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Authors: Alana Sapphire

Beyond The Cage (16 page)

BOOK: Beyond The Cage
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“What’d you bring me?”

I empty the contents of the bag and find a breakfast sandwich and a blueberry muffin. He hands me a cup of coffee.

“Thank you, Daddy.”

He watches me closely while I eat, no doubt still wondering what’s wrong with me. When I’m done, he grabs the trash and takes it to the kitchen. Chels sticks her head through my door.

“What’s wrong?”

I shake my head. “Common affliction.”

…guess it’s a good thing you checked out those exits last night.” She waggles her brows.

Leave it to her to have me laughing in my current condition. “True.”

will see you later. I’m meeting Damon.”

It’s so cute the way she’s blushing just talking about him. Do I do that? “Have fun, babe.”

“I will.” She glances at Cameron with a giggle. “You two behave.”

Turning on her heels, she walks away humming. He climbs in next to me and I cuddle up to him. I hate this…the first two days are always the worst for me. He curls his arm around me and I lay my head on his chest. As he strokes my arm, my lids begin to droop.

I wake up a few hours later, in the same position. His even breathing tells me he’s asleep. Sparty is curled up at our feet. I feel a little better; at least the cramps are gone. He stirs the moment I move, watching as I walk to the bathroom. I wonder if I should send him away. I’m not exactly at my best right now.

“How come you’re still here?” I ask when I return to the bedroom. “No training sessions today?”

He nods but seems uneasy.

“Did you…you didn’t blow them off for me, did you?” When he nods, I walk over and sit on the edge of the bed next to him. “How sweet are

I run my fingers through his hair and smile at him as my feelings for him elevate another notch.

“I’m fine. I just…I just got my period.”

He sighs audibly, shakes his head, and smiles.

“Was that a sigh of relief that I’m okay, or that I’m not pregnant?”

His gaze drops. I look down, wondering what he’s looking at. “What?”

Pulling me against him, he settles me between his legs, laying his palm flat on my stomach before making small, slow circles.
What the hell?
Moving to my knees, I turn to him, searching his eyes. I see… What do I see? Longing?

“Are you –?”

He cuts me off with a nod.

“Oh, my God. Cameron…”


Love and desire are the spirit’s wings to great deeds. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


This is a bombshell. What the hell do I say? We just started dating, for Christ’s sake! When did he get to the point of wanting to have a baby? I can’t have a baby! Wait…do I even want one…with him?


He shrugs, watching for my reaction.

“I can’t have a baby right now. I have med school –”

Placing a finger to my lips, he stops me mid-sentence. He pulls me onto his lap and circles me with his arms, resting his cheek on my forehead.

“You understand…don’t you?”

I feel his nod and breathe a sigh of relief. This man is just one surprise after another. A few days ago, he didn’t even know if he wanted kids and now he does…with me! Then again, something like this is a testament to the fact that he’s serious about us. Having a child with someone means being a part of each other’s lives forever. That part fills me with optimism. He sees a future for us.

After spending the afternoon with me, he leaves to make his evening training session. He waited on me hand and foot, even made me lunch. It was just a sandwich, but hey, it’s the thought that counts. He even texted me after he left. I spend my time alone thinking about his new-found desire, not even realizing when Chels walks into my room until she snaps her fingers in my face.

“What planet were you on?”

“Planet Weirded Out,” I answer.

“What’s got you weirded out?”

“How was your date?” I try to deflect the topic of conversation.

“Later. Don’t change the subject.”

I take a deep breath and look over at her as she sits next to me, taking Sparty into her arms. “He wants us to have a baby.”

“What the fuck? So quick? He’s a serious dude!”

“Tell me about it. I think we came to an understanding about the timing, though.”

“Wow…just wow.” She shakes her head in disbelief.

“I guess the age difference was bound to catch up with us. We’re at different places in our lives.”

“Don’t worry about it. Just have fun. Enjoy this for what it is. If you two are meant for each other, it’ll work itself out.”

“You’re right, but –”

“I know how you feel about him. Just…enjoy that feeling. Stop thinking so far ahead.”

She’s right. This isn’t something to worry about. It’s way too soon, and we have
of time. I’m sure he understands why a baby can’t be in the cards right now. “What would I do without you?”

“You’d probably cave in and give him triplets…twice.”

“Oh, really? I wasn’t the one making love on the dance floor last night.”

She waggles her brows suggestively. “Not
the dance floor.”

