Black Night (35 page)

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Authors: Christina Henry

Tags: #Fantasy, #General, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: Black Night
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“So you’re basically trying to collect me and put me in your trophy case to show to the other fallen?” I asked. “And you think I’m a ‘creature of immense power’? Aren’t you supposed to be all-knowing and all-seeing?”
“You’re thinking of the other guy,” he said.
He leaned in close to me, and I could see the light of the sun sparkling in his eyes.
“In my kingdom, my word is law. When my heir becomes ruler, that individual would be able to make her own laws.”
I understood exactly what he was saying. If I ruled Lucifer’s kingdom, I could free Gabriel. I looked at him sourly.
“I don’t know if you’ve checked lately, but my name isn’t Eve.”
He opened the palm of my right hand and touched the place where his sword had marked me with his symbol. He winked at me, and an apple appeared there. I closed my hand around the shiny red fruit as he stood from the stair and stretched like a cat.
“Don’t think you’ll maneuver me into place,” I warned. “I know how to play chess, too, you know.”
He smiled at me, and it was the smile of the serpent in Eden.
“Then let the game begin.”
Ace Books by Christina Henry

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