BLAZE (6 page)

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Authors: Jessica Coulter Smith

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Luna knew once she was out of the building and into whatever car he had

waiting, that it would be next to impossible for Blaze to track her. She tried screaming and fought even harder, but it just seemed to piss off the man taking her hostage. As she kicked out, she managed to slam shut one of the dressing room doors. The sound reverberated throughout the area and she hoped it was enough to make Blaze come check on her.

The emergency exit popped open with a screech of sirens and she was hustled

outside. A man waited beside an SUV with an open door. As she drew nearer, she recognized Ricardo. She thought she was going to wet her pants she was so scared, but she tried to hold it together, telling herself that Blaze would come for her.

“If it isn’t my long lost sister,” Ricardo sneered. He grabbed a handful of her hair and jerked her head to the side. “We’re going to have a little bit of fun, and then you’re going to fulfill the contract I signed five years ago. The President of the Black Daggers was most interested when I told him I’d found you. I think he has
plans for you.”

Luna couldn’t hold back her whimper at the thought of being at the mercy of that monster. She’d rather face her brother a thousand times over than be left with the stone cold killer.

“Luna!” She heard Blaze call for her and tried to scream.

“Shit! I thought you got rid of him,” Ricardo said. “Stuff her inside and let’s get the hell out of here. That’s a big motherfucker and I don’t want to tangle with him one on one.”

A roar split the air and she wondered if he’d shifted, but she couldn’t see behind her. The man holding her crammed her inside the backseat of the SUV then slammed the door shut. He got into the passenger seat as Ricardo slid into the driver’s spot. The locks weren’t engaged, but no matter how frantically she pulled on the door handle, it wouldn’t open.

Ricardo laughed. “Child locks, sister dear. You’re not going anywhere.”

Luna beat on the glass as the SUV pulled out of the lot. She twisted to look out the back window and watched as Blaze erupted out of his clothes and into a massive grizzly bear. The animal lumbered after them, gaining in speed, but the poor beast couldn’t keep up with the SUV.

Tears streaked her cheeks as she watched her mate get smaller and smaller.

“Fucking shifters.” Ricardo glared at her in the rearview mirror. “You’re fucking a goddamn shifter? I knew you were just a piece of trash. I’m guessing you gave it up to him. I knew it was too good to hope that you’d still be a virgin, but maybe your new owner won’t mind so much. You can show him all the tricks you’ve learned in the bear’s bed.”

“Blaze is going to come for me, and when he does, you’re going to be sorry.” She sniffled. “I’m his mate. He’ll never stop looking for me.”

“We’ll see if he still wants you once I’m finished with you.”

“If you’ve sold me to the President of the Black Daggers, won’t he be upset if you hurt or scar me?” she asked, hoping what she said was true. She didn’t think she’d be able to withstand any of Ricardo’s torture methods.

“Don’t worry, sweet sister. He just wants a hole for his dick. I don’t think he much cares what you look like. He has an old lady for that. If you hadn’t fucked up, that could have been your spot. But you had to get squeamish and take off in the middle of the night like some spoiled brat.”

“I don’t want that life, Ricardo. I never did.”

She watched his hands tighten on the steering wheel. “Growing up, it was

always about you and what you wanted or needed. Well those days are over, dear sister. Mommy and Daddy aren’t around to wipe your nose for you anymore. It’s time for me to finally get what I deserve, what I’ve worked so damn hard for, and you’re my golden ticket. Once you change hands, the Desert Dogs will see I mean business and hold up my end of an agreement, and then they’ll have no choice but to give me the V.P.’s spot.”

“All of this is so you can be V.P.?”

“I could have had the President’s spot all those years ago if you hadn’t fucked me over. But the Black Daggers backed out of the arms deal we had when you

vanished. Their President decided that if I couldn’t handle my own sister, then I couldn’t be trusted with something as important as selling the AK’s they’d smuggled into the U.S.”

“Poor, pitiful Ricardo.” If she were a shifter, she’d have bared her teeth at his sorry ass. “You think I give a shit if you’re low on the totem pole in your lame ass biker gang? The Desert Dogs haven’t let you rise to a higher position because they know you’re shit. Everyone knows it but you.”

