Beyond The Music (The Rock Gods Book 7) (28 page)

BOOK: Beyond The Music (The Rock Gods Book 7)
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Aaron’s fingers dug into the back of Lincoln’s head and his hips began to thrust. Lincoln’s eyes stung from Aaron’s efforts and his girth. He almost gagged, but there was no way in hell he was going to ask Aaron to slow down. Instead, Lincoln relaxed his jaw and let Aaron give him everything he had. Lincoln pushed Aaron over the edge with a simple tug of his sac. A second later, Lincoln felt the first hot blast of Aaron’s release hit the back of his throat.

“Holy shittttttt,” Aaron yelled as he tossed his head back over his shoulders and snapped his hips forward one last time.

Lincoln did his best to keep swallowing everything Aaron gave to him, and there was so much he was surprised he didn’t drown. When Aaron’s orgasm finally subsided, Lincoln hadn’t wasted more than one drop of come, which now clung to the corner of his mouth. Lincoln was about to lick off the evidence when Aaron lifted him to his feet and used his own tongue to clean Lincoln’s lips.

“Christ, you are something else,” Aaron panted and wrapped Lincoln up in his arms.

“You taste so good,” Lincoln added. “I can’t get enough.”

Aaron’s hand pushed into the front of Lincoln’s boxer briefs and toyed with his half-hard erection. “Do you want a turn?”

“Only if I can lie down and you do what you did before with your fingers,” Lincoln said. “I want to see if I can come hard like that again.”

“Get on the bed,” Aaron instructed and gave Lincoln a gentle push to accentuate his directive.

“Hmmmm, I like bossy Aaron,” Lincoln said.

“Yeah? Then, get on your hands and knees with your ass facing me,” Aaron said. “I’m going to rim the hell out of you and then I’ll use my fingers.”

“Oh, fuckkkkkk.”


Chapter Twenty-One

The next band rehearsal was more of a meeting, with the head of their new security team introducing each guard to the guys in Black Ice. Lincoln surveyed the six men all standing in a line beside their chief. All of them looked like they were either ex-military, secret service, or part of the S.W.A.T team for the Los Angeles police department. Maybe they were all of the above? Each of them had the mandatory muscled bodies and were well over six feet in height with the trademark short-cropped buzz cut on their heads. Dark aviator sunglasses covered their eyes, even though this meeting was taking place during the day and inside one of the larger dressing rooms at the rehearsal theater, not one of the men expressed an ounce of emotion on their faces.

The one other detail about them that stood out to Lincoln was that they were all fucking gorgeous, dressed in their black suits, crisp white dress shirts and skinny black ties. Lincoln allowed his mind to ponder visuals of what each man might look like out of those suits and naked. He wondered if they were covered in ink or had piercings. Then his eyes dropped to their groins to see if an outline of their cocks was visible behind their slacks. It was like Aaron could read his mind when suddenly Aaron’s hand tugged at the back of Lincoln’s long hair and made his head snap backward.

“What was that for?” Lincoln quietly asked Aaron out of the side of his mouth.

“I know what you’re thinking,” Aaron whispered.

“Oh, yeah, and what would that be?”

“You’re imagining them naked and bent over for you,” Aaron smirked. “Am I right?”

Lincoln met Aaron’s gaze and grinned. “Well, you’re partly correct. I hadn’t gotten to the part where they were bent over.”

“If anyone is bending over for you, it will be me,” Aaron remarked.

Lincoln’s face relaxed into a warm smile. Aaron’s words made him sound jealous and that realization did crazy things to Lincoln’s heart. Lincoln was about to respond when Dagger elbowed him in the ribs to refocus his attention back onto the head of security talking in front of them. Lincoln glanced at Dagger and shrugged, as if that was enough to explain everything. Dagger nodded in the direction of the security team and then his eyes bounced to Aaron and did the same. Jesus, Lincoln felt like a scolded child and that made him snicker which earned him another elbow to the ribs from Dagger.

“Okay, now that I’ve explained the dynamics of our working relationship,” the chief stated. “I’d like to introduce you to your new personal security unit.” The tall beefy guy talking began with himself. “My name is Finn Harrington, but everyone calls me Fizzbo. Don’t ask why, it just is. I’m one of the chief coordinators at Ventura Security Group, where we have spent the last three months mapping out the best plan of action for your safety. Some of you may remember me from when I worked security with the guys in Ivory Tower during the last tour.”

