Bitten By Magic (3 page)

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Authors: Kelliea Ashley

BOOK: Bitten By Magic
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Below, someone cleared his throat and she froze. Fear was an entity she was used to conquering, but the dread of what was to come was something she couldn’t control. Slowly, she took one step down, then another. The stairs were lined with the same red carpet. The railing was smooth wood beneath her palm as she reached out to prevent herself from tumbling headlong down the stairs to land at the feet of the handsome male waiting for her.

Jaxson was tall, dark, handsome, and deadly. His fangs flashed as he raised his eyes to smile at her. A predator dressed in a newly tailored suit, complete with a black rose pinned to his lapel. His long black hair was pulled back and tied at his nape. He reminded her of a hero on the front page of a romance novel. Though she supposed he belonged more in a pirate story clinging to the wheel of a tall ship, wind whipping his dark hair.

“Mistress Carver, I am Jaxson Parks. I have been given the honor of escorting you on your journey to my Elder’s side.” He bowed elegantly, and then offered his arm to her.

“Nice to meet you.” She hesitantly placed her hand in the crook of his arm, surprised to find his sleeve warm despite the knowledge that he was undead.

“You are lying, but thank you for trying to be polite. Pardon me, but how the hell did he corner you into a handfasting?” he asked as he started to move.

“How, no longer matters.” Her heart pounded in her chest as she took in the crowded entryway that led right into a room filled with Vampires dressed to the teeth, sharp fangy teeth. Candlelight lit up the room, sending shadows dancing around the walls as it reflected off the ceiling, which was entirely made of glass. She craned her head to stare up through the glass to see the dark stars glittering above. The moon was absent as it was the beginning of the new moon phase. No moon signaled the rising of the Vampires and the resting of the Wolven, a species of wolves which her cousin, Allison, now ruled beside her Alpha husband, Reginald Leclair. Vampires and Wolven were natural enemies who shared a common hatred for the Witches; for her kind.

Rosalyn stood stiffly before them, her face a mask of indifference, at least until her eyes fell to the pink bouquet in Alexa’s hand. Nostrils flaring, her mouth dropped open, fangs flashing in a breath that softly hissed her displeasure. Alexa met her angry stare and smiled. She thought for a moment that the Vampiress would snatch the flowers and drive them through her heart, but Rosalyn spun away to move to the other side of the room.

“Lucky bastard, he can’t keep his eyes off you,” Jaxson whispered in her ear. Her eyes collided with the deep brown gaze of the oldest Vampire in the new world. Where Jaxson was swashbuckling sexy Wilhelm was devastatingly masculine. There was a veil of power and sexual energy surrounding him that both terrified and drew her. He looked thirty at most. His tall, muscular build was covered by a suit that matched Jaxson’s in every way, yet emphasized the elegance of the Vampire it covered. His expression didn’t waver from the emotionless stare as he watched them approach between the rows of standing members.

“Delivered to you safe and sound, my Elder.” Jaxson bent his head as he took her hand from his arm and offered it to his leader. Alexa shivered as Wilhelm’s big hand swallowed her slim fingers. He was also warm to the touch, and making her feel warm within the tight bodice of her dress.

“Thank you, Jaxson.” Wilhelm pulled her into position beside him. The blond Vampire standing next to him was a familiar face. Warren Montgomery was the head of Wilhelm’s Enforcers. His spiked blond hair and sparkling blue eyes would have made him stand out anywhere, but he looked especially conspicuous dressed in black formal wear. Montgomery’s lips puckered in a silent kiss as he sent a teasing wink her way.

She wasn’t surprised that the Enforcer was enjoying her discomfort so much. He’d placed himself in a compromising predicament that warranted her intervention. She hadn’t let him forget it and now he was rubbing her nose in it. Alexa turned her head away from his taunting grin as the robed priest began speaking in ancient tongues. She didn’t recognize the dialect, but she was very familiar with the voice. Levi Pierce was a member of the High Council of her Coven. He was third in position behind the High Priest. Any hope she might have had of breaking this handfasting ceremony flew right out the glass roof as he switched to Latin. His hands moved over them in a blessing before he took the ancient rope from his pocket and began to wind it around their joined hands. She forced herself to breathe as Levi turned to her. Only his nose and mouth were visible beneath the white hood of his ceremonial robes.