“You would be wise not to anger me, Luna.”

She watched her brother’s face flush and grinned like a loon. “If you’re going to torture me anyway, what do I have to lose? You can go fuck yourself, Ricardo. I doubt anyone else would.”

The stench of burnt rubber filled her nose as he slammed on the brake and

swerved onto the side of the road. He got out of the SUV, then jerked open the back door. When Ricardo leaned in and grabbed her by her hair, she was ready for him. It hurt, but she let him drag her from the vehicle and then she did what she should have done all those years ago.

Drawing back her foot, she nailed him between the legs. His grip on her loosened and she punched him in the nose before kicking him in the balls a second time, just to make sure he wasn’t able to run after her. The man in the passenger’s seat was too busy laughing his ass off to come after her.

Before Ricardo could recover, Luna ran as hard and fast as she could back the

way they’d come. “Help! Someone help me!” She screamed as loud as she could as she ran down the street.

As she crested the hill, she heard the purr of a half dozen bikes. Coming up the hill was Blaze with part of his crew behind him. She fell to her knees, tears streaking her cheeks, as relief poured through her. She’d never been so happy to see someone before and couldn’t do much more than cry as he leapt off his bike and ran to her side.

Blaze wrapped her in his arms and she clung to him fiercely.

“We’ll take care of the trash,” one his brothers said. “You just worry about your mate.”

Luna pulled away to watch what happened to her brother, but Blaze hid her face against his chest.

“Honey, you don’t want to see what happens,” Blaze said. “Just rest easy

knowing that you’ll never have another problem out of your brother or the Desert Dogs. The Steel Riders will send them a message they would be stupid to ignore.”

“The Black Daggers President is still waiting for me.”

“Then we’ll deal with that too, but another day. Right now, I want to take you home, let you soak in my tub for a bit, and then claim you all over again. When I thought I’d lost you, my heart nearly stopped. Don’t ever scare me like that again!”

She nodded against his chest and tightened her grip on him. She heard gunshots and flinched, but didn’t look to see what was happening. If Blaze said she didn’t want to know, she’d trust him. Besides, if the cops asked her anything, she’d be able to deny knowing what happened to Ricardo or who had done something to him. It was better that way. She wouldn’t betray Blaze by fingering any of his brothers in the crime.

Blaze lifted her into his arms and carried her to his bike, then eased her down onto the seat. She swung her leg over and waited for him to get on, before wrapping her arms around his waist. With her eyes shut tight, she felt the wind whip through her hair as they zipped along the streets. The bike came to a stop and she opened her eyes to see Blaze’s home for the first time, her home now too.

It was a cute bungalow with a small front porch, a fresh coat of paint, and

blooming jasmine near the door. It wasn’t at all what she would have expected a biker’s home to look like, not a bachelor like Blaze, but she liked it. He helped her off the bike, and before she could take a step, he swung her up into his arms again and carried her up the steps.

Inside, he let her slide down his body while he flipped on the lights. She smiled at the typical bachelor furnishings and let him lead her down the hall to the bedroom.

The bed was massive and she couldn’t wait to try it out. She barely got a look before he was dragging her into the bathroom and running some water for her.

“Strip,” he said.

She flushed, knowing that while they’d had sex, this would be the first time he’d seen her completely naked. She managed to pull off her clothes without too much embarrassment, but couldn’t quite look him in the eye. Blaze tipped her chin up and forced her to meet his gaze.

“You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” he said. “I want you to get in that tub and I’m going to wash away their touch. When you get out, we’re going to put it all behind us and focus on starting our life together. Deal?”

She nodded.

Blaze helped her into the tub before removing his cut and shirt. Luna leaned back and wet her hair, letting him wash the long, dark strands. As his hands coasted over her body, she felt her nipples tighten and she began to ache for more. He had a look of intense concentration on his handsome face, and she wondered if she could convince him to do more than just go to bed tonight. She wanted to start their life right, by making love with her mate.

“You’re quiet,” she said.

