Beyond the Blue Moon (Forest Kingdom Novels) (60 page)

Read Beyond the Blue Moon (Forest Kingdom Novels) Online

Authors: Simon R. Green

Tags: #Forest Kingdom, #Hawk and Fisher

BOOK: Beyond the Blue Moon (Forest Kingdom Novels)
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“After we’ve finished here,” said Page, pausing to run through one mercenary, jerk his sword free, and gut another, “what say we kill the Magus? Just on general principles.”

“Let’s,” said Sir Robert. “I never liked him.”

The Shaman stood beside the Throne, scowling thoughtfully as his Creature fell upon the attacking mercenaries with horrible glee. The Creature fought like an animal, claws and fangs dripping blood, and now and then he used his unnatural strength to tear a man literally limb from limb. Swords and axes cut at him, but he never seemed to feel them, and his wounds never bled for long. The Shaman watched the tide of battle closely. Even now he was reluctant to reveal the true extent of his powers, but when a handful of mercenaries came rushing toward the Throne, the Shaman sighed briefly and called the power of the Forest about him. He shaped it and thrust it against his enemies, and the mercenaries screamed shrilly as they stumbled to a halt, the Forest already moving within them. Bark swept over their skin, and thorny branches thrust out of their eyes and mouths, tearing through their insides. Soon there were only a dozen spindly trees standing before the Throne, lightly rooted in the wooden floor. The Shaman took no pleasure in the sight. He’d seen too many men die in his time. He reached over to pat the Queen reassuringly on the arm.

“Don’t worry, my dear. We’ll see you’re safe. Scum like this are no match for such as us.”

“Please,” said Felicity. “Help my son. Your magic is different. Can’t you get my son back from Snare?”

“I already tried,” said the Shaman, frowning. “Snare appears to be warded against any form of magical attack. And I am really not much more than a glorified hedge wizard with a few nasty tricks. You need the Magus.”

“You try talking to him,” said the Queen disgustedly. “He won’t listen to me.”

“When the battle’s over, and you and your Throne are safe,” said the Shaman, “you can be sure I intend to have some very sharp words with him.”

All across the Court the fight was slowing down. The mercenaries had realized they were losing, and that an awful lot of them were dead. They began to fall back. The Duke had promised them a simple, relatively bloodless coup, with hardly any risk. Nothing had been said about facing magic and heroes out of legend. But they couldn’t afford to lose. As traitors, they’d probably all be hanged. None of them trusted the Duke to protect them. So they turned to Snare and the plan they’d quietly arranged earlier, just in case. Because mercenaries are an inherently suspicious and practical breed. Snare got the nod and brought the whole fight to a halt by holding the sleeping child Stephen above his head and shouting, “Stop! Everyone stop fighting right now, or the boy King dies!”

Everyone stopped. In ones and twos they disengaged, lowered their weapons, and backed away from each other. All eyes were on the magician Snare now as he slowly lowered the child and cradled him in his arms again. Snare looked about him and then smiled unpleasantly.

“That’s better. Everyone be sensible now. I hold the trump card, and I’m not afraid to sacrifice it. I want to see all the Queen’s defenders put down their weapons, surrender, and kneel to me. Or I’ll kill the boy … inch by inch.”

Felicity looked in horror at the Duke. “You’d allow the murder of your own grandson?”

“No,” said the Duke. “No, I wouldn’t. Snare, give me the child! This was never part of my plan.”

“It was always part of
plan,” said Snare. “I knew I couldn’t count on you to be strong when it mattered. Now tell everyone to do what I say. The child means nothing to me. I will kill it if I have to.”

“Give me the child!” said the Duke. “That’s an order!”

“Oh, be quiet,” said Snare. “You’re getting soft, old man. Let me handle this and we can still win.”

Sir Vivian summoned up all his magic, compressed it into a single deadly bolt, and threw it at Snare, hoping to catch him off guard. But his magic just rebounded from Snare’s wards, and flew back to strike at Sir Vivian. He was thrown to the ground by the impact of his own magic, and lay there groaning, unable to rise. Cally was immediately there, crouching at his side, sword in hand, putting her own body between him and further harm.

“Don’t anyone try that again,” Snare said easily. “I may not be a sorcerer yet, but I’ve got defensive wards you wouldn’t believe. Anyone else throws magic my way, I’ll kill the child. No more time to think, Your Majesty. Surrender yourself and your people now, or watch your precious son die.”

“I think he means it, Your Majesty,” said Sir Robert. “But it’s your decision. If you want to bet he’s bluffing, we’ll follow your lead.”

