Bittersweet Seraphim (24 page)

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Authors: Debra Anastasia

BOOK: Bittersweet Seraphim
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“He’s trying to save you, baby. He doesn’t remember you, but I guess he’s not a complete asshole. And he’s with a girl I made a few promises to.”

Jealousy made the dragon behind her fire up a bit. She could feel the sparks deflecting off her wings.

“You made promises to a girl?”

He bit his lip as he watched her flare. “I’d do anything to get to you…and I did.”

Their voices combined with running footsteps in the distance.

As sounds of approaching feet grew closer, and Jack reached out and yanked on her hand. “Fly me to the moon?”

She snarled at him, the dragon mimicking her.

“I’ll send you to the moon if you screwed her.” Emma held out her arms for an angry hug. He took advantage of the closeness to nuzzle her neck.

“There’s only you now. And I already had thousands of women, so you can’t be jealous.”

She whacked him hard on the butt and motioned for the dragon to follow. It slithered and scrambled behind them, trying to keep up.

“Did you just pimp slap my ass with your angel hand?” He was flat-out laughing at her.

She rolled her eyes. “You better beware, hot stuff.”

He snuggled into her breasts and occasionally shouted directions. When he finally told her to slow down and stop, his playfulness had evaporated. Emma set him down at the shores of a disgusting pond.

“That stupid fucker.” Jack ran to the side of a woman dressed in red.

As Emma came closer, she realized the woman wasn’t wearing red, she was covered in it.

She rushed to Jack’s side as he pushed yellow fuzzy hair out of the woman’s face. Her eyes were endlessly open and hot pink, her mouth cemented in a horrified circle.

Emma centered all her energy, but she could feel her reserves were diminished. Jack had required so much healing and this woman was clearly…

“Dead. He killed her. I didn’t even know it was possible. Holy crap, what has he gotten into? Can you…?” He trailed off as she answered his question with a sad shake of her head. She couldn’t fix this. There was no soul to claim, or so it appeared.

He stood and went to the nearest huge, furry lump.

“He killed the dogs? He killed Tiffany? Emma, I don’t know what this means.”

Emma went to another furry lump. It appeared to be a huge, dead poodle. She went to the last, just to make sure.

It was panting, gently. The dragon came closer, and Emma watched as it nosed the poodle.

Jack hollered, “Don’t let it eat the fucking dog!”

The dragon snarled and resumed nosing the poodle.

Emma shook her hands and laid them on the dog. It wasn’t dead, though it was close.

She found her last little pool of healing energy and hoped it was enough. Light flowed through her fingertips. She gently laid her wings on the dog. It was a bit before the dragon’s happy snarfing snapped her out of her reverie. The poodle stirred. Jack clenched and unclenched his fists. Emma patted the dog and left the dragon to its nudging.

Jack looked ready to do battle. “These are my minions. He’s killing
minions. Sure, they’re in Hell, but they do what they’re told. They deserve at least a chance. I’ve no idea what he’s into, how he killed her and her dogs. I can’t leave them at his deranged mercy. How can I do that to them? They trusted me.”

Emma admired him, but mostly she wanted to shake him. These things he wanted to keep safe were the worst in the universe.

The poodle she’d managed to save staggered to its feet, only to ignore everyone except Tiffany.

It lay down, put its huge head on its paws, and began to mourn her death with loud howls.

“Crap. Make it stop! Jack, it’s going to tell Everett where we are!”

She watched as Jack looked over her right wing. “No worries, baby. He’s already here.”

She turned and found Everett smirking. Behind him was row after row of minions, poised for battle. The corridor was wall to wall with muscle. Emma stepped in front of Jack and spread her wings. She would fight them all.

Everett had a different plan. He wanted to chat. “So, you two wasted your chance to get out of this place. What were you going for, Jack? Wanted to suck Lucifer’s dick one more time?”

“I could never after he’d had you. I’m sure your experienced blow jobs are far superior.” Jack pulled Emma’s belt loop until she was next to him, tucking himself in front of her wing. “Let me be a man, Emma.”

