Blessed (The Dark Billionaire, #7) (2 page)

Read Blessed (The Dark Billionaire, #7) Online

Authors: L.N. Pearl

Tags: #billionaire, #erotica, #contemporary romance, #romance, #sex, #sexy, #office

BOOK: Blessed (The Dark Billionaire, #7)
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Bruce penetrated her with a strong movement of his hips. He rocked hard and fucked her like never before. He was almost brutal, each thrust deeper and more powerful than the one before. Jennifer was in heaven. Her breath was short and loud; she could barely keep up.

After a divine eternity of this delicious treatment, Jennifer finally climaxed and made the dishes fall on the floor. She jerked and screamed like a beast, allowing her love for Bruce to manifest in its purest form. Not long after, she felt Bruce’s hot cum flooding her channel and dripping between her legs.

Exhausted, they both fell on the floor and fell asleep in each other’s arms. It was a night they wouldn’t forget: their first night as a married couple.

Chapter Two

ennifer wiped her sweaty forehead and exhaled loudly. It had been another great night. The desserts were finally ready and she was about to send them to the dining room for her clients.

Her private chef activity had been growing steadily, without any kind of marketing or advertising. Every client she had now was from word of mouth, one of the best publicity she could have - and the cheapest as well. Her client tonight was a Brazilian diplomat and his twenty two guests.

Jen was now busier than ever. Because she also had to take care of her cooking school, she had decided that her time had to be used effectively. Her private chef service was for twenty people minimum to make it worthwhile, a number that she could handle by herself now. She had improved tremendously and gained a lot of skills and confidence, especially now that Bruce was back in her life. He was her main motivation and her inspiration whenever things were tough or seemed impossible. They were now stronger than ever and Jennifer felt like she could fly. Nothing could stop her.

She had just finished cleaning the kitchen and was ready to leave, when Alfonso knocked at the door.

“Need help?” He asked.

“I’m okay. I’m done.”

“I’ll call the elevator.”

“Thank you.”

They both carried her equipment and loaded her new mini-van, with her name and logo on the side. Alfonso reached for his jacket pocket and retrieved a thick envelope that he handed to Jennifer.

“Here’s for you, Mrs. Wilson.”

Jennifer took the money and put it in her black Chanel handbag. She had treated herself with this luxury item as a reward for her amazing progress. Bruce had tried to buy it for her but she had refused. It was an important symbol for her; she could now afford expensive items without feeling tight and worried about her finances. She felt liberated, free and empowered.

Looking back, she realized that she had never accepted anything from Bruce, nothing really big that is. Jennifer had been raised with a strong work ethic and a sense of dignity. She couldn’t let Bruce spoil her, just because he was a billionaire. She needed to have her own life and finally, she was on track to be someone as well.

She climbed into the mini-van on the passenger seat. Alfonso got in by her side and started the engine.

“How was it tonight?” He asked.

“I screwed a couple times and I really thought I wouldn’t make it. I think this is the first time it happened to me, but I did well.”

“Why don’t you hire an assistant? You had one before.”

“I can do it alone and I’m saving costs.”

“With all due respect Mrs. Wilson, but I don’t think that’s reasonable. You’re going to kill yourself.”

She smiled and nodded. “I’m stronger than you think. But thanks for your concern, I’ll think about it.”

“I didn’t mean to tell you what to do. It’s just my opinion.”

“I know and I appreciate.”

They kept silent and Alfonso turned on the radio. Jennifer closed her eyes and relaxed. She thought about Bruce and wondered what he was doing. She wanted to see him and be attached again. That night in the warehouse that was going to be her cooking school, they had made love until early morning. They had alternated steamy sex sessions with short periods of sleep.

Bruce had been on fire. She had never seen him so hot and horny for such a long period of time. He had attached her with his belt in all possible locations possible. Jennifer had been his toy that night and she couldn’t get enough. He had been rough and sweet at the same time. He had fucked her in the most brutal and caring way imaginable, a combination that seemed impossible and didn’t make sense. Yet, that was exactly how Jennifer had felt that night. She had been brutalized and spoiled beyond her wildest dreams. How was it even possible? She wondered.