“Whatever! Back to my question…how was your date?”

“Jas, he’s…
! He’s gorgeous, smart…he’s an
kisser. Why didn’t you introduce us before?”

“Honestly, I thought he was interested in me. It wasn’t until I saw the way he looked at you last night that I realized he was using me to get to you.”


“He’d always invite me places…well,
. He’d make it look like a group thing. It doesn’t matter now. When are you seeing him again?”

Her face lights up. “Tonight.”

…don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

“Like fucking in a crowded club?”

“Chels! You’re not going to let me live that down, are you?”

“Nope. You seeing Cameron tonight?”

“He sent me a text saying he’d check on me later.”


“Do you have dinner plans?” I ask. “I’m hungry.”

“Yeah, but we can get a pizza or something.”

My phone vibrates and I pick it up to see another text from Cameron. “Never mind. He’s bringing dinner.”

am going to raid my closet for an outfit for tonight.”

She bounces off and I look down at Spartacus. “Come on, let’s get you fed.”




Cameron arrives just as Chels is leaving. Spartacus jumps down from my lap and runs to him, barking happily while standing on his hind legs. He smiles down at the pup, but I stop him before he can pick him up.

“Mommy first,” I say as I meet him at the door.

I pucker my lips for a kiss and wait. He slides his free hand around my waist and pulls me close, that panty-melting look in his eyes.
He leans down and slowly, gently, kisses my cheeks, nose, forehead, chin, and the corners of my lips…sweet, fleeting kisses that affect my breathing and send jolts of longing through me. I close my eyes, holding on to his shoulders to keep myself upright. Finally, he claims my lips, teasing them with his tongue. I open up to let him in, but he doesn’t take advantage of it. He gives me one final smooch and pulls away. My lids flutter open and I find myself looking directly into the swirling depths of grey that are his eyes.

“Damn,” I manage to get out.

That was…life-changing. He flashes that sexy smirk and takes my hand, pulling me to the kitchen. I sit around the island and watch as he empties the food on the counter – sweet and sour chicken, fried rice, and chop suey. When I move to get the plates, he directs me back to my chair.

“I’m not an invalid, you know.”

He ignores me and fetches the plates himself, then loads one up and places it in front of me.

“Thank you.”

Halfway through our meal, he becomes absorbed in something on his phone, while still managing to feed Sparty pieces of chicken from his plate.

“What’s so interesting?”

Without looking up, he hands me the phone. Curious, I take it from his fingers and look down at the screen. It’s the results from a physical…a very thorough physical. He’s been tested for every condition and disease you could possibly think of, all results negative. I’m not surprised; he takes care of his body. I’m more than relieved to see the negative results in the STD section.

“What made you do all that?” I ask as I pass the phone back to him.

He scrolls through his phone and hands it to me again. This time, it’s a list of conditions for entry into The Ultimate Warrior competition.

“Wow…I guess they wanna make sure you’re in top physical condition. I coulda told ’em that.”

I bite into the corner of my lip, winking as he looks up at me with a grin. I walk over to him and loosely wrap my arms around his neck.

“I do believe, Mr. Jackson, that you are the finest male specimen I have seen in my entire life.”

Oh. My. God. I made him blush!

“Aww…that’s so cute!”

I plant a loud smack on his cheek then turn to get the dishes. He leaves me to clean up and when I’m done, I find him in bed, Spartacus curled up on his chest. I watch them from the doorway with a smile. My two boys. I move to my desk, rummaging until I find the results of my last set of STD tests, and hand it to him. After what happened with Jamal, I requested tests for every disease I could think of. Thank God he was at least clean if not faithful. Cameron barely glances at the paper before handing it back to me.

“In the spirit of full disclosure, I haven’t been with anyone since then. Except you, of course.”

By the time I’m back at my desk, he’s right behind me, snaking his arms around my waist. The moment I feel his lips on my neck, I turn in his arms and push at his chest.

“I’m going to shower.” His lips curl up in a smirk, and I quickly clarify my statement. “

He groans his disappointment and climbs back into bed. I grab underwear from my drawer and close the bathroom door behind me.

I’m standing in front of the mirror drying my hair after my shower when the door opens. I look over and there he is in all his naked glory. I swallow hard, the blow dryer almost falling from my fingers. I turn it off and place it on the counter. His gaze drops to my breasts, mine to his erection. My heart begins to pound. It’s not fair! He knows I can’t. Is this payback for what I did the night before his fight? Is he punishing me? He strides purposefully toward me, picks me up, and places me on the sink.

