Beyond the Velvet Rope (38 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Ashley

BOOK: Beyond the Velvet Rope
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She was always completely under his spell.

But outside of the bedroom, she was brutally aware of the fact she knew nothing about him. Nor he of her.

This train of thought concerned her, because it led to a series of questions she wasn’t quite sure she wanted answers to and which confused her, affecting her judgment. She told herself it was too early to consider such things. This thing between her and Elliot was simply a fling. And who was to say they would ever sleep together again? He was a player. He would soon tire of her. With luck, she would be back in New York when that inevitable event occurred.

“I could fuck you right now.”

She turned around to see Elliot standing in her room. She gave him a slow appraisal. He was wearing another one of his perfectly cut suits. This one was gleaming black, worn with an emerald green dress shirt. The colors complemented his dark looks superbly. Thandie didn’t doubt he knew how breathtaking he was.

Elliot closed the bedroom door behind him, approaching her. “If I didn’t know my guests would be here any moment, I’d rip that dress right off you.”

“You’ve done it before.”

“Yes, I have,” he said slowly. “And the night is still young.”

“Who’s coming to dinner?”

“You’ll see soon enough.” Looking down at the necklace she held in her hands, he asked, “May I?”

Taking the necklace carefully into his hands, he stepped behind her and clasped the lock in place. He kissed the very spot the necklace joined at the nape of her neck. She could feel the goose bumps pucker all over her body.

“Thank you,” she murmured.

“The pleasure was all mine.”

She turned to face him. His nearness and the fact they were in the intimate surroundings of her bedroom made the simple task of breathing a challenge. Thinking up a sensible sentence was impossible.

“Where are the girls?” he asked.

“Warren took them out. I doubt I’ll see them until morning.”


“For whom?”

“For us.” His eyes went dark with want.

Thandie shook her head and took a step backward. “Elliot, I want to strike a compromise.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“I want you to allow select journalists into the club.”

“I believe I made it very clear where I stand on this issue.” Turning, he left the room and sailed down the hall leading to the stairs.

“Yes, you have,” she said quickly, chasing after him. “But I have an idea that might be of interest to you.”


“Aren’t you even curious about my suggestion?” She pulled on his sleeve, slowing his progress down the stairs. He turned, looking up at her with a somewhat annoyed expression.

“No, Thandie, I’m not.” He continued down the stairs and crossed the living area. She caught up with him, stepping in front of him and forcing him to take note of her.

“Having press present will only help the club. The marketing behind it would be invaluable.”

“It goes against everything I stand for, Thandie. People come to my clubs for the exclusivity. I make a lot of money to keep their party methods out of the papers. I’m not selling out so you can get your name in the press.”

“This has nothing to do with me.”

“You’re a PR rep. You live to get your name in print.”

“At least listen to what I have to say.”

“My answer is no.”

“Just one photographer. You can personally approve them if you like.”


“They’ll only have access to the arena floor.”


Desperate, she pulled on his arm to stop him from walking away again. “Anything you want, Elliot. Just work with me on this. We need the press. I’ll agree to any outrageous demands you might have.”


“Yes,” she pleaded, “even if it’s some obscure photographer no one has ever heard of.”

“Anything.” He said this quietly to himself.

“Yes, dammit. Now will you agree?”

“I’ll agree to consider it.”

She nearly jumped for joy.

“But,” he said thoughtfully, “I’ll need a lot of persuading.”

She recognized his heated gaze, and she immediately released her hold on his arm. “What kind of persuasion?”

“The kind only you can provide.”

“But—we’ve already—”

He shook his head slowly. “Not even close.”

“Am I interrupting?” Thandie gave a start at the sound of Nico’s voice. He strolled into the living room wearing a smart gray suit and a big smile. “I can come back if you like.”

Elliot gave him the same look of indifference he shone on everyone. “Prompt as ever.”

“My mother raised me well.” If possible, Nico grinned even broader. “Another car pulled in behind me. I believe Matrix has arrived with the Sinclairs.”

