Blazing Hotter (Love Under Fire Book 2) (28 page)

Read Blazing Hotter (Love Under Fire Book 2) Online

Authors: Chantel Rhondeau

Tags: #romance novel series, #firefighter, #Love, #Serial killer, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Blazing Hotter (Love Under Fire Book 2)
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Author’s Note

hank you so much for reading
Blazing Hotter
! I’ve had Frankie’s story roaming around the back of my mind ever since finishing
Blazing Love
last year. The pain in the butt probie who was supposed to be someone to hate during Thayne and Laura’s story turned into a character I loved and knew needed his own romance. I’m very pleased with how Frankie and Cassie’s lives turned out, and I hope you enjoyed reading about them as well.

I had a few tie-ins with other books of mine throughout this story. Of course, Thayne and Laura had to be there since they were in
Blazing Love
, but it was also fun to have them get married on McCallister’s Paradise, the world of my contemporary romance series. If you missed Thayne and Laura’s love story, I tried to keep the mystery aspect of that still a mystery so you could pick their book up. If McCallister’s Island perked up your interest, you can check out the first book in the series for free (
Happy Endings
) and get to know the McCallister siblings.

As far as what is up next for me, I’m going to finish the final McCallister book, telling their baby brother Shane’s story as he cooks his way into love. After that, I have several Christmas novellas to write this year and then I might start a new series about a paranormal investigator and his uneasy romance with a skeptic who wonders if the man is a fraud. I keep dreaming about this couple, and although I haven’t written paranormal stories thus far, I’m hoping enough of you will have an interest in reading about them. So far, in my mind, they are a compelling couple and I can see a few stories involving them.

As always, I appreciate you reading! A review is always helpful to authors, and I’d love to hear what you thought. Hoping this year has brought you happiness and love so far. Keep following your dreams and happy reading!

~ Chantel April 3, 2016


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Chantel’s Books

Romantic Suspense

Stand-alone titles:

Always & Forever

Crime & Passion

Murderous Lies


Agents in Love Series:

Love & Deception – Book 1

Love & Redemption – Book 2


Love Under Fire Series:

Blazing Love

Blazing Hotter


Contemporary Romance

Stand-alone titles:

Season For Love: A Christmas Romance Novella

Unexpected Gift (Sweet Christmas Romance Novella)

Loving Lucy (Sensual Christmas Romance Novella)

Serving Up Love


McCallister’s Paradise

Happy Endings –1

Diving Into Love –2

For Love or Charity –3

Love’s Ride –4

Cooking Up Love –5
(coming soon)

Preview of Blazing Love

f you missed Thayne and Laura’s romance, read on for a preview! Available on Amazon Kindle and through Kindle Unlimited:

Chapter One

No, no, no. Why does he have to come in here every day? He’s so hot. No man should be that hot. Calm down girl. You got this.

Laura Lyons flashed a tight smile, hoping nothing in her blue eyes would give away her thoughts. “Mr. Bloodgood? How can I help you? Is there another rescued kitten needing help?”

With a shrug of his powerful shoulders, Thayne Bloodgood stepped up to the counter, leaning across it so far, she could smell his spicy cologne. “I don’t have another kitten today. I came to see you.”

A shivery rush of delight wiggled down her spine, ending with a jolt below her waist.
None of that!
she scolded herself. She could understand why god man never took the hint she didn’t want to date him—she couldn’t even get her body to understand it.

Thayne grinned, showing his chipped front tooth, his only imperfection—and he’d said that was from a man he rescued from a burning building. Apparently, the guy headbutted Thayne when they got outside. Even his imperfections showed how perfect he was!

He clasped his hands on top of the counter, bulging the sinewy muscles all the way up his arm. His tight-fitting FDS T-shirt didn’t hide his well-defined shoulders or muscular pecs.

Not for the first time, Laura’s heart raced and her body tingled all over when looking at him. She thought about the small Xanax pill in her purse, wondering if she would have to take it.