“No,” said the Queen. “It was never really my Throne anyway. Lay down your weapons, my people. We surrender.”

Her defenders looked at each other, then Sir Robert and Ennis Page dropped their swords to the floor and moved back to stand before the Throne. Chance laid down his great axe, took Tiffany by the arm, and led her back to the Throne. Chappie slunk back to join them, still growling under his breath. The Creature loped back to crouch beside the Shaman, licking blood and gore from his hands. Cally threw aside her sword and sat down beside Sir Vivian.

Tiffany glared at the Magus. “This is all your fault! Do something!”

“Hush,” said the Magus. “I’m thinking. Something is happening. Something I hadn’t planned on. I can feel it.”

“It’s happening right in front of you, you idiot!” said Tiffany.

But the Magus wasn’t listening. His eyes were lost in deep contemplation, and his frown was slowly deepening into a puzzled scowl. Snare laughed softly.

“I always thought he was more bluff than anything else. Leave him to his dreams and fancies. Now, Your Majesty. Come here and collect your child.”

“Don’t do it, Fliss!” Cally said immediately. “You can’t trust him!”

“I know,” said the Queen. “But I have no choice. He has my son.”

She stood up from the ancient wooden Throne and stepped slowly down from the dais. She looked at her helpless defenders, smiled gently to show them she didn’t blame them for anything, and then walked slowly across what had been her Court to stand before the grinning magician Snare. It was very quiet now, as though everyone was holding their breath. Felicity looked at her son, Stephen, in Snare’s arms, but didn’t dare to reach out and touch him.

“Very good,” said Snare. “Now you just stand there like a good girl and let me kill you quickly and easily, and I swear no harm will come to your child. I have to kill you, you know.”

“Yes,” said Felicity. “I know.”

“Alive you’d always be a rallying point for patriotic rebels. Can’t have that. And don’t look to your father for help. I’m running things now. It was time he stepped aside anyway. Those who rule by force should never grow old, and weak. And besides, I’ve always wanted to kill a Queen.”

“Felicity!” said the Duke, and everyone’s head whipped around as his voice rose, strong and powerful as it had always been. “Catch!”

And he took off and threw to her the Candlemass Charm, the powerful amulet that protected him from all magical attacks. Time seemed to slow as the whole Court watched the magical charm flash through the air to slap into Felicity’s waiting hand. Snare’s eyes widened, but even as he opened his mouth to speak, Felicity drew the slender dagger she always kept concealed in her long sleeve and cut Snare’s throat with one expert slash.

All the magics that might have protected him were nothing against the power of the Candlemass Charm. He started to fall backward, hands rising uselessly to his severed throat, knowing he should never have allowed the Duke’s daughter to get so close to him. Felicity snatched her still sleeping son out of Snare’s loosening grasp and stepped quickly back, but Snare was dead before he hit the floor. From all around the Court came the sound of the mercenaries’ weapons hitting the floor. They were a practical breed. Felicity looked down at the dead Snare and kicked him in the head.

The Starlight Duke smiled. “That’s my daughter.”

Queen Felicity returned to her Throne, cradling her son in her arms. Her defenders quickly took up their weapons and formed an honor guard before the Throne. Sir Vivian was back on his feet but leaning on Cally, his eyes clear and the sword in his hand perfectly steady. The Duke moved slowly forward and bowed formally to his daughter, the Queen.

“Stephen will wake up in about an hour. The dose I gave Snare was carefully measured.”

“Why?” said Felicity. “Why did you give up the Charm and put your own life at risk?”

“He would have killed you,” said the Duke. “I lost one daughter through my stubbornness and pride, and always regretted it.”

“And Snare was threatening to replace you as ruler of Hillsdown,” said Sir Robert. “I just mention that in passing.”

The Duke smiled. “There was that, yes. But when all is said and done, family is family.”

Tiffany put her arm through Chance’s. “Don’t you just love a happy ending?”

And that was when the wee winged faerie Lightfoot Moonfleet came hurtling into the Court through the open double doors, flying as fast as her wings could propel her. She grew rapidly to full human size and dropped out of the air before the Magus.

“Magus! They’ve gone into the Inverted Cathedral!”

“I know,” said the Magus, snapping out of his trance. “Hawk and Fisher, with the Seneschal, as I planned.”

“And Jericho Lament!”

The Magus looked shocked, then alarmed. He spun on Chance. “The Walking Man has come to Forest Castle? Why didn’t you tell me!”