Elliot nodded. And with that simple gesture, Nico left the room. Thandie was still frustrated by their earlier conversation and the sudden arrival and departure of Nico. She pressed her hands to her cheeks and hoped she didn’t look as flustered as she felt. She glanced at Elliot and was surprised to see he was staring at her. A slow smile crept across his lips. Leaning toward her, he kissed her lightly on the lips. When their lips parted he whispered the words, “Not even close.”

There was a burst of laughter coming from the foyer. After a few seconds, Nico entered the room with three visitors trailing behind him.

“Look who I found,” Nico announced.

Matrix appeared ahead of the group. Instead of shaking her hand, he surprised Thandie by kissing her on the cheek. He held her as long as possible before winking at Elliot, who only sighed tiredly before pushing Matrix aside.

Following Nico and Matrix into the room was a handsome couple. The man was blond-haired with clear blue eyes and a Colgate smile. He had a protective arm wrapped around the waist of a pretty African-American woman. She was physical opposites from Thandie. Where Thandie was tall and slender, this woman was petite and curvy. Her shapely figure was feminine and very sexy. Her long brown hair lay like silk over her brown shoulders, and her heart-shaped face glowed with life.

“Nick Sinclair,” Elliot said as he approached them.

Nick’s face split into a wide grin. “Elliot.” The two men clapped each other warmly on the shoulder. “You remember Laney, don’t you?”

“How could I forget?” Elliot said in a voice that was far too charming.

Nick didn’t seem to like that, and he struggled to hide a frown. “Watch it, Elliot. Don’t forget I’m quite jealous where my wife is concerned.”

“More like a Neanderthal,” Laney teased. Stepping away from her husband, she hugged Elliot. “It’s great to see you again. Thank you for the wedding gift. You really shouldn’t have.”

“Nonsense. You two deserve to have a trip without business getting in the way.” He winked at Nick. “Did you enjoy yourselves?”

“Absolutely,” Laney said with a laugh. “Although I’m not sure if I’m as desirable with the weight I’ve put on.” She smoothed her hand across what appeared to be a perfectly flat stomach.

Nick pulled her back into his side. “You’re more beautiful now than you’ve ever been, babe.”

Elliot rolled his eyes. “Newlyweds.” He turned to Thandie and offered his hand. “Let me introduce you to my newest staff member. This is Thandie Shaw. Thandie, this is Nicolas Sinclair and his lovely wife, Laney.”

After finishing the introductions, Elliot led them into the dining room, where the glass tabletop had been beautifully decorated. The smell of fresh-cut flowers made the air deliciously sweet. Small votive candles were placed around the table. The candlelight reflected off the glass surface of the table, making the setting look as if it were floating on a sliver of light. The feeling was intimate, romantic even, and Thandie could not help but be pleased she was seated at Elliot’s side.

Thandie found dinner conversation to be delightful. Laney and Nick were a charming couple. They flirted with each other and even had the modesty to make fun of themselves. Elliot, Nico and Matrix entertained themselves by flirting with Laney, something that clearly annoyed Nick. Nick’s obvious jealousy was endearing, and Laney was practically glowing with affection for her husband.

Laney was intrigued by Thandie’s profession and literally radiated excitement when she asked questions. It fascinated her that Thandie actually knew famous people. Thandie was sure Elliot would certainly have more exciting celebrity stories, but he appeared quite content to sit back and listen to the women talk.

The questions kept coming—Laney wanting to know who looked better in person, who was a jerk, and where did they shop. The conversation grew, and the two became fast friends. It did not take long before they were joining forces in quick word battles with the guys.

When they’d finished their entrées, Thandie stood to help the cooks Elliot had hired to prepare tonight’s dinner clear the table. Laney, who clearly needed to stand and stretch, offered to assist. They made quick work of collecting the dinner utensils before disappearing into the kitchen to help prepare the dessert. This was an ideal situation. It gave Thandie a chance to speak to Laney privately.

When Thandie was sure they could not be overheard by the men in the next room, she asked, “How long have you and Nick been married?”

“Officially, two months. Unofficially, four months.” When Thandie gave her a quizzical look, Laney lifted her shoulders in a slight shrug. “It’s kinda complicated.”

“I can’t help but notice Nick’s the first of his circle of friends to be married.”