Well, that bit of information did answer the question of why this Fizzbo dude looked familiar to Lincoln. So much about their last tour was a blur for Lincoln because his symptoms were just beginning to show themselves and wreak havoc on his life. A great deal of energy went in to Lincoln pretending all was well and keeping to himself and that meant Lincoln didn’t remember much about their Maniacs In Motion tour.

“The first gentleman on my left is Zac Mulligan,” Fizzbo stated. “Next to him is Reed Layland, Max Hightower, Sam Kennedy, Mason Foxworth, and on the end is Fishbone.”

“Sounds like a lineup for America’s Most Wanted,” Ashton teased, but no one from the security team laughed.

“In addition to your personal security team, there will be another team with us at each venue,” Fizzbo continued to explain. “They will enforce a perimeter around you and will work in a manner of ‘out of sight, out of mind.’ You will also have personal security with you anytime you leave your hotel rooms or tour bus. Any questions?”

“Will we be meeting the venue security team?” Dagger asked.

“I can arrange that if you’d like, Dagger,” Fizzbo added.

Dagger nodded. “I think it’d be nice for us to see who has our backs while we’re out in public,” Dagger said.

“I’ll try and get that scheduled in the next few days before our ground crew flies over to London to get set up,” Fizzbo said.

“Is there a different team watching Ivory Tower?” Dante asked Fizzbo.

“Yes, this is going to be one of the biggest concentrated security ops any of us have been part of,” Fizzbo said with pride. “But, in light of the threats still coming in and the attack on Ashton, we feel this added security measure is needed.”

“There’s been more threats?” Lincoln leaned over to ask Dagger.

“Yeah, one or two,” Dagger whispered.

“Against who?” Lincoln pushed.

“Mainly me and Ryan,” Dagger answered.

“I thought they caught the dude behind the attack on Ashton, and this nightmare was behind us,” Lincoln barked.

“They caught the man who carried out the home invasion at Ashton’s place,” Fizzbo said. “But we believe he was paid to do so.”

“What exactly are you saying?” Dante asked Fizzbo. “Is there a mastermind behind this organized effort to harass us?”

“I think this goes far beyond harassment,” Dagger chimed in.

“I’ve had some dude hanging outside my front gate for a while now,” Lincoln added.

“Dagger, would you like to speak a little more on this?” Fizzbo asked.

“Okay, I guess so,” Dagger said. He didn’t bother to walk up front. He simply turned a bit to face Lincoln, Aaron, Dante, and Ashton before he spoke. “Over the last few months me and Ryan have received a few threatening messages. Stuff like, wanting to make us suffer for what we’ve done. The last one was put inside a box and thrown over the security fence at my house. Whoever it is doing this is ballsy, but they’re not stupid because they don’t leave any fingerprint evidence. We don’t know if this is a hate crime or just a disgruntled fan, but we handed it over to the cops to handle, nonetheless. The police have done a good job of keeping this out of the news, but they believe there is someone paying others to do his or her dirty work.” Dagger pushed his dark hair behind his ears and cleared his throat. “It doesn’t matter to me how or why it’s happening. I just want it stopped, and I won’t risk another attack on any of us like Ashton got. So, until the asshole orchestrating this is caught, we’re all gonna have to put up with the extra security invading our privacy.”

“My guys are good, Dagger,” Fizzbo interrupted. “For the most part, you won’t know you have a detail with you.”

“I’ll believe that when I see it,” Dante mumbled.

“Obviously we can’t be completely invisible, nor do we want to be,” Fizzbo said. “To some degree, we want whoever is watching you to see us as a united force around you, but our goal is for you to not actually
us doing that.”

“Sounds logical,” Ashton said.

“Well, if there aren’t any more questions, I’d like to give you the guard assignment I arranged for each of you,” Fizzbo announced and flipped over a page from his clipboard. “Okay, Dagger. You’ll have Reed and Fishbone working with you. Dante and Ashton, you’ve got Max and Sam. Lincoln and Aaron, I have Zac and Mason watching you. These details start immediately, so be prepared to see a tail following you home tonight after rehearsal. And while you’re all getting your beauty sleep, the guards will do shifts with one on duty while the other one sleeps. Got it?”

