Blasphemous (12 page)

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Authors: Pamela Ann

BOOK: Blasphemous
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“What do you think I’ve been reading lately? It was jam-packed with tricks to make your man happy.” She then placed her hand behind my head and pulled me to meet her lips, before she kissed me into oblivion, the seductress managed to utter words that owned me forever. “I want to do everything you want, Bass. Teach me, show me how to please you, and I will do it ten times better.”

I had little idea what happened then, I think my world exploded then because Emma was becoming this sorceress who wanted to dominate all aspects of my life. Fuck, she owned my heart, but now she just made my cock fall hopelessly in love with her, too.

We were kissing as I eased out of her pussy and positioned her ass higher for my vantage. When I guided my cock inside her anal hole, she broke our kiss to let out a painful hiss. When the entire head entered her, she was biting her lip and her eyes were getting teary. “Shit, shit, that hurts. Fuck!”

“Do you want me to stop?”

She shook her head before whispering, “No.” She bit her lips again until she gripped my hip, eyes pleading. “I’m sorry. I know you’re probably in pain not moving and all, but can we just do it slowly? I mean, wait it out and kiss for now until I get comfortable?”

Need you ask? I smiled, giving her nose a kiss. “We have all night. Hell, we can do this some other time if you want.”

“No, tonight. Just need a few more minutes, okay? I want to do this with you. It’s painful, but I just need to get used to the pain.”


She shushed me and covered her lips with mine, until we were both consumed with each other that I barely noticed Emma moving her ass, asking for me to keep going. I didn’t oblige her request, though, instead I trailed my lips behind her earlobe, biting and grazing her favored spot. Then, I went further to my quest to tease her nipples senseless, pulling on them and biting those pebbled dark roses until she felt pain.

Her pussy juices were dripping lower towards her other hole, lubing us to go further as she flexed her muscles. Just right then, I simply lost control. I pulled out and slammed back into her, making her scream like she was being cut-open.

“Don’t hold back. Take me.”

I yelled her name in the most animalistic way as I started to rip her hole apart in such rabid speed that I barely heard her moans. My hand senselessly teased her nub before giving it a hard slap.

“Argh! Ugh. More!”

“I love it when you’re becoming my nasty whore.” I slapped that dripping cunt again until it was red with delight.

“Hands on my neck, now! Now! I’m coming!” she demanded in haste as her hand reached out and pleasured her, while I wrapped my hands on her throat and pounded her ass raw.

We were both lost in raptures as our bodies quaked with orgasms, erupting angrily out of me. “FUCK! EMMA!” I screamed when I felt my semen shoot out of my slit and fill her ass with a great load.

That orgasm was out of this world. It was so powerful, I felt like I was floating in the air. After, I was breathing extremely hard as my head nestled in between the valley of her breasts, when I felt her shake me.

“Are you okay, babe?”

I grunted out in defiance. “No. I’m not. I think we need to redo it all over again.”

“I would love to, but I’m too raw.”

Damn, I had forgotten that it was her first time. What a first time this was, though! Easing out of her, I situated myself next to her spent body before she curled up like a cat, sighing happily. “Do you need me to get you anything? To ease the pain?”

“All I want is for us to sleep with your arms around me.”

Doing as she requested, I held her like she was my lifesaver. Kissing her dewy skin, I inhaled her scent again before I released a contented sigh. “Thank you for that exquisite experience.”

“You were my exquisite experience,” she faintly murmured before falling in a deep sleep.

I wanted to stay this happy… just like this.

, if I could.


“Are you ready to leave?” I asked, hugging her from behind as I placed a kiss on her shoulder, both of our eyes stared at the beloved Aegean Sea before us.

“Yes and no.” Emma sighed, resting her body against my chest, wistful. “Are you?”

I was. Even though this place held so many beautiful memories, it was time to go. This was a nice reprieve from our old lives, but it was high time we brought our relationship back into our reality. “I love this place, but I know we have to start our lives back home. Are you ready to become a part of my life, Emma? It’s not going to be easy, I can tell you that now.”

“I know, but I honestly don’t care if your life is chaotic, Bass. All that matters is that we’re working things out—
I am more than ready for. The rest is just background noise that I could care less about.”

I was becoming such a sappy, sad bastard when it came to Emma, but I couldn’t help falling more with her when she talked this way. “New beginnings, here we come,” I murmured as I spun her around and kissed her forehead. “We have to get moving to Athens. Our pilot is waiting on the tarmac. It would be rude of us if we made him wait for too long.” I lifted her chin, wanting her eyes to connect with mine. “I promise, we’ll be back and explore more of that lemon grove

“I’d love that. Alright, let’s go, I have Lindsey to see.”  My adorable woman inhaled the air one more time before murmuring, “Goodbye, Greece. Until next time.”

There was always going to be a next time, moro mou, don’t you ever doubt it
, I silently promised as I linked my fate with hers.


Chapter 10

Los Angeles

“You only need one man to love you. But him to love you free like a wildfire, crazy like the moon, always like tomorrow, sudden like an inhale and overcoming like the tides. Only one man and all of this.” 


- C. Joybell C.





We arrived in a private airport in San Fernando Valley right about ten at night. By the time we got back to Bass’s home in Hollywood Hills, we were drained, jet-lagged and ready to just call it a night.

Just before sunrise, I felt Bass seeking his way into me. So, we stayed for another few hours laughing and remembered our time in Greece.

When he finally went downstairs to get breakfast, my mother called. She knew I was seeing Bass, but she didn’t really know what the deal was since I didn’t share much with my parents. You see
, they really liked Carter for me. The reason behind our break-up was something I hid from them. I wasn’t sure why, but I think it could be along the lines of embarrassment.