“I’m reassuring myself that you’re really here and you’re safe. I about lost my damn mind when I lost sight of the SUV, but someone alerted Flash about a grizzly sighting and he brought me a change of clothes, as well as a small crew to track down Ricardo and get you back. I owe them.”

“I’ll bake them a cake. Or three.”

A ghost of smile swept across his lips.

Luna stood and reached for a towel. She stepped out onto the mat and dried off, then reached for Blaze’s hand, leading him into the bedroom. With her gaze fastened on his, she slowly unfastened his pants. He toed off his boots and finished undressing, then seemed to watch her, as if waiting to see what she would do next.

She dropped her gaze and saw that he was already hard and ready for her. Luna

pushed him down onto the bed and crawled up his large frame. After placing a gentle kiss on his lips, she trailed kisses down his chest and then wrapped her hands around his monster cock. Luna licked her lips then slowly took him in her mouth. He was huge and she knew he’d never fit, but she fisted the base of his cock and swallowed as much as she could.

Blaze groaned and bucked his hips making her gag for a moment. She breathed

through her nose and relaxed her throat, taking a little bit more of him before pulling back, then swallowing him again. As her head bobbed up and down, he fisted her hair and pumped his hips in time with her motions. She felt his balls draw up and knew he was close. She sucked harder until he came down her throat.

Luna pulled away and licked her lips. The fiery look in Blaze’s eyes made her so very wet. He gripped her waist and flipped her onto her back, coming down over her.

He bent down, brushed his nose against her throat, and then froze. Blaze jerked and looked at her, wide-eyed, and then moved down her body and sniffed her belly.

“Blaze? No offense, but you’re being a little weird.”

He let out a soft rumble before kissing her stomach.


He crawled back up her body and kissed her softly. “I promise to be gentle.”

“Gentle? What are you talking about?”

“I forget you aren’t a shifter and don’t know. You’re pregnant, Luna. I didn’t wear a condom earlier. I should have known right away, but I was a little preoccupied by your car going up in flames.”

Now it was her turn to stare at him wide-eyed. “You can smell me and know I’m

pregnant? But it’s only been a few hours!”

“Your scent has changed. You smell faintly of bear, and it isn’t because of me rubbing up against you. The scent is coming from inside, and coming out in your pheromones."

“Does that mean I’m turning into a bear?”

He smiled. “No, sweetheart. It just means you’re carrying one.”

Luna wrapped her arms around him and pulled him down for another kiss.

“Then we should definitely celebrate.”

Blaze ran his fingers over her pussy and then licked them clean. “Someone is

definitely ready for me.”

She spread her legs more then wrapped them around his hips. Blaze lined up his cock and sank into her. Her nails bit into his shoulders as she stifled the moan that wanted to come out. Blaze filled her so perfectly that she knew she’d never tire of making love with him.

He took her slowly, gently, every stroke restrained. She felt the tension in him and wanted to tell him he could let loose, but something told her he wouldn’t do it.

Unless a doctor told him he wouldn’t hurt the baby, he would be in overprotective mode. And she found that she loved him for it.

As Blaze loved her, long and slow, she felt her body tightening and straining for release. He did a swivel with his hips that hit just the right spot and sent her soaring.

Luna cried out his name and clawed at his shoulders as she spiraled out of control before she came crashing back to earth. She felt him come inside of her and then he was kissing her with an urgency that startled her.

“What was that for?” she asked.

“I know it’s too soon, but I love you, Luna. You’re mine, always and forever. I know things are different for humans and you need some time…”

She placed her fingers over his lips. “I may be human, and yes, things are

moving really fast. But after everything we’ve been through today, you know what kept me going? Knowing that you were going to come after me. I didn’t doubt for one second that you would tear the town apart until you found me. I love you, Blaze. You’re a wonderful, honorable man, and I’m lucky to call you my own.”

“I’m the lucky one.”

She smiled up at him and caressed his scruffy cheek. She might not have woken

yesterday morning and thought
I’ll mate a bear shifter
, but it had happened and she wasn’t sorry. He’d saved her life, but not just by keeping Ricardo away from her. He’d brought meaning to her life again. Yes, an M.C. came with him, and she wasn’t too thrilled about that part, but she wouldn’t change a single thing about Blaze.

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