Laney looked toward the table of friends who were now speaking in low voices. Her expression looked momentarily troubled and just as quickly vanished. “Nick and I have grown a lot together. A year ago—heck, probably even a few months earlier—I don’t think he would’ve been able to handle the concept of marriage. But—” she smiled to herself “—like I said, we’ve been through a lot.”

“How long have you known Elliot?”

“Now we get to the heart of things?” Laney teased.

Thandie gave a shy smile. “I was hoping not to come across as obvious.”

“You weren’t. Don’t worry.” Laney gave the guys a quick look. “I haven’t known him long. In truth, I’ve only met him a few times. But he’s always been a complete gentleman. Very charming rascal. He makes quite an impression, wouldn’t you agree?”

“I guess that goes without saying.”

“Just keep your eyes open,” Laney said.

“Are you going to expand on that tidbit of information?”

Laney shook her head. “Nope. You’re a smart girl. I have no doubt you know what you’re getting yourself into. Men like Nick and Elliot attract certain women, and they’ve become accustomed to the attention. I love Nick and I have no doubt he loves me, but every so often, I’m reminded of his past. So from one woman to another, the best advice I could ever offer is keep your eyes open.”

“What are you two whispering about?” Nick strolled into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around Laney’s small waist. “Are you trying to steal my bride away from me, Thandie?”

“I was thinking about it,” she said mildly.

Nick kissed his wife of the cheek. “Well, take a number.”

“Right behind me.” Matrix entered the room, a wicked grin on his face.

“You’ll have to wait your turn.” Nico followed his friend. “Laney promised to run off with me first.” He winked at Laney. She blushed. Nick frowned. Thandie laughed.

Elliot leaned in the doorway. “Are we going to have Laney—I mean, dessert—or what?” This made Matrix and Nico howl with laughter. Nick was practically growling.

They decided to eat around the massive kitchen island—miniature lava cakes with scoops of vanilla ice cream. They ate quickly; the playful banter continued, but the guys seemed to have agreed to a truce not to further annoy Nick.

When they were completely satisfied, they prepared to leave. They were going to Babylon, but tonight would be different. Neither she nor Elliot were working; they were VIP guests.

Elliot pulled her into the seat next to him, and he pressed his lips to hers for a quick skin-tingling kiss.

Upon arriving at their destination, Adam welcomed their group into the VIP area and led them to the elevator leading up to the Tower. Thandie yanked on Elliot’s arm in warning. He only laughed.

When the lift doors slid open, the lush view of shiny satin cushions and candlelight filled her eyes. The room was completely empty, except for a bartender and waiter. She looked up to see Elliot grinning at her.

They made themselves comfortable on the cushions. They were each handed flutes of champagne; Laney received bottled water. They toasted to a night of friends. A second round of drinks was delivered, and the music soon became irresistible. They danced, and as the drinks kept coming, Thandie was grateful for the privacy of the Tower. Matrix and Nico disappeared. Nick, Laney, Elliot and Thandie settled into their own pockets of the room.

Nick began kissing Laney’s shoulder, the base of her collarbone and then her neck, just behind the earlobe. As his lips made a slow progression, his hand, which had been on her knee at first, had now begun to slide up her leg, the fingers brushing her inner thighs. Laney released a bubbly laugh before pushing his hand away and closing her legs tightly. But Nick would not be denied the pleasures of his wife. In answer to her denial of his advances, he slipped his hand beneath her knee and, rather aggressively, pulled her leg up so that it hooked over his lap. Now, with her legs wide open, she was conveniently exposed to his eager hands.

Her dress fell over her thighs, which obstructed any view of Nick’s seeking fingers, but there was no denying what was happening. Laney quit trying to detour her husband.

They kissed with hunger; one kiss melted into the next. Nick knew how to pleasure his wife, if her gasps and whimpers were any evidence. Laney’s eyes sparkled with mischief, when she pulled his hand from between her thighs, held his fingers up to her lips and slowly began sucking them.

“So you like to watch,” Elliot said from behind her. Stepping closer, he placed a hand on her hip, pulling her into him, pressing her against his growing erection. When he spoke, his lips brushed the lobe of her ear. “Is this how you like it, puss? Do they turn you on?”

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