know that she believed him and trusted him and that she didnt ever want him to leave. But she needed to hear him out. So she only gave him a slight grin.

A dampness filled his eyes, but he never broke contact with hers. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. Not if you marry me.

She brought her fingers to her lips and her soft gasp died on the wind. The air was getting colder, but she wasnt shivering like before. She was too shocked.

He opened the box, and a stunning solitaire diamond ring lay neatly inside. It wasnt overly large, but simple and understated. Like her. Marry mebe a family with Cory and me. Please, Megan.

She looked from the ring back to him, and there were tears in both their eyes.
God, is this really happening?

My daughter, I know the plans I have for youto give you hope and a future

The verse spoke tenderly to her soul. It was one that hung on the wall in the youth center. Megan believed the promise with all her heart, but a long time ago shed come to believe that God might not mean good plans here, on earth. Maybe the good plans were more like heaven, and that was great too. A hope and a future didnt have to mean the same exact plans a person might dream for themselves.

Aaron was watching her, waiting. He laughed, his eyes wide with a nervousness that was uncommon for him. Ifif you need more time you can get back to me.

She stood and he did the same, facing her. Through her tears, she felt herself surrounded by a feeling shed never known before, a feeling shed run from whenever she thought it might be catching her. Especially where Aaron was concerned. But now, in the waning light, with the cruise ship making its way back to the dock, she framed his face with her hands and looked deep into his eyes, to the places of his heart and soul that she understood now belonged only to her. Yes, Aaron Hill. Ill marry you and be a family with you. She tilted her head back and her laughter rang out in the air. She was crying as hard as she was laughing.

He caught her hand and he shook as he slid the ring onto her finger. It fit perfectly. Its gorgeous.

It reminded me of you that way. He eased his arms around her waist. Youre beautiful, Megan. He brushed his cheek against hers. I about died when you stopped seeing me. I couldnt quit thinking about you.

Me too. She leaned up and kissed him the way shed wanted to earlier. Not sitting side by side, but like this, wrapped in his embrace. When they drew back, she smiled and it became a full-hearted laugh. I cant believe this.

He caught the back of her head and brought her close to him again. His lips touched hers once more and he breathed against her. Believe it. Im never letting you go. Not again.

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