Blackout: Stand Your Ground

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Authors: David Weaver,Shan

Tags: #Novels

BOOK: Blackout: Stand Your Ground
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“We the jury find the defendant, George Zimmerman; not guilty.”


The words echoed through
small home as if someone had thumped a seashell.
Not guilty.
eyes turned red as he stared at his television with eyes wide shut. He was there, but not there. He was light-headed, but blacked out simultaneously.


stared at her man nervously. She knew how hard he had been following Trayvon’s case, and how strongly he felt about the incidents that had occurred. She knew that his father had been killed some years ago by a white man, and that this particular case; although different, had many similarities. Her hands started sweating and her knees started shaking while trying to gauge what he was about to do. Finally, unable to take the mounting tension; she stood up and walked out of the living room silently.


stared at the television screen without blinking. Tears wrapped around his eyes as if they had been laminated. His forehead started sweating and evil thoughts raced through his mind effortlessly. He had done everything in his power to put faith in the United States’ justice system, but he’d finally saw things the way he always knew they were. There was no justice for people like him.


He had never been a bad person. He didn’t smoke or drink, didn’t hang in the streets, and didn’t have a thing for violence; hell he didn’t even care for rap music or fancy rims. Although he didn’t care about the typical things, the one thing he did care about was equal rights.


He glanced at the newspaper clippings on his living room wall. A clipping of his deceased father, who was killed trying to deliver a newspaper, was posted above his television. He thought back to how it happened and a tear fell from his eyes and absorbed into his cheap carpet.


His father had left for work one day and never returned. He remembered staring into his mother’s burning sadness as she tried her best to tell him what happened.
His father had been killed for nothing.
It had taken place when he was 14 years old, almost ten years ago to the date; and no matter how much he tried to suppress it, there were always going to be situations that reminded him just how much his skin tone was hated.


He gently placed the remote on the coffee table and walked outside in a trance. He stood on the porch of his single family home and stared at the crowd outside in disbelief.
There was a crowd of black men gathered, but he was soon to learn that the crowd was for the wrong reason. One guy mentioned the Trayvon verdict, and another guy responded; saying “He
’ get his


And that was it. They pulled out dice and started their weekly Saturday night dice game as if nothing had happened.
felt his heart skip a beat as he watched the same people who spoke of rioting, gamble their night away. Anger shot through him like lightning as he stomped back into his house. He went into the bedroom and pulled out the bottom drawer. Sitting on the floor underneath it was a black
40 and a box of ammunition. He picked the gun up and tucked it between his belt and his body, and then placed the ammo in his pocket.


jumped up off of the bed alarmed by what
had just done. “Baby, come here please! Come here and talk to me!”


stopped in the doorway and took a deep breath as he listened to his fiancé plead with him. He loved her dearly, and he always wanted to show her the same level of respect that she had shown him. “Please put the gun back
. You remember when you first got the gun….” She started, as she came over closer to him.


“You remember when you first got the gun… I asked you why you would buy the same gun that was used to kill your father? I asked you that
, and you answered me. Do you remember what you told me?”


turned around and stared into her brown eyes. “I do remember. I told you that this gun was for my protection and-”


“No! You said that gun was for
protection! So it’s only right that if you’re walking out of this house with that gun, that you take me right along with you! You will not leave me here alone


tears fell as he stared at his fiancé. He shook his head and tried to force a smile to reassure her that everything was going to be ok. “Baby, I’m just going to the courthouse with the rest of the protestors. I just
see what’s going on, and if they start tripping I don’t want you to be around that shit.”


wrapped her petite hand around
wrist. She returned his stare and shook her head at his suggestions. “See now… it doesn’t work like that
. I don’t want to live my life without you in it. So if you’re going to be around danger, then I want to be around it also. Furthermore, there’s nothing in the world that can stop me from going down to the courthouse, even if you say no. I love you, and I’m a part of you.”


looked at what
had on and just knew that she wouldn’t leave out of the house like that. He smiled at her strength, kissed her on the lips, and turned around and left out.




By the time he started up his car,
was running out the house with her sneakers in hand. She still had her hair wrap on her head, her cell phone was in her hand, and was still wearing his huge t-shirt that she only wore to bed. The t-shirt was so big that it fit like a dress on her petite body.