“Yeah, yeah. Whatever works,” Lincoln grumbled.

Fizzbo talked for a few more minutes about the tour schedule before they all took a break. As soon as they were free, Lincoln grabbed Aaron’s hand and took him outside the back door. He roughly shoved Aaron up against the door and leaned in to press his groin against Aaron’s. Their lips collided next and a frenzy of tongues and teeth began and Lincoln’s mind was lost to the sensations of Aaron writhing beneath him. It was the sound of a man clearing his voice that caused Lincoln to break their kiss.

“Gentlemen,” the security guard said.

Lincoln glared at the man. His brain was still foggy with lust and for the life of him, Lincoln couldn’t remember the man’s name. “I’m sorry.” Lincoln’s eyebrows pinched together. “Who are you?”

“The name’s Zac,” he said. “Zac Mulligan. My partner is Mason Foxworth. We’re the two now responsible for your safety.”

“I remember what Fizzbo said,” Lincoln grumbled. “I just didn’t think . . . never mind.” Lincoln stood up straight and took a step back from Aaron to adjust his clothing.

“I believe Fizzbo explained your detail was to start immediately,” Zac said, his voice was low and full of conviction. “Coming out here by yourselves goes against our protocol. If you insist on staying, then I’ll need to be here, too. Or, you could take your boyfriend inside where I know you’ll be safe.”

Lincoln stepped closer to Zac’s chiseled face. “Do you have a problem with me being with a man?” Lincoln asked gruffly. Lincoln’s eyes canvassed Zac’s face. His strong jawline matched the forceful glint in his sea green eyes. A slightly crooked nose, no doubt the result from one or two fists to the face, led down to full lips drawn up on one side in a smirk.

“Why would I care where you stick your dick?” Zac asked. “My job is to protect you and right now I’m apparently protecting you from yourself. So, I suggest you stand down and head back inside.”

Their stand-off was brief and ended when Mason pushed open the door behind Aaron’s back and stuck his head out. “Everything all right out here?” Mason asked.

“Yep, just getting some fresh air,” Zac answered his partner. “We’ll be in in a minute.” Zac watched the door shut, then his eyes flicked back to Lincoln. “Are we good or do we have a problem?”

Lincoln felt Aaron’s fingers curl around his bicep and lightly squeeze the muscle. The feeling of calm that always came with Aaron washed over Lincoln and, just like that, Lincoln relaxed. He nodded at Zac and turned back to the building. “We’re good,” Lincoln said. “Let’s go see what the other guys are up to.”

Lincoln gave the handle of the metal door a firm tug and held the door open for Aaron to step inside. Zac was right behind Lincoln and once they were all inside, Zac made sure the door locked behind them.

Lincoln walked beside Aaron down the hall and found Dagger, Ryan, Dante, and Ashton in the room with the food table. Aaron stepped up to the table and grabbed two plates and handed one to Lincoln.

“Are you okay?” Aaron asked Lincoln.

Lincoln shrugged. “This whole security issue has me a bit rattled,” Lincoln said.

Aaron’s hand slid behind Lincoln’s neck and squeezed. Their eyes locked and Aaron said, “The security team has you covered. You’re going to be fine.”

“I’m not worried about myself,” Lincoln explained. “If anything happens to you because you’re with me . . . I’m not sure what I’ll do to that person.”

Dagger came up beside them and pressed his hand to the center of Lincoln’s back. “What’s going on?” Dagger asked.

“We’re just trying to wrap our brains around the body guards, that’s all,” Lincoln answered.

“I wouldn’t do this if it wasn’t necessary,” Dagger said. “You know that, right?”

Lincoln nodded. “It still freaks me out to know that part of our job will now be looking over our shoulders.”

“I disagree,” Dagger said. “That’s why we’re paying Ventura Security. They’ll be the ones watching our backs.”

“Be honest, Dagger,” Lincoln said with his eyes holding Dagger’s dark brown gaze. “The guards can’t be with us twenty-four-seven, so to some degree, we have to watch ourselves, too, and that’s the part that has me a bit concerned.”

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