She thought about how Bruce had covered her vagina with whipped cream and eaten her pussy, while her hands were attached to a hook on the wall. She had been standing with one leg resting on a table and looking down between her tits at Bruce working on her clit, his mouth full of white cream - both the whipped cream and her pussy cream. She had nearly collapsed after her climax and Bruce had grabbed her by the ass, penetrating her yet another time with powerful thrusts. She remembered sucking his cock after he came, coated with hot sperm, juicy vagina fluids and sweet whipped cream.

She hadn’t explained to Alfonso why she had screwed at the Brazilian diplomat’s apartment. In fact, she had been preparing elevated strawberry shortcakes parfaits, topped with... whipped cream. The mere vision of the thick and foamy ingredient had triggered the memory of Bruce licking and fucking her at the warehouse. Jennifer had been unable to focus and struggled to do her job. Instead, she had hidden in the toilets and masturbated for five delicious minutes to release the tension. At one point, someone had tried to get in and she was pretty sure they had heard her loud moans. It was quite embarrassing and funny at the same time, she thought. She had no idea who it had been and when she served the desserts, she wondered who the one who had caught her touching herself was.

“Okay, here we are,” Alfonso said as he parked the van.

“Thank you.”

They unloaded the van and carried everything to her apartment. Once upstairs, Jennifer gave him a box.

“What is it?” He asked.

“Open it,” she said.

Alfonso lifted the top of the cardboard box and seemed uneasy, but he smiled. “Is it for me?”

“You and your family.”

“I don’t know what to say, Mrs. Wilson. I’m not supposed to accept.”

“Come on, don’t be so tight. It’s nothing.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Wilson.”

It was a box full of shiny and colorful macaroons that she had cooked for him. Since the attack by Kenichi, Jennifer didn’t go to work alone anymore and she always had someone to escort her home. Alfonso was her personal bodyguard. Actually, he didn’t work for her; he worked for Fancelli who had accepted, upon Bruce’s request, to provide one of his men to take care of Jennifer when she had to work late at night.

Jennifer had resisted the idea at first. She had never appreciated the presence of armed men around her because it was oppressing. She was afraid of weapons and fire arms in general and certainly didn’t want someone with a gun next to her, especially when she had to work. Cooking was her passion and guns were a nightmare: how could she have both at the same time?

Bruce and Fancelli had convinced her that it was wiser to watch her back considering what had happened with Bruce’s former business partner. Jennifer had argued that it wouldn’t happen again. And then, Bruce told her something she had never suspected. He told her that he was constantly under threat: extortion, kidnapping and ransom, even death. As a rich man, Bruce was a huge target for many bad people in this world. Now that they were married, Jennifer was also a potential target. Even though they hadn’t made it public, people who wanted to harm Bruce would find out sooner or later, and use her as leverage to steal money from him.

This new perspective opened her eyes and she immediately changed her mind. It wasn’t just about her; it was about their couple, about Bruce. She refused to be a burden for him and couldn’t imagine being used to hurt her husband. In that case, she had said, she was more than willing to accept the presence of a bodyguard. Nobody could hurt Bruce and she was ready to accept anything, even if he meant overcoming her fear of guns.

“It’s late,” she said. “Go home and rest. Thank you for helping me tonight.”

“It was my pleasure. Good night, Mrs. Wilson.”

As soon as he left, Jennifer kicked off her shoes and went to the bathroom. She took a shower and went to bed. She was exhausted and tried to sleep, but she couldn’t. She had that persistent idea running through her mind every time she was about to sleep. She kept thinking about Bruce’s new attitude regarding sex and the way he had treated her. He had been more dominating than usual and Jennifer liked it. Actually, she really loved it and was extremely curious to explore that side of her sexuality.

It was too early to talk about it to Bruce. She wasn’t even sure what she wanted. She had heard about this trend, kind of a taboo topic: the BDSM lifestyle. She had always assumed it was for crazy people with personal issues. When she was younger and sexually immature, that’s what she had heard. Everybody used to make fun of people who were attracted to it, saying they were losers and perverts. She had always kept that belief deep inside but it was simply by ignorance rather than real conviction.

