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Authors: Alana Sapphire

Beyond The Cage (26 page)

BOOK: Beyond The Cage
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Copyright 2016 Alana Sapphire


This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or deceased is entirely coincidental. Names, places, and characters are fictitious or, if real, used fictitiously. The author recognizes the trademarks and copyrights of all registered products or works mentioned.



This work remains the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be redistributed to others for commercial or non-commercial purposes. This work, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a review.



Cover designed by
Alana Sapphire
© 2016





This short story is based on Gage and Raven, the couple from “Forbidden”, “Tempted”, and “Claimed” (books one to three in the Death Dealers MC series), and is best enjoyed if you’ve read them.

If you’re already acquainted with #RAGE, I know when you got to the end of “Tempted”, I was your least favorite person. Whether I made up for that in “Claimed” or not, this is for all the readers who stuck with me to the end of Gage and Raven’s story. Their journey was always destined to go the way it did. I tried to change it but the words just wouldn’t come. Now that their story is complete, I can play with it a bit. I asked myself ‘what would have happened if that fated night had been different?’ Well, here is the answer!


We pick up from Gage’s house, where Ellen is helping him get ready for Raven’s birthday party. He’s been calling Raven, getting increasingly angry because she’s not picking up.




“Raven, pick up the fucking phone. Call me back.”

“Gage, calm down,” Ellen says.

“Don’t tell me to fucking calm down! This isn’t like her.”

“I just left her a few hours ago. You don’t know how women are. We take forever to get ready.”

“Not Raven.” I sit on the bed, tapping my foot until I can’t take it anymore. “Fuck this shit. I’m going over there.”

My phone rings and I think
as her name flashes on the screen.

“Where the fuck have you been?” I demand.

“Don’t you growl at me, Mr. Grouchy. I’ve been getting ready.”

“On what planet that doesn’t get cell reception?”

“The one where growly men don’t get the sex they’ve been waiting three months for,” she replies, her voice devoid of humor.


“Are you ready?” I ask, not wanting to upset her. There’s no way I’m not getting inside her
. Ellen giggles behind me.

“Almost. I will be by the time you get here.”

“Fine. I’ll see you in a few.”


“You are
whipped,” Ellen says through her laughter.

“Fuck off, sis.”

She laughs even harder. “I don’t even want to see what you’ll be like in the morning. She’ll be leading you around on a leash!” She grabs her stomach, leaning forward.

I glare at her, and she tries to compose herself. After managing to calm down to short bursts of giggles, she begins fixing my tie. A leash. Fuck that.
Ain’t no woman putting Gage Hunter on a fucking leash
. After tonight, she’ll be the one following me around like a love-sick puppy. I smirk to myself, imagining the night ahead. It feels like I’ve been waiting forever for this day, and it’s finally here. Tonight, I really make her mine.

“There,” Ellen taps my chest. “Prince Charming in the flesh.”

“Thanks, sis…for everything.”

“My pleasure.” She slides her palm up to my cheek. “I just want you to be happy, and it’s obvious Raven makes you happy.”

I kiss her forehead, and then we make our way downstairs.

“I’ll see you at the club,” Ellen calls over her shoulder as she leaves. “The flowers are on the table. And open her doors!”

Fuck me. I’m not a hopeless cause. Raven might think I’m a Neanderthal but I’m not. I’ve just never met anyone who was worth the effort. Not until her. With a deep breath, I grab the flowers, and head out.




I practically run to the door when I hear the knock. I’ve been ready for a while…since I called him. I just didn’t want to seem too eager. Stopping at the door, I take a deep breath, and compose myself. When I open it, my heart catapults itself into my throat.
I thought he was hot before, but in a suit? Molten lava. Sex god, level infinity. Fuck. Me. As I take in every inch of the man before me, he does the same, staring at me in wide-eyed awe.

“Fuck,” he mumbles.

“I second that sentiment.”

“You look…absolutely beautiful.”

“Thanks.” I slide my palms down the front of my dress. Ellen did a great job. I totally would have picked it out myself. It’s the perfect shade of blue, and shows the right amount of skin – legs, breasts, back, and the curves of my waist. “You’re very handsome. Combed hair and all.”