! Wait!” She screamed as she ran towards the car as fast as she could.
saw the dice game stop and saw the men stare at his fiancé run, and knew he couldn’t just drive off like that.


She climbed into the car, slammed the door, and put her seatbelt on as she braced herself for the ride her future husband was about to take her on. She knew that
had an anger issue, but she also knew that his anger had never been directed towards her. She felt she was fortunate to have found a man of his caliber, and nothing short of death would allow her to leave his side.


They drove down the block, made a left turn, and made it approximately 3 blocks before a police officer shifted from the left lane and into the lane that
was driving in. The police officer was following
closely as he made his way towards the Sanford courthouse.


said as she dropped her head into her palms. “Damn, damn, damn!”


glared at her briefly. “Get it together girl, you’re making me nervous.”


“He’s gonna pull us over
. I forgot to pay the car insurance.”


panicked. He couldn’t get caught with a firearm because he had been convicted on a felony theft by receiving charge a few years prior. His friend at the time had stolen some $30,000 Rolexes, and wanted him to hold onto one of them until things cooled down. As soon as he dropped off the Rolex, the police came through shortly afterwards. That was the last time that he considered himself as having a friend.


was a felon, and a gun was the last thing that needed to be in his possession. He tried to pull the gun out of his waistband discreetly; but before he could get it out, the police officer had turned the lights on.


“Give me the gun baby.”
said as she reached over and pulled it out of his pants for him.


“No, give it back
. I got it.”
said gently and without looking in her direction. “If he mentions anything about getting out of the car-“


“Do you realize that you’re driving without any insurance sir?” The officer asked as he flashed a light into
face and around the inside of the car. He flashed a light on
face also as he listened to


“I didn’t even know until just now Officer. I only live three blocks away, so if you’ll just let me turn around; I’ll park the car until I get the issue fixed.”


The officer flashed the light inside of the ashtray and back into
face. “Have you been drinking?”


was offended. There was nothing in his ashtray that could have made the officer feel like he was smoking, so the light shouldn’t have been in his face. There were no empty bottles in the car and there was no erratic driving on his behalf to make the officer feel like he had been drinking, so he was definitely confused. “I don’t drink officer.”


“Do you smoke? You been smoking reefer?”


“Reefer? I don’t smoke officer. I don’t-“


“I hear that shit every day. Step out of the car. Your eyes are red and swollen. You’ve been smoking or drinking and I just want to make sure you’re not under the influence. Young lady, put your hands on the dash. Young man step out of the vehicle.”


In an instance,
saw his life as he knew it flash before him. He saw his freedom removed from him for seven years, and his fiancé gone off to marry someone else while he sat rotting in prison. He tried to imagine his father’s gravesite unattended for seven years. He thought of his mother, and how much she depended on him. He loved his life as it was. There were things he disagreed with, such as the Zimmerman verdict; but for the most part, he was content.


Tears leaked down
face as
started unbuckling his seatbelt.
placed his hands on the door handle, and just as he was about to open the door; he heard some words that forever changed his life.


“I’m pregnant


The words set off an explosion. Three shots left the pistol and went into the officer’s body. The cop stumbled back and reached for his service weapon, only to be met with three more shots from


mouth dropped open wide as she stared at her fiancé. Her mind was racing and she couldn’t believe what she had just witnessed. “
! You killed a police officer!”


started the car up and pressed his foot against the pedal. He had never taken a life before, let along
hurting a peace officer; but his life was on the line. He knew in his heart that he would die before he let something happen to his family. He was his father in the flesh.


He drove through the backstreets of Sanford swiftly. He drove behind a grocery store, parked the car and got out.
got out and followed him as he walked back around the store. “
you just killed a police officer! They’ll give us the death penalty for that!”


snapped. “So what! I killed the officer in order to save my family. I knew the procedure! I was going to prison to be caged up like an animal for the next seven years! Zimmerman killed Trayvon for
He chased down and killed a black teenager for no fucking reason whatsoever! Zimmerman was grown! An old man! What old man let’s a teenager beat him up so bad that he has to kill him? It’s some
fuck shit!
They took my father away from me the
same way!

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