She wanted to suggest that talking about who gives better oral sex might not be the most testosterone-filled conversation, but she let him have his moment.

The minions behind Everett whispered to each other. Emma tried to hear what they were saying to no avail. The poodle had started growling, and the dragon copied her. Emma crossed her arms and grabbed a handful of feathers. She was armed for at least the first blows.

“Did you tell the minions you killed Tiffany? How’d they like that?” Jack stepped forward.

She didn’t like it, but Jack had the demeanor of a general.

“No one cares about that hot pink piece of trash. She gave me what I needed. And you were too stupid to at least screw Emma while you had a chance. Better for me, though. I hate a messy hole.” Everett leered at her.

It took tremendous restraint to not fly at him like an angry eagle. Emma tightened her hold on her feathers. She liked the way his eyes twitched when he looked at her hands. She bet the feathers had been painful. Emma glanced at Jack’s angry face. His jaw was tight, but the rest of him showed no fear.

Jack addressed the minions. “He’s gotten into something that can not only hurt you, but kill you—”

Everett interrupted. “Oh, sure, listen to him. He left you. And now he stands with the enemy? He came here to get her. Her pussy is like the Holy Grail for him. But with me? We can return to the Earth. How’d you like that?” Everett stopped and smiled like a generous father offering his children an expensive vacation.

The minions buzzed and began to come out of the tunnel, filling the room. The poodle and dragon’s presence prevented them from completely surrounding Emma and Jack, but it wasn’t looking good. Jack shook his head, not at all alarmed as the room filled with hundreds of Hell’s minions.

“If he gets us—Emma and me—hear me now: You have to take him down. He’s able to kill you. It shouldn’t be that way. Tiffany’s dead. His promises are false.” Jack pointed at Everett.

Everett laughed. “If you care so much about them, Jack, challenge me. Challenge me for the Devil’s position. It’s that simple.”

It was obviously what Everett desperately wanted, though it wasn’t clear why. Emma was about to tell Jack not to do it, but he answered quickly.

“No, I’m not a match for you. Yet.” Jack seemed to be meeting the eyes of all the minions, one at a time. The conversation with Everett was secondary.

“Well, how about this? They die one by one until you do try to claim the title again.” Everett grinned and slashed the air with his hand. The nearest minion fell dead, his skin erupting with blood.

“No!” Jack’s protest was harsh and loud.

Emma reacted because her wings gave her no choice. She flew to the fallen minion’s side and tried her best to bring him around. She had no healing energy to pull from. Jack and the poodle had drained her. It’d take time she didn’t have for it to replenish.

Everett’s snickering was close to her ear and sent a shiver through her spine. “On your knees. Just how I like it. Hello, Emma. No bars now.”

She reacted before she could think of the consequences. She gave him a quick uppercut to the balls. He screamed in pain. She stood quickly and went for a handful of feathers, but Everett grabbed her wrists, stilling her movement. He was still writhing from the waist down, but he forced a smile.

“You know, touching you is all I want.”

Emma hissed at him like a cat. The dragon lit them up, and she covered herself quickly with her wings. Everett stumbled back and let go of her hands, singed and burning. Jack caught her as she ran to the ragtag group. He was busy trying to update his minions.

“Just leave us here,” Jack urged them. “You guys have to go. Go to the pond and see if you can get Lucifer out of his Hellhole. Everett’s going to kill you, and I can’t stop him.” He pointed toward the exit. His minions looked perplexed.

Everett coughed and brushed off charred skin like it was dirt, revealing unmarred flesh beneath. “No one moves. Forget not who rules you. Jack’s nothing now.
Of course I know Hell is dying. That’s why we’re going up.” He pointed at the ceiling, which started to rumble.

Emma wasn’t sure if Everett had caused it or if the place was really compromised. An air of confusion filled the room as the minions wrestled with the awkward task of trying to make a decision. Jack put his arm around her shoulder.