Thayne let out a deep chuckle, turning Laura’s knees to Jell-O. It was a damn good thing she had a chair behind her. It would be embarrassing to tumble to the floor in front of a man who had to be Zeus’s long-lost son. Powerful, brave, hot. Yep, Thayne had to be someone out of Greek mythology.

“You have nothing to say, Laura?” His grin widened. “Or did you plan to just stare at me all afternoon without speaking?”

Heat rushed up Laura’s neck, and she wished the floor would open up and swallow her. How long had she been inspecting his perfect physique?

“I-it-it’s nice to see you,” she stammered, her embarrassment deepening.
Lovely, I sound like an inarticulate imbecile. Maybe even someone having a seizure.

Then again, if I needed it, Mr. Hot Bod could give me mouth to mouth.

Laura swallowed her sudden giggle. It wasn’t as if she could actually date him. It was against her rules. But, damn, did she ever love looking at him.

Then came his inevitable question. “Wanna catch a movie tonight? Maybe dinner? My treat.”

Oh, come on. You have to stop asking every day. I don’t have that much will power. I can’t date you. You’re a fireman. Leave me alone!

Not that she was sure she wanted that. Just because she had rules about dating men with dangerous jobs, that didn’t mean the attention was unwanted. Boy, did she want it. Luscious lips, hot spicy scent, fabulous muscles—Thayne had it all, and almost every day for the past two months, he’d offered it to her.

“Mr. Bloodgood, I ca—”

“Thayne,” he interrupted. “How can I be your date if you don’t use my first name?”

Laura’s fingers twitched to grab her anti-anxiety meds. Couldn’t he see what he did to her? Her breathing came out in shallow gasps and she trembled all over. It had to be a panic attack, right?

“Tell you what, Laura.” He leaned even closer, his deliciously warm scent overwhelming her as he stroked her forearm lightly. “Go out with me one time. If it’s horrible, I’ll go away and never bother you again.”

She shook her head, not trusting herself to speak.

“Come on. I know you want to. Why do you keep saying no?” He brushed strands of light brown hair from her face, and his fingers lightly caressed her cheek. “I know we have chemistry, Laura. Give in to it.”

Dr. Vicky Blain, the veterinarian and owner of the clinic, chose that moment to step out of her office. “Is my three o’clock here yet?”

Laura turned, seeing her boss and friend blink slowly a few times.
Great. Just what I need. She’ll never let this go. She thinks Thayne is the answer to all my issues.

Vicky gave a bright smile, walking dreamily toward the counter. “Thayne,” she cooed, breathless. “How nice to see you.”

Nope. Laura didn’t need the anti-anxiety pill. It wasn’t a panic attack. Thayne had that knee-weakening, body-tingling, heart-racing reaction on every female.

Thayne threw a wink at Vicky. “Hey, Doc. I just popped in to ask Laura to the movies.”

“Again?” Vicky shot Laura a dirty look. “And you, being you, turned him down, didn’t you Laura? What does the man have to do, come in here shirtless?” Vicky’s eyes widened and she turned back to Thayne. “You know, that might not be a bad idea...”

Thayne licked his lips and shook his head. Maybe it was nerves on his part, but the seductive motion of his tongue worked to weaken Laura further.

“You’re a married woman, Dr. Blain,” Thayne reminded her.

Vicky blushed. “Of course. I meant it could help you land this prude if you showed off those firm, hard...” Vicky stared at Thayne’s chest.

Laura cleared her throat, reminding the vet that she was in the middle of a conversation.

Vicky startled, then jerked her eyes toward Laura. “Come on. What’s your problem?”

My problem? My problem is I’m wondering what else Thor can do with that tongue. Thor? Ha, ha. I’m mixing my Greek and Norse mythology. I don’t care which you use, though. It doesn’t make him any less hot.

Thayne’s pecs flexed, making the logo on his shirt jump enticingly. “What do you say, Laura? Even your boss agrees we should go out.”

She sighed. “Look, Thor, I’m sure you’re a really good date, but I don’t go out with firemen. I’ve told you that.”

“Thor?” His brow wrinkled in confusion. “You don’t even know my name?”

Laura covered her mouth, trying to stifle her giggles in earnest this time.
I said that out loud? I’m losing it.

His brow smoothed, and he smiled. “I love the sound of your laugh. You don’t do it often enough.”

Maybe because her life didn’t have much to laugh about, but she couldn’t tell him that.

He spread his hands wide. “Okay, fine. I’m never going to be your man.”

Laura nodded, even though a pang of regret laced her agreement. She’d finally rejected him enough. Her Thor was tired of begging. Although, he did give up the chase awfully easy after months of trying.

To her surprise, Thayne smiled. “I guess that means we can be friends instead, right?” His green eyes held a measure of victory, and Laura wondered what trickery he’d devised.

“I guess so...” She hesitated when his smile grew larger. “I’m not much for friends either.”

Vicky leaned against the reception counter. “Not much, try no friends at all except me. All this girl does is sit home with foster cats. She needs to get out more, have some fun.”

Thanks, but I could do without him knowing that, Vicky.
She needed the job though, so stopped herself from glaring. Vicky always meddled, trying to help Laura get a social life. She didn’t seem to understand that Laura didn’t want or need one.

“Foster cats, huh?” Thayne cocked his head to the side in a thinking pose. “You keep them in your house?”

With a heavy sigh, Laura decided she couldn’t refuse to answer that question without being insufferably rude. “Only the ones too sick to go to regular foster homes and get adopted. Like the kitten you brought in yesterday. She needs constant care, so she comes to work in the mornings and home with me at night. I can’t leave her to go out. So you see, I have to stay home to—”

“Perfect. I’ll bring dinner over tonight.” Thayne grinned, mischief twinkling from his sexy green eyes. “A friendly dinner, of course. What time do you get home from work?”

She started to refuse, and Vicky lightly punched her shoulder.

“Say yes,” she hissed quietly. “Nod your head and hand him your address. You need this.”

Maybe. But maybe I can’t handle an evening alone with him. Why doesn’t he give up? There’s nothing special about me, and he can’t have me anyway.

Bingo. That’s when it clicked. With looks like Thayne’s, women threw themselves at him. He probably had a different girl in his bed every night. Hell, even married women like Vicky would hesitate to turn down a tumble in the sheets with him. By saying no, Laura had actually encouraged his attention.

A few dinners, maybe a kiss or two, and he’d lose interest. It could be fun and alleviate her loneliness for a few days. She wouldn’t break her rules because they wouldn’t be dating. It wasn’t like they’d have sex or anything. Just convince his ego that he’d won her over, and everything would work out. Easy peasy.

She quickly scribbled her address on a sticky pad sheet, pulling it off to pass it to him. “I get off work at five. How about we meet around six?”

The joy behind his eyes melted her heart. “Finally. It’s about time.” He pursed his lips in an air kiss. “Can’t wait to be friends, cat woman. Meow. See ya.”

When Thayne turned to walk from the clinic, Vicky and Laura let out identical sighs, watching his tight, high ass disappear through the opening.

“Guess that’s that.” Laura pasted a smile on her face. “We’ll be friends.” Although his parting shot hadn’t sounded strictly friend oriented.

Vicky laughed, shaking back her long curly hair. “Yeah, right, friends with benefits. Looks like my three o’clock ditched us. Let’s brew some fresh coffee and chat.”

Laura set the call buzzer on the reception desk in case another customer arrived. They were still slow most days. The clinic was new, but Laura hoped they would get enough clients to hire a real receptionist soon.

It would be nice to be too busy working to get romantic advice from her boss. Unfortunately, it seemed that unless she found a boyfriend, Laura was stuck hearing it every day.

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