“You weren’t around,” said Chance. “What difference does it make?”

The Magus’ face was bright red now, and his eyes were almost bulging out of their sockets. He swept his arms about him distractedly as though he didn’t know what to do with them. His cloak wrapped itself around his shoulders, but he didn’t even notice. Everyone else was watching him very carefully, and working out which way to jump if he lost control.

“I knew about Hawk and Fisher,” said the Magus to no one in particular. “I always intended they should enter the Inverted Cathedral. I had hopes of Harald, but he was too weak. And I had a feeling the Seneschal’s presence would be useful, given his lineage. But I couldn’t See, couldn’t predict, that the Walking Man would come here and involve himself! He could ruin everything! I have to stop him!”

He screamed, a terrible sound of rage and horror and loss, and vanished, taking his cloak with him. There was a long moment of silence, and then everyone turned to look at Lightfoot Moonfleet. She shrugged prettily.

“Don’t look at me. He never tells me anything.”


In the Land of Reverie

And so they came at last to the summit and spire of the Inverted Cathedral, buried deep in the dark, dark earth. Hawk and Fisher, the Seneschal, the Burning Man, and the Wrath of God in the world of men. Spent and weary now, dragging their exhausted bodies up the last few steps protruding from the blood-dappled inner wall. All except for the Burning Man, of course, who was after all dead and damned, and no longer subject to such lesser torments. They had passed through the Listening Gallery, evaded the Stalking Tatters, and fought their way through the Coil of Dreams. All to reach the sunken spire with its single room and its final terrible secret.

The only entry to the room was through a simple wooden trapdoor above them, held shut by a single steel bolt. Hawk was somewhat reluctant to approach it, given his experiences with the trapdoor that had brought them into the Inverted Cathedral, but in the end Fisher managed to bully him into opening it. Hawk pushed back the bolt with the head of his axe, just in case, and then used the axe to push the trapdoor up. He waited a moment to give anything nasty that might be waiting inside its chance to be cranky, and then he pulled himself up into the room beyond. Fisher quickly followed him, and the two of them stood close together, glaring suspiciously about them. For all their tired and aching limbs, they were almost disappointed that there were no obvious demons or guardians to face.

The room in the Cathedral spire was simple and unadorned, empty and featureless except for the single window in the far wall, covered with wooden shutters. Not much bigger than an average attic, with a low ceiling and no furniture, its only interesting feature was that the entire room had been constructed from solid gold. The floor, walls, and ceiling gleamed with their own inner light, and the beaten metal walls contained dark, distorted reflections that looked balefully back at Hawk and Fisher as they turned in a slow circle. Even when they’d been Prince and Princess of their respective lands, they’d never seen so much gold in one place, or put to such ostentatious use. The walls were perfectly smooth, the golden metal showing no signs of workmanship, and when Hawk cautiously approached his reflection and placed one cautious hand on the metal, the gold seemed uncomfortably warm to the touch.

The Seneschal called up plaintively to find out what the delay was. Rather than explain, Hawk and Fisher each reached down a hand and hauled him through the trapdoor. He took one look at the golden room and was immediately dumbstruck. Lament joined them soon after, muttered something about vanity and folly, and then strode angrily around the room, prodding the walls here and there with a stiff finger, as though searching for signs of fool’s gold or some other evidence of trickery. There then followed a somewhat awkward pause, as absolutely nobody was willing to put a hand down through the trapdoor to pull up the Burning Man. He finally floated up through the trapdoor all on his own.

“You can fly?” asked Hawk. “I didn’t know you could fly.”

“Lots of things you don’t know about me,” said the Burning Man.

“Then why didn’t you just fly all the way up?” Fisher asked. “Why climb up with us?”

“To watch you struggle and suffer, of course.”

“This room must have cost a fortune all on its own,” said the Seneschal breathlessly.

The Burning Man shrugged, and the flames on his shoulders danced for a moment. “Nothing was too good for my Cathedral. Alchemists say that all gold is formed in the hearts of suns. The purest of all metals. What better way to surmount my finest creation? Tons of gold went into the making of this room. All of it donated by the goodly and the righteous. I’m sure thoughts of buying their way into heaven never entered their minds at all.”

Hawk and Fisher moved over to study the closed shutters covering the only window. Both of the great wooden panels were covered with a single, heavily stylized painting of heaven. There were green fields under a warm sun, where men and beasts walked side by side, and winged angels with harps and halos sailed across a perfect blue sky like graceful swans on an endless lake. The style was naïve, almost primitive, but the scene had an undeniable charm and power. The temperature rose sharply behind Hawk and Fisher as the Burning Man came over to join them, and they moved quickly aside as he leaned forward to study the painting. He sniffed loudly and turned away.