“Mistress Carver, do you pledge yourself to...Wilhelm in the eyes of the Goddess and all who bear witness to your oath?” Alexa felt her eyes sting, signaling their shift from green to black as she glared at the priest with a silent promise of retaliation. He instinctively took a step backward as Wilhelm’s fingers tightened on hers. She flicked a look at the powerful Vampire before her and licked her dry lips.

“I make the oath to pledge myself to you as the Goddess wills.” She saw a muscle at the side of his smooth jaw tic as he stared down at her. Levi let out a held breath in relief as he turned to Wilhelm, who made his own pledge. The rest of the lengthy ceremony passed in a blur as Alexa gave herself up to the fact that she was now bound to her unnaturally made enemy.

She was jolted out of her daze the instant Wilhelm pulled her close and pressed his firm mouth to hers. It was a quick, chaste kiss that lasted no more than a few seconds, but her lips tingled long after they accepted the congratulations of his people and several members of her Coven, most of whom were part of the faction that professed to hate the other two species. Apparently it was all a front for their real objectives.

“If you are hungry, you may go with Jaxson. He will show you to the dining hall for dinner. The Poppets will be brought in for our feeding.” Wilhelm’s dark eyes narrowed as she cringed at the thought. “Relax,
. I will not overindulge my appetite.” His deep voice sent a shiver down her spine as he traced a finger over her cheek slowly.

“Don’t hold back on my account,” she stated with a calm shrug as she turned to walk toward Jaxson. Her skin was crawling as they passed a line of young women and men barely in their twenties. They were brimming with excitement as they hurried into a room filled with dangerous animals.

“Don’t worry. They know what they are walking into. They won’t be killed. It is in our best interest to keep them alive and happy.” At her huff of denial Jaxson grinned. “You don’t know how the feeding works, do you?”

“I don’t want to know.” She shrugged a shoulder as she followed him through the big house. A person could easily get lost in the many rooms and hallways. The place was a maze elegantly decorated with expensive antiques and beautiful art.

“Think of it as a sensual act. When we bite there’s a chemical in our saliva that works like a drug. It hits our victim instantly, creating euphoria that mimics a strong lust, a physical need. They get the drug; we get to eat. It is a symbiotic relationship.”

“Yeah, as long as you guys aren’t too hungry, then it’ sorry.” She nearly ran into his broad back as he stopped quickly.

“Prejudice is a terrible weapon, Keeper. I’m surprised to see you carry it within that pretty head of yours. Before you judge us so harshly, perhaps you should learn our ways. See what a difference that might make in your marriage with Wilhelm.”

“I highly doubt anything I do will improve our marriage. As for any prejudices I may or may not be carrying, I can only promise to try to understand your kind.”

“Mistress Chambers, we are now
kind.” He grinned, his eyes lighting up with humor, and Alexa found herself grudgingly liking him. Now, that was a first. She followed him to a dining hall where several people were already sitting at a long table that easily seated twenty. Fine china and crystalware lined the lace-laden table. At their entrance, everyone stood.

“Mistress Alexa has come to take her place as our hostess.” Jaxson took her hand and led her to an empty seat at the head of the table.

“It is good of you to join us, Mistress. Welcome to the Hive.” An older gentleman bowed at her right side.

“Thank you.” Alexa held her shoulders straight as she slid into the high-backed chair held out for her by Jaxson. He helped scoot her into the table before he turned toward the door.

“I will return for you after dinner, Mistress. Do not worry. The food is prepared by Humans, not made of them.” She heard his quiet laughter as he left the room. Her eyes scanned the faces of the dinner guests. They seemed to be watching her as they returned to their seats.

“I had the very same look the first time I came to dinner here. Do not be frightened, you are safe here,” the middle-aged woman sitting to her left whispered to her with a sympathetic smile of friendship. Alexa didn’t feel safe, but she did want to put the woman at ease.

“Thanks. I’m out of my element here. I’m Alexa, and you are?”

“Oh, how terribly rude of me, Mistress. I’m Theresa Grant. Allen is my husband. We are your caretakers. We run the household. Let me introduce everyone. They work for the Master...and for you.”

Theresa proceeded to rip off names and job titles. Alexa would never remember all of them, but she did want to try. These were Humans, untainted by the Vampire’s chemical drugging. She didn’t care how delightful Jaxson made the act of feeding sound. It was still wrong. Her hand instantly went to her left shoulder where the healed scratch of her new husband’s fangs still tingled beneath her skin.