I was halfway through with my yoghurt when Bass placed something on the counter before he kissed my forehead.

“Here’s the key to the house and the gate remote. The security code for the alarm is on the back of the remote.”

Gulp. Whoa, he really was serious with me. Grinning from ear to ear, I kissed him before I pinched both of his cheeks. “You’re trusting me with your house keys?” I wiggled my brows. He should know that women take these things seriously. Hell, I could show up here at four in the morning if I wanted to. Did he really want any of that?

“It’s my home. I want it to be yours, too. I know school’s about to start, but I want you to know that you can always come by anytime you feel like it.” He took a spoonful of my yoghurt and ate it with gusto. “This way, you can spy on me anytime.”

“Aye, sir. I will spy away.” I licked the teeny yoghurt sitting atop his upper lip before meeting his eyes. “Thank you, Bass. This means so much to me.”

“No prob. So, what do you want to do today?” He was almost done with my breakfast and was reaching in the fridge to get another one. Naked from the waist up, muscles flexing as he went about.

My man was sexy. Damn, I was super freaking lucky to have my eye candy and man candy all in one. He was so delicious; I just wanted to jump on his bones and never let up.

“Emma?” He was giving me his secretive smile again. Bass usually gave me those when he caught me devouring him with my eyes.

“Sleep for a few more hours. Want to catch some snooze with me?” I friskily asked, loaded with innuendoes.

“You know I would, but I can’t. I have a lunch meeting with the
Knights of Cimmerian
director. You’re more than welcome to come with.”


“No boring meetings for me. I’m off to bed.” Giving him a chaste kiss before he slapped my ass. God, I loved it! “You spank me good and I love you for it.”

“I know you do, my gorgeous nymph.”

“See you later?”

I was halfway on the stairs when I heard him. “I love you, Emma.”

Beaming like the lovesick idiot that I was, I responded, “I love you, BC.”


“Wake up, Emma.”

“Go away,” I groaned in pure protest.

“You can continue sleeping outside. There are two massage tables next to the pool area waiting for us. You can get your snooze while we get pampered,” Bass whispered into my ear, making me perk up.

Massage? Now? Hell yes! “Give me a second,” I said before he kissed me on the forehead. 

Bass was spoiling me rotten and I couldn’t help smiling when he had masseuses out here during sunset.

For an hour and half, we were relaxed and enjoyed the view of Los Angeles below us. From time to time, I enjoyed the view next to me.


Two hours later, I was screaming his name.

“Bass, I’m on my period!”

He rushed to the bathroom, huffing as he looked at me, confused, then it clicked in his head.

“Can you go to the store and get me some tampons, please?” I pleaded in my this-is-highway-emergency voice.

“Right, of course.” Bass looked rattled for a second before clearing his throat. “I’m going to be back soon. Will you be okay? Do I need to get you something else while I’m gone? Tylenol?”

“I’m okay.”

Bass looked so unsure I just wanted to give him a kiss. “You’ve never done this before, huh?”

That earned me a smirk. “Of course, I haven’t. I did say you were a lot of my firsts.” He spoke as he went inside his walk-in closet and grabbed a shirt and then paused to give me a kiss before he left the house.

Twenty minutes later, he came back with two plastic bags full of God knows what. “I only needed one box of tampons, Bass.
What are all these?

He placed it on the bed and took out a box, reading the label before throwing it to me. “Vaginal douche. Cleansing wipes, panty liners. Hell, everything that related to—
these things,
I got. There were just so many to choose from. How the hell would I know the difference between super heavy and heavy? You never specified.”

Pressing my lips together, I was trying the best I could to hold back my laugh, but failed miserably. “Bass, calm down. It’s okay… Thank you for getting me a douche.” I gestured towards all the crap on the bed,
then paused, my eyes focusing on one item. “
You got hot and cold lube?
What the heck for?”

“Just in case.”

“Hah! You’re so bad.”

“And you love it.” He strode over to me and planted a quick kiss on me. “I’ll be in the kitchen starting dinner. Don’t be too long.”

“I won’t.”

Two hours later, I was packing some serious pounds in my belly. “Argh, I’m going to get fat with all this food you cook for me. Not to mention, that you always shove down dessert like it is mandatory to finish the entire Chocolate Bundt off.”

“I’d still love you even if you’re fat.”

While watching
all those hot women race for my downfall? Not in this lifetime, buddy! “Maybe, but I just need to maintain exercises with Shiva and start pole again with Trista and Amber.”

“That thing you did in
Santorini was hot.” He lustfully glanced at me, all passionate and seductive.

“I know, Bass. How could I forget? You kept me up all night.”

That made him snort. “Don’t act like you didn’t enjoy it because my ears wouldn’t forgive you if you denied it.”

“Ugh! You’re hopeless.”

“So are you.”

“Guess that makes the two of us perfect for each other.” Smiling as I winked at him, I picked up the empty dishes and took them to the sink.

We both worked together cleaning up our mess, rinsing the dishes before placing them in the dishwasher. After ten minutes, Bass was busy typing on his phone whilst talking to me. “Do you want to watch a movie first then shower, or the other way around?”

“Shower, then movie. I’d love to fall asleep in there like the last time. Do you remember that? When we watched Tristan and
Isolde?” I reminisced about the time where I was so intrigued with this new man I found so fascinating.

I watched as he carefully placed his phone back on the counter as he slowly lifted his eyes to meet mine. “I remember everything that has you in it, Emma. Most especially last year.”

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