“Very tasteful, I’m sure. Dated now, of course. And nothing like the real thing.”

“How would you know, murderer?” the Walking Man asked him.

“Part of Hell’s punishment is the knowledge of what you’ve lost,” said the Burning Man. “Hell knows all the forms of cruelty. Your just and merciful God didn’t miss a trick.”

“Tell us about the Gateway,” Hawk said quickly, to stave off yet another doctrinal squabble. “Where is it, exactly?”

“Right beyond those shutters,” responded the Burning Man. “Open the shutters, go through the window—lo and behold! Reverie awaits.”

“It can’t be that simple,” said Lament, striding over to frown at the portrait of heaven. “We must be deep in the earth by now. What’s really beyond these shutters? Dirt that’s never known the light of day? Or perhaps a glimpse of Hell itself.”

“You’re really far too literal-minded for a religious man,” chided the Burning Man. “It doesn’t matter anyway. You won’t be able to open the shutters.”

To no one’s surprise, Hawk immediately took that as a challenge. He’d already noticed there were no locks or bolts or handles, so he took the next logical step and hit the shutters with his axe. He put a lot of effort into it, but the heavy steel blade rebounded from the wooden shutter without doing it the slightest harm, or even damaging the painting. Hawk dropped his axe to the floor and spent some time walking around in tight circles as he tried to rub some feeling back into his jarred fingers.

“Interesting,” said Fisher. “Even the High Warlock’s enchantment on your axe wasn’t enough to make an impression.”

“Interesting,” Hawk muttered through gritted teeth. “Yes, that’s the word I was just about to use.”

Lament raised his long wooden staff and rapped imperiously on the shutters with the steel-tipped end. “Open! In the name of the Lord!”

Nothing happened. The Burning Man sniggered. “You didn’t really think it was going to be that easy, did you? It wouldn’t be much of a secret Gateway if just anyone could open it. No mortal hand can open those shutters. Reverie isn’t meant for human eyes.”

They all turned to look at him, and he laughed at them, flames leaping in his open mouth. Hawk picked up his axe again.

“You knew this all along,” he said flatly. “That’s why you were willing to lead us here. To enjoy our anger and despair as we failed.”

“Of course,” Burning Man stated simply. “The damned must find their pleasures where they can.”

“There’s got to be a way,” said Fisher. “And you’re going to tell us what it is.”

“Or what?” challenged the Burning Man, sneering openly. “You can’t hurt me and you can’t kill me. I have already been punished far beyond anything you could achieve.”

“Don’t let him provoke you,” warned Lament. “We need to concentrate on the matter at hand. God would not have brought us all this way for nothing.”

“I think,” the Seneschal said diffidently, “that this is where I justify my presence here.” He slowly approached the closed wooden shutters, holding out before him the Hand of Glory. “I can find my way to
. That has always been my gift, my magic. And the Hand can open any locked door. With my magic focused through the Hand, I think I can open these shutters. That’s why I’m here. Stand back and give me some room to work in.”

They all fell back, even the Burning Man, as the Seneschal held up the Hand of Glory before the shutters. And as the Hand drew near the painted wood, its fingertips burst into flames, but instead of the usual soft yellow candle-glow, the little fires this time were bright and blue-white, shining brighter and brighter until the glare was almost blinding. The Seneschal narrowed his eyes against the radiance, but didn’t turn his head aside. An inch away from the shutters, the mummified fingers began to twitch, then slowly move as though the long dead Hand was awakening.

“What the hell is happening?” Fisher asked softly.

“Beats me,” said the Seneschal hoarsely, not looking at her. “It shouldn’t be doing anything. I haven’t activated the Hand yet.”

The Hand of Glory’s fingers were flexing strongly now, almost yearning to reach the shutters, and it was all the Seneschal could do to hang on to the Hand. There was a strong feeling of presence in the room now, as though someone else had joined them. And then the Hand closed suddenly into a fist, snuffing out its flames, and knocked twice on the painted wood. The sound seemed to carry impossibly far, echoing on and on as though crossing unimaginable distances, and then the view of heaven split slowly apart as the shutters swung silently open, fanning back into the golden room to reveal an endless darkness beyond. A blackness so deep, none of them could look at it, not even the Burning Man; a dark beyond anything seen in the Darkwood or the long night. A complete absence of light and everything else. The dark at the end of the universe, when all the stars have gone out, never to be relit.