“Cameron –”

Whatever I was going to say remains a mystery. He swoops down and sucks my nipple into his mouth. Taking my other breast in his hand, he massages it, pinching the nipple until it juts out toward him. He moans, switching sides. I fist my hand in his hair as my back arches, my body begging for more. When his lips move up to my neck, I reach between us and stroke him. He moans again, sliding his hands around me, splaying them on my back. His tongue flicks out then glides up to my earlobe, and he gives it a soft bite. My entire body quivers and I wrap my legs around him. He trails small kisses along my cheek while making his way to my lips.
What am I doing? I need to stop.
He presses his lips to mine and it takes everything I have to push him away.

“You know I can’t.” My voice comes out weak and shaky. He picks me up and moves toward the shower. “Cameron! I am not having sex with you while I’m on my period!” I exclaim.


I remove my legs from around his waist, and he places me on my feet. Taking a deep breath, I meet his stare. Big mistake. The hunger in his eyes is too much for me to bear.

“Come here.”

I push down on his shoulders until he’s sitting on the side of the bath. As I stroke his cheek, he stares up at me with disappointed eyes.

“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you.”

I fall to my knees between his legs and wrap my hands around his dick. It jumps at my touch. Leaning forward, I lick the bead of moisture from the tip. He sucks in a breath through his teeth and buries his hand in my hair.

“Mm,” I moan around him.

I move to the side, licking his piercing. I wanted to feel it; now, I guess I will. I close my lips around the head, swirling my tongue as I suck gently. His knuckles go white as he grips the edge of the tub. Taking him farther, I feel the coldness of the little, silver balls against my cheeks. When he hits the back of my throat, he groans, grabbing a fistful of my hair. Tears spring to my eyes and I feel my gag reflex about to kick in. I pull back, swirling my tongue. With his dick now wet from my mouth, I stroke him, rolling his balls between my fingers.

“You taste good.”

I lick him from base to tip before sucking on the head once more. The expression of awe on his face gives me an idea.

“Wait here,” I tell him, and then retrieve my breath strips from the medicine cabinet.

He watches with suspicion, but I also see a bit of anticipation in his stare. I kneel before him again, placing a strip on my tongue, and then wrap my hands around his dick. As the strip melts, I breathe in and slowly exhale through my mouth, allowing my cool breath to caress the tip. He moans and his head falls back. This time when I take him into my mouth, he grunts and grabs my head with both hands. My lips slide up and down his dick as I suck as hard as I can, humming and moaning. I keep my gaze on him, adoring him with my eyes and mouth. He lets out a long moan and catches his bottom lip between his teeth. He’s so fucking hot. When I let him slip from between my lips, he grabs my arms and lifts me onto his lap so I’m straddling him. His fingers curl around the back of my neck and he pulls me forward. As he kisses me, his hands roam my body before coming to a stop on my stomach. I freeze when his thumb slides past the waistband of my panties.

“No, don’t…” He licks my nipple as his thumb finds my clit. “Fuck…”

He presses down, making small circles while his tongue and teeth torment my nipples, leaving them utterly sensitive. When he bites down, I cry out from both pleasure and pain. I can’t sit still, writhing on his lap as he drives me crazy. He increases the pressure and speed of his thumb and a wave of calm envelopes me – the calm before the storm. My orgasm rips through me, and I grab his shoulders as I begin to shake uncontrollably.

“OhmyGodohmyGodohmyGod!” I scream, throwing my arms around him.

When I stop shaking, I open my eyes to find him smiling at me.

“You broke my rule again.”

He kisses me softly in apology.

“Okay…your turn.”

I resume my position on my knees and take him between my breasts. He groans, watching as his dick slides between them. I wrap my lips around him again, swirling my tongue, stroking him with both hands as I suck on the head. He growls, grabs a handful of my hair, and jerks my head back. I feel the warmth of his cum as it spurts onto my chest and drips down my breasts. I continue to stroke him until the last drop falls from the tip then give him one final lick before standing.

“You’re welcome.”

With a smirk, he smacks my ass.

“Now get outta here so I can clean myself up.”

After washing his hands, he closes the door behind him. When I walk back into the bedroom, he’s fast asleep. I climb in next to him and realize he’s naked under the covers. Good Lord. He pulls me against him and I lay my head on his chest.

BOOK: Beyond The Cage
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