Alexa ate very little of the meal, though the roasted chicken and salad looked and smelled delicious. She was too preoccupied with her thoughts of Levi. The young priest was a follower of the High Priest, Michael O’Mallery. He wouldn’t be presiding over a marriage such as theirs without the approval of his spiritual leader. His absence at this table meant he was partaking somewhere else, perhaps with the Poppets. There was little doubt in her mind that Levi was the traitor who hinted at her involvement with Elaina Dunt’s kidnapping. Elaina, Wilhelm’s intended bride, found an escape when Alexa’s cousin, Allison, rescued her from the Hive and brought her to the Three Sisters of Fate to be protected from the Elder and his Vampire Enforcers.

Alexa was still wrestling with her own decision to take Elaina’s place beside Wilhelm as his wife. It was a selfless act of stupidity. Who else would have sacrificed her body and her freedom to pay for the actions of another? She would. She did. And now, the damage was done. She was tied for the rest of her natural life to her enemy, a Vampire who made no secret of his hatred of her. His dark brown eyes were so cold and hard when they looked down at her.

His lips, on the other hand, had felt firm and hot. How could an undead ancient without a soul be warm in any way? She shook her head to clear it. She had to keep her perspective here. First thing she needed to do was hunt down the little weasel that made her marriage contract unbreakable without death. Second thing was to ignore the way her lips were still tingling from a kiss that never should have taken place.

“Would you prefer we wait to cut the cake, Mistress?” Theresa leaned closer to her. There was hesitancy to the way she asked. Alexa wondered if Vampires were capable of digesting real food, or if blood was all they ate. She shivered with a disgust she couldn’t hold back.

“I think we should wait to ask...the Elder.” Did she dare call him her husband? “Excuse me, but I need the restroom. Where do I go?”

“Oh, down the hall, take the second left. You’ll pass a ballroom to the right and a conservatory on the left. Go straight and there are bathrooms, clearly marked. Would you like me to accompany you?”

“No, thank you. I should make myself accustomed to the layout of the house. Excuse me, please.” She stood up and moved at what she hoped was a calm pace. Her expression remained emotionless as she moved down the vacant hallway. When she was at the glass doorway to the conservatory she pushed it open and went inside.

Her eyes widened with pleasure as she took in the small trees and plants pulsing with life and energy. Here she could borrow some magic for what she needed.

Chapter Two

Wilhelm was beyond enraged! His chosen bride was in the warm bosom of the Three Sisters of Fate, unattainable, lost to him forever because of his new wife and her cousin. He was now tied to the cold-hearted Keeper of the Treaty—a treaty that kept him and his people under the feet of the Tri-Species Council. He couldn’t make a move without the Council’s approval after a pile of paperwork and redundant meetings! Now, he’d not only taken his enemy as his wife, but he’d invited the constant supervision of the High Priest’s little spy.

Levi Pierce was O’Mallery’s right-hand man. He was here to observe the rites of marriage and to make sure the Keeper was prepared for the weeks ahead. They needed her alive, but Wilhelm needed her to pay for what she’d stolen from him. As a compromise the High Priest had sent his workers to reconstruct the Hive’s dungeons. He might not be allowed to drain the little Witch dry, but he was going to get his pound of flesh from her.

Wilhelm’s head lifted as Warren came toward him with the offering. She was pretty. A slender blonde with sparkling blue eyes, clearly intoxicated with ceremonial mead, and dressed in a white lace dress, dropped her head in allegiance to him.

“We give this offering as a blessing to your new marriage, Elder Chambers.” Wilhelm took the young woman’s hand in his. She knelt before him, tilting her neck to the side in invitation. Those standing in the room stilled as he gently moved her soft hair off her neck.

“I accept this beautiful offering with appreciation and my thanks.” He surveyed the room, meeting the eyes of every member of his Hive before he bent his head to her throat. He was beyond hungry, having fasted as was the custom of his people before going to his wedding bed. Through the years, his kind had learned to never go to one’s chosen bride without first purging some of the hunger with an offering. It was too dangerous to try to feed off Alexa. He’d suck her dry, especially since the small drops of blood he’d taken from her hand and shoulder only made his thirst for her stronger.

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