“They can’t think for themselves. Most of them are used to being ordered around.” He shook his head.

Emma turned with everyone else as Jason, a woman, and two minions appeared on the scene as if they’d been called. Emma immediately shushed the dragon, who looked ready to fire up again, and the poodle, which growled menacingly.

Jason froze when he saw Emma. She shrugged and smiled, thrilled to see him despite the ridiculous circumstances. She left the comfort of Jack’s arm and flew straight at him, giving him a huge hug. He dropped the woman’s glowing hand to embrace her, looking bewildered at the sudden affection.

“Emma?” It was more a question than a greeting.

She landed and touched his face. “Jason. Thank God you’re okay.” She hugged him again, and he came away slowly, shaking his head. He truly didn’t remember. “You can leave my wings on this time,” Emma continued, needing to speak, even if he didn’t understand. “I never said thank you when you stood up for me in Heaven.” She touched his lips. “Thank you so much. It meant everything.”

Everett’s furious voice bellowed throughout Hell. “Hey, Slutacular! Can you put away your wanton ways for a fucking second?”

Emma turned to see where Everett was, but her gaze got stuck on a desperately angry Jack.

Chapter 28

Jack watched as Emma pulled away from Jason, suddenly seeming to remember the rest of them were here. He wanted to be understanding, but he was so goddamn furious. The last thing he ever wanted to see again was Emma entwined with Jason. He had fucking Everett, his minions not knowing what to do, and now his angel was flying the coop. Figures.

He tried to command the dragon to eat his frigging enemy, but the giant lizard just squirmed and watched over Emma like she was the dragon whisperer. Great thing to see before he died.

Emma turned to look at him. “He’s safe!” She seemed surprised he hadn’t cut up a wad of confetti to throw.

Everett grew tired of waiting. He commanded his army stupidly but efficiently. “Go get ’em.”

Jack turned and made sure his body was between the minions and Emma. His former employees walked slowly and shrugged. They didn’t seem to know how much was required of them.

Nero spoke up from behind him.

“Fellow minions, this day we make a choice. Follow Everett or Jack. I choose Jack, and you know what my sentence has been.”

Nero’s deep voice stilled the minions. He spoke clearly, and he looked better than he had in years, to say the least. Jack nodded at Kate. At least she’d freed her father.

Wait. She released her father? It was impossible. Unless…Jack looked at her hands. She glowed around the edges, and a quick scan told him Jason was glowing as well. He looked at his own hands. Lucifer’s power. It was the only way Nero could ever be released of his compulsion.

Jack used the stillness to his advantage. He approached the little group, pushed past Emma’s wing, and drew her close to him.

She touched his lips. Her hands were so soft. His whole body instantly wanted to lie on top of hers and feel the satin she was.

“Don’t be mad,” she said. “You know I love you.” Her eyes were limitless. He wished they were anywhere but here, about to be crushed.

“Back at you, pretty child.” Jack held out a hand to Kate and grudgingly let go of Emma to hold a hand out to Jason. Jason sucker punched him instead of grabbing hold. The half-breed was still a fighting dick shaft, apparently. “You stupid bastard. You think I want to play ring around the rosy with you in Hell? I’m going to tear you apart.” Jack cursed under his breath and composed himself. “Fuck nugget, seriously. I’m trying to meld our Lucifer powers to make a goddamn wall.”

Emma begged Jason. “Please, we need help.” She touched his forearm.

Jack missed nothing and saw Kate’s eyes fill with tears, yet she grabbed Jason and Jack’s hands. Jason growled the whole time, but he took Jack’s hand and squeezed it almost to the point of breaking. Connected with the two, Jack let the power course a bit and infuse his heart and mind before he spoke. “Simple wall.”

The minions were almost within arm’s reach when they were repelled by a clear divider. Jack had used the same power to block intruders from Emma’s Hell hallway. It was harder to form it now. Kate and Jason had to maintain the circle to keep the protection stable.

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