He smiles, handing me a gorgeous bouquet of red roses.
. From Mr. I-Don’t-Do-Romance. Baby Jesus. This is already the best birthday ever.

“I can clean up pretty well.”

“I see that. Let me put these in some water then we can go.”

I quickly find a vase, then hurry back to him, anxious to get this night underway. After what happened last night, I know tonight will be absolutely incredible.

“Ready, babe?”

“Yup,” I reply, grabbing my clutch.

After I lock the door behind us, he offers me his arm like a true gentleman. With a giddy smile, I slip my hand through the crook of his. He leads me to the Bimmer, opening my door so I can slide in. Watching him as he walks to the driver’s side, I can’t get over how beautiful he is.

“I know I already told you but you look amazing, Gage,” I tell him when he joins me.

“Good. Because all of this”—he sweeps his hand over his body—“I did for you.”

“I love it. Can’t wait to get you out of it, though.”

“Funny. I thought the same thing when you opened the door.”

Fuck. “Can we just skip the party and go back to your place?”

“Don’t tempt me, doll. We’re doing this right. I have a few surprises for you.”

“What surprises?” I ask, my curiosity piqued.

“You’ll see.”

With that cryptic statement, he laces his fingers through mine, and pulls out of the driveway. Ever so often, he squeezes my fingers, and tosses a smile my way. This Gage is strange to me. It’s not just his appearance, but his whole demeanor. He hasn’t said one dirty thing to me, and he’s being so quiet. I figured I’d be hearing about all the things he’s going to do to me tonight. Regardless, I have to admit, I like this side of him, too.

We arrive at Scythe, and he opens my door. Before we head inside, he taps out something on his phone, and then offers me his arm. The club is pitch black when we walk in. I prepare for everyone to shout ‘Surprise!’, even though I knew the party was happening. Instead, the lights come on gradually, revealing a scene straight out of a storybook. Blue. Everywhere. Blue streamers, blue balloons, blue center pieces on the tables. To our right, there’s an area set up for taking pictures beneath a balloon arch of an eighth note. On top, there’s a banner that reads ‘Class of 2015’. Oh. My. God. A prom themed party! Everyone is dressed up in gowns and tuxes. All these big, bad bikers dressed up in tuxes for me. I turn to Gage, tears pooling in my eyes.

“You did this for me?”

“I thought you might like it. Ellen did all the work, though.”

“Gage…I love it!”

“Don’t cry.” He swipes a tear from my cheek. “We have pictures to take.”

He leads me over to the arch, where Tek is set up with a camera. Gage pulls me against him, my back to his front, and slides his hands around my waist. A shiver runs down my spine as his palms glide over my exposed sides. Apparently he notices, because he leans forward and whispers in my ear.

“Just a few more hours, babe.”

“I can’t wait,” I whisper, turning my head to gaze up at him.

Leaning in, he gently presses his lips to mine. The flash of the camera goes off, startling us apart. I turn to Tek with a smile.
I need a copy of that picture!
After a few more, we make our way onto the main dancefloor. Chrissy and Toni run to me, bouncing with excitement.

“Happy birthday, Ray!” Chrissy squeals, pulling me in to a tight embrace.

“Thanks, boo.”

She gives Gage a knowing smile, then bumps my shoulder with hers.

“I need
the details,” she whispers before moving aside.

Toni wraps her arms around me, kissing my cheek. “Happy birthday, my love. Hope it’s everything you wished for.”

Glancing over at Gage, I smile to myself. I have everything I need. “Thanks, hon.”

The next couple of hours pass by in a blur of birthday wishes, cake, food, and dancing. This is the best birthday ever! In the middle of a conversation with Aunt Nita and Ellen, Chopper pulls me away, leading me to the dancefloor.

“Having a good time?” he asks.

“The best! I can’t believe everyone did this for me.”

“Why not? You’re one of us now.”

“Not really. It’s not like I’m Gage’s old lady or anything.”

He throws his head back, laughing. “Don’t worry about that, lil darlin’. You’re family.”

