Blade Of The Vampire King (Book 4) (33 page)

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Authors: Lucas Thorn

Tags: #world of warcraft, #vampires, #trolls, #r.a. salvatore, #thieves guild, #guilds, #warlock, #heroic fantasy, #warhammer, #joe abercrombie, #david dalglish, #wizard, #d&d, #mage, #assassin, #necromancer, #brent weeks, #undead, #neverwinter nights, #fantasy, #elves, #michael moorcock, #sword and sorcery, #epic fantasy, #warcraft, #dungeons and dragons, #grimdark, #druss, #thief guild, #game of thrones, #george rr martin, #david gemmell, #robert jordan, #elf, #axe

BOOK: Blade Of The Vampire King (Book 4)
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The water pooled, soaking deep beneath the surface.

The snow twitched.

Then exploded outward as an arm reached frantically for the moon.

An arm with skin as black as obsidian.



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Nysta will return in
Nysta #5: The Wall of Darkest Shadow
In the shadow of the Doomgate, one of the biggest armies in the world has massed. Their weapons crave Fnordic blood. Their voices cry for the freedom of their abducted Queen.
Along the Wall, its defenders shiver in fear while their leaders squabble amongst themselves.
Many will die. Others will run. And, for a few, betrayal will beckon.
But just when everything looks lost, the defenders will be united by a woman. A woman whose fury cannot be contained. Whose spirit refuses to yield. She will lead the final battle against the infamous Black Blades of Cornelia. And she'll kill them all.
Or die trying...




Also Coming Soon:
Hemlock and Melganaderna #1:
Trail of the Necromancer



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