Beyond 10 Nights (31 page)

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Authors: Michelle Hughes,Karl Jones

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Beyond 10 Nights
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“Let me see how things go with Alex first.” Leah was
prepared to concede that much, for the sake of avoiding an argument with her
friend before they even knew there was something worth arguing over. For all
she knew, Alex might not be willing to share her, and would be unwilling to
attend the planned meeting.

“Fair enough.” Janie accepted with a nod. She wasn’t
being unreasonable, wanting to keep her best friend safe, she thought. “I think
it would be best, though, if you move back in with me, at least until you all
come to some type of agreement and you know what you are doing.” While her
suggestion was motivated mostly by a desire to do what was best for her friend,
she couldn’t help admitting to herself that she missed having her best friend
with her.

“You’re right, but you have to let me pay my own way.”
She was determined that in whatever way possible she would be independent,
which meant not living off someone else’s generosity, not even that of her best

Janie knew her friend had said that because of her
stupid comments about taking care of her during their big argument. She wanted
to tell Leah not to be so silly, that there was no need for her to be proud and
refuse the help, but she knew her friend needed to feel free to make her own
choices. “Fair enough,” she said, accepting her friend’s decision with a nod.

“I won’t get a paycheck until the end of the week, so
it might be best to wait until then before I move back in.” A part of her hated
the idea of remaining reliant, in even the smallest of ways, on anyone when she
was so determined to get away from that, but she knew, of all the people she
could live with, it was best for her to live with Janie. At least with her best
friend she wouldn’t have to worry about sexual tension; or jealousy from Rhett
or Alex if she chose to live with the other.

“Of course you shouldn't wait.” Janie shook her head.
“You will just have to pay me back when you get paid,” she said with a grin,
“I’ll make sure to keep track of anything I have to pay on your behalf so you
know how much you owe me.” She laughed.

With a touch of reluctance Leah agreed. “Oh damn!” she
swore as a thought occurred to her. “I forgot to grab any of my things while I
was at the hotel; I’ve got nothing to wear tomorrow and no toiletries. I’d
better get back there; I can’t wear this again tomorrow.”

“Don’t worry about it, honey, I have plenty of clothes
you can borrow, and there are spare toiletries around.” She said, and when Leah
looked uncertain she spoke again. “If you go back to the hotel you’ll just get
caught up talking to Alex, or worse,” she gave a meaningful look that had Leah
blushing, “and then you’ll be too tired to work tomorrow. You don’t want to get
a reputation for always being tired on the job, do you?”

“Thanks, Janie, you’re right.” Leah hugged her friend,
knowing that no matter how crazy things ended up becoming, she was glad to have
her best friend back.








Leah made it to work with just a few
minutes to spare, surprised by how refreshed she felt considering she had only
had four hours sleep.

She was a little relieved to
discover that Alex was in meetings all morning, and she had enough work to keep
her busy until lunch time, and probably beyond. She didn’t feel up to talking
to Alex just then, not considering what she need to talk to him about; she
didn’t even want to think about and instead submerged herself in her work.

Leah was working away merrily, her
mind off in its own world, when she was tapped on the shoulder just before
lunch time. She was so engrossed in what she was doing that the sudden tap made
her jump; coming to her senses she looked around to see who had tapped her.

“Mr. Svenson would like to see you
in his office,” her colleague said when he saw he had her attention.

“Thanks.” Leah put her pen down and
got to her feet.

As she made her way up to Alex’s
office she found her heart racing; why that should be the case she didn’t know,
she had never felt intimidated by him before. She could only chalk it up to
nerves, resulting from what she knew she had to discuss with him and her
uncertainty over how he was going to react to it.

“Lock the door behind you,” Alex
told her the moment she was through the door. Running his eyes over her as she
obeyed he couldn’t help thinking how incredible she looked in the slim, navy
pencil skirt and white butterfly collared dress top she was wearing.

Once she had done as he ordered Leah
crossed to his desk, still not sure how she was going to start the conversation
she knew they had to have, despite having thought about it all morning and on
her way up. “I’m sorry about staying at the condo with Janie last night,” she
said when she reached the desk. “I thought it was for the best.”

“Come here and show me how sorry you
are,” Alex told her, pushing his chair back from the desk so he could pat his
lap and show her just where he wanted her.

Leah shook her head at his
playfulness but did as he requested and walked round the desk to sit on his
lap. “You know there are probably laws against this.” For a moment she forgot
everything, except how delightfully naughty it felt as he ran his hands up her
sides and over her breasts; a feeling that was enhanced by the knowledge that
his secretary was just outside the office.

“Just checking for a wire,” he told
her when she turned to him, a curious look on her face. “I wouldn’t want to get
sued for sexual harassment in the workplace, or anything like that.”

Leah laughed at his playful antics
until he pulled up her skirt and his fingers caressed her through her panties.
Her body responded instantly, flooding with desire. “Should we be doing this
here?” she whispered the question as his fingers slid beneath the elastic and
teased her clenching folds.

“Don’t worry, I know the owner,” he
said with a grin, enjoying the way she arched into his delving fingers. “You
know, you are making my job very hard here, in the future you should avoid
wearing underwear to work.”

With a gentle touch, Leah caressed
his cock through his pants. “I think we both know how hard it is,” she quipped,
gripping him tightly. “Should I consider it an order for me not to wear
underwear at the office in future?” she asked, knowing she should be at least a
little embarrassed by how forward she was being, but just then she couldn’t
have cared less.

“Yes, you should; and it could get
much harder.” He grinned, loving how comfortable she was with him right then.
Sliding his fingers from her core he lifted her off him and quickly undid his
belt and pants, before standing so he could lower them and his boxers to his
ankles. “This must go now.” His hands reached for her skirt, undoing it.