Everyone looked curiously at the Hand of Glory. It had uncurled now and looked like just another dead man’s preserved hand. The Seneschal shook it gingerly a few times, but its role was apparently over. The feeling of an extra presence in the room was gone, too.

“Shutters that could not be opened by any mortal hand,” said Lament.

“Just who’s hand was that originally?” Hawk asked.

The Seneschal frowned thoughtfully. “According to legend it was cut from the body of the first Forest King. The man who gave the order for this Cathedral to be built. I found it in the Old Armory. I suppose he still has authority here.”

“What made you bring that thing along?” asked Fisher.

The Seneschal’s frown deepened. “The Hand told me to. And no, I don’t feel like discussing that. Could we talk about something else now, please?”

“All right,” agreed Hawk. “We now have our Gateway, unsettling as it is. Isobel and I are going in. Lament, I assume you’re in, too?”

“Of course,” Lament responded. “The situation hasn’t changed. The world must still be saved from chaos.”

“I’m not going,” said the Burning Man. “I’ve gone as far as I can. I am bound to the site of my achievement and my crime.”

“In which case the Seneschal will stay here with you till we return,” Lament said immediately.

“I will?” asked the Seneschal. He looked uncertainly at the Burning Man, who smiled nastily back. “And just why would I want to do that?”

“You have to stay here with the Hand of Glory to keep the Gateway open,” Lament said patiently. “Otherwise I wouldn’t put it past the Burning Man to shut the Gateway behind us and strand us in Reverie forever. You can keep an eye on him and make sure he behaves himself.”

“Alone?” asked the Seneschal, just a little plaintively.

“You can handle him,” Hawk said briskly. “You’re the High Warlock’s grandson, remember? He gives you any trouble, kick his smoldering arse around the room a few times.”

The Seneschal gave the Burning Man a long, considering look. “Yes. I think I could do that.”

Fisher grinned at him. “Keep a light in the window for us. We’ll be back before you know it.”

“No one human has ever come back from Reverie,” said the Burning Man spitefully. “You go to your deaths, or worse.”

Hawk, Fisher, and Lament ignored him. They took a few deep breaths to brace themselves, and then turned as one to stare determinedly into the darkness beyond the window. And as they made themselves watch, a line of shimmering light suddenly appeared, spreading horizontally before them. The line quickly broadened, growing wider, brighter; and then opened all the way to form a huge Eye, filling all the window, looking in at them. The Eye shone very brightly, more luminous than any star, an overpowering glare that should have been blinding, but they were unable to look away. The Eye was vast and inhuman, alive and aware, watching them. It grew and grew, coming closer, and inside its great dark pupil they could see a galaxy of stars and planets. The Seneschal and the Burning Man looked away, covering their eyes with their hands, unable to bear the Eye’s awful unblinking glare.

Soon all Hawk and Fisher and Lament could see was the amazing contents of the Eye. The room, their journey, and even their mission were all forgotten, lost in the fascinating vistas within the Eye. There were galaxies in the dark pupil now, slowly swirling, impossibly vast, impossibly detailed. As one, answering some unheard but undeniable call, Hawk, Fisher, and Lament stepped forward and entered the Gateway.

They were walking along an unsupported crystal bridge, eternally long, looking out over an endless abyss. Comets and shooting stars rained down through the endless night, above and below. There were suns and planets and constellations, all unfamiliar. A huge sun drifted by, borne along by some unguessable tide, close enough that they could almost have reached out and touched it, but its light didn’t dazzle them, and they could barely feel its heat. They stopped walking for a moment to watch the sun pass, and as it drew level with them, they could sense something hibernating or gestating deep in the heart of the sun. Something almost unimaginably powerful, waiting to be born, or born again. It stirred in its deep sleep as it sensed their presence, and they were touched by an awful fear they couldn’t put a name to, but the sun passed on, and whatever was within went back to sleep again.

Hawk walked along the sparkling crystal bridge with Fisher on one side and Lament on the other, and didn’t know either of them. All of his exhaustion and muscle pains were gone. It was like walking through a dream, and he felt as though he could walk forever. Up ahead the three of them saw the Blue Moon shining in the dark, full and fat and potent, and in a moment they remembered who they were and why they had come to this place. Hawk and Fisher stood and looked out over the impossibly long drop, then grabbed each other by the hand. Lament murmured a prayer in an unsteady voice. And then they moved on again, heading toward the Blue Moon growing very slowly greater before them.

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