“Thanks, Chopper.”

I rest my cheek to his chest, and we rock to the music until a voice interrupts us.

“Can I cut in, Pop?”

I turn to Gage in shock. Did I just hear right? Is Mr. I-Don’t-Dance actually going to dance with me? Chopper steps back, and Gage takes my hand, pulling me close.

“I thought you didn’t dance?”

“It’s a special night. I decided to make an exception.”

Deciding not to question it further, I lean in to him, breathing in his scent. He lazily trails his fingertips up and down my back, making me squirm.

“Need something?” he asks, humor in his voice.

“Yes. You.”

“Well –”

His phone goes off in his pocket, and as soon as he silences it, he starts dragging me toward the exit.

“What was that?”

“My alarm.”

“Alarm for what?” I ask.

“It’s time to go, Raven.”



As we’re heading for the exit, smart-ass Allah begins to play “Let’s Get It On”. Everyone cheers, some of the men whistling. Any other night, I might be annoyed but not tonight. Nothing’s spoiling this for me. I’ve waited too long. Raven giggles behind me, jogging to keep up. Within seconds, we’re on the way back to my place.

“Gage…” she whispers breathlessly. “Hurry.”

Fuck. As my dick hardens, I press on the accelerator. She doesn’t even wait for me to open her door when I pull into the driveway. Meeting her in front of the car, I tug her to me, needing to taste those sweet lips. She moans, opening up for my tongue. I sweep her up into my arms, taking her inside. When I start climbing the stairs, she kicks off her shoes, and pulls at my tie.

Laying her on my bed, I stare down at her, wanting to savor every moment. She watches as I shrug out of my jacket, dropping it to the floor. Her breathing accelerates with each piece of clothing I remove. When I’m down to my boxers and undershirt, I climb on top of her.

“Are you sure you want to do this?”

She nods. “Positive. I want you, Gage.”

I take her lips, unleashing my desire, knowing this time I don’t have to stop. She writhes beneath me, grinding her pussy against my already hard dick.


Fucking hell. What is it about the way she says my name? She grabs at the hem of my shirt, and I allow her to remove it. I can’t wait to get inside her, but before I continue, I hop off the bed and walk to my closet.

“What are you doing?”

“You’ll see.”

I retrieve the blue gift box, and hand it to her with a deep breath.

“What’s this?” she asks, sitting up.

“Open it.”

With a grin, she tears at the ribbon and wrapping paper. As she removes the lid of the box, she glances up at me.

“Is this the gift you were picking up today?”

“Yeah. Not sure if you’ll like it.” I watch nervously as she folds away the tissue paper. I don’t even know why I’m nervous. I’m pretty sure she wants this.

“It’s coming from you so I know I’ll love it.”

She freezes once she realizes what’s in the box.

“Gage…” She stares at me, hopeful anxiety in her eyes.

I remove her cut from the box, pulling her to her feet.

“Are you sure?” she asks as I help her into it.

“You’re mine, Raven. I know it, you know it. Now, everyone else will, too.”

Without a word, she pulls me to her, pressing her lips to mine.

“I love it!” she chants between kisses.

Breaking away, she gives me a mischievous smile. “I’ll be right back.”

“Where are you going?” I don’t even try to hide the annoyance in my voice.

“You’ll see.”

She heads to the bathroom, and I stare at my patch on her back. My chest swells with pride. She’s mine. Finally. Totally.

Sitting on the bed, I anxiously await her return.
What the hell is she doing in there?
Fuck. I grab my dick, adjusting it in my boxers.

“Don’t worry,” I give him a little pep talk. “The drought is over.”

The bathroom door opens and my throat locks up. I can’t talk, can’t even breathe. There she stands in the doorway, shyly staring at her feet. She let her hair down, and all she’s wearing are panties, her cut, and the jewelry I gave her. Fuck. Me. My cut, my earrings, my necklace. My woman. As she peeks up through her lashes, I know, without a doubt, this woman is going to destroy me. And I’ll love every fucking second of it.


BOOK: Beyond The Cage
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