Taking over from him Leah pushed her
skirt and panties down and stepped out of them. She nudged her clothes away and
dropped to her knees in front of him, without hesitation she took him in her
hand and ran her tongue over his head. She did that for a few moments before
lowering her head, enjoying the salty taste of him as she suckled him deeply;
the groan that escaped his lips told her of his pleasure.

“Ms. Hall, there is a condom in my
wallet, I think you should get it, before I bend you over this desk and show
you how I deal with employees who make my job hard.”

Smiling, Leah kissed the head of his
cock quickly and then reached down to his pants to take out his wallet. She
found the condom and tore the packet open; she felt a little more confident
about fitting the condom than she had the first time and soon had it in place.
“I hope, Mr. Svenson, that you don’t treat all your employees like this.”
Enjoying their little game she lifted herself onto his lap, rubbing herself
teasingly along his shaft.

Having sex in an office chair had
never particular appealed to him, it was too uncomfortable and didn’t allow for
a properly enjoyable experience in his opinion, but he was willing to make an
exception then. He took his cock in his hand and positioned it at her entrance
before pulling her hips down slowly to accept his length.

“I can safely say, Ms. Hall,” he
said, biting back a groan as she settled down on him, “that you are the only
employee worthy of this type of personal attention.” He chuckled, and then
released the groan he had been fighting as her tight channel squeezed his

She gasped as he stretched her
deliciously and her hands moved to his shoulders, gripping him tightly. When he
lifted her hips and then slid her slowly down his length again she cried out
softly. He fit her so perfectly, but she couldn’t figure out how to move in the
position they were in, and she grew frustrated after being lifted up and down
on him a few times.

Alex sensed her frustration and
grinned. “There are reasons why this scenario usually only works out in books
and films.” Lifting her off him he stood with her and walked over to the huge
window that showed off the city below, pulling her with him. The windows in his
office were designed so that he could see out, while others could not see in.
He wasn’t sure if she knew that though and decided to play on it to enhance the
excitement of the moment. “Bend over, Ms. Hall, and we’ll let the entire city
watch you.”

The thought of being seen by others,
even though they were five stories off the ground and unlikely to be seen by
anyone, unless they were in a neighboring building and had binoculars or a
telescope, excited her in a way she knew it shouldn’t have. Bending over the
large window bench she shook her ass, teasing and inviting him at the same
time, and showing him that she didn’t care if anyone saw them.

Chuckling at her daring, Alex moved
behind her and with one long thrust he buried himself in her to the hilt,
making her gasp aloud at the sudden invasion. She felt so good that he quickly
forgot the humor of the situation and rode her quick and hard, building up to a
powerful eruption as her tight core flooded his cock with her passion.

It was no extended lovemaking, like
they had enjoyed before, but it satisfied them both.

Still embedded in her, Alex bent to
kiss the back of her neck; he then slapped her softly on the ass before
carefully pulling himself from her. “You amaze me at times,” he told her,
turning her in his arms so he could kiss her deeply.

Her legs were still shaking as she
kissed him back, amazed at how comfortable she felt with him. “And you give new
meaning to the term, job perks.” Giggling, she pulled herself from his arms and
returned to the desk so she could get dressed.

He followed her lead, marveling at
the delightful woman before him. “Does that mean I won’t owe you a bonus, like
I will the rest of your team, if the project is a success?” Straightening his
tie, he raised an eyebrow as she sat in the chair in front of his desk.

Leah’s humor faded at the thought of
what she had to discuss with him and a frown creased her forehead. She hadn’t
meant to have sex before they talked, and felt more than a little guilty for
having done so. “I’ll just be happy to still have a job after I say what I need
to.” She didn’t think he would fire her, but wasn’t sure if she could continue
working for him if things didn’t go well.

Alex didn’t like the change in
Leah’s demeanor, or the implications of what she had said, and for a moment he
simply sat there, studying her. Finally, he spoke. “Why would I fire you?” he
asked. Unless she had screwed up the chances of the company getting the
contract they were working toward he couldn’t understand why she would say such
a thing.

“I slept with Rhett last night,” she
blurted, needing it out there in the open before she chickened out, her eyes
darting around the office, looking anywhere but at him. She didn’t want to see
his reaction to her words.

Though she couldn’t deny that she
had enjoyed her experiences with both men, she felt bad that she had had sex
with two men within twenty four hours. She felt like a slut, a feeling that was
made worse by the knowledge that she still didn’t want to give up either of
them; she wanted to continue as she was.

“Firstly, I would never fire you for
something that didn’t involve work, that would be completely unprofessional,
and that isn’t the sort of person I am. Secondly, what exactly are you trying
to tell me?” Was she going back to Rhett, he wondered. If that was the case he
was going to be more than a little disappointed, but he refused to let that
show. As much as he enjoyed being with her, and as close as she had become to
him, he would never dare tell her what decisions to make in her personal life.
Not, that was, unless she agreed to become his.

“I guess what I’m saying is that I can’t
decide between the two of you, you both mean so much to me. I hope you can
understand that, and understand that right now, I want you both.” Had she
really just said that, she couldn’t help asking herself, it sounded like
something a whore would say.

“Leah, we aren’t married, and you
haven’t agreed to be my submissive, let alone anything else, so I really have
no say in who you choose to sleep with.” He wanted to tell her she was too good
for Rhett, but it wasn’t his place. He liked his friend, they had been through
a lot together, but even in the short period of time he had been back, and what
little he knew of the situation between them, he knew Rhett wasn’t good for
Leah. Even a blind man could see the negative effects he had had on her life.

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