She kept fantasizing about going deeper into that dark area of her sexual life. Now that she was married with Bruce, she wasn’t too concerned about being judged but she was still nervous about the topic. It wasn’t something she could discuss casually; at least, she couldn’t imagine doing it herself. It was new and intimidating.

She took her computer and started doing some research on the Internet. There was an abundance of information and she didn’t know where to start. She clicked randomly and started reading. Then, she became a bit bolder and looked for pictures. It looked pretty painful and scary. She was still undecided whether she wanted to look like these women or not. But the memory of that rough night with Bruce convinced her to keep going. She knew she needed to open her mind and be willing to try new ideas.

Some websites were really hardcore and too extreme for her. She wasn’t ready for that. She kept browsing and finally found beginners friendly articles that kept her busy for hours. She bookmarked the ones she liked and found useful, and felt a tingling feeling in her belly. All this research had turned her on. She could feel her crotch getting wet and her inner thighs burning.

She decided to look for videos. She felt guilty at first and hesitated. What if Bruce knew what she was doing? How would he react? Would he be mad at her? Make fun of her? Or be excited?

She decided to choose the last option: he was a man and would probably be excited. She bit her lips and nervously looked for porn websites dedicated to fetishism and BDSM. Wow, she thought. At first, she didn’t touch herself; she couldn’t. She watched videos and felt like she was hypnotized. She saw all these men, all of them sexy hunks, each one of them more well-endowed than the other. She realized that Bruce had nothing to envy them and could easily be an actor if he wanted to.

She slowly started to slide her fingers on her stomach and worked her way down to her swollen clit. The women in the videos were sexy and submissive, dressed in latex, blindfolded and manacled. The men were dominating and brutal, but in a controlled way. It wasn’t violent at all; it was just raw and purely sexual.

Jennifer rubbed her clit vigorously and inserted three fingers in her burning channel. She had never felt excited like this before and climaxed in just a few minutes. She felt like her body was floating in the air and her limbs felt extremely heavy. She closed her eyes and thought that it was amazing. She had to talk to Bruce. They had to try. They needed to explore that side of her sexuality. Jennifer smiled and fell asleep, dreaming to be dominated.

Chapter Three

ennifer was doing pretty well with her private chef services but this was supposed to be a stepping stone - not her ultimate goal. However, her success was slowly becoming a burden, something she would never have anticipated. Indeed, her agenda was getting full faster and faster. She knew she couldn’t keep up by herself and she had to hire one or two assistants. It wasn’t a problem in and of itself. What bothered her the most was that her cooking school was nothing but a warehouse at the moment. She hadn’t initiated anything yet. She wished she could multiply herself and run both businesses at the same time and right now, she felt completely overwhelmed.

Bruce was still in the process of selling Wilson Corp. and was extremely busy as well. He had countless meetings and people to see before the deal could be completed. Overall, things were going in their favor but they were in the middle of a transition period that was hard to handle.

Jennifer had just received a phone call for a reservation. This client had asked her to cook for forty people and she had simply refused, saying that she was booked for the next six weeks. In fact, she was only booked for the next three weeks so she hadn’t completely lied. The reason why she didn’t want to take more clients was because she’d realized that she would never find the time to get her cooking school started, unless she did make some time to do it.

Today, she had decided to start recruiting. She needed to have a strong team of professionals who knew how to cook well but also had a passion for teaching and communicating with people. Jennifer had her own budget and a pretty good idea of what she was willing to pay to get the best people in the business.

Armed with self-confidence and determination, she started collecting all the websites offering jobs and created an account as a job provider. Then, she opened her word processor and did a brainstorming session. She had to put her thoughts on paper in order to communicate the right profile she was looking for. It took her an hour to craft an acceptable job proposal and she finally hit the publish button by noon.

She quickly took a shower, got dressed and called a taxi to go to a Michelin three-star restaurant. Indeed, she had an appointment to have lunch with Victoria. It had been Jennifer’s idea. She wanted to thank her friend but also, to expand her own culinary culture and awareness by eating in one of the